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Showing posts with label Degeneracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Degeneracy. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

Rape: Identity of a nation


South Africa, as the rape capital of the world once again shows why that is the case.

Just recently a 5 year old girl was raped at her school. . . , by three 7 year old boys! I know! You are probably shocked and rightly so! Should we surprised that something like this could happen in this country! No! If you are surprised then you have been living under a rock! Boys of 7 don’t learn to act like this in a vacuum. They learn this from what they see and hear.

Our nation truly is in a steep perverted decline and no-one seems to care! It is an environment created by the liberal policies of the ANC with regard to pornography and the death penalty. Murderers and rapists, if they are ever caught, get to live in our prisons at our expense. We, as the citizens of this country, become victims by proxy of these violent crimes when we have to keep on paying to house these criminals for many years. By 2010, South Africa had 132 rapes per 100,000 people. That put us at 40 rapes above the country second on the list of countries with the most rapes per capita. The U.S.A. were at only 27 rapes per 100,000.

It is time South Africa does something about this epidemic of Gomorrhic proportions. We can start by putting a stop to pornography in this country. Scores of rapes have been preceded in the hours before the crime by the viewing of pornography. We can start by educating ourselves, and this we can do by reading a book like PORNDEMIC: How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You can Do About It.

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Saturday, November 03, 2012

How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?

Americans have a chance to prove the world wrong this coming Tuesday in the U.S. presidential elections. In reality, they only have one way to go to at least move a small step back towards what the American Founding Fathers envisioned for their beloved country.

If they vote for Romney, even though he is not the perfect candidate, they will at least say no to Obama and his Democratic Party lust for power and big government. Under Obama, America is turning into a country of bloodlust (51 million abortions since Row vs Wade), and gross perversion, with Obama’s full recognition of the gay lifestyle and gay mismarriage!

WARNING: Obama stands for a perversion that most people cannot even imagine. This link to the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) page called Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? shows exactly what Obama endorses. Although pictures have been “sterilised,” it may still upset certain readers.

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Defend and protect the family–Stop TopTV porn!

Television companies are going full-out to corrupt the minds of people by pushing for pornography on their channels. e-TV has taken porn from their offering quite recently after many people complained about their late night transmission of porn (I hope it is still off!). Next came DSTV who also wanted to create a porn channel on their bouquet of offerings. After many complaints they also decided not to go ahead with this imbecilic idea! Now, TopTV, after claiming in their launch last year that they will keep their offerings clean, have succumbed to the smut-sells idea and want to add porn channels to their offering. The message we have is clear!


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

South Africa can become a haven for sex traffickers!

I received the following newsletter from the Family Policy Institute.

It would be wise to read it and to start writing into newspapers in our battle against the legalization of all kinds of evil in this country. We already have open abortion laws, legalization of pornography and homosexual "marriage." We must do our utmost to stop the legalization of prostitution.

Legalised Prostitution Will Remove Barriers to
Sex Traffickers & International Crime Syndicates in SA!

The deceptive and morally reprehensible agenda to decriminalise prostitution in South Africa has a powerful ally in the secular liberal media establishment.

On Friday 15 May E-Newschannel Anchor Andrew Barnes conducted a 10 minute live interview with SWEAT representative Eric Harper on decriminalising prostitution in SA.

Tragically, the entire interview was overtly sympathetic to SWEAT's views on prostitution.

More worrying however, was the deliberate exclusion of an alternative viewpoint being expressed on an issue of critical importance to all South Africans.

Eric Harper was allowed to attack those who opposed the decriminalisation of prostitution with impunity referring to them as "knee jerk moralizers" and "having their heads in the sand".

A recent survey revealed that 79% of South Africans oppose decriminalised prostitution.

I immediately sent an e-mail to E-Newschannel challenging their biased reporting which essentially amounted to censorship of the views of the vast majority of SA citizens.

Ten minutes later I received a telephone call inviting me to participate in a live debate from their C.T. studios with Vivienne Lalu of SWEAT. (Ms Lalu was already in their JHB studios).

As it turned out, E-Newschannel arranged two separate interviews with SWEAT on the same day without bothering to invite a single representative to express an opposing viewpoint.

The live debate at 7:30pm on Friday 15 May was clearly biased in favour of SWEAT. I was interrogated about the integrity of my research, while Ms Lalu's claims were accepted without question. This is clearly a violation of the journalistic code of ethics.

The print media are no better. Eighty percent of reporting on the Law Reform Commission's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution contained comments from SWEAT or organisations in favour of decriminalisation while a few paragraphs are provided for an opposing viewpoint.

I appeal to the Christian Media in South Africa to expose the blackout of the truth about prostitution by regularly broadcasting interviews and debates on this critical issue.

