Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
South Africa is at another crossroad, AGAIN!
Since 1994, annually we think that South Africa is at another crossroad, and since then South Africa have been at 18 crossroads. One per year! Of course, in my opinion, we have moved passed the crossroad, and is heading down the precipice of destruction, resulting in a huge SHPLATT at the bottom!
It simply does not stop! Every year we have strikes, demanding for more and more money. Of course, anyone with more brain cells than an amoeba can see that South Africa’s economy can NOT handle that kind of downward pressure. Right now, every Tom, Dick and other union has instructed their members to go on strike.
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William Dicks
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
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Labels: ANC , Corruption , Strikes
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Western Cape government officials on indigent grant list
“[T]he names of five government officials [were found] on the beneficiary list meant for indigent households” in need of “urgent government support.” The whole report can be read at Eye Witness News. Patricia de Lille, Western Cape Social Development MEC, said that these officials “will be disciplined soon.”
I hope that by “disciplined” she actually means charged with theft! These people are involved in corruption, and theft of the highest order. They are stealing money from the citizens of this country! If I steal, I go to jail!
To jail with them!
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William Dicks
Thursday, December 02, 2010
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Labels: Corruption , Government
Monday, February 08, 2010
If Mandela was to be released today?
If he was to be released today, I'm sure that even the so-called saintly Mandela would have thought twice about the situation in the ANC and the ANC-led South African government! When my son was about 8, one night as I put him to bed he said: "Dad, do you know what ANC stands for?" As I wanted to tell him, he said: "African Non-Christians!" Out of the mouths of babes...
© 2010 - 2011 Zapiro (All rights reserved)
Printed with permission from www.zapiro.com For more Zapiro cartoons visit www.zapiro.com |
Posted by
William Dicks
Monday, February 08, 2010
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Labels: ANC , Cartoons , Corruption , Nelson Mandela , Zapiro
Friday, April 17, 2009
South Africa's next president?
Many people outside South Africa have little knowledge of what is really going on in South Africa. I don't blame them. Since the 1994 fully democratic elections that delivered Nelson Mandela as the winner, South Africa has been seen as a great example of success, being dubbed the "Rainbow Nation!" South Africa is not a democracy as much as it is a tyranny by the majority over the minority ruled by corrupt politicians with an evil glint in their eyes. Neither is South Africa a "Rainbow Nation" as much as it is a stormy torrent of crime, corruption and drug laden dark back alleys. Peter Hitchens, at the Daily Mail, wrote a thought provoking piece after a visit around ANC strongholds in South Africa. It is called "He has four wives and he faced 783 counts of corruption: PETER HITCHENS on South Africa's next president." Here are a few paragraphs of Hitchens' story: "Imagine how you would react if Gordon Brown opened and closed his election rallies by bursting into a song called Bring Me My Machine Gun, swaying and jigging to the hypnotic chorus of this menacing ditty. "And how would you feel if the Prime Minister were alleged to be taking campaign money from Colonel Gaddafi; faced 783 counts of fraud, racketeering, tax evasion and corruption which somehow never came to court; and had been acquitted of rape while his fearsome supporters mobbed the courthouse? "Then ponder how you would despair if, despite all these things, Mr Brown's party was certain to win the election whatever he did or said. "If you can picture all this happening here, then you have an inkling of the horrible process South Africa is now going through. Except it is much, much worse." The following cartoon is one of the calm depictions of Jacob Zuma at the Mail&Guardian:
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, April 17, 2009
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Labels: ANC , Corruption , Elections , Government , Zuma
Monday, April 06, 2009
Jacob Zuma not to be prosecuted
In a press conference the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said it was "neither possible nor desirable for the NPA to continue with the prosecution of Mr Zuma." The full statement by the NPA can be read here. I am of the opinion that the phrase, "neither possible nor desirable," most probably has nothing to do with the actual facts of the case. There are over 300 charges against Zuma in his charge sheet. Could they not find one serious enough to stick? There are some questions. Have the NPA been having us on? Was this 8 year saga merely sabre rattling by the NPA? What pressure was exerted on the NPA for them to drop it? What was so undesirable about prosecuting Zuma? I am sure you have many more questions! The dropping of the case creates more questions than it provides solutions. The NPA's backward manoeuvre on this case is a political solution and not one of justice. The fact that the NPA declared this case "undesirable" points to a political solution. It is obvious that it has become undesirable to prosecute Zuma for some political reason! The fact is that it has become undesirable for Zuma to be prosecuted because it would have brought great shame to South Africa if a sitting president came up for