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Showing posts with label Economic Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic Freedom. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2014

Big government and jobs for the youth


Image courtesy Africartoons

The University of Cape Town (UCT) recently did some research for the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) which showed that 67% of South Africa’s youth believe that the government is the best way to earn a good living. Big brother has really done his job admirably to get the youth of the nation to the point of thinking that their chances are best when employed by the government!

The issue with this idea is that government should never be a nation’s primary job supplier. It simply cannot be. It is an entity that produces nothing! Unless, of course, the South African government moves over to a socialistic model, or even worse, communism. That is not very unlikely when it is considered that some of the ministers in government have strong ties to the South African Communist Party (SACP)! When the government becomes the biggest provider of jobs, it will have to raise taxes to be able to provide the salaries for those jobs. Since it produces nothing, raising taxes can only go so far before they will have to move over to a communistic model, meaning that private ownership, private businesses and more will come to an end, and the government will end up owning everything, producing everything and no-one will have the incentive to better themselves.

jobseekerGovernment’s job is to govern, and to ensure that services are supplied that make running homes and businesses most effectively. Government must come up with policies that make it easy for businesses to grow and become job suppliers. When a government’s policies restrict businesses to become primary job suppliers and entrepreneurs to be successful, then it is failing in one of its primary purposes.

Big government is not a good idea, since a nanny state is not interested in the welfare of its people, but in how those people could be kept in line.

The kicker of the research done by UCT is the fact that 61% of the youth that were surveyed thought that starting your own business means that you have to work too hard to be successful. This already tells me that the youth are clearly in the pockets of this government even at this age. The government has already created a culture of hand-outs, and when a government starts giving something to people, to take it away later becomes almost impossible. Of course, the youth now expect the government hand-out policy to continue when it comes to jobs. Do they even realize that you don’t simply walk into a government office and get handed a well-paying job?

With this attitude in the minds of the youth, we have to turn to our education and wonder what they teach the kids in the state high schools. We already know that the quality of South Africa’s maths and science education is so bad that it places last out of 148 countries. That puts us behind countries like Haiti, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, etc. It is seriously not a stretch of the imagination to think that we do not do much better in other areas of our education.

With an education of this pathetic level. no wonder our youth think that the government is the best option as a provider of jobs.

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Is the ANC feeling the pinch?


The next general elections in South Africa is in 2014. As usual, the elections machinery goes into overdrive and the elections trickery gets under way. However, I am not sure if the following is just elections trickery, or whether the ANC is starting to feel the pinch and pressure of electioneering. Especially now that Julius Malema started his own party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF for short).

Cyril Ramaphosa (Felix Dlangamandla, Beeld)It is very clear that the ANC no longer has any ideas as to the running of the country, especially when taking into consideration how many poor and unemployed people we have in South Africa. How do we know this? ANC deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa, visited the hometown of EFF leader, Julius Malema. How did he counsel a woman who was disappointed with the ANC and did not want to vote? He told her, “If all South Africans don’t vote, we will regress. The Boers [white people] will come back to control us.” South Africa is long past that point, and all this so-called leader of the ANC (Abortion Nepotism and Corruption/Condoms) could tell her is to watch out for the white monster! The ANC is policy-less. They have no answers for the problems of this nation. The fact that he told this woman to beware of the “dangerous” whites is because the policies of the ANC have not brought the freedom they promised. It has brought greater unemployment, creating a greater welfare problem, and invited more criminals into the fold.

Zweli Mkhize (Picture: Sapa)In an unrelated event, “ANC treasurer general Zweli Mkhize wants companies to fund political parties and has suggested the establishment of a trust fund, the Sowetan reported on Monday.” This was reported in a news article at News24. If it wasn’t so sad that the ANC now thinks that businesses should pay them for democracy in this country, it would be quite laughable. Don’t think for a moment that the ANC is doing this for the good of democracy in this country. They have this demented idea that they would reign in this country until Jesus comes. Further, with a current, almost two-thirds majority vote, they sometimes actually believe they will never be dethroned. Hence my belief that this democracy trust fund, is simply a ruse to get companies to bank-roll the ANC. Further, Mkhize believes that the fund should be “administered by the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly, which would allocate the funds in line with proportional representation of parties.” Of course, the fact that the speaker is just another ANC crony should not alarm us, should it? OF COURSE IT SHOULD! The fact is that large companies such as Anglo American have followed this idea of proportionate funding for many years. All that this does is to perpetuate the current situation. The parties that roll in the money, such as the ANC, will always come out on top since their budgets allow for so much more marketing of their brand. Small parties, with real answers for this country such as the ACDP, can’t get anywhere since they do not have the funds to market themselves and to make sure that people know what they stand for.

