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Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Friday, September 08, 2017

New British-Funded Programme to Promote Abortion at Community Clinics in South Africa

The following is from a newsletter I received today. Please read and send the link to this post to others. We have to be aware of entities that promote death squads in our hospitals and medical facilities. If abortion is a choice, it is a choice to murder innocent lives.

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Friday, December 06, 2013

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): An Imperfect Hero

ComicHeroesNormally, when most people think of heroes, they think of Superman, Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman and many more. First, these heroes don’t die. They were conjured up in the minds of people and as long as people are willing to conjure up more stories about these heroes, they will live on. Second, these heroes do not exist. We do not have a Man of Steel flying around with people saying: “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is Superman!”

Some of these super-heroes have made some real memorable quotes, as non-existent heroes.

"In this world, there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make." (Superman – D.C. Comics)

"Wars are never won, regardless of who might be the victor. The very act of war is itself a horrible defeat." (Green Lantern – D.C. Comics)

“What do you think the A stands for? France?” (Captain America – Marvel Comics)

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Saturday, November 03, 2012

How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?

Americans have a chance to prove the world wrong this coming Tuesday in the U.S. presidential elections. In reality, they only have one way to go to at least move a small step back towards what the American Founding Fathers envisioned for their beloved country.

If they vote for Romney, even though he is not the perfect candidate, they will at least say no to Obama and his Democratic Party lust for power and big government. Under Obama, America is turning into a country of bloodlust (51 million abortions since Row vs Wade), and gross perversion, with Obama’s full recognition of the gay lifestyle and gay mismarriage!

WARNING: Obama stands for a perversion that most people cannot even imagine. This link to the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) page called Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? shows exactly what Obama endorses. Although pictures have been “sterilised,” it may still upset certain readers.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Aborted because the father is a rapist

While reading the news at News24 today, I came upon an opinion piece by one Simon Williamson called “Accept the gifts that come with rape.” In this article of his, he rants against anyone who calls himself a conservative, especially in the areas of abortion and women fighting in the frontlines of warzones!  It doesn’t take him long to call people like this “delusional.” In fact, this happens in the opening paragraph! Then, in the very next paragraph he calls them bigots!

Now, we all know that a “bigot” is “a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion” (see dictionary.com). After reading Mr. Williamson’s article, I found it quite amazing how he writes his article with the same demeanour and attitude he claims for these conservatives, a bigot! Once you read the comment section, it is mind blowing to find so many people with that same attitude of a bigot.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

ANC speaks through both sides of its mouth

anc-two-headed-monsterOver the many years of the ANC’s existence—100 years in 2012—we have now learnt with great clarity that the ANC will change strategies and policies as the circumstances demand, whatever their end-goal is!

The case in point is that several months ago, Julius Malema and his Pied Piper mice wanted to charge into Botswana to “help establish” a regime change in that country. With great fanfare the ANC chastised him and ANCYL for bringing the ANC into disrepute.

Of course, the ANC has a long-standing disrepute that all clear thinking people can clearly see and understand, since the ANC regularly rams controversial laws through parliament when they perceive resistance to their proposed laws. This was clearly the case with abortion on demand, legalised pornography, legalised same-sex whatever-it-is-but-it-is-not-marriage and now lately the secrecy bill. With each of these bills, the ANC simply rammed them through parliament, while not listening at all to what people were saying in consultation with the government. In fact, with each of these votes in parliament, ANC Members of Parliament (MPs) had no right to a vote of conscience. They were told what to vote! Democracy has no meaning to this monster!

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Friday, November 04, 2011

Abortionist had to sign abortion survivor’s birth certificate. The story of Gianna Jessen.

gianna jessenAbortion survivor, Gianna Jessen, spoke passionately and with conviction on the subject of abortion at Queen's Hall, Parliament House, Victoria, Australia - on the eve of the debate to decriminalize abortion in Victoria, in 2008. Below is the 2 part series (altogether 15 minutes) of her speech, in which she gives all the credit to Christ. Truly a woman of conviction!