The Daily Telegraph reported (18 May) that ILLEGAL brothels are exploding across Sydney amid accusations all levels of government are doing little to drive them out of business.

It's been claimed "tough" new laws have failed to prevent unprotected sex, slavery and corruption. An investigation by The Daily Telegraph has revealed illegal brothels and escort services outnumber licensed establishments by four to one and the gap is growing.

Click here to read the full article on the website

This is happening despite prostitution being legalised in Australia. Remarkably, this is the same argument SWEAT uses to advance its theory that decriminalisation will solve our problems.

South Africa's liberal media refuses to acknowledge and report on the hundreds of warnings emanating from across the world about the dangers of global sex trafficking including the explosion of child prostitution and organised crime in nations that legalised prostitution.

Decriminalising prostitution will throw open the doors to pimps and gangs & will remove barriers to crime syndicates & international sex traffickers to operate with impunity in SA.

As a result of widespread media bias, I need your help to get our message heard across the nation that decriminalising prostitution in SA is the equivalent of national social suicide.

FPI has compiled a fact based summary of key points detailing the dangers of decriminalising prostitution in South Africa. Please see attachments at the foot of this e-mail.

Please pass on this information to every Christian or Christian organisation you know.

Standing (Eph 6:13)

Errol Naidoo

Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.docx (14K)
Prostitution - fact based summary.doc (79K)
Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.docx (17K)

For those who do not have Microsoft Office 2007 (MS Word 2007), you may not be able to read the two .docx files as they are new formats from version 2007. However, if you use the free OpenOffice 3.0, you will be able to read these documents. If you do not have OpenOffice, I have taken the liberty to convert these two documents to standard .doc files (Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.doc and Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.doc).

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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Cut abstinence funding, but keep funding the murder of babies"

Let's be brutally honest: No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!

But, why, oh, why are people so against funding abstinence programs in schools? To any sane person with at least one brain cell, it is quite evident that the only preventative measure that can work, and this can be deduced even before going through all kinds of testing, is abstinence! Of course, those that do not think abstinence works, must also believe that we are pollinated like flowers by the birds and the bees! That, of course, explains why so many liberals have unwanted children that they consequently murder through abortion!

The real problem that liberals have with abstinence is not that abstinence does not work. Their problem with abstinence is one of morality. They will not give up their heinous evil, because then they also have to agree that they are living immoral lives. Once they admit this, they also have to admit there is a God that they are accountable to, which they would not do, even to the point of death!

It is because of this deep-seated hate for God, and all things good and moral, that liberals will go out of their way to prove that abstinence programs do not work. Of course, programs do not work as well as the real thing. Programs of education can only be as effective as the belief in the program, of the one who teaches it! If the teachers that are supposed to teach abstinence are not convinced of the program, they certainly will not teach it with confidence and will definitely not create any confidence in abstinence by the students.

As a result, liberals have done some "research" some time ago and apparently have "proven" that abstinence programs do not work. The problem with this was that their test suite for abstinence programs was not the same as for their own comprehensive sex education in classes. Therefore, they compared apples and rotten eggs!

Now, on top of that, the Obamassiah, the One, wants to stop funding for abstinence programs. Of course, there was an uproar about this, as is only right! The White House responded to this uproar with its usual sugar-coated venom! The White House response:

"In the budget, 75 percent of funding in a new teenage pregnancy prevention program will be directed to programs that have demonstrated by rigorous research to prevent teen pregnancy. The rest of the funds will be directed to promising, but not yet proven, programs for which we have some indication that they achieve the goal of teen pregnancy prevention. Those programs would have to agree to participate in a rigorous evaluation and abstinence-only programs could qualify."

"Abstinence-only programs could qualify?" To quote my opening line: "No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!"

Researcher Stan Weed, in a congressional briefing, has shown "that not a single school-based comprehensive sex education curricula had compelling evidence for increasing consistent condom use." Further, Doug Kirby, a major proponent of comprehensive sex education and researcher on sex education issues, said that:

"the Mathematica study, which was commissioned by Congress and found abstinence education lacking, should not be used to determine the effectiveness of abstinence education. Huber expressed hope that the Obama administration would take a closer look at the most recent evidence, rather than relying on outdated data such as what was used in the Mathematica report."

The question, of course is, will the Obama administration be honest in dealing with this, or will it carry on in its path of providing every means to continue the moral downgrade of the American people, especially of the children?

Obama has already proven one point, he wants the murder of the unborn to continue, and he has made funding available worldwide to accomplish this "dream" of his! What are the chances that abstinence programs will continue in American schools? According to Obama's own track record, probably not great!

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Will the South African government legalize prostitution? It depends on YOU!

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) is busy advancing its agenda of having prostitution legalized in South Africa in time for the 2010 soccer world cup!