What Mkhize is proposing, is to perpetuate crony capitalism in South Africa. That is a capitalism that benefits the ANC and the businesses that support it. Herman Mashaba, chairman of the Free Market Foundation, is against this type of capitalism.


“has been an outspoken and uncompromising champion of the free market in the new South Africa. His great strength is that he is beholden to no political party or politician. He believes the opposite is true of too many business leaders in South Africa.

“This is their great weakness, and the whole country is suffering because of it.

“They keep quiet because they are terrified of losing their political connections, fearing that if they lose them, they will lose government business, he says.

“In effect, this means that crony capitalism rules -and crony capitalism is a devastating threat to democracy in South Africa, he believes.” (Business Day Live)

He said that

“Draconian labour legislation has destroyed entrepreneurship in this country.”

In the end, I believe that the ANC is suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. On the one hand they need to scare people into voting for them, and on the other hand they believe that they are the party of the Almighty. Or maybe it describes schizophrenia?

On the one hand the ANC claims to uphold democracy, but on the other hand they want to force businesses to pay for that democracy. Weird!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SA government wants to control what you are paid

governmentrefundThe so-called freedoms gained by the democratic elections of 1994 are in jeopardy from all fronts. Just recently a furore broke out in this country, where the ANC wants to curb free speech in the newspapers. Then, they started calling for nationalization of mines. They further also want a National Health Insurance (NHI), which you as a citizen will have to pay for, whether you use it or not!

This government, run by the ANC, now wants to tell private businesses how much of an annual increase they may give their workers, especially if a person earns a certain amount of money. The suggestion is that a cap is put on bonuses and increases for senior managers and executives that earn more than R550k ($77,588 – exchange rate per 24 Nov 2010) per annum. They further suggest that people earning less than R20k ($2,821) per month should get increases equal to inflation PLUS a real increase. On the other hand, those that earn more than R20k per month should get increases equal to inflation only.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So you think government bailouts are good?

Listen to Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, talking about government bailouts in the motor industry:

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Looting just the beginning: South African government starts reaping

When people in this country get angry, the first thing they do is break the law. They burn trains, kill foreigners, have violent strikes and now simply walk en-masse into supermarkets, helping themselves to food and other goods.

Each of these actions, performed mob-style, is a criminal action. To burn property, commit violent acts during strikes and taking what is not yours, is criminal. When people commit such crimes they should pay for those crimes. Especially those that instigate such actions. Nozipho Mteshane, chairperson of the South African Unemployed People's Movement (SAUPM), should be charged for instigating theft on such a scale. It is one thing to say that people are hungry and can't make ends meet, but it is a whole different issue when those people are instigated to commit crime.

When you look at the pictures in the gallery at IOL, it doesn't seem like these people are that bad off. Certainly, these are Click to see the gallerywell-dressed looters. Apart from instigating people to steal food en-masse from food stores, SAUPM also wants the government to pay each unemployed person R1500 ($187, €136, £118) per month.

South Africa has 17.87m people that are employable. Of these, 23.5% or 4.2m are unemployed. That leaves 13.67m that are employed. Based on the R1500 that SAUPM is demanding for each unemployed person per month, the South African government will need an additional R6.3b per month. That means, R75.6 billion ($9.45b, €6.87b, £5.9b) per annum! This is simply ridiculous!

On the other hand we have the ANC-ruled South African government. Their policies have brought this type of action on themselves. They have kept pushing up the minimum salaries that people are supposed to be paid, and in the domestic worker market, some people can simply not pay the minimum salaries anymore, with the effect that some have lost their jobs.

Furthermore, the ANC bred a people of strikes and violence pre-1994, and the children of those people learnt from their parents. As a result, we have a people today that know only one way of dealing with problems: violence and looting!

