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Showing posts with label ANC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANC. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

South Africa: Urgent Alert! State Of Disaster To End. Restrictions Persist Indefinitely!

 An urgent alert has been raised by the Family Policy Institute. The alert follows below:


While tens of thousands of citizens vehemently oppose government plans to make permanent the extraordinary “State of Disaster” regulations, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma announced on 29 March 2022 plans to end the current “State of Disaster,” potentially by 5 April - but extend regulations for 30 days.

Please note: The "Health Act Amendment" was published in the Government Gazette on 14 March by the Minister of Health. Deadline for comments (30 days) is therefore 15 April 2022.

The "Disaster Management Amendment" was published in the Government Gazette on 29 March by COGTA Minister, Dlamini-Zuma. Deadline for comments (48 hours) is 1 April 2022.
Technically, ending the “State of Disaster” while maintaining illogical restrictive Covid-19 regulations for 30 days is unlawful. Government invites the public to comment on this new development within 48 hours. The quickest way to comment is by accessing this form.

What Dlamini-Zuma is attempting is to continue weilding exotraordinary (sic) "State of Disaster" powers granted by the 'Disaster Managment (sic) Act' even after the "State of Disaster" ends.   
I opposed all transitional regulations because no “State of Disaster” currently exists in SA. Government must end the “State of Disaster” including all related regulations and protocols.
No government must be granted permanent authority to control access and oversight of Churches in South Africa. This is a grave and unprecedented threat to religious freedoms.  
Many were confused by Dlamini-Zuma's recent announcement, mistakenly believing she reduced the time for comments on the “Amendment on the National Health Act” to 48 hours.

This precipitated a massive run on the sapublicspeaks platform - overwhelming the site. Thankfully, the tech experts are busy resolving the problem and will have it up soon.
If you cannot access the SAPublicSpeaks site, please comment on the dearsouthafrica.co.za/health-act-amendment site or email your submission directly to Ms Tsakani Furumele at tsakani.furumele@health.gov.za The deadline remains 15 April 

Veteran journalist, Brian Pottinger investigated government’s fear-driven and illogical Covid-19 campaign and makes several startling observations about the ANC regime's tactics and methodology in his well-researched article “SA’s Covid-19 response just got weirder.” 
The most alarming revelation is that government quietly “branded SARSCoV2 a ‘Group 3 Hazardous Biological Agent’, which widens the scope of employers to enforce vaccine mandates.” It appears, the ANC regime is advancing big pharma’s vaccine agenda.
Despite credible studies proving much of the hysteria that accompanied the pandemic by corrupt politicians, “medical experts” and a complicit media were false, the ANC regime is still pushing the now debunked PCR tests, mandatory vaccinations and mask wearing.
Pottinger writes, “Yet, incredibly and despite this long litany of bad science and worse faith during the SARSCoV2 outbreak, the memo seems not to have reached President Ramaphosa. His authoritarian new regulations now seek to hardwire arbitrary and dictatorial powers into the future life of the country on the back of a comprehensively and maliciously misrepresented viral outbreak. Why?”
The answer may lie in the ANC regime’s natural inclination to use every opportunity – even a national health crisis – for self-enrichment. Who can forget the ANC looting frenzy triggered by the the (sic) allocation of more than R500 billion to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pottinger suggests SA may become a dumping ground for obsolete vaccines, which may explain governments (sic) absurd vaccine push despite growing questions about its efficacy.

Apparently, 800,000 Pfizer vaccines will reportedly expire at the end of March 2022.
The proposed “Amendment to the National Health Act” is the most dangerous development in our democratic history because it grants an irredeemably corrupt and grossly incompetent government extraordinary powers to control and manipulate the public as it sees fit.  
“State of Disaster” restrictions must end immediately because no state of disaster currently exists in SA.

 The Dept of Health must update the public regularly with credible Covid-19 developments. However, citizens must be trusted to make their own health decisions.


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Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Mugabe the villain
Mugabe the Villian!

I received a newsletter that is "usually" written by Peter Hammond. In this article he writes about Robert Mugabe, former President of Zimbabwe. What do you think about the article? If you would like to respond to the article, you can write to Peter Hammond at mission@frontline.org.za.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"This is madness" - but is it God?

