Spain no longer family friendly
Spain's Supreme Court has decided that parents may not withhold their children from homosexual indoctrination classes any longer, thereby declaring Spain to be anti-family and anti-children.
Read more here...
Spain's Supreme Court has decided that parents may not withhold their children from homosexual indoctrination classes any longer, thereby declaring Spain to be anti-family and anti-children.
Read more here...
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, January 30, 2009
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Labels: Homosexuality , Indoctrination
I wrote a post at my Just thinking... blog on using feed readers to keep track of all the blogs we read. I thought that it could be helpful to you too!
Read it here!
Posted by
William Dicks
Thursday, January 29, 2009
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Labels: Blog , Feed Reader
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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Obama may have told Rick Warren that knowing when a baby gets human rights was above his pay grade, which was a blatant lie, but his actions clearly prove what he truly believes on this matter.
Within a few days of his inauguration he drew a line in the sand, standing on the opposite side of where God stands on the issue!
Find out more here.
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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Labels: Abortion , Barack Obama
"A lawyer whose case challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office was denied a hearing in the U.S. Supreme Court says she will demand records of a meeting between the justices and the president.
Read more here...
"California lawyer Orly Taitz, who has several cases pending over the issue of Obama's status as a 'natural born' citizen, told WND she will take action soon.
"Her case was the most recent on which the Supreme Court held a 'conference,' an off-the-record discussion at which justices discuss whether to take a case. Taitz told WND the justices decided Jan. 23 to deny her case a hearing on its merits."
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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Labels: Barack Obama
Picture courtesy AbortionNo.
Received the following from Africa Christian Action today:
Upcoming Nationwide Pro-life Marches, Outreaches and Life Chains:
Cape Town: National Day of Repentance March to Parliament and Prayer Vigil, 12:30 Friday, 30 January, Keizersgracht St, below Cape Tech. Contact: Africa Christian Action, 021-6894481 or
Durban: Life Chain, Sunday, 1 February, 2pm - 4pm, Ballito Drive, meet at Everfresh Food Market parking area, contact Nina McNeil, Christians for Truth: 032 -9462738.
Phoenix (near Durban): Life Chain, Sunday, 1 February, 2pm - 4pm, 46 Lenham Drive, Unit 13, Contact: Rev Arnold Subramoney: 0732164882.
Scottburgh: Pro-life table and outreach, Saturday, 31 January, 9:00 - 13:00, Dynarc Mall (Scottburgh Shopping Mall), contact: Marge Vice: 084 409 7874 or 039-973 2244.
Randburg: Life Chain, Saturday 31st of January, C/O Braam Fisher and Jan Smuts Street, (Close to Taxi Rank and Shopping Centre, CBD). Contact: Greg Pereira, Christians for Truth: 083 359 5093 or
Bloemfontein: Saturday, 31 January, 9:00 - 11:00am, Kolbe Drive in front of the eastern side of National District Hospital. Contact: Faan Oosthuizen: 083 2659395 or
Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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Labels: Abortion , John Piper , Prolife
Try 800,000!
Read this!
HT: Tim Challies
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, January 23, 2009
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Labels: Barack Obama
A new website has seen the light. It was started by some intellectual luminaries such as Francis Beckwith, Robert George and others, to bring to light the policies and actions of the new ultra-leftist president of the United States of America, Barack Obama. The website is called Moral Accountability. The first article is Moral Accountability: An Open Letter.
Here is an excerpt:
"In the course of the 2008 presidential campaign, a small group of Catholic and Evangelical Protestant intellectuals and activists, while saying that they personally support legal protection for the unborn and oppose the redefinition of marriage, promoted the candidacy of Barack Obama, who made no secret of his intention to wipe out the entire range of laws restricting or discouraging abortion and embryo-destructive research, or of his opposition to all state and federal initiatives (such as California Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act) to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman. These intellectuals assured their fellow Christians and other social conservatives that Obama’s economic policies would reduce the incidence of abortion, and they promised that Obama was being honest when he said that he was opposed to 'same-sex marriage.'
"Despite these assurances, we fear that the Obama administration will swiftly begin an assault on pro-life laws and pro-marriage policies. During his campaign for the presidency, Obama promised that his very first presidential act would be to push through the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, which would require federal and state funding for abortion and, in the gleeful words of the National Organization for Women, “wipe out hundreds of anti-abortion laws” across the United States. Even if he and his allies in Congress are unable to win sufficient support for this extreme measure to enact it as a package, they will no doubt seek to push through its various elements one by one. Bills will be introduced, for example, to override laws requiring parental consent or at least notification for abortions performed on minor girls—laws that demonstrably save thousands of lives every year—and laws mandating the provision of factual information about fetal development and the risks of abortion to women contemplating the procedure."
