“…who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” 1 Chronicles 12:32
You are invited to a Understanding the Present Crisis in South Africa Seminar on Saturday, 17 November, hosted by Petra Family Church in Randburg, Gauteng. The Seminar is free.
The speaker will be the Director of Frontline Fellowship, Dr Peter Hammond. See below for the draft programme.
Understanding the Present Crisis in South Africa Seminar
Petra Family Church, Randburg
Saturday 17 November
08:30 Registration
09:00 The Insidious Influence of Secular Humanism
10:00 Is South Africa Entering the Second Phase of the Revolution?
11:00 Tea and Coffee
11:30 False Guilt and Real Repentance
12:30 Lunch time
13:30 God and Government
14:15 The Rise of the GayGB and the Pink Inquisition
15:00 The Resurgence of Paganism and God’s Plan for Victory
15:45 Open Discussion and Prayer
16:00 Depart in peace and serve the Lord
Sunday 18 November - Service, 9:00am
Sermon by Dr Peter Hammond – Resisting Babylon and the Beast
Introducing Peter Hammond
Peter Hammond was converted to Christ in 1977, worked in Scripture Union and Hospital Christian Fellowship, served in the South African Defence Force and studied at Baptist Theological College, Cape Town. He also earned a Doctorate in Missiology.
For over 36 years, Dr. Peter Hammond has pioneered missionary outreaches, including into the war zones of Mozambique, Angola and Sudan. During the war in Sudan, he flew far behind enemy lines to the beleaguered Nuba Mountains with tonnes of Bibles, school books, agricultural tools and seed and other relief aid. Peter has walked throughout the war-devastated Nuba Mountains - an island of Christianity in a sea of Islam - showing the Jesus film in Arabic, proclaiming the Gospel, training pastors and evading enemy patrols.
Dr. Peter Hammond is the Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship, Africa Christian Action and the Reformation Society. He is the author of Faith Under Fire In Sudan, Holocaust In Rwanda, In the Killing Fields of Mozambique, The Great Commission Manual, The Biblical Worldview Manual, Putting Feet To Your Faith, The Greatest Century of Missions, Biblical Principles For Africa, The Discipleship Handbook, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam - The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, The Greatest Century of Reformation, The Power of Prayer Handbook, Practical Discipleship, Answering Skeptics, Victorious Christians – Who Changed the World, Old Testament Survey, Sketches from South African History and Security and Survival Handbook.
He is the Editor of both Frontline Fellowship News and the Christian Action magazine.
How to Register
Venue: Petra Family Church, 1 Strydom Park Gardens, Arbeid Avenue, Strydom Park, Randburg. Registration starts at 8:30am on Saturday, 17 November. Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. To register your participation please contact: Masina Bell, Petra Family Church, 011 792 1738, masina@tombell.co.za.
Resources Available
Frontline Fellowship books and audio-visual resources will be on sale and much free literature will be available.
"And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’" Matthew 28:18-20
Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
Claremont 7735
Cape Town South Africa
Tel: 021-689 4481
E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za
Web: www.christianaction.org.za
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