I received the following in a newsletter.

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Thursday, May 07, 2015

South African education on the downgrade

Minister_of_Basic_Education_Angie_MotshekgaWith South African education as impossibly poor as it is, it seems that the ANC has found further measures to make it even worse! And with these measures, they will flood the job market with more people with absolutely no skills!

With our education as bad as it is, and our matric (Grade 12) pass rate as pitiful as it is, you would be forgiven for thinking that our education “authorities” would think of ways of making education stronger in this country!

However, Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, and her band of, dare I say “clowns”, think that it is better to simply let kids that are 15 leave school, thinking that this would address the country’s skills shortages. Leaving school after grade 9 would endow the child with a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC). The next step is for these kids to study at a Technical Vocational Education and Training College (TVETC). I probably don’t have to mention this, but I will anyhow. The GETC will only work if the TVETC is compulsory. Without it being compulsory, all that the ANC would be doing is to load our streets with more unemployed and homeless people, and this country has enough of that already!

The fact that there are educationists that are in favour of the GETC simply boggles the mind. In their educated minds, all that is necessary to win the confidence of prospective employers is that these grade 9 kids should write a credible exam! And then what? Employers will fall over their own feet to employ 15/16 year-olds who have written a credible grade 9 exam? That is absolutely foolish! Employers don’t think that our matric (Grade 12) exams are credible, yet these educated people think that a grade 9 exam will be credible; an exam that makes kids marketable in the job market?

We used to have technical colleges years ago, but these were closed down. Then Technicons came onto the scene, that provided diplomas in a more technical direction. Next thing, these technicons were all converted to universities to be more academic and inline with universities. And now they want to go back to TVETCs.

When will these people realize that their policies never amount to anything and that is why every five years or so, a new curriculum must be devised to replace the previous one, and so the downgrade continues!

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Rape: Identity of a nation


South Africa, as the rape capital of the world once again shows why that is the case.

Just recently a 5 year old girl was raped at her school. . . , by three 7 year old boys! I know! You are probably shocked and rightly so! Should we surprised that something like this could happen in this country! No! If you are surprised then you have been living under a rock! Boys of 7 don’t learn to act like this in a vacuum. They learn this from what they see and hear.

Our nation truly is in a steep perverted decline and no-one seems to care! It is an environment created by the liberal policies of the ANC with regard to pornography and the death penalty. Murderers and rapists, if they are ever caught, get to live in our prisons at our expense. We, as the citizens of this country, become victims by proxy of these violent crimes when we have to keep on paying to house these criminals for many years. By 2010, South Africa had 132 rapes per 100,000 people. That put us at 40 rapes above the country second on the list of countries with the most rapes per capita. The U.S.A. were at only 27 rapes per 100,000.

It is time South Africa does something about this epidemic of Gomorrhic proportions. We can start by putting a stop to pornography in this country. Scores of rapes have been preceded in the hours before the crime by the viewing of pornography. We can start by educating ourselves, and this we can do by reading a book like PORNDEMIC: How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You can Do About It.

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God votes ANC?

Image courtesy Mail&Guardian
Once again, it is the moron silly season here in South Africa. Which means that we are in election season. Parties make all kinds of claims concerning their plans to make South Africa a better place to live. Yet, none is as bold and crass as the claims of the ANC! These people once again claimed that they would rule till Jesus returns. However, they have made that claim a bit more edgy, as when President Jacob “Shower Head” Zuma said as reported by the Mail&Guardian, “Even God expects us to rule this country because we are the only organisation which was blessed by pastors when it was formed. This is why we will rule until Jesus comes back."

Many empires in the past have proclaimed their eternal existence with great boldness. All of those empires have ceased and are not simply stories in history books. The ANC would do well to learn from history, which they are obviously not very familiar with, and certainly do not know what happens to empires, and kings and despots that claim to be ruling for all eternity.

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, viewed himself as this great and wonderful king, and was in awe of his own greatness.

“’All this happened to Nebuchadnezzar the king.  (29)  Twelve months later he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon.  (30)  The king reflected and said, “Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?”  (31)  While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, “King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you,  (32)  and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.”  (33)  Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles' feathers and his nails like birds' claws.’” (Dan 4:28-33 NASB)

The complete passage can be read at BibleGateway.