corruption charges. If that were the case, it is way too late now! The opposite of the desired effect will be accomplished by the NPA's decision. South Africa has now clearly become a state in which the constitution and rule of law have no meaning. If it were any lesser person than Zuma who had the exact charges brought against him, he probably would have been in jail by now! After 8 years of investigation, justice is the only route to follow, even if Zuma is innocent. The solution as it stands now, has created scepticism and suspicion. The ANC and Zuma must not think that we think he is innocent. Far from it! Just because the NPA is not prosecuting in no way declares Zuma innocent! The injustice in this decision by the NPA, adds to the downfall of this once great country. "By justice a [president] builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down." (Prov 29:4) Corruption in government, especially by the incumbent president, will further sully the image of South Africa. But, I suppose "evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it completely." (Prov 28:5) The fact that justice is not understood in this country, is a clear indication how far this nation has fallen from the grace of God. Further, the NPA also puts blame at the feet of the news media. How quaint! In the report, the NPA says: "Although I can understand that the matter at hand is an issue which is of great public importance, I wish to say that much of the speculation verged on the irresponsible and has had the effect of placing the NPA under a great deal of pressure." Pressure from the media? Whatever the media had to say about the saga, the NPA still had to make a decision based on the facts of the case at hand. Has the NPA become so weak that the media can put pressure on it? Lastly, for now at least, it seems that the NPA admits to the fact that it does not have enough independence from governmental influences, as acting NPA head Mokotedi Mpshe said: "It was then and it still is difficult for me to comprehend that which is set out below could have happened. The painful facts that I am about to put before you have serious implications for the integrity and independence of the NPA especially regarding the prosecution of Mr Zuma. "We believe that it is vital that the NPA must expose this conduct and deal with the consequences as honestly and constructively as possible if it is to have any chance of rebuilding its credibility and integrity. Our democracy will have to find ways to learn from this bitter experience and to build a stronger and more independent NPA." By making such a statement it has become clear that the NPA, which should not be influenced by government, has experienced its own share of abuse of process. This, perhaps, is the clearest indication that the NPA was pressured, not by the media (an excuse), but by the ANC to let go of the Zuma case! The question, then, remains: Will we ever get to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? You better keep on breathing! South Africa's constitutional rule of law was thwarted today.
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William Dicks
Monday, April 06, 2009
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Labels: Corruption , Justice/Injustice , Zuma
Thursday, April 02, 2009
South African Nation at Risk - Corruption Rife!
With everything going on in the South African government and public corporations, our country is at a crossroads, which, if we take a wrong turn, the hope for a better South Africa will be severely damaged. I am convinced that the ANC is NOT the answer for South Africa. From the day they took over government, our country has deteriorated steadily on all fronts. Corruption Warning! Nation at Risk! As the nation holds its collective breath the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) decides whether to permanently suspend all 753 criminal charges against ANC President Jacob Zuma. If they do, South Africa will boldly join the ranks of the world’s most corrupt and lawless nations where political expediency overrules the rule of law. South Africa still clings to its rapidly diminishing status as a champion of human rights. However, any hopes of resurrecting past glories were well and truly dashed when government surrendered to Chinese pressure to refuse the Dalai Lama an entry visa to attend a seminar. The South African Government’s close relations with gross human rights abusers like the Chinese regime, Robert Mugabe and Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir have raised many eyebrows. In fact, South Africa’s consistent defense of Robert Mugabe, Omar al-Bashir & the murderous Myanmar regime at the United Nations Security Council inspired the influential Washington Post newspaper to refer to it as a ‘rogue democracy’. Significantly, several key institutions vital to our democratic success are currently in crisis. Parliament used tax-payers’ money to buy up the debtor’s book of one of the travel agencies implicated in the Travelgate fraud scandal specifically to protect its members from prosecution while its suspended secretary Zingile Dingani is being investigated for corruption. The Judiciary seems to be lurching from one crisis to another as 32 of South Africa’s 206 judges are involved in legal battles between Western Cape Judge President John Hlophe and the entire bench of the Constitutional Court. If that wasn’t bad enough, Judge Hlophe is currently being sued for defamation by a colleague while another judicial colleague appears in court on drunken driving charges. The SABC is reeling under record financial losses while its dysfunctional board spends its time and tax-payer money on legal wrangles rather than providing desperately needed direction for the national broadcaster. Ditto