This website should prove very useful in the future!
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, January 23, 2009
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Labels: Barack Obama
Geert Wilders, the outspoken Dutch parliamentarian, who speaks out against jihadist Islamists, may no longer have a different opinion of Islam than Islam!
Free speech is no longer valid in the Netherlands, or so is the opinion of one judge that determined that Wilders should be prosecuted for criticizing Islam.
Read about it here.
Posted by
William Dicks
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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Labels: Free Speech , Human Rights , Islam
Now that Chairman 'O' has taken up office, he will implement his changes.
Read all about it in Obama Administration Announces Radical Homosexualist Agenda on White House Website.
Posted by
William Dicks
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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Labels: Abortion , Homosexuality , Same-sex marriage
We keep on reading in the newspapers of armed robberies. Early on Tuesday, 20 January, an armed gang of robbers entered the Irene Village Mall, our favourite place to go watch movies, and robbed several stores.
ACDP Tshwane councillor AnneMarie Sparg says that "[t]he basic job of any government is to protect its citizens." This is demonstrably true. A simple look at South Africa's Constitution can bear that out.
The Bill of Rights, chapter 2 of our Constitution, in section 7 (2) says:"The state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights."
Now that we have established that the Constitution makes it mandatory for the government, which in this case essentially is the ANC, to "protect, promote and fulfill" the contents of the Bill of Rights, it becomes easy to show that the ANC majority government of South Africa is in serious dereliction of duty!
The Bill of Rights, in section 12 (1)(d) states:"Everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the right... (c) to be free from all forms of violence from either public or private sources."
With the government's duty to "protect, promote and fulfill" the Bill of Rights, the fact is that they are not fulfilling their duties as described in the Bill of Rights. Whatever is claimed by the government in this regard, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I am sad to say that there are too many people that end up as the main meal on the table of crime!
The fact that the Scorpions have seen their own demise, at the hands of this ANC government, due to their great successes against crime, shows how "serious" the government really is about crime. Further, the closure of so many different units within the police, also speak volumes of the intentions of the government.
We should give credit where credit is due, and the credit for our high crime rate MUST go to the current government!
Since this government is such a dismal failure on so many fronts, with crime as the spearhead, it is time South African citizens start thinking with their heads and not simply accept all the vacuous promises of a party like the ANC!
The statistics speak for themselves:"More people were killed in South Africa each year (1994-1999) in criminal violence than were killed in 13 years of political violence (23 758 from 9/84 to 12/97)." (Quoted in Biblical Democracy Review from the book, Biblical Democracy)
This government will also remain in power while Christians are more concerned with skin colour or immediate material benefit, whether they are white or black! Christians should stand up for truth, justice and morality! We do not have any mandate from the Lord to keep immoral politicians from immoral parties in government!
Vote for the ANC, and you side against God! The ANC has immoralized this country close to the point of no return. They are the ones who brought in abortion, pornography and legitimized homosexuality (Rom 1:18-32) by giving them the right to marry. It is under the watchful negligent eye of the ANC that crime rates shot up sky high.
As Christians, what are you to do come election day? In my opinion, make your cross next to the ACDP! You do not want to make your decision based on worldly values that are here today and gone tomorrow!
No, as a Christian you are mandated by the Scriptures to make your decisions based on Scripture and Scripture alone. That is what it means to have a Christian worldview. With that as your guide, visit the SA Voter's Guide and decide which party holds up to the measuring rod of Scripture. The African Christian Democratic Party!
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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Star Parker shows why Obama cannot be compared to Lincoln in her article Obama has little in common with Lincoln.
While Obama seeks "unity" to the exclusion of truth, Parker writes:"Lincoln, too, sought unity. But Lincoln's notion of where national unity would lie was far different from Obama's.
Continue reading Star Parker's article here...
"He prophetically stated the challenge after accepting the Republican nomination for the senate in 1858.
"'A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure half slave and half free. I do not expect the union to be dissolved. I do not expect the House to fall. But I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other.'
"As historian Harry Jaffa points out, 'For Lincoln, as for Jefferson and for all genuine supporters of the principles of the Declaration of Independence, the distinction between right and wrong is antecedent to any form of government and is independent of any man's or any majority's will.'"
Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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Labels: Barack Obama , Star Parker
"The Palestinians in general have perfected the art of using civilians as human shields for the last thirty years because they know and understand how the West thinks and how the media works and what drives ratings. I personally was used as a human shield by them during the war in Lebanon. The Palestinians used to park their rocket launchers in front of my bomb shelter where my family hid with three other families including 9 children. I was the oldest. They used to shell Israel and then drive away knowing that when Israel responds to the target, we would get hit, hopefully die, and we would make great pictures on the evening news representing dead civilians while Israel would be vilified. Here we are 30 years later and nothing has changed. They have just gotten better at it and the Western press has continued to buy this cruel Palestinian charade."Continue reading A Petition to the U.N. on Hamas’s Crimes...
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, January 16, 2009
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When a culture no longer has an objective standard like the Bible, and no authority like Jesus Christ to teach them what is right, it will eventually lead to each man unto himself, or in modern parlance, claiming one's "rights."
Dr. Al Mohler writes:"Fast-forward to 2008 and rights talk is, if anything, even more ingrained in the American character. Battles over competing and conflicting assertions of rights now emerge over some of the hottest and most contentious issues of the day. When we have run out of other arguments, all we have left is to assert that what we demand is, after all, only our right.
Continue reading here...
"Is there an end-game to all this? Well, in one sense we can see evidence of the end game in a recent article published in Great Britain. Writing in The Guardian [London], Simon Jenkins argues that the right to end one's life on one's own terms is basic to humanity, and that only 'religious primitivism' stands in the way of cultural acceptance and legal approval for assisted suicide."
Posted by
William Dicks
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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Labels: "Rights" , Dr. Al Mohler , Euthanasia
Advocate Pikoli, the previous head of the South African National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), has to sit under the judgement of an ad-hoc committee that may be chaired by a criminal! This criminal is a member of parliament (MP).
After being found in the possession of a stolen car, Mr Monareng was found guilty of trying to bribe a police officer. Being an MP he would have been investigated by the NPA, clearly making this a conflict of interests.
Once again the ANC has proven to the rest of South Africa that their words on fighting crime have no meaning. How in the world can a criminal be the chairman of a committee that is supposed to investigate the fitness of a person who is supposed to head a criminal investigating unit? How can a constitution be so messed up that it allows criminals to be members of parliament.
Truly this is a banana republic led by the morally obtuse!
Read more from "ACDP objects to nomination of chairperson of Parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee on Pikoli decision", an ACDP press release.
Mr. Monareng was indeed voted in as co-chair of the ad-hoc committee. The minutes of the meeting where he was selected as co-chair can be found here.
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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Labels: ACDP , ANC , Crime , Government
Those naive enough to think that the problems in Gaza will be negotiated away must be living on the planet Venus, where the toxic gases are affecting their ability to think rationally.
Hamas, and indeed, Islam, has one goal, and that is to destroy the state of Israel and conquer the West. Of course, you do not have to believe it for it to actually happen. Islam is already busy conquering Europe ideologically. Everywhere in Europe governments are starting to cave in to the demands of Islam. Next is America. But, I am off the point!
Hamas, is not interested in negotiations with Israel. The Hamas charter is encoded with the obliteration of Israel. It is one of their main reasons for existence... to destroy Israel.
Newt Gingrich says it like this:"There are two main facts of the violence in the Middle East that all Americans -- and particularly our leaders -- should be aware of:
Continue reading Newt's commentary here.
"The first is that Hamas exists to destroy Israel. Its leaders wake up every morning with one goal -- to eliminate what they call the 'Zionist entity.'
"The second fact of violence in the Middle East is the ongoing effort by Iran (using Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas as its proxies) to undermine pro-American governments in the region."
Also read:
Disturbing images
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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Labels: Christianity , Islam , Video
Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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It certainly looks like the VIP Protection Unit consists of a bunch of thugs with criminal intent. Either that or they are simply incapable of differentiating between possible harm to their charge and a simple citizen."During the past four years, 111 members of the police's elite VIP Protection Unit - responsible for protecting the president, among others - have been charged with crimes such as murder, attempted murder, rape, armed robbery and the abuse of power."
Read more here.
Posted by
William Dicks
Monday, January 12, 2009
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Labels: Crime , Police Incompetence
"A former Palestinian terrorist says the West continues to pursue a failed idea that somehow terrorism against Israel will stop when the Palestinians get their own homeland... the recent terrorist rocket attacks by Hamas have nothing to do with wanting a Palestinian homeland."