The ANC has a lot to do before this country can ever be normalized, and my guess is that they don't know how to do it! The question is, will that drive us back into becoming a socialistic nation?

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

What involvement should governments have in central banks?

Samuel Gregg of the Acton Institute wrote a short but thought provoking article that gives us a peek into the issue of government vs. central bank.

"One of the financial crisis’ long-term effects will be to raise questions about central banks’ ability to maintain an independent monetary policy during periods of economic stress: that is, precisely when such independence is most important. Of course, no institution can be rendered completely immune from political and public pressures. But over forthcoming months, central banks are going to be faced with making decisions unlikely to please governments and legislatures worried about being reelected....

"The bigger political question, however, is the place of central banks in democratic political orders. Insulating central banks from excessive political influence reflects recognition of the truth that even in a democracy there are many public-policy decisions that should not be made by legislative or popular votes. Most democracies, for example, embody constitutional limits on the ability of governments and legislatures to interfere with the judiciary’s operations. This is usually derived from awareness that the common good normally requires some separation of powers in order to prevent excessive centralization of power."

Continue Samuel Gregg's "Can Central Banks Be More Insulated from Politics?"

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Friday, June 12, 2009

South African Broadcasting Corporation hopeless!

It seems like institution after institution related to the state in South Africa finds itself in deep trouble. This time the SABC is in such deep trouble that they have asked the government to bail them out to the amount of R2bn! With this request for a R2bn bailout from government, they will ensure that the citizens of this country have paid twice for their TV licences. Mismanagement is the rule at the SABC, as at many other state entities.

The SABC is the owner of 3 TV channels and several radio stations. The slogan of the SABC is "Broadcasting for Total Citizen Empowerment." My problem with them is that the they are a completely mismanaged institution, sucking citizens dry of their hard earned money. Ok, it really isn't expensive to have a license to have TV in your home, but then you would expect better use of your money! That is not what you get from the SABC!

My solution for this dinosaur of a corporation is to scrap it completely! Get rid of state owned television completely! The SABC was a propaganda machine of the National Party government before the 1994 elections when Nelson Mandela became president, and now it is the propaganda machine of the ANC government! Nothing has changed. It still remains the voicebox of the ruling party!

Instead of having one corporation handling 3 different channels, each of these channels must become independent, non-state television channels. Each channel must have complete autonomy over its own programming, and must be privately owned. Further, each of these television broadcasting companies must become profitable by themselves. There must be no reliance on government funds. This will ensure that the state will no longer be able to prescribe to these television broadcasting companies what programming to show apart from preventing indecency, etc.

Lastly, TV licences must be done away with! Radio licences came to an end many years ago. The time has come for these archaic TV licences to go. Advertizing is sufficient to pay for these television broadcasting companies to run successfully.

Maybe, just maybe, if these television broadcasting companies start standing on their own feet, working hard at their own profitability, then perhaps we will get better programming and better managing of funds. But, only maybe!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Poverty – Its Causes and Cure

Dr. Peter Hammond has sent out an insightful newsletter from Africa Christian Action on Fri 17 April 2009, on the causes and cure of poverty.

This analysis also shows how myths pertaining to poverty simply do not hold water.


From the squatter camps, to the rundown ghettos, to the refugee camps, Christians are struggling to respond to suffering with practical love.

The difference of productivity and income per person in the Western world compared to the so called "developing" or "third" world was 2 to 1 last century. Now it is 70 to 1. This escalating disparity, along with the impact of natural and man-made disasters, has greatly increased the flow of refugees and "illegal aliens" into Western nations. It has also greatly aggravated the spread of diseases, environmental degradation, the escalation of crime and the possibilities of conflict.

One of the main responses of the industrial nations has been to supply generous amounts of foreign aid to the poorer nations. However, foreign aid has been accused of denying the poorer nations the chance to develop their economies to viability. Most aid does not encourage self sufficiency and growth. The dumping of food-surplus aid has damaged local agriculture in the long term. It is hard for farmers to sell what is being given away.

While we must most certainly love our neighbour, especially the deserving poor, we need to be wise and discerning in our aid so as to encourage responsibility and rehabilitation.