More videos of Gianna can be found here. She can also be followed on Twitter.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

The march on e-TV against pornography

My plan on the morning of the march, 21 May 2011, was to leave home one hour and fifteen minutes before the start of the events surrounding the march. The reason for leaving so long before the time is that "they" are still working on the N1 highway between Pretoria and Johannesburg, and if anything goes wrong on that highway, we would have to sit in traffic for a long time!

It just so happens that they had lane closures on the N1 and we did get to sit in very slow traffic for just over 2Kms. That doesn't sound so bad, but the fact is that it almost made us late for the 10:00 start! Well, God saw it fit to get us to Hyde Park Shopping Centre with about 5 minutes to spare! I had decided to take my camera along and play cameraman.

When we arrived there, there were only about 30-40 people there. I had such high hopes for this march. It was an opportunity for Christians and concerned citizens to stand up for what is right! What we do and stand for today, has an effect on the world that our children will one day inherit from us! The question is: What kind of a world are you fighting for them to inherit? A no-care attitude today will ensure a disastrous future-world for our children tomorrow! I was hoping for a couple of thousand people to march today, or at least 1,000. It was not to be! The final tally of marchers only came to between 80-100! After the march I gave ACA a call in Cape Town, as they were doing a march to the Cape Town offices of e-TV at the same time, to find out how many marchers participated there, and they had around 150! This is such a shame, especially if the fact that 75% of South Africans claim to be Christian is taken into account! Christians that want to sit on their deriers and have a good time, I am sure, but not Christians who would rise in society as the salt of the earth!

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Caught on Tape: Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp’s Underage Sex Ring


Contact: Colleen O'Boyle, media@liveaction.org, (323) 454-3304

NEW JERSEY – February 1, 2011– A Planned Parenthood manager in New Jersey coaches a man and a woman posing as sex traffickers how to secure secret abortions, STD testing, and contraception for their female underage sex slaves, and make their whole operation “look as legit as possible” in an undercover video released this morning.

Clinic manager Amy Woodruff, LPN, of Planned Parenthood Central New Jersey’s Perth Amboy center, warns the pimp and his prostitute to have their trafficked underage girls lie about their age to avoid mandatory reporting laws, promising, “even if they lie, just say, ‘Oh he's the same age as me, 15,’…it's just that mainly 14 and under we have to, doesn't matter if their partner's the same age, younger, whatever, 14 and under we have to report.” She says, “For the most part, we want as little information as possible.”

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Monday, January 31, 2011

A special day! A day of horror! The Unborn (1 Feb 1997-1 Feb 2011)

Today, 16 years ago at 13:55 my daughter, Nicole, was born! It was such a day of joy, happiness and pure exhilaration! That day I simply couldn’t contain myself. After we left the “delivery” theatre, the nurse wanted to clean Nicole up, but I insisted that no-one but I may give Nicole her first bath. While I was holding that tiny little body in my hands, her head resting softly in my left palm, I couldn’t help but thank God for such a precious gift! Now, 16 years later, I am a proud father of a young girl who is a hard worker at school, and apart from coming second in her grade  (9) last year in academics, she also gets awards for displaying the fruit of the Spirit every year. She is indeed a joy!

February 1, 1995, was indeed a wonderful day, especially for our family!

However, February 1 did not remain such an incredible day for long! Even though, in our family it remains a day of wonder and celebration, a day of infamy dawned on South Africa on February 1, 1997. On this day in 1997, the Bill on the Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) became law. Since then, somewhere between 750,000 and 1,000,000 babies have been brutally murdered!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Marie Stopes: Killing babies for profit

Image courtesy WikiPedia
Marie Stopes International (MSI), was started by Marie Stopes, a eugenicist. MSI is involved in the daily slaughter of unborn babies.

Taryn Hodgson of Africa Christian Action, wrote an article on Marie Stopes and her evil organization, especially with the commemoration of the legalization of abortion on demand in South Africa on 1 February 1997. Because of this, many people will be involved in protesting the legalization of abortion in South Africa over this time. See the end of Taryn's article below for more information on how you can be involved in these protests! I will be at the protest in Boksburg, so if you decide to join us, please comes over to say "Hi!" I will be the one with the camera!

Hodgson article follows:

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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Obama’s evil abortion record

Christian, or anti-Christ?
You decide.
U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, claims to be a Christian, and has made several comments about his faith. However, when it comes to abortion (which I believe is absolutely anti-Christian), Obama has a putrid pro-abortion record behind his name. The stench of abortion hangs on Obama like that of a rotting corpse!

