I reported in a previous post, that Errol Naidoo, of the Family Policy Institute, has released an Action Alert concerning Cape Town’s marketing of the Mother City Queer Project, which is an annual celebration of the perverted homosexual lifestyle during December. He has once again asked for Christians to take action in this regard.
When the Wicked Seize A City!
On Wednesday 1 December the nation observed World Aids Day. However, in a bizarre twist of irony, "gay" activists have launched a campaign to defend Cape Town Tourism's blatant promotion of the homosexual lifestyle by encouraging homosexual activists to bombard me with emails.
Most global medical institutions regard homosexuals as a "high risk" group. CTT's promotion of this lifestyle in a nation with the highest HIV infection rates in the world - is nothing short of criminal!
Please read this article: Laying to rest the myth that aids is NOT a "gay" disease.
The email describes my opposition to CTT’s “gay capital” campaign as “homophobic hate speech”. Homophobia is a term coined by homosexual activists in the 70’s to vilify their opponents.
You can read the alert Here including the form letter being sent to support CTT’s “gay" agenda.
Despite CTT CEO, Marriette du Toit-Helmbold’s denials, the tourism body is very firmly in the control of homosexual groups. Disturbingly, Christian citizens find themselves contributing to a campaign that seeks to establish the city as the premier international destination of sexual perversion.
CTT's international campaign will no doubt attract homosexuals from the North American Man Boy Love Association which advocates for legitimate sexual relations between adults and children.
More disturbingly is the deafening silence of the Church in the city. If you have read the book, “When the Wicked Sieze a City” by Chuck & Donna Mc Ilhenny, you will understand the terrible consequences for a city when the Church of Jesus Christ remains silent.
When the Church capitulates to the spirit of sexual perversion in a city - everyone is at risk. The social acceptance & legitimisation of homosexuality is the greatest threat against the God-given institutions of marriage and family - because it rejects God's blueprint for human sexuality.
How can the Church stand idly by when the enemy infiltrates the city?! Every Christian citizen is called by God to be a Watchman on the Wall! Where are God’s loyal watchmen at this time?!
“I have set watchmen on your wall O Jerusalem (O’ Cape Town) - you who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent”! Isaiah 62:6. If the Church is paralysed by fear – who will defend the city?
Many more Christians wrote to Woolworths to complain about magazines than those making their voices heard on an issue that can have potential catastrophic consequences for all of society.
Please understand this has nothing to do with welcoming homosexual tourists to the city. We are not battling flesh and blood but principalities and powers – and the rulers of wickedness.
Please urgently intercede for the Mother City. This campaign must be aborted in the spirit!
If you have not made your voice heard on this critical issue – you must not stay silent any longer. Please write to the City of Cape Town and Cape Town Tourism and register your opposition.
Cape Town Mayor, Alderman Dan Plato at mayor.mayor@capetown.gov.za
Cape Town Tourism CEO, Marriette du Toit-Helmbold at mariette@capetown.travel
Cape Town Tourism Marketing Director, Lianne Burton at lianne@capetown.travel
Alan Winde, W/Cape Provincial MEC for Economic Development & Tourism at lfester@pgwc.gov.za
In addition, homosexual activists and their supporters have been diligently writing letters to the newspapers in support of their agenda. Where are the Christian letters standing for truth???
Why are anti-family groups more committed to their cause than those called by God to resist evil and uphold the integrity of His Word? Please write to the Cape Argus at arglet@inl.co.za
The infiltration & root of sexual perversion in the Mother City has implications for all South Africans.
If you reside in the W/Cape & fail to register your opposition to Cape Town being sold as the “gay capital” of Africa – your silence indicates your agreement with this evil agenda. Please write now!
Standing! Eph 6:13
Errol Naidoo
P.S. Please forward this to a friend |
Family Policy Institute
49 Parliament St Cape Town 8001
http://www.familypolicyinstitute.com/ |  | T:+27 (0) 21 462 7888
F:+27 088 (0)21 462 7889
E: info@familypolicyinstitute.com |
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