SALRC has released a discussion paper heavily in favour of decriminalizing prostitution. This, despite overwhelming international evidence against this immoral policy.

YOU and your church can put a stop to this.

Read the SALRC's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution. This is a PDF file.

Please send your comments to Ms D. Clark at dclark@justice.gov.za no later than 30 June 2009. For more enquiries call Ms Dellene Clark at +27 (0) 12 392 9553 or Ms Carien Pienaar at +27 (0) 12 392 9561.

Please inform your church concerning this and start sending in your comments against the decriminalization of prostitution today!

YOU can make a difference NOW!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sex please! But no Meat!

"Instead, many engage in a sexual free-for-all—but put stringent moral strictures on anything to do with food. A modern young woman might think nothing of living with several different men, and having abortions when she gets pregnant. But she would not dream of eating anything from a factory farm. That would be immoral.

"In effect, some people have reversed the 'moral poles' of sex and eating, Eberstadt writes. They are engaging in 'mindful eating and mindless sex.'

"Why is this happening? As Eberstadt writes, 'It is hard to avoid the conclusion that rules being drawn around food receive some force from the fact that people are uncomfortable with how far the sexual revolution has gone.'"

Finish reading Chuck Colson's "Mindful Eating, Mindless Sex: Our Inner Sense of Right & Wrong."

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Friday, March 13, 2009

"Obama profoundly evil": well said!

In his blog post, The Simple Truth II, Hassan Nurullah said that President Barack Obama is "a tremendously ignorant [and] profoundly evil man."

"After the press conference held by President Obama announcing his signing the order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research which, ended moments ago, I am for the first time in my life ashamed to say that I am a citizen of a country that would elect such a  tremendously ignorant or profoundly evil man.

"In the first two months of his presidency, Barack Obama has proven to be the most radically anti-life president in the history of this nation.

"The lefts sick obsession with destroying human life and in this case couching it as research to preserve life is demonically inspired."

This blog post says it so well!

Read the blog post here!

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Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy violence against Christians who said 'Yes' on Prop 8

Oh, I am sorry! Not that type of 'gay!' So, these 'gays' aren't really happy!

I suppose tolerance only goes that far, then it runs out.

Here are some 'happy' people who would love to kill Christians.

HT: Dan Phillips

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

California: "Gay" agenda trumps everyone else's rights!

Well, there you have it. Arnold Schwarzenegger, governor of California has signed into law three bills that essentially squashes moral values and religious freedom.

The Bible warned us that the time will come when good will be called evil, and evil will be called good. Apart from degenerates that are already thinking that, the Governator has now signed that concept into law.

One of the bills,

"AB 3015 forces foster parents to train foster children to support homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality. The 2000 law upon which AB 3015 is based resulted in homosexual, bisexual and transsexual activism on school campuses from 'LGBT' students and teachers. AB 3015 will do the same for foster children, many of whom have already been emotionally damaged by sexual abuse and neglect."

Read more about this horribly anti-family governor's abuses of other people's rights here.

For a graphic display of the "rights" that Arnie signed into law, go here. Are these truly the "rights" that you want our children to learn about?

This is social re-engineering in the open!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Court orders church to apologise to homosexual

A Pretoria High Court judge has ruled in favour of a homosexual man, Johan Strydom, for so-called 'unfair' dismissal based on his sexual orientation.

In this watershed, unrighteous--and indeed, evil--ruling, the judge ordered the NG (Dutch Reformed) Church of Moreleta Park here in Pretoria, to apologise to Strydom for its conduct against him, and also to pay him R87 000 in damages.

At the time of his dismissal 3 years ago, Strydom was living in a homosexual relationship.

The ruling by Judge Dion Basson will have dire consequences for churches, and indeed for Christianity in this nation. Based on his ruling, it probably will not be long before anyone who speaks out against the evil and despicable lifestyles of homosexuals will either have to pay up, or worse, go to jail.

I do not believe for a moment that Strydom did not know about the church's stand on homosexuality. That makes Strydom the fraud in this case. He is the one who misrepresented himself in this situation. Further, I am sure that if the church fired someone for being in an adulterous affair, nothing would have come of it!

Strydom is living in sin, and his continuation in this sinful lifestyle demanded that the church fire him. The fact that there was no "shred of evidence that Strydom had to teach Christian doctrine as a music teacher," has nothing to do with the issue here. Any unrepentant sinning member in the church is to be excommunicated, whether he teaches doctrine at the church or not. Further, rendering excellent services at a church has nothing to do with a person's way of life. Even the devil can render good service, but that will not make a church employ him! Also, holding to the right "religious beliefs" cannot make up for a life of sin.