The difference with the ANC is that they, in their own self created deep deception, actually believe that God is on their side. Little do they know that in God’s sovereignty, and in His providence He is merely using the ANC at this time as a tool to accomplish His purposes, certainly not because God is on their side. Once God has accomplished His purposes in using the ANC, He will discard them like He did with Babylon, the Medo-Persians (King Cyrus) and others through history like them.

Zuma, as the demon-empowered head of the ANC, has also said that voting for the ANC ensures voters’ entry into heaven. It is obvious that these ANC cadres don’t have a clue as to how one gets into heaven, especially with regards to his invoking the name of Jesus in such a blasphemous way. Entry into heaven has never been, and never will be according to a voters’ roll, and neither is it according to one’s genealogy! Mr. Zuma, entry into heaven is only through belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul wrote that “by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Eph 2:8-9)

Boasting by the ANC will ultimately secure their demise. Unfortunately, the tool of an empire’s demise (in this case an empire of fools) is not always what we had hoped for; but if terminated it must be, its termination will be deadly!

Some reasons why God is NOT on their side:

  • Murder of babies on demand became the law under their government (abortion on demand)
  • Legitimization of perversion as marriage became law under their rule (homosexual marriage)
  • Objectification of women was signed into law by the ANC (legalization of pornography)

There are more reasons, but I believe these are some of the big ones.

The ANC knows their constituency, that they are easily duped into believing the deception of the ANC. As a result, many that normally vote ANC, believe the drivel being vomited up by the Abortion Nepotism and Corruption party.

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Friday, December 06, 2013

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): An Imperfect Hero

ComicHeroesNormally, when most people think of heroes, they think of Superman, Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman and many more. First, these heroes don’t die. They were conjured up in the minds of people and as long as people are willing to conjure up more stories about these heroes, they will live on. Second, these heroes do not exist. We do not have a Man of Steel flying around with people saying: “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is Superman!”

Some of these super-heroes have made some real memorable quotes, as non-existent heroes.

"In this world, there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make." (Superman – D.C. Comics)

"Wars are never won, regardless of who might be the victor. The very act of war is itself a horrible defeat." (Green Lantern – D.C. Comics)

“What do you think the A stands for? France?” (Captain America – Marvel Comics)

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Is the ANC feeling the pinch?


The next general elections in South Africa is in 2014. As usual, the elections machinery goes into overdrive and the elections trickery gets under way. However, I am not sure if the following is just elections trickery, or whether the ANC is starting to feel the pinch and pressure of electioneering. Especially now that Julius Malema started his own party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF for short).

Cyril Ramaphosa (Felix Dlangamandla, Beeld)It is very clear that the ANC no longer has any ideas as to the running of the country, especially when taking into consideration how many poor and unemployed people we have in South Africa. How do we know this? ANC deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa, visited the hometown of EFF leader, Julius Malema. How did he counsel a woman who was disappointed with the ANC and did not want to vote? He told her, “If all South Africans don’t vote, we will regress. The Boers [white people] will come back to control us.” South Africa is long past that point, and all this so-called leader of the ANC (Abortion Nepotism and Corruption/Condoms) could tell her is to watch out for the white monster! The ANC is policy-less. They have no answers for the problems of this nation. The fact that he told this woman to beware of the “dangerous” whites is because the policies of the ANC have not brought the freedom they promised. It has brought greater unemployment, creating a greater welfare problem, and invited more criminals into the fold.

Zweli Mkhize (Picture: Sapa)In an unrelated event, “ANC treasurer general Zweli Mkhize wants companies to fund political parties and has suggested the establishment of a trust fund, the Sowetan reported on Monday.” This was reported in a news article at News24. If it wasn’t so sad that the ANC now thinks that businesses should pay them for democracy in this country, it would be quite laughable. Don’t think for a moment that the ANC is doing this for the good of democracy in this country. They have this demented idea that they would reign in this country until Jesus comes. Further, with a current, almost two-thirds majority vote, they sometimes actually believe they will never be dethroned. Hence my belief that this democracy trust fund, is simply a ruse to get companies to bank-roll the ANC. Further, Mkhize believes that the fund should be “administered by the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly, which would allocate the funds in line with proportional representation of parties.” Of course, the fact that the speaker is just another ANC crony should not alarm us, should it? OF COURSE IT SHOULD! The fact is that large companies such as Anglo American have followed this idea of proportionate funding for many years. All that this does is to perpetuate the current situation. The parties that roll in the money, such as the ANC, will always come out on top since their budgets allow for so much more marketing of their brand. Small parties, with real answers for this country such as the ACDP, can’t get anywhere since they do not have the funds to market themselves and to make sure that people know what they stand for.