The Abuse of Relief Aid

Since 1954 the USA has shipped millions of tonnes of food aid to India - to the Indian government (not private businesses or agencies). Rats have consumed more than half of this food at the docks and storage facilities! Because of Hinduism's belief in reincarnation, rats and sacred cows may not be killed! It would take a train 3000 miles long to haul the grain eaten by Indian rats in a single year! Also, the sacred cows in India eat enough food to feed most of Asia! And the Hindu temples contain a vast fortune of gold, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones in their statues - which are worshipped as idols.

It is actually Hinduism's re-incarnation beliefs, its' sacred cows, protected rats, idols made of gold and jewels, wasted resources and superstition that are causing the poverty and starvation in India.

Ethiopia in the 1980's was a classic example of a man-made famine. Socialism, confiscations and nationalisations, the abolishment of incentive, the punishment of productivity and subsidising of irresponsibility caused the starvation in what used to be called "the breadbasket of Africa." The "Red Terror" mass executions, forced removals of millions of people and destruction of crops by the government further aggravated the famine.

The corruption and abuse of the relief aid in Ethiopia was the ultimate scandal: 100% import tax was charged on all free relief aid! Brand new Mercedes Benz trucks were required with 100% import tax imposed on all these trucks for transporting the food. All these trucks had to be signed over to the marxist government of Ethiopia! (And all this while US$70 million was spent on the "Anniversary of the Revolution" celebrations in 1984 - ½ for alcohol!). In fact, much of the relief aid and food was used for the many Cuban, Soviet and East German military who were involved in causing the famine. Some of the food was actually exported in payment for weapons!

In the 1980's Mozambique was another example of a man-made famine in a country which used to export food. After the marxist revolution of 1975 a socialist economy was imposed upon the people. Farms were confiscated. Factories were nationalised. Hundreds of thousands of people were incarcerated in concentrated camps. Over 75000 people were accused of being "black marketeers", "reactionaries" and "counter revolutionaries" and publically executed. Food was exported to the Soviet bloc in exchange for weapons. A scorched earth policy was later launched to starve out the resistance to the Frelimo government by burning down crops and villages. Bureaucratic wastage and corruption became a growth industry. Economic poverty and social chaos resulted.

However, in Mozambique it was not only marxism that caused the starvation but also animism. The widespread practise of ancestoral worship led many poor families to sacrifice their last goat or chicken to appease the "ancestoral spirits"!

In Albania and Romania I have come across Gypsies deliberately starving their babies and then laying these malnourished infants out on sidewalks with a hat next to them to beg for money. Any money received was used for cigarettes and alcohol. In India some street people have actually maimed or mutilated their own children to make them more pitiful, and therefore effective, in begging.

In South Africa, having spent many months on the streets of Hillbrow and Durban doing street evangelism, I have seen professional beggars at work. I have seen "cripples" letting down their strapped leg and stretching and walking unaided without their crutches; and I've seen the "blind" lift up their dark glasses to count the money in their hat. Some street children have told me that they can make an average of R200 a day from begging! In all too many cases our casual and spontaneous handing over of some coins to strangers begging on the streets does more harm than good. Giving to beggars on the streets often goes to subsidising drunkenness, smoking, drugs, prostitution and gambling. Some of the beggars are child prostitutes and thieves using begging as a cover while looking for opportunities.

Then there are the "religious" con-men who know the terminology and can deceive and manipulate the unsuspecting into handing over large quantities of cash for spurious causes. I have also been one of those deceived by professional "converts" who let themselves be counselled to Christ only to "borrow" money from the well meaning evangelist.

Multiple millions of rands are squandered by guilt-manipulated Christians giving to beggars at traffic lights, at their front door and on the streets. At the same time good ministries like the Salvation Army, the Docks Mission, the Ark, Cape Town City Mission, Love in Action and others are struggling for lack of support.

There is a desperate need for good stewardship of our limited resources. It would be more responsible to channel our compassion to supporting Christian ministries which have proven their effectiveness in reaching out in love to help the poor. Biblical charity does not subsidise sin nor should it encourage irresponsibility.

So before we get down to practical strategies to care for the poor, and to eradicate poverty, let us define poverty and consider what causes poverty.

What Causes Poverty?
A definition of poverty could be: "an insufficiency of the material necessities of life."

