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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama… Nobel peace Prize? Ha! Ha! Ha!

When I heard on Friday, 9 Oct 2009 that Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize from the Norwegians, I did a quick tweet about it.

Like Mark Steyn wrote in his commentary at the ocregister, nominations had to be in by February 1, only 12 days after Obama was inaugurated as U.S. president. What in the world had Obama accomplished in those 12 days?

My question is this: Based on this award given to Obama, what is a Nobel prize actually worth?

The Norwegians, like the other Scandinavian countries have gone from fierce Vikings, to believers in Christ. Yet, for some time now they have rejected God and have become complete liberals. It is this liberal, or more correctly, leftist stance, that delivered the Nobel Peace Prize into Obama's sweaty palms.

And so, Obama marches on in infamy! What else?

HT: Dan Phillips (for Mark Steyn article)

UPDATE (Interesting links on this issue):
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize by Daniel Pipes
Their Nobel Savior by Jacob Laksin
Obama Wins Nobel Prize, Exported Tax-Funded Abortions at Time of Nomination by Steven Ertelt
The Affirmative Action Nobel by Pat Buchanan
Noblesse Oblige by Hassan Nurullah

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