Following reports of children involved in sexual deviant behaviour including teenage girls prostituting themselves to adult males on a Russian based website called “Outoilet”, we now learn the City of Cape Town is using rate-payers money to actively promote sexual perversion. Cape Town Tourism (CTT), the Official Destination Marketing Agency for the City of Cape Town is moonlighting as the marketing arm for the Mother City Queer Project (MCQP) - an annual celebration of the homosexual lifestyle – which seeks to become a premier international event. To help the organisers of the MCQP achieve their objectives, CTT is using tax-payers money to market Cape Town as the “leading gay tourist destination” in Africa to international "gay" tourists. Driving the "gay" campaign is Lianne Burton, CTT’s marketing director who argues that homosexual tourists are the most lucrative niche market globally and justifies the special attention. When I warned her that marketing Cape Town as “the leading gay tourist destination” could damage the city’s image as a family friendly destination and could potentially deter heterosexual couples, families and people of faith from visiting the city – I was accused of being intolerant. There is nothing intolerant about my valid concerns. Homosexual tourists are welcomed in Cape Town. I just don't see the need to single out & elevate homosexual tourism above everyone else. Significantly, however, it is no coincidence that CTT's pro-homosexual campaign coincides with the privately owned MCQP party which is held at various venues in the city every December. CTT is going all out to specifically make homosexuals feel welcome. The city is building a partnership with the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) to help market the city as the leading "gay" friendly destination. CTT’s banner also includes the “gay” rainbow icon. The city is also hosting a trip for IGLTA members in December – strategically timed to allow them to enjoy the MCQP party at tax-payers expense and to promote C T as the “gay capital” of Africa. Alarmingly, Christian citizens are forced to foot the bill for this campaign through their tax- rands. However, there is no marketing campaign to attract Christian tourists to Cape Town or any plan in place to make them feel welcome. In fact, 4000 Christian leaders from 170 nations spent a week in the city for the Lausanne Congress recently. CTT did nothing to recognise or welcome them to CT. CTT has no mandate to market CT as a “leading homosexual city”. The majority of citizens do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle and are horrified the city is being hijacked by “gay” activists. And if that isn’t tragic enough, the City granted "Sexpo" permission to erect near pornographic and degrading posters of women on the city’s streets to promote this seedy & depraved event. Lampposts across the city are adorned with posters that reinforce the stereotype that women are sex objects. In a nation where the sexual abuse of women and children are at epidemic levels – this bizarre marketing campaign – in full view of children - is nothing short of criminal! The Body of Christ must speak up! Despite this happening in Cape Town, the marketing of sexual perversion and the sexual degradation of women has severe implications for all South Africans. In addition to CTT selling Cape Town as the leading sex tourism destination - the city is guilty of allowing a private organisation to profit off the sexual abuse and degradation of our women. Please write to Cape Town Mayor, Dan Plato at demanding he stop CTT’s devisive pro-homosexual and anti-family campaign and immediately remove the terribly offensive Sexpo posters from the city's streets. You can also write to Cape Town Tourism at Please cc Alan Winde the Provincial MEC for Economic Development & Tourism at This demonic infiltration of sexual perversion must be stopped before it takes root in our city and nation. The Church of Christ is strategically positioned to oppose this evil. Please act today! Standing Errol Naidoo |
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