Obama’s pro-abortion record since being elected as U.S. president on 4 November 2008 reads like a horror novel. The difference is that this is real life! This is like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre by presidential fiat.

While I am reticent to simply say Obama is not a Christian, let the fruit speak for itself!

To read more about this evil, child murdering president’s track record on infanticide, read President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation at LifeNews.com.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Join the Baby wars

Here in South Africa a total of 210 rhinos have been killed in 2010 for their horns to satisfy the 'horny' (forgive the intended pun) desires of degenerates in the far east. These lunes will pay top $$$ for rhino horn because they believe it has some kind of medicinal value and the power to give them sexual prowess. Why don't these people not just chew their own hair?

Anyway, these majestic animals are being killed for nothing! And that is a shame. And, outrage against this trade is the right response! Hence, there is a call to Join the Rhino Wars.

However, why don't these people show outrage against the vicious, conscienceless killing of another sort? That of millions of human babies every year! Enough human babies are being aborted worldwide every year to have decimated the populations of some countries!

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

China has created monsters

A society that denies the existence of the God of the Bible inevitable will turn into monsters. Just recently, a baby was found alive in a box that was labeled "medical waste," destined for the fiery incinerators of the Nanhai Funeral Home in Foshan City, China.

As a worker at the funeral home was about to incinerate this box he heard a cry and discovered an aborted baby that was still alive. The baby was sent back to the hospital where he was aborted, but doctors simply left the baby in the lobby to die! That is absolutely sick and callous!

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Apparently, teenage sex is a social problem

It seems like South African teenagers are all sexed-up and nowhere to go. 41% of pupils between grade 8 and 11 have had at least 2 sexual partners already. 52% of school pupils have had abortions, 19% have been pregnant or made someone pregnant and only 31% have used condoms during sex. As I have said in my previous post, "Criminals are cowards and should be treated as traitors to mankind!", the South African, ANC-led, government has created a godless society, and the results can be seen in the behaviour of our teenagers.

According to "acting director-general of Health Dr Yogan Pillay says there is no scientific intervention that can discourage people from having multiple partners." He also said that "[t]here is no medical intervention, there is no technical intervention. This a social challenge."

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Feminist hero, Margaret Sanger, was a racist eugenicist!

Margaret Sanger, the anti-hero
with the blood of millions on her hands!
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Abortion: The modern "civilized" and convenient choice of genocide

Abortion is nothing less than genocide. It is the systematic elimination of a certain group of people through murder.

Are you going to sit back, shove your head into a hole like an ostrich and imagine that this dark and evil world does not exist? Shame on you!

Stand up for the unborn!

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Abstinence Sex Ed Works

Zip it up!Who would have thought?

In a tiny piece called Abstinence Sex Ed Works in the TIME magazine of 15 February 2010 in The World: 10 Essential Stories section on page 9, it is reported that, well, abstinence sex-ed works!

According to a study that was recently published in the Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine:

"abstinence-only sex-education programs proved more effective in encouraging teens to delay having sex than more comprehensive school programs that include information about safe sex and contraceptive options."

This study even prompted Obama's administration to perhaps start giving more funds for programs such as these. Essentially the message is "Zip it up and keep your pants on!"

Does anybody find it strange that all kinds of expensive research needs to be done to show the obvious. Common Sense indeed has died! Who would have thought that comprehensive sex-ed programs would actually encourage teens to delay having sex? Certainly not the conservatives! Definitely the liberals... but, oh yes, the liberals want the teens to have more sex, do they not? They are the ones who want younger and younger children to experience freedom in making their own choices without adult interference. It is the liberals that have created a culture of perversion and death in the West.