What Mkhize is proposing, is to perpetuate crony capitalism in South Africa. That is a capitalism that benefits the ANC and the businesses that support it. Herman Mashaba, chairman of the Free Market Foundation, is against this type of capitalism.


“has been an outspoken and uncompromising champion of the free market in the new South Africa. His great strength is that he is beholden to no political party or politician. He believes the opposite is true of too many business leaders in South Africa.

“This is their great weakness, and the whole country is suffering because of it.

“They keep quiet because they are terrified of losing their political connections, fearing that if they lose them, they will lose government business, he says.

“In effect, this means that crony capitalism rules -and crony capitalism is a devastating threat to democracy in South Africa, he believes.” (Business Day Live)

He said that

“Draconian labour legislation has destroyed entrepreneurship in this country.”

In the end, I believe that the ANC is suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. On the one hand they need to scare people into voting for them, and on the other hand they believe that they are the party of the Almighty. Or maybe it describes schizophrenia?

On the one hand the ANC claims to uphold democracy, but on the other hand they want to force businesses to pay for that democracy. Weird!

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

By backing down FNB set a dangerous precedent

This video can only offend the ANC!

The ANC once again has shown that it is incapable of taking criticism and of thinking about the future of South Africa! In just more than a week the ANC, and especially its youth wing (ANCYL) and its Women’s League (ANCWL), bullied First National Bank (FNB) into an apology to the ANC.

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Monday, July 09, 2012

Affirmative Action is not a cure all

Here in South Africa a lot has been made of Affirmative Action (AA). In fact, here it is called Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). To the ANC and its cohorts, this is the solution to all South Africa’s problems. However, after 18 years of being in power, the ANC still hasn’t made much headway concerning the poverty of the masses.

One of the major problems with this government, is that it is severely inept when dealing with the problems of this country. For instance, the Department of Education (DOE) battles to deliver textbooks to schools on time almost every single year. The South African school year runs from mid-January to the beginning of December. The stark reality of education in South Africa is that the DOE is still trying to get textbooks to many schools, more than halfway through the year. Clearly, AA has not benefited any of these children that must face end-of-year exams with a major backlog. The fact that many of these children are poor, is not what holds them back, but the very government that promises them the moon and the stars every election cycle. If only these people who run these government departments will stop looking for excuses, and produce what they are supposed to produce. In the case of the DOE, educated children!

But, of course, AA is easier, since people don’t have to work so hard to move ahead in this system. At least for the already wealthy, that is!

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

ANC speaks through both sides of its mouth

anc-two-headed-monsterOver the many years of the ANC’s existence—100 years in 2012—we have now learnt with great clarity that the ANC will change strategies and policies as the circumstances demand, whatever their end-goal is!

The case in point is that several months ago, Julius Malema and his Pied Piper mice wanted to charge into Botswana to “help establish” a regime change in that country. With great fanfare the ANC chastised him and ANCYL for bringing the ANC into disrepute.

Of course, the ANC has a long-standing disrepute that all clear thinking people can clearly see and understand, since the ANC regularly rams controversial laws through parliament when they perceive resistance to their proposed laws. This was clearly the case with abortion on demand, legalised pornography, legalised same-sex whatever-it-is-but-it-is-not-marriage and now lately the secrecy bill. With each of these bills, the ANC simply rammed them through parliament, while not listening at all to what people were saying in consultation with the government. In fact, with each of these votes in parliament, ANC Members of Parliament (MPs) had no right to a vote of conscience. They were told what to vote! Democracy has no meaning to this monster!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

South Africa is at another crossroad, AGAIN!