The poor could be described as: "Persons who do not have, and are unable to obtain, the means for sustaining life. If they are to survive they are thus dependant upon the resources of other people."

The Biblical definition of the poor could be: "Those who cannot sustain themselves because they are too old, too young or too handicapped to work."

There are four broad categories under which all causes of poverty could be grouped:

Personal sacrifice, slothfulness, calamity (earthquakes, floods, wars, etc.), or exploitation.

Self-imposed Poverty
The lazy and indolent (slothful) inevitably suffer the consequences of their sin:

"He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer" Proverbs 18:9.

"How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep - so shall your poverty come on you like a robber . . ." Proverbs 6:9-11.

"Because of laziness the building decays, and through idleness of hands, the house leaks . . ."
Eccl 10:18.

It is a disgrace to be lazy (Prov 10:5). Lazy people always find excuses not to work.
(Prov 15:19; 26:13-16).

Those who love sleep will grow poor (Prov 19:15; 20:13). "If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." 2Thess 3:10

Moral poverty often dooms its people to ongoing material poverty. Selfishness, greed, laziness, immorality, short-sightedness, gambling, alcohol abuse, addiction to pornography, indulging in prostitution, drug abuse and other sins are symptoms of rebellion against the Law of God. Such evils inevitably lead to poverty.

Victims of self imposed poverty need the Gospel and discipleship to free them from their lifestyle of sin.

Imposed Poverty
The main causes of imposed poverty are: oppression and religious error. Oppression consists in governments or individuals violating others' God given rights' to life, property and liberty. This takes the forms of fraud, theft and violence. (Inflation/unbacked currencies/counterfeiting; socialism; excessive taxation; corruption; wastage; inefficiency; etc.).

UnBiblical worldviews underlie the poverty of the third world. The fatalism and re-incarnation beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism, where the material world is not perceived as real and difficulties are understood as a result of the deeds of a previous life ("my Karma is bad") are paralysing to progress. The Animist worldview which sees man at the mercy of outside forces - the spirits - lead people to be shackled by superstition and fear. The fatalism of Islam is also not conducive to productive planning and innovation.

The poor-by-exploitation need both direct charity to meet immediate needs and justice in the form of restitution from those who exploited them, and freedom from false religions.

The poor-by-calamity (victims of floods, earthquakes, wars, etc.) are the most appropriate recipients of charity - though the aim is always to help them become self-supporting again.

Poverty in History
The key question when faced by the disparity between rich and poor individuals and societies is not "How did this man/society become poor?" Poverty is the natural condition of man. The question is: "How did anyone become rich?"

Poverty is a consequence of the Fall (Gen 3:17-19). Famines were commonplace before the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, England suffered famines an average of 7 times per century. A third of the population died in the province of Bengal in the great Indian famine of 1769-1770. Similar losses were experienced in India in 1783 and 1790-1792. India suffered a further 8 famines from 1838 to 1901 with well over 9 million dying of starvation. In a single famine in North China from 1877 to 1878 over 9,5 million died. Only the Christian work ethic and the resultant industrial revolution brought the West out of the recurring horror of famine. A wooden plough drawn by oxen can provide food for one large family. By the 18th Century, the new iron plough drawn by a horse could provide food for 3 families. By the 1940's a tractor pulling a plough could feed 14 families. Now advanced tractors, tools and techniques can enable one farmer to produce enough food for 60 families.

It is an observable fact that the most efficient economies in the world are based upon private ownership of property, honest money, free enterprise and a Christian work ethic.

Is Colonialism Responsible?
Much of the Third World is definitely in a shocking mess. One-party dictatorships, economic chaos, malnutrition, famines, civil wars, massacres and abject poverty are the norm in most of Africa. But who is responsible?

The notion that colonialism is the major cause of world poverty was popularised by Vladimir Lenin, and his disciples have faithfully repeated it ever since. However, contrary to the ahistorical mumblings of the coloniphobics, some of the most poverty-stricken and backward lands imaginable - Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Tibet and Liberia - never fell under Western colonial control. Some colonies - like Hong Kong - became very prosperous. And some of the richest and most advanced Western lands, such as Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, never controlled any colonies. Other advanced countries such as the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada were themselves colonies. Actually, contact with the West brought far more benefits than disadvantages. Tea and rubber trees, for example, were foreign to Asia, as was mealie meal in Africa. Such blessings were the results of colonialism.