How have they created a culture of perversion? This is quite simple. They have been fighting for ever increasing liberal sexual laws since at least the 60's with its sexual revolting revolution. They have pushed for all kinds of sexual deviancy, especially for the "outing" of homosexuals. What's next? Polygamy? Bestiality like in Sweden? The problem with a revolution is that it is never enough. Revolutionaries can never get enough. They do not know when to stop. They are the ones who have lost all sense of morality, and that which they have will change tomorrow, because they have no sure foundation--such as the Bible--on which to base their morality. They are the ones who have rejected the God of the Bible and have made little "gods" in their own image. Little gods with whom they can continue their perverted sexual revolution. Even now, they are promoting their perversions in the schools through men like Obama's "safe schools czar," Kevin Jennings. Who will Jennings make schools safe for? Homesexuals? What about keeping these perversions away from children who would prefer not to be sullied by this immoral lifestyle?

How have liberals created a culture of death? Why, through their fight for abortion, the willful killing of another human being. Don't be fooled into thinking the argument is about "choice!" "Choice" is simply the pro-abortion movement's euphemism for abortion, which itself is a euphemism for the murder of pre-born babies. A woman has the choice to do with her body what she wants, as long as she keeps that choice limited to her own body. The baby is not a part of the woman's body, and therefore the woman has no rights over the life of the baby. Abortion is simply the modern version of child sacrifice to the god of convenience, which these liberals will worship to the point of death; not their own, but the death of defenseless babies. Of course, the abortion-mill market goes hand in hand with the push for free sex. No free-sex, no unwanted babies, no abortions, no money!

Liberals have also pushed towards legalized euthanasia--assisted suicide--in their promotion of the culture of death. I wrote about the issue of euthanasia in an article entitled Killing people using euphemisms back in April of 2005, so I will not touch much on this issue here. "
Many claim that a person should be able to decide when he wants to die by which method. Physical illness affects the mind and the body. As a result, these stressful situations always lead to difficulty in coming to a well-adjusted decision. Patients may one day want to die and another day want to live. Which day will be reckoned as his final decision?"

Coming back to sex-ed, the problem with comprehensive safe-sex education is that sex is the fuel for more sex. Whether it is called safe-sex or something else, sex becomes a fuel that drives itself further and further until it becomes impossible to give it up. Taking into consideration the mindset of teens, it will not be easy to get them to stop once they have engrossed themselves into lives of free sex. Soon, so-called safe-sex will become unprotected sex which will lead to STDs and unwanted babies and abortions.

Abstinence education doesn't have anything to prove in reality. No sex, no STDs, no unexpected babies! Does the education work? Yes, if educationists are willing to try! The reason why liberals do not think that it can work is that they really do believe that humans are just more evolved animals which should give in to their animal urges. According to them, it is unnatural to go against those urges. If we continue to treat our young people as if they are just a bunch of animals, should we really be surprised if they act like they are?

Rather, we should treat our children as the moral human beings that they are, with dignity, and teach them that it really is possible to control those sexual urges that are sinful outside of marriage, because it really is possible. We are not animals, but beings with great moral capabilities, if only we will surrender to the God who created us with those capabilities, Jesus Christ!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Abortion is MURDER! Marches and Lifechains against abortion

Aborted babyThis coming weekend and beyond, people from across South Africa will be marching or standing against abortion. Abortion was legalized in South Africa on 1 February 1996, and since then more than 700,000 babies have been brutally murdered through no choice of their own. It does not matter which way you slice it, abortion is MURDER and it is committed by cowards!

Several organizations will be hosting marches or lifechains this weekend (30 Jan 2010). They are CFT, ACA and BCN. If you are in the region of one of these vents, please join in and stand against this culture of murder death!

Dr. Peter Hammond from ACA sent the following alert out concerning some of these events. Thanks to them for having this all in one place for quick reference!



They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrifice to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.
Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against His people, so that He abhorred His own inheritance. And He gave them into the hands of the gentiles, and those who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

Psalm 106:37-42

The pagan religions practiced child sacrifice. One of the many pagan gods, Baal, was worshipped as the key to fertility and prosperity. To entice Baal to bless their land, mothers were required to present her firstborn child to the priest. Baal was represented by a huge stone, or brass, statue carved in the image of a bull’s head and the upper body of a man. The arms were extended to receive babies and fire belched from a hollow area in the chest. 

As the priests of Baal carried each baby up the stairs and laid the victim in the arms of the horned idol of Baal, the baby was consumed in the flames. This was the religion of Baal and of those who worshipped Asherah. The Ammonites who worshipped Molech and the Phoenicians who worshiped Kronos also practiced child sacrifice. These pagan religions required the parents to have their children pass through the fire as a sacrifice to their demon gods. 