Since 1994, annually we think that South Africa is at another crossroad, and since then South Africa have been at 18 crossroads. One per year! Of course, in my opinion, we have moved passed the crossroad, and is heading down the precipice of destruction, resulting in a huge SHPLATT at the bottom!

It simply does not stop! Every year we have strikes, demanding for more and more money. Of course, anyone with more brain cells than an amoeba can see that South Africa’s economy can NOT handle that kind of downward pressure. Right now, every Tom, Dick and other union has instructed their members to go on strike.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Julius Malema, ANCYL declare war on South Africa

To Malema, South Africa can be divided into two groups: the haves, and the have nots. In his mind, with his business deals and all, he sees himself as belonging to the have nots. What is the solution for inclusion in the haves? Simply take from the haves, and he will become one of them too, while making the haves the future have nots. Malema believes in taking, and if he can’t just take right now, he will force the current ANC leadership to change their policies in order for him to take whatever he wants. Of course, to any sane human being, that boils down to stealing, no matter what policies or laws say. It remains stealing! If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it IS a duck!

Malema has once again called for land invasions, taking from the whites what “rightfully” belongs to blacks. He does not want the current system, “willing buyer, willing seller” to remain in place. He doesn’t want to have to pay for land that already “belongs” to them. The funny thing is, the majority of tax paid into the national coffers come from whites, and those taxes pay for these land-exchange deals, hence, the land is bought from whites with their own money! He wants to simply walk onto a piece of land and take it. In other words, he wants Zimbabwe: the Sequel. The funny thing is, I cannot think of any country off the top of my head where this land grabbing policy existed, where that country has made a success in anything else! It creates an environment where every Tom, Dick, and Julius think that they can take what they want without working or paying for it. Therefore, thievery, killings and in the end civil wars abound! It WILL return South Africa to the barbaric days of Tshaka, and Dingaan! Is this really what Malema wants? If this is what he wants, he is more of a clown than I thought!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ANC ‘mis’-leader calls for burning down of newspapers

The ANC simply does not know how to behave, whether on the winning or losing side of elections. Not so long ago Gwede Mantashu, ANC Secretary-General said:

We must realise that in these elections the main opposition are the media. Leave the DA, leave Cope ... we will work very hard against that strong opposition.”

Nceba-FakuThen, riding on a victory wave in the Eastern Cape after the elections, the Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth) ANC chairman, Nceba Faku, called for the burning down of the The Herald, a newspaper in Port Elizabeth, with these words:

“Down with The Herald, down! Go and burn The Herald.”

The ANC has long been the enemy of free speech and a free media. They just do not know how to shut it down without bringing the wrath of the world down on them.

Verashni-PillayConcerning this whole saga, Verashni Pillay has written an insightful, if not humorous commentary called, Faku the hero. Her introductory line is:

It must be difficult being an African National Congress (ANC) hero. One has such large shoes to fill.”

Read the article here.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Some political parties will have to rethink either their strategy or their existence


Image courtesy
Amazingly Pretty and Somewhat Literary

Once again, South Africans have gone to the polls and have made their decision as to which political party they prefer to run their respective municipalities in this country.

At the end of any election cycle, it isn’t always easy to analyse the data, since you do not actually know what the voters were thinking while they voted. As a result, you simply sit with raw data. So, in order to make sense of the raw data, you have to extrapolate from past election cycles into the present and then try to predict what the future holds.

At this point, I am sure many political parties must be thinking about the future. Some parties have had a downward slide for several years now.

Since 1994, we have had 4 general elections (GE) and 3 local government elections (LGE). LGEs are simply municipal elections.

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Monday, May 09, 2011

Julius Malema proves that racism is not just a “white” problem, calls whites “criminals”

Malema, who is affectionately called Juju (a waaaayyy to cutesie name for a person of his incrementally hateful jibes at white people), by the masses, seems not to put his foot in it, since he knows exactly what he is saying, and, I believe he is very calculating about it! A person puts his foot in it when he says something he didn’t plan and it comes out wrong. On the other hand, Malema is very calculating, and he plans very well what he says. He knows how to get people all fired up and ready for action.

