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Showing posts with label Chuck Colson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck Colson. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bunch of Pe(t)anuts!

There are people all over the world that are clearly nuts. But, then, you get the PETAnuts. Humane treatment of flies, cockroaches and weird new names for fish! Nuts, just pe(t)anuts!

Chuck Colson writes:
Charles Colson
"There was a lot going in the news last week—riots over the election in Iran, North Korea’s nuclear saber-rattling.  But the biggest story of the week, it turns out, was—drum roll, please—the story of President Obama swatting a fly.

"'I got the sucker!' Obama told CNBC correspondent John Harwood after killing a fly that had been buzzing around his head.

"Harwood laughed and the camera crew applauded. But the sight of the fly’s corpse lying on the White House rug was too much for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals—and insects, apparently. They sent a letter to the Fly Swatter in Chief, expressing their disapproval."
Read more in Colson's short commentary, "'I Got the Sucker': Obama, PETA, and the Value of Human Life."

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sex please! But no Meat!

"Instead, many engage in a sexual free-for-all—but put stringent moral strictures on anything to do with food. A modern young woman might think nothing of living with several different men, and having abortions when she gets pregnant. But she would not dream of eating anything from a factory farm. That would be immoral.

"In effect, some people have reversed the 'moral poles' of sex and eating, Eberstadt writes. They are engaging in 'mindful eating and mindless sex.'

"Why is this happening? As Eberstadt writes, 'It is hard to avoid the conclusion that rules being drawn around food receive some force from the fact that people are uncomfortable with how far the sexual revolution has gone.'"

Finish reading Chuck Colson's "Mindful Eating, Mindless Sex: Our Inner Sense of Right & Wrong."

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rise and Fall of America

Is it possible that the once great United States of America is in the falling phase of its existence?

If we look at the 5 reasons Edward Gibbons (Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) gave for the fall of the Roman Empire, it certainly is not farfetched to believe that America has gone over the precipice, and is falling headlong into obscurity. Of course, America has not fallen completely yet, so its fall can still be averted!

When we read Chuck Colson’s commentary, Where Government Doesn't Belong, the signs just seem clearer. When the state (or political class) usurps the power that lies with the people, it essentially erodes the people’s trust in the state, and the internal pillars of the nation will completely collapse once some external pressure is applied.

Such external pressure has been applied (9/11), and although initially America resisted such external pressure under Bush, it seems that the American resolve has melted, and we may see complete collapse in the not-too-distant future.

The question is, What will Americans do to bring a halt to the slippery slope they are on?

Also read Ann Coulter’s Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted.

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