The true people of God have always found themselves fighting against religions that want to sacrifice the most innocent blood of all. The Lord commanded, in Deuteronomy 18:10, that when you come into the land of the heathen, you are not to sacrifice your children. We read in Proverbs 6:17 that the Lord hates those who shed innocent blood. 

In Exodus 1:16 we read that Pharaoh commanded the midwives to kill every male boy that was born to the Hebrews in Egypt. The pharaohs of today still want to kill babies. 

In the New Testament the Gospel begins in Matthew 2:16 with King Herod ordering his soldiers to go to Bethlehem and kill all the male children up to age two. 

We read in Numbers 35:33 that the land comes under a curse when innocent blood is shed. “Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, accept the blood by the one who shed it.” Numbers 35:33

The contest between Pharaoh and Moses in Exodus was primarily a clash between the death-obsessed, child killing, mystical humanism of Egypt and the way of life in serving Jehovah, the God of Israel. The climactic battle on Mount Carmel between Elijah and the prophets of Baal was a battle against a religion centred on child sacrifice (1 Kings 18).

Carol Everett was involved in the abortion industry. Not only did she perform abortions, but she also had an abortion. When asked: “What is the governing force behind the abortion industry?” Carol answered: “Money. It is a very lucrative business. It is the largest unregulated industry… most of the clinics are run in chains because it is so profitable.

Carol explained: “Every woman has two questions, ‘is it a baby?’ and ‘does it hurt?’ The abortionist must answer ‘No.’ He/she must try to secure the consent of the woman in the collection of the clinic’s fee. The women are told that they were dealing with a product of conception or a glob of tissue. They were told that there would be only slight cramping, whereas, in reality, an abortion is excruciatingly painful.

When asked what type of counselling was offered at the clinic?, Carol Everett answered: “We didn’t do any real counselling. We sold abortion.” In answer to how they disposed of the aborted babies, Carol explained: “We put them down the garbage disposal.

A former abortion counselor, Debra Henry admitted: “We were told to find the woman’s weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it was to have a baby.

Former abortion counselor, Nita Whitten admitted: “It’s a lie when they tell you they are doing it to help women, because they are not. They are doing it for the money.

Former abortion counselor, Kathy Sparks, said: “The counselor at our clinic would cry with the girls at the drop of a pin. She would find out what was driving them to want to abort the child and she would magnify it.

Former abortionist, David Brewer, M.D., admitted: “My heart got calloused against the fact that I was murderer, but the baby lying in a cold bowl educated me to what abortion really was.

Former abortionist, Antony Levatino, M.D., said: “I want the general public to know that the doctors know that this is a person, this is a baby. That this is not some kind of glob of tissue…

Former abortionist, Joseph Randall, M.D., said: “The picture of the baby on the ultrasound bothered me more than anything else. The staff couldn’t take it. Women who were having abortions were never allowed to see their ultrasounds.

Former abortionist, MacArthur Hill, M.D., confessed: “I am a murderer. I have taken the lives of innocent babies and I have ripped them from their mothers wombs with a powerful vacuum machine.

Former abortionist, Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., was once a pioneer and leader in the abortion industry. He led the campaign for the legalisation of abortion in America and admitted that he and other abortion advocates blatantly lied to congress in order to get abortion legal. Dr. Nathanson presided over 60,000 abortions before being converted. Not only did Dr. Nathanson leave the abortion industry, but he has since been dedicated to fighting against abortion. Dr. Nathanson admits that abortion is murder. He has produced such documentaries as TheSilent Scream, and written the book: The Hand of God – a journey from death to life by the abortion doctor who changed his mind.

In the Old Testament, the same Hebrew word is used to describe pre-born babies and children.  In the New Testament, the same Greek that is used to describe babies or children, is used for John the Baptist while he was still in his mothers womb (Luke 1:41-44; 2:12, 16; 18:15-17).