our national carrier - South African Airways finally fired its controversial CEO, Khaya Ngakula under a cloud of suspicion while the airline struggles with massive financial losses and an international drug peddling investigation. Mismanagement and corruption is evident everywhere. Entire government departments have failed due to gross incompetence, nepotism and rampant corruption. Following Home Affairs Director General, Mavuso Msimang’s admission that up to 75 percent of managers in his department are untrained, it now emerges that most senior managers in the Department of Health have no managerial experience as well. Apparently, political affiliation supersedes competence, skills and experience. The South African Police Services (SAPS) is currently leaderless as most of its senior officials are suspended and being investigated for corruption. According to a local advert produced by the Mbombela local municipality in Mpumalanga, people intending to provide escort services during the World Cup are welcome to apply for a business license from the municipality. The advert calls for any business that makes "the services of an escort, whether male or female, available to any other person. On Thursday, deputy director general for 2010 in Mpumalanga, Desmond Golding, told delegates at an event aimed at promoting 2010 business opportunities that prostitution and human trafficking are lucrative businesses - despite it being illegal in South Africa. The most dangerous aspect of all of this, however, is the tendency of South African citizens to grow more and more desensitized to mismanagement, incompetence & corruption. Like an unseen cancer, corruption tends to eat away at the gains and potential of a nation until it’s tragically too late. Typically, in emerging democracies like South Africa, the responsibility to expose and tackle corruption ultimately rests with a vigilant public. Those in public office who benefit most from corruption will gloss over reports of mismanagement and misappropriation of public funds to protect their own personal fiefdoms. On 22 April millions of South African citizens will be given the once-in-five year chance to use their vote to send out a clear & unequivocal message that corruption will not be tolerated. Please vote your values and reverse the current trend of rampant and unchecked corruption in government and the private sector. http://www.familypolicyinstitute.org/values_voter.php If South Africa continues down this road the end result is not hard to fathom. Africa is littered with failed nations who refused to take the warnings of corruption seriously. It is up to you and me to heed the warnings of history & redirect the nation’s destiny for the sake of all its people. Vote wisely, the nation’s future depends on it! The Cross set you free – use your cross to set the nation free! Standing Errol Naidoo The following warning concerning corruption in South Africa was sent out via Facebook on the Family Policy Institute's Facebook page by FPI president, Errol Naidoo.
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William Dicks
Thursday, April 02, 2009
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Labels: ANC , Corruption , Family , Government
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
ANC ‘spin’ doctor lived a big fat lie
Carl Niehaus, former ANC spokesman (spin doctor) has been living a big fat lie. Revelations in the past week have shown that he has been defrauding people of their money and that he perhaps did not even earn the doctorate degree in theology like he claimed.
To read more about his life of lies, read the Mail&Guardian’s article, Carl Niehaus’s litany of lies.
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William Dicks
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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Labels: ANC , Corruption
Friday, August 08, 2008
Obama is about corruption, not change!
David Freddoso is the author of 'The Case Against Barack Obama.'
Michelle Oddis interviewed Freddoso on his book and it is quite revealing. Here is an excerpt:"Michelle Oddis: Dave, you're a reporter, not a columnist. You've worked very hard to dig into the Obama story. You've said that you started reporting on Barack Obama in 2004. After all this research, what do you think is the most important thing people should know about Sen. Obama?
"David Freddoso: The main lesson is that Barack Obama's record, throughout his career, demonstrates conclusively that he has never been a reformer, that this image of 'change and hope' that he projects is really a great lie. In fact there's never been a single time in Senator Obama's political career where he did something that was difficult and would cost him politically for the sake of needed reforms and change."
Continue reading the interview here.
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William Dicks
Friday, August 08, 2008
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Labels: Barack Obama , Book , Corruption , Interview
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Post Office shames South Africa!
Can you believe this story from News24?
After many complaints from its South African customers for non-delivery of ordered items, an infuriated Amazon will no longer send items to South Africa by post. Customers will have to pay an extra R420 to have their goodies delivered by private courier.
This is as a result of unrestrained theft by South African Post Office workers.
Will South Africa never stop shaming itself? Just a few weeks ago, 66 people were murdered in xenophobic violence. The South African President, Thabo Mbeki, continues with his failed 'quiet diplomacy' towards Zimbabwe and all its human rights violations, which makes Mbeki culpable.