"(16) For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (17) For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith." (18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. (19) For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. (20) For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. (21) For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (22) Claiming to be wise, they became fools, (23) and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. (24) Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, (25) because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. (26) For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; (27) and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (28) And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. (29) They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, (30) slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, (31) foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. (32) Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."
Rom 1:16-32 ESV

In my opinion, the Moreleta Church has absolutely nothing to apologise for. They stood for what they believed the Bible says about homosexual deviancy, and should be congratulated that they were willing to stand up against this evil.

The judge in this case should be ashamed for the ruling he made. Here in this Romans passage even those that approve of such heinous lifestyles such as homosexuality, are deserving of death (not inflicted by any human being, but God in the last day). Men like Judge Basson and Strydom can, however, escape this eternal death, typified by the eternal flames of hell, if they turn from their wicked ways, and follow Jesus Christ.

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Open street sodomy allowed by San Francisco government

WARNING: The report mentioned here contains VERY explicit pictures of absolutely abhorrent, perverted, depraved and despicable behaviour by those "wonderful" homosexual constituents of the San Francisco government.

All of this happened while the police just stood by and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Read the story by AFTAH here.

This simply reveals the homosexual lifestyle!

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

WikiPedia or WikiPornia?

WND shines light on WikiPedia!That is the question!

Probably under the guise of "neutrality" and that it is an "encyclopaedia," WikiPedia WikiPornia, is punting all kinds of deviant sexual "information" that is very explicit.

In a WorldNetDaily article called Is Wikipedia wicked porn?, this so-called sexual "research" material on WikiPornia is written about as follows:

"One Wikipedia entry states, 'A fluffer is a hired member of the crew of a pornographic movie whose role on the set is to sexually arouse the male participants prior to the filming of scenes requiring erections.'

A photo of two nude men having anal sex on a bed, and a 'fluffer' handing them a towel, is shown to the right of the entry."

The article also says:
"The site even boasts a 'porn star' award template for 'outstanding contributions to pornography articles on Wikipedia,' awarded by Wikipedia: WikiProject Pornography."
According to WorldNetDaily, Jay Walsh, head of communications for the Wikimedia foundation, claimed that they do not censor any of their content. That is categorically false! Read this.

Also read Naked young girl photo troubles 'Wikipedophilia' at WorldNetDaily.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sex in new video game

Entertainment gurus, from TV to video games, seem to always have this immoral bent that seem to push them to further push the boundaries of morality in their entertainment genres.

The opening paragraph of a news report at Cybercast News Service tells it all:

"A new, best-selling video game, Mass Effect, made for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console, allows the characters to engage in explicitly graphic sexual intercourse. Some game experts and pro-family analysts say Mass Effect is marketed to young kids and presents a moral danger to them and that the companies making and marketing the game should be prosecuted."

Read the article here.

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

AFTAH on FOX about Folsom (depravity) Fair

WARNING: Not for children. This story points to pictures of great depravity!

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) president, Peter LaBarbera, appeared on Hannity & Colmes on FOX News about the disgustingly depraved Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, where the most vile acts were committed on the streets in public view!

Here is the interview at You Tube. Nudity has been covered, but you will definitely get the idea of what was going on.

Here is the original photo story about the Folsom Fair that AFTAH reported. What happened here is totally disgusting, and if Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, does not speak out against this, it would be absolutely clear that she and her Democratic Party are in favour of this depravity.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

The slippery slope of the 'Pro-Choice' mantra

In the area of abortion, where people murder babies daily, it truly seems that pro-choicers are now completing their "evolution" to becoming zombies. They are now becoming the living dead! Living bodies without soul, without heart. The result of this zombification is a people who would murder their own children for any reason whatsoever! Or, for no reason at all!

Read Dr. Al Mohler's commentary on the abortion industry and the use of technology called Sliding Fast Down the Slippery Slope.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

When big business see only $ signs!

Superstars can do what they like. They can even be obnoxiously arrogant, living depraved lives that are completely devoid of morals; they can be the biggest blot to humanity on this planet, yet, if it can bring in the $$$, then some corporations (big business) will go out of their way to promote such scandalous people!

They will go as far as sponsoring the evil perpetrated by such degenerate, decadent, immoral, barbaric people and their so-called shows that are driven by greed, illicit sex and the promotion of despicable acts on stage that can can only be described as a simulation of "rape!"

"Hip-hop superstar Akon is touring the U.S. with the help of major U.S. corporations, including a partnership with Verizon, despite being under investigation for a simulated rape of a 14-year-old preacher's daughter caught on video last month at a concert in Trinidad.

"Patrick Manning, prime minister of Trinidad, called for a formal investigation of the explicit April 12 performance at Trinidad's Club Zen, which has since been closed by authorities."
Read Big corporations help 'rape rapper' tour U.S. to conclude this story...

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