Read more from Former terrorist says West ignoring real Hamas agenda.
Posted by
William Dicks
Monday, January 12, 2009
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Every now and again, another pro-gay person goes behind the mountain to retrieve scientific proof that being gay is genetic, aka "natural", and they cannot help it.
Almost inevitably they discover the research done by LeVay and Hamer and use that as positive proof that gays are that way due to their genes. However, both LeVay and Hamer have been debunked and their research doesn't hold much water.
Anyway, here are two posts as an introduction in that direction:
The gene and homosexuality
The gene and homosexuality - the sequel
Posted by
William Dicks
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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Labels: Homosexuality , Science
Dave Barry wrote a review of 2008 at the Miami Herald where he is a columnist. It is a hilarious review and worth reading, just to bring some laughter into the day. Here are a few short excerpts:
"In politics, Barack Obama addresses the issue of why, in his 20 years of membership in Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he failed to notice that the pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is a racist lunatic. In a major televised address widely hailed for its brilliance, Obama explains that . . . OK, nobody really remembers what the actual explanation was. But everybody agrees it was mesmerizing.
Maybe you should read the whole review here.
"In sports, both the Kentucky Derby and the Indianapolis 500 are won by Usain Bolt.
". . . Barack Obama, having secured North and South America, flies to Germany without using an airplane and gives a major speech -- speaking English and German simultaneously -- to 200,000 mesmerized Germans, who immediately elect him chancellor, prompting France to surrender.
". . . Congress passes, and Technically Still President Bush signs, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and everyone heaves a sigh of relief as the economy stabilizes for approximately 2.7 seconds, after which it resumes going down the toilet. As world financial markets collapse like fraternity pledges at a keg party and banks fail around the world, the International Monetary Fund implements an emergency program under which anybody who opens a checking account anywhere on earth gets a free developing nation. But it is not enough; the financial system is in utter chaos. At one point a teenage girl in Worcester, Mass., attempts to withdraw $25 from an ATM and winds up acquiring Wells Fargo."
Posted by
William Dicks
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
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Labels: Dave Barry , Funny
I've been watching the immigration imbroglio in the U.S.A. for some time now. The U.S. government needs to act, sooner than yesterday, to sort this problem out. There are millions of people in the U.S. illegally, and if the American government keeps on sitting back, before they know it, America will be gone!
La Shawn Barber wrote in her blog post, California Supreme Court to Hear In-State Tuition Case:
"Comments like that would have sent me over the edge a couple of years ago. Today, I can’t generate much ire. In the scheme of things, is it worth getting upset over? After I’ve shuffled off this mortal coil after my four score and ten, who’ll remember or even care about my views on the country’s illegal immigration mess? Why raise my blood pressure about something over which I have no control?"
Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
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Labels: Abortion , Illegal Immigration , Justice/Injustice
Posted by
William Dicks
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
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Labels: Funny , Technology , Video
Do you want to find out about the great Global Warming predictions from 2008?
Well, then visit Watts Up With That?
HT: Tim Challies
Global Warming
Posted by
William Dicks
Monday, January 05, 2009
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Labels: Environmentalism , Global Warming , Science
New kid on the block
Politics is a weird business. It is always difficult to predict what is going to happen next, especially when elections are at hand. In South African politics, due to the format of our party system, it becomes fairly easy to push new, and sometimes evil, legislation through. We have seen this many times with the ANC at the helm.
However, in late 2008, a new player has joined the fray in the form of COPE (Congress Of the PEople). This certainly will bring in new dynamics onto the playing field. Will it deliver a significant difference to politics in South Africa? That is yet to be seen. One thing I can almost guarantee is that the ANC will no longer have their 69% majority in parliament. That means that they will no longer have the clear-cut ability to amend the constitution. Since the acceptance of the constitution there have been 14 amendments! Do we want one party so powerful that they could change the constitution in such a way that it could be completely detrimental to the health of the nation?
Will the other parties in South Africa simply remain "also rans" after the elections of 2009? COPE already claims to have over 400 000 signed up members. Will COPE become the new opposition party? Already, many from the ANC, even in high positions, have walked over to COPE. It also seems that some from the DA also joined COPE. Will the next elections bring about a battle between the ANC and COPE, while the crumbs are left for the other parties to fight over.