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leapt in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.   In a loud voice she exclaimed: ‘blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!  But why am I so favoured, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?  As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leapt with joy.’” Luke 1:41-44

God has called some people to His service from the womb:

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

…it pleased God, who separated me from my mothers womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles…” Galatians 1:15-16

The Lord called me from the womb; from the body of my mother He made me…the Lord, who formed me from the womb to be His servant.” Isaiah 49:1, 5

For You created my most innermost being; You knit me together in my mothers womb.  I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16

Life belongs to God.  “In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of Heaven and Earth.  He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” Acts 17:24-25

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Psalm 24:1
Know that the Lord is God.  It is He who has made us, we are His.” Psalm 100:3

This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the Lord who has made all things.” Isaiah 44:24

God created man in His image and commanded mankind to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:26-28). The sanctity of life is declared (Genesis 9:6). The conception of children is seen as a gift from God (Genesis 21:1-2; 25:21). 

Children should not die for the sins of the parents  (Deuteronomy 24:16). Since all life was created by God and belongs to Him, no one has the right to murder. “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13

The case laws of Exodus actually deal with protection of pre-born babies: “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely, but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life…” Exodus 21:22-24

The Bible asks the question: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” Isaiah 49:15

It seems incredible that any mother could forget her baby, but this is evidently not just a hypothetical question.  Many millions of mothers do seem to have forgotten their babies enough to have scheduled an appointment to have them killed.

God is concerned for the weak and helpless. The Bible teaches us that we need to defend them.  “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.  Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 82:3-4

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves… speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9

Jesus said: “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in My Name welcomes Me.” Matthew 18:5

See that you do not look down on one of these little ones.  For I tell you that their angels in Heaven always see the face of My Father in Heaven.” Matthew 18:10

Your Father in Heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.” Matthew 18:14

Children are a blessing from the Lord “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.  They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in their gate.” Psalm 127:3-5

God is the Creator. Pre-born babies are persons. Life is precious. Murder is to be severely punished.  Abortion is a modern equivalent of child sacrifice. Just as God’s people opposed Pharaoh’s decree to murder newborn babies in Egypt (Exodus 1:15-22), so we need to protect pre-born babies from abortion today. Just as King Herod sought to kill the babies in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16), so abortionists are tempting to butcher babies today.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Proverbs 31:8

Every year over 80,000 babies are killed through abortion in South Africa. It is not only those directly involved in these crimes of murder that are guilty of violating the 6th Commandment. All those politicians who worked for, and voted for, legalised abortion in this country share the guilt.

Also guilty of being accessories before, during, and after, the fact are the journalists who promoted abortion, and cover up the facts in order to ensure that the holocaust against the unborn continues.  Those pastors who fail to faithfully expound the Scriptures on when life begins, and what a Christian’s responsibility is, to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, are also accessories to murder.  And of course, all those voters who continue to vote for pro-abortion parties have also violated the 6th Commandment and are accessories to murder.

Life begins at conception. Abortion is murder. It is our Christian duty to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. To rescue the perishing. To hold back those staggering towards slaughter.

This message was presented by Dr Peter Hammond to Livingstone Fellowship on 5 October 2008, International Life Chain Sunday.  The full message is available on audio CD from:

Christian Liberty Books
P.O. Box 358
Howard Place
Tel: (021) 689-7478
Fax: (021) 685-5884
Email: admin@christianlibertybooks.co.za
Website: http://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za

Pro-life packs for pastors: Sanctity Life Sunday Packs available include:
  • pro-life  sermons and articles
  • Its My  Body, Abortion - The Facts and Milestones of Early  Life leaflets
  • Prayers of  Repentance,
  • the Bible Study:  Scripture and the Sanctity of Life
  • and an audio  lecture, The Fight For Life, with Powerpoint on  CD.
These packages are R35 each.

Or download the above materials from the Christian Action website.

Crisis Pregnancy Outreach Poster NOW AVAILABLE. Click here to see design.

Upcoming Events:

Sanctity Life Sunday - 31 January 2010

Sanctity Life Sunday/National Day of Repentance outreaches in South Africa:

Cape Town:
National Day of Repentance - March to Parliament and Prayer Vigil, 12:30 Monday, 1 February, Keizersgracht St, below Cape Tech. 13:00 Prayer Vigil and placard protest outside gates of Parliament. Contact: Africa Christian Action, 021-6894481 or info@christianaction.org.za.