The thing is, the South African Post Office (SAPO) is now the only post office in Africa to be kicked off Amazon's list!
The funny thing is, the slogan of SAPO is, "We deliver, whatever it takes." It should rather be changed to, "We take whatever must be delivered!"
Shame on you, South Africa!
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William Dicks
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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Labels: Consumer , Corruption , Crime
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Khampepe Commission Report is available
The Khampepe Commission Report into the Mandate and Location of the Scorpions is now available here.
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William Dicks
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
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Labels: Corruption , Crime , Scorpions
Friday, April 25, 2008
South African energy giant lies about cheap tariffs
The ESKOM saga continues in South Africa. As I have said before here and here, the mismanagement at ESKOM and its governmental control has no end.
One of the mantras that ESKOM--and the government--continually repeats is that our electricity is the cheapest in the world. I never believed that for a moment. Not because I had facts to prove them wrong, but because we have all seen how open laagered and truthful untruthful this government and its corrupt cronies have been from the beginning. Their track record says it all!
Now, economist Mike Schussler said the claim of cheapest electricity is a lie! Schussler said that the research used by ESKOM and our government for the claim of cheapest electricity, used a "carefully selected group of industrial countries [...] rather than any developing countries."
He also said that out of a survey of 55 countries, 10 other countries had cheaper electricity than South Africa. Countries such as China, India and Russia.
Read the complete article here.
Posted by
William Dicks
Friday, April 25, 2008
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Labels: Corruption , Eskom
Monday, February 18, 2008
What is Zuma hiding?
Zuma's actions lend themselves to great suspicion of the man.
He has travelled 3000Km+ to stop the NPA from gaining access to some documents in Mauritius. The state has described these documents as "damning evidence" against Zuma and Thint, a French arms company.
What made Zuma travel all the way to Mauritius to stop these documents to be released into the NPA's hands?When someone goes to such great lengths to ensure that documents remain buried, I can hardly bring myself to thinking that it may perhaps be to ensure that justice is done!
Both Zuma and Thint argue against the release of these documents, claiming that it would impact their rights. What would those rights be? Defrauding and stealing from the South African nation? Hiding criminal activities? Amazing! I always marvel at the ability of people who are involved in criminal activities to use mental gymnastics in order to justify their abhorrent behaviour! Some blame the devil, or even God, who made them or told them to do it. Others claim that their criminal activities are protected by some misguided bill of rights.
Zuma must be the crown prince of Coocoo Land. He also claims that the very fact that the NPA requested these documents from the Mauritian government "would tarnish his international reputation and cause him to 'suffer grave and potentially irreparable prejudice'."
The fact that he is doing his utmost to stop these documents from seeing the light of day seems like a big cover up by him and his lawyers. "THAT alone, Mr. Big Shot ANC man, has tarnished your international reputation and caused you to 'suffer grave and potentially irreparable prejudice'." Zuma should have thought of his tarnished reputation before he got involved in all these things.
And, it is not just these corruption charges that have "tarnished" his reputation. As a former chairman of the SA National Aids Council, he had sex with a woman whom he knew was infected with the AIDS virus. This of course became international news since he was accused by the woman that he had raped her. At the rape trial, when asked if he had used a condom, he replied that he didn't, but that it was fine as he took a shower to minimise the chances of infection.
As can be seen in the picture above, his reputation as a "showerhead" was created by him and him alone. Zuma does not need anyone else to tarnish his reputation. Zuma is his own victim!
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William Dicks
Monday, February 18, 2008
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Labels: Corruption , Zuma
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hillary Uncensored: The trailer - banned by the media
Exposing the Illegalities that Elected Hillary to the Senate and the Obstructions of Justice that Keep Her There!
Peter Paul, Hollywood Internet entrepreneur and Hillary’s largest 2000 donor turned whistleblower, exposes how a president and senator conspired to hoodwink a million-dollar donor and avoid accountability to the government and American people.
This powerful, fast-paced and entertaining documentary features exclusive home videos of President and Mrs. Clinton that capture Hillary’s "Crimes on Tape."
"Smoking gun" evidence of her multiple violations of federal law in her quest for unbridled power are revealed to the public for the first time.
Read more about this DVD or buy it here.
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William Dicks
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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Labels: Clinton , Corruption , Politics