White politics
The DA simply doesn't seem to be able to make headway in South African politics. The fact that it is a white legacy party counts against them. They have tried hard to break that mould, but I do not think it will change, since most of the members of the DA seem to be white legacy voters. It is a traditionally white party and it is still seen that way. They have been the opposition party since 1994, but COPE is seriously challenging that position in the coming elections. I am not sure if the DA can ever change its image of a white legacy party. The solution for this certainly is not an easy one. Racism is still very much a part of South African life, and from my experience of DA voters, is that the DA is still seen as the embodiment of that racism, whether in reality the party is such or not! Of course, the ANC has proven themselves to follow racist policies by their actions in parliament and elsewhere.
Christian politics
Will the ACDP grow its voters base in 2009 at the poll? There have been lots of movement within the ACDP and it seems that its membership base is growing, but can they translate that into more votes? That remains to be seen. Unless they tap into the votes from the church at large, I am afraid they will not make a difference. The church is its voters base. That is where they must spend their time. If its goal is to simply get votes, then going from door to door is good. However, and this I should stress, as Christians we are not to simply get votes, we are to bring about changed hearts through the gospel. Getting votes is not part of our mandate.
I know I will be stepping onto the toes of many, but a vote does not accomplish the mandate of the church found in Mt 28.19-20. The church is not called to rule the world, but to serve it through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The kingdom we are called to is not the kingdom of man, but the kingdom of God. The government of that kingdom is on the shoulders of Jesus Christ. We cannot think that if the government of God's kingdom is upon the shoulders of Christ, that the government of this world is upon our shoulders. That is simply pure presumption!
Should we as Christians then not be involved in politics? That is not what I am saying. Christians should be involved in politics, but not for the sake of politics. Christians should be involved in any sphere of life for only one purpose, to bring glory to God, and that will be accomplished by the proclamation of the gospel as we were mandated in Mt 28.19-20. If we as Christians think we must win the vote to rule the country with God's laws then we are missing the point. Sure, we do need laws that are influenced by God's laws, but we do not need a Christian government to do that! Anybody can take God's laws and use them as the basis of their own governmental laws.
What we as Christians need is an environment that is conducive to the preaching of the gospel. If a Christian party has as its ideals to create such an environment, then we are heading somewhere. Christians should be involved in every facet of politics, but must not forget that hearts are not changed by politics, but by the gospel. As Christians we must preach the gospel and fight against injustice. In politics, Christians must not aim to rule the ungodly because we have some kind of misinformed idea that we have such a mandate of government on our shoulders. We are to be in politics to right wrongs and to fight for justice for all, not just for Christians.
Perhaps a major problem that many churches might have with Christian parties in South Africa such as the ACDP and the CDP, is of a doctrinal nature. What are you as a church to do when a party asks for your support, yet that Christian party consists mainly of a certain type of Christian that adheres to doctrines that you consider false? What if the leaders of that party adhere to such false doctrine? Should you support that party for political expediency's sake, or decide against it? How will that party's false doctrine mislead them in the running of the country? Whereas false doctrine or heresy is of an eternal nature, politics is concerned with this temporal realm. In my opinion one should stand for the truth of the gospel whenever heresy is involved. So, the individual church has to stand for truth while shunning heresy. We cannot give credit to false doctrine, even when politics is involved!
Democracy: FAIL
Democracy, which is seen by many as the almighty liberator of the oppressed masses, is simply the tyranny of the many over the few! Pure democracy cannot and will not bring relief to all people. Democracy says that the majority, by whatever slim margin, may rule the minority, even against their wishes.
Democracy also allows for people, no matter how ignorant, to decide over and above other people, no matter how informed! Democracy is very much a simple power game with the winner usually the one with the most money. With too little money, parties cannot get their work done. This puts them at an immediate disadvantage to those parties with the millions in money.
On poll day, people must vote. However, how many of those people can really make an informed choice? Many people make their crosses next to the only names they know. They have never been given an opportunity to be informed. How is this a plus point for democracy? How can such a vote have the same meaning as the vote by someone that has studied all issues and compared all parties and their policies?
What is the solution to the failure of democracy? I don't know, but I will let you know when I know. All I know is that while individuals cannot govern themselves, we will continue to need a nanny state to make decisions for us, and while that is the case, democracy cannot work. There would be too many people in need of someone to help make their decisions. Who would decide for them who should be in government? The current government?
At the start of 2009, I pray that you will be able to make properly informed choices, and that your choices will be based, not on the shifting sands of man's finite ideas that change almost everyday, but that you will be a Biblically informed person!
Posted by
William Dicks
Thursday, January 01, 2009
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Labels: ACDP , ANC , Church , COPE , DA , Government , Political Campaigning , Politics , Self Government