Speak up against sexualisation of school children
ChristianView Network newsletter
ChristianView Network supports the call of both the ANCYL and the Democratic Alliance for serious disciplinary action against Elijah Mhlangu as media spokesperson for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) following his posting of soft porn images on social media to promote reading. We regard this as Institutionalised Sexual Grooming of children along with the new Learner Pregnancy Policy and proposed new curriculum for Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE). Thankfully, we have heard nothing from DBE about the proposed Basic Education Laws Amendment Act since 2017, but if this was resurrected it would remove parents powers over School Governing Bodies which are their main defence against Institutionalised Sexual Grooming (CSE).
Institutionalised Sexual Grooming leaves especially girls more vulnerable to abuse from predator learners, teachers and 'sugar daddies'. This approach to sex education is like pouring petrol in the hope of putting out a fire. Any employee of the Department of Basic Education who displays sexualised images to children or tries to normalise the sexualisation of children must be fired and should not be eligible for reemployment. If there is any sex education of children it should be to encourage them to wait, avoid premature sexualisation and have a faithful marriage. So called Comprehensive Sex Education is a neo-colonialist agenda by American funded International Planned Parenthood totally opposed to all traditional South African cultures African, Asian and European. DBE has ignored the protests of parents and South African parents must resist.
We argue that institutionalised sexual grooming should be viewed a legal defence of 'good cause' in terms of the schools act to withdraw children from school and educate them at home or privately. The Education Department had not right to impose Afrikaans language on schools without the consent of parents in 1976 - and even more so, they have no right to imposed Institutionalised Sexual Grooming (which they call 'CSE') on children in 2020. Parents through their school governing bodies should decide what if any sex education children are given and parents should be notified in advance and have the right to withdraw their children from such lessons if they disagree. We advise all parents to send a letter to their school prohibiting them from teaching their children CSE.
We further repeat our condemnation of the illegitimate decision by a judge to order the lowering of the age of consent. Parents, authorities, politicians and ethical lawyers must oppose and resist such judicial abuse - who should continue to treat under age sexualisation as statutory rape or grooming for such. This judge should be removed from the judiciary.
The Education Minister 'distancing herself' from the actions of her spokesperson is not good enough. If DBE wishes to recover the seriously damaged trust of parents, it needs to remove Elijah Mhlangu from his position. His pathetic defensive qualified apology shows he doesn't understand the serious implications of his actions and the outrage of parents.
If you support disciplinary action against Elijah Mhlangu and oppose CSE, email the Minister of Basic Education, Minister Angie Motshkega at mabua.s@dbe.gov.za.
Philip Rosenthal
ChristianView Network
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