This time, Malema told a crowd in Kimberley that whites should be treated as “criminals.” Read about it here and here.The man is already in court for hate-speech (singing “Kill the boer, kill the farmer”), and now he wants to make a blanket statement that whites should be treated as criminals. Surely we will be able, according to this logic treat Malema as a criminal. Perhaps somewhere in his family’s past there was a criminal, and therefore we can treat him as one!

To claim that people living on those land areas should be treated as criminals smacks of insanity! But, perhaps Malema has a plan. Is he intentionally provoking people into hating whites? And, it can be demonstrated that some people act out their hatred and turn to violence to satisfy their hatred. Therefore, Malema has another “proclamation” that he can be sued for in a court of law. The charge can be hate-speech to provoke others to violence.

The fact that the ANC never does anything of any value to put a stop to Malema’s outbursts proves just once again that they are making good political use of him as their gunslinger. This is all part of their policy; they just don’t want to come out and say it in the open, because they will end up in the fire for that.

The ANC has shown the world that they are racists as much as the previous government was under National Party rule. The only difference is that the world is blind to the ANC because of its Nelson Mandela worship.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Is passing matric an accomplishment at all?

When one looks at the matric results of 2010, so many questions are raised about the results. While no-one can deny that our educational standard is far below par, except for the ANC and its cronies of all stripes, including Umalusi (the quality assurance body for education in South Africa), we have to wonder why there is such a huge jump (7.2%) in our matric pass-rate?! Carien Kruger and Gershwin Chuenyane probed this issue with some questions in their News24 news article.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga called the 67.8% pass-rate a “remarkable achievement.” When someone, like an education minister calls the failure of 32.2% of matric pupils a “remarkable achievement,” it has to be recognized that the education department’s priorities are all messed up. When a third of a school’s individual class fails in matric, it would be recognized as a disaster, and an investigation should be launched as to why so many children have failed in that class! Yet, when a third of our country’s matrics fail, it is called a “remarkable achievement!” How pathetic of our education department to think that this is remarkable!

What makes much of this remarkable pass-rate even more pathetic, is that some subjects such as maths and science only require a 30% subject pass-rate! As Wilmot James of the DA wrote in his commentary on this issue:

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SA government wants to control what you are paid

governmentrefundThe so-called freedoms gained by the democratic elections of 1994 are in jeopardy from all fronts. Just recently a furore broke out in this country, where the ANC wants to curb free speech in the newspapers. Then, they started calling for nationalization of mines. They further also want a National Health Insurance (NHI), which you as a citizen will have to pay for, whether you use it or not!

This government, run by the ANC, now wants to tell private businesses how much of an annual increase they may give their workers, especially if a person earns a certain amount of money. The suggestion is that a cap is put on bonuses and increases for senior managers and executives that earn more than R550k ($77,588 – exchange rate per 24 Nov 2010) per annum. They further suggest that people earning less than R20k ($2,821) per month should get increases equal to inflation PLUS a real increase. On the other hand, those that earn more than R20k per month should get increases equal to inflation only.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sin taxes and government's investment in sin

We all agree on one level that "sin" taxes are a good thing, because we believe that these "sin" taxes are a deterrent to buying products that fall under these "sin" tax laws. Usually, smoking related products such as cigarettes, and alcohol are "sin" taxed. Of course, we all believe that people will think twice about buying such products because of these extra taxes on them.

I am not sure that this is indeed the case! From my experience, many of these "sin" users simply cut somewhere else in their budgets in order to keep purchasing their "sin" delights!

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Strikes in South Africa show the heart of a brutal nation

In a previous post on the strikes in South Africa I wrote:

Image courtesy of News24
"Striking in this country is never just a matter of downing tools. It inevitably leads to violence, intimidation, destruction and in several cases, death! This is a culture that the ANC bred under the previous government, and has lost control of since they took over the South African government."
These strikes show the heart of a nation that is brutal, a nation with demands that show no sympathy for those that are truly in need. It is a nation that truly shows no love for its fellow citizens that are in dire need and in some cases dying. This is a nation where the plight of the poor fall on deaf ears and promises of help are just that, promises! It is a nation where promises lead to votes, as in the case of the ANC, but where the promises lead nowhere!

This is a nation where a man in desperate need of an arm saving operation after his hand had been cut off, is turned away from 2 hospitals by strikers who have no sympathy for those in real need.

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