Life Chain, Sunday, 7 Febuary, 2pm - 4pm, Ballito Drive, meet at Everfresh Food Market parking area, contact Nina McNeil, Christians for Truth: 032 -9462738.

Life Chain, Saturday, 30 January 2010, 9:00-11:00, c/o Moroe St and Seeiso St, Atteridgeville. Contact: Gregory Pereira: 083 359 5093, Dieter Claasen: 082 495 7607. http://www.bcn.za.org

March, Saturday 30 January from 12.30 to 13.30. Meet at the corner of Khoza street and Roets Drive. Contact: Linda Yates: 082 831-3197

East London:
Sunday, 31 January, 2:00pm, meet outside Frere Hospital. Contact: Judy van Aardt: 043 - 726 9900.

Life Chain, Saturday 6th February,  10.00 - 12.00, Kolbe Drive in front of the eastern side of National District Hospital.
Contact:  Faan Oosthuizen - 083 2659395, Martha Dean - 083 978 7279.

Africa Christian Action
P.O. Box 23632
Claremont, 7735
Cape Town
Tel: (021) 689-4481
Fax: (021) 685-5884
E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za
Website: http://www.christianaction.org.za

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Monday, September 07, 2009

Whose choice is it anyway?

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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Cut abstinence funding, but keep funding the murder of babies"

Let's be brutally honest: No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!

But, why, oh, why are people so against funding abstinence programs in schools? To any sane person with at least one brain cell, it is quite evident that the only preventative measure that can work, and this can be deduced even before going through all kinds of testing, is abstinence! Of course, those that do not think abstinence works, must also believe that we are pollinated like flowers by the birds and the bees! That, of course, explains why so many liberals have unwanted children that they consequently murder through abortion!

The real problem that liberals have with abstinence is not that abstinence does not work. Their problem with abstinence is one of morality. They will not give up their heinous evil, because then they also have to agree that they are living immoral lives. Once they admit this, they also have to admit there is a God that they are accountable to, which they would not do, even to the point of death!

It is because of this deep-seated hate for God, and all things good and moral, that liberals will go out of their way to prove that abstinence programs do not work. Of course, programs do not work as well as the real thing. Programs of education can only be as effective as the belief in the program, of the one who teaches it! If the teachers that are supposed to teach abstinence are not convinced of the program, they certainly will not teach it with confidence and will definitely not create any confidence in abstinence by the students.

As a result, liberals have done some "research" some time ago and apparently have "proven" that abstinence programs do not work. The problem with this was that their test suite for abstinence programs was not the same as for their own comprehensive sex education in classes. Therefore, they compared apples and rotten eggs!

Now, on top of that, the Obamassiah, the One, wants to stop funding for abstinence programs. Of course, there was an uproar about this, as is only right! The White House responded to this uproar with its usual sugar-coated venom! The White House response:

"In the budget, 75 percent of funding in a new teenage pregnancy prevention program will be directed to programs that have demonstrated by rigorous research to prevent teen pregnancy. The rest of the funds will be directed to promising, but not yet proven, programs for which we have some indication that they achieve the goal of teen pregnancy prevention. Those programs would have to agree to participate in a rigorous evaluation and abstinence-only programs could qualify."

"Abstinence-only programs could qualify?" To quote my opening line: "No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!"

Researcher Stan Weed, in a congressional briefing, has shown "that not a single school-based comprehensive sex education curricula had compelling evidence for increasing consistent condom use." Further, Doug Kirby, a major proponent of comprehensive sex education and researcher on sex education issues, said that:

"the Mathematica study, which was commissioned by Congress and found abstinence education lacking, should not be used to determine the effectiveness of abstinence education. Huber expressed hope that the Obama administration would take a closer look at the most recent evidence, rather than relying on outdated data such as what was used in the Mathematica report."

The question, of course is, will the Obama administration be honest in dealing with this, or will it carry on in its path of providing every means to continue the moral downgrade of the American people, especially of the children?

Obama has already proven one point, he wants the murder of the unborn to continue, and he has made funding available worldwide to accomplish this "dream" of his! What are the chances that abstinence programs will continue in American schools? According to Obama's own track record, probably not great!

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