Some of the main "Scars of Colonialism" include roads, railways, schools, hospitals, the wheel, written languages, the Bible and churches.

The ancestor-worshipping and idolatrous religions have rendered whole civilisations powerless in the face of "nature". "Unquestioning acceptance of nature and its vagaries is widespread in Africa", declares Bishop Bududira of Burundi, who maintains that local cultures obstruct material progress by wrong mental attitudes, seeing themselves as suffering history rather than in making it. He concludes that: "The message of Christ frees people from the shackles of tribal thinking, and leads to a greater sense of personal responsibility." - Reality and Rhetoric, Lord Bauer

The tribalistic philosophies inhibit productivity, penalise accomplishment and confiscate what little is produced. Animism teaches its adherents to regard themselves as helpless in the face of their surroundings - assuming "that the opportunities and the resources for the economic advance of oneself or one's family have to be provided by someone else - by the state, by one's superiors, by richer people, or from abroad. This attitude is in turn an aspect of the belief of the efficacy of external forces over one's destiny . . . It is an attitude plainly unfavourable to material progress." - Dissent on Development, P. T. Bauer

"The idea that it is evil to make personal economic progress takes hold of the people and fear of being envied prohibits growth and encourages poverty." - Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators, David Chilton

"One of the decisive factors in understanding development or non-development is the `envy barrier' or institutionalised envy among the population." - Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour, Helmut Schoeck

Into this unhealthy situation comes Foreign Aid, which only increases dependence, corruption and greed, rather than developing responsibility.

The problems in the Third World are not primarily political or economic. The problem is false religion and the resultant pagan philosophies/worldview. The solution is therefore also primarily religious - the world needs to be converted to and discipled in the Christian Faith. Church and mission based relief would not only be more efficient but would inspire greater personal responsibility and economic productivity.

Is Socialism Biblical?
Despite exhaustive and imaginative efforts by so-called "Christian Socialists" to promote socialism as "true Christian love and sharing" - the Ten Commandments still stand: "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods."

Socialism is legalised theft. It is institutionalised envy. It is the use of envy and guilt to manipulate productive Christians into committing economic suicide. The socialist doctrine of economic equality requires the stealing of property and the prohibition of economic freedoms. - Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators - David Chilton

"Socialism is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilisation have created. It does not build; it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership of the means of production has created . . ." - Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis - Ludwig von Mises

To almost every problem in the world, Socialism advocates state intervention. In this way socialists insist on unBiblical powers for the government to interfere with, or control, prices, markets, wages, jobs, profits, population control, education, movement, etc. The inevitable end of increasing government intervention is the erosion of personal freedom.

Socialism destroys incentive, initiative and productivity. Socialists are parasites who consume what others have earned by hard work and ingenuity. Socialists try to cut up "the pie" to the advantage of their supporters, free enterprise just makes more pies for everyone.

Price controls create an imbalanced, chaotic market, minimum wage laws result in unemployment, profit restrictions increase consumer costs, enforced economic equality leads to stagnation, destruction of initiative and more poverty.

Concern for the poor has long been used as a justification for all sorts of crime - Judas Iscariot, who was a thief, is a prime example (John 12:4-6).

Envy is the greatest disease of our age. Envy is the feeling that because someone else has something he is to blame for my not having it! The main motive behind envy is not so much to take as to destroy. Envy and malice are inseparable. "Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer." Proverbs 14:30

"Rather than wealth causing poverty, it is far more true to say that what causes poverty is the widespread belief that wealth does!" - Wealth and Poverty - George Gilder

If we have needs, the Bible commands us to: Pray (Phil 4:6-7), to Work (1 Thess 4:11), to Trust God (Phil 4:19) and to Be Content (Phil 4:12).

The only thing Socialism has ever been able to provide its adherents with is the "guaranteed income" of Romans 6:23: "The wages of sin is death."

Biblical Principles for Economics
1. HONEST MONEY. Throughout the Bible money is spoken of by weight. God's Law requires that financial transactions be made in terms of honest measures. God hates and forbids unjust weights and measures, inflation, fractional reserve banking, unbacked currencies, and multiple indebtedness (Lev 19:35-36; Prov 11:1;20:10; 20:23; Amos 8:5-7; Micah 6:11-12). In 1982 you could post a letter in South Africa for 4 cents. In 1970 you could buy a new car for R1000. The devastating impact of unbacked currency/inflation on pensions and savings is criminal. Biblical Law requires honest money backed up by real constant value.

2. FREE ENTERPRISE. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods. God blesses productivity, incentive, initiative and hard work (Ex 20:15-17; 30:14-15; Lev 19:15; 1 Sam 8:10-18; 1 Kings 21:3; Ezra 7:23-24; Prov 10:2-4; 12:24; 13:4,11). Private ownership of property and of the means of production is Biblical. It is also foundational for freedom and prosperity.

3. LIMITED (CONSTITUTIONAL) GOVERNMENT. Any taxation of 10% or higher is defined in the Bible as oppression. And any taxation of property or inheritance is strictly forbidden. Institutions and individuals involved in the fulltime service of the Lord may not be taxed. All their income comes from free will offerings made unto the Lord by people who have already paid tax on their incomes (Ezra 7:23-24). Less government means more freedom and more personal responsibility (1 Pet 2:13-14; Rom 13:3-4; Eccl 8:11; Ps 19:7-9; Prov 14:34; Ps 9:17).

4. GOD HONOURING CHARITY. The Biblical principle is that we are responsible to care for our family first and then through the church, community and missionary organisations express love for our neighbour in action. Person to person, church to church, mission to community direct aid based upon evangelism and discipleship. All this is aimed to encourage responsibility and productivity. It is short term aid aimed at long term (eternal) benefits. The goal is to help the victims of poverty back onto their own two feet - where they can, in turn, help others (Isaiah 58:7; James 1:27).

Matthew 25:35-36 and Ezekiel 34:2-4teach us to: Strengthen the weak, bind up the injured, care for the sick, share your food with the hungry, clothe the naked, invite in the stranger and look after widows and orphans.

The Christian Foundations for prosperity are laid with these basic principles: Christians must respect one another's property, never steal or cheat, always abide by contracts, be industrious in earning money, be disciplined in saving money, be wise in investing money, be obedient to God in tithing to Christian ministries, be discerning in sharing with those in need. Work all you can, earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.

Biblical charity is to be primarily directed to widows, orphans and the handicapped - the deserving poor (1Tim 5:3-16). Biblical methods of charity include: gleaning, lending, labour and tithes through the local church. Are you supporting a Biblical ministry to the poor? We are our brother's keeper (Genesis 4:9). Don't just give food or money - also give of your time to share the love and Gospel of Christ personally.

Love is something you do, not just something you feel. Regardless of what the government does, regardless of what the church does, families and individuals have a responsibility to obey God. Since charity is primarily a function of the Christian family, working in concert with other Christian families, it is essential that each of those Christian families begin to implement the love of God practically. Charity begins at home: educating children, caring for the helpless, and strengthening the weak. It begins as we encourage others, co-ordinate resources, network with existing programs, and spearhead new efforts - Bringing in the Sheaves, George Grant.

The South African one cent coin had the sparrows to remind us that God cares for the very least (Matthew 10:29). And every Rand coin has inscribed: Soli Deo Gloria - every Rand we spend should be to the glory of God alone! God cares about every cent. Every rand we spend must be to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Pray (Phil 4:6-7), Work (1 Thess 4:11), Trust God (Phil 4:19), Be content (Phil 4:12), Be generous (2 Cor 9:6-12).

"God loves a cheerful giver, and God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Cor 9:7-8

Peter Hammond

For further reading on this subject I recommend that you obtain: Bringing in the Sheaves - Transforming Poverty into Productivity by George Grant and The Samaritan Strategy by Colonel Doner.


"If there is a poor man among your brothers at any of the towns in the land that the Lord your God has given you, do not be hardhearted or tight-fisted toward your poor brother." Deuteronomy15.7

"Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble." Psalm 41:1

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."
Psalm 82:3

"He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me? declares the Lord." Jeremiah 22:16

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done."
Proverbs 19:11

"If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered." Psalm 21:13

"If the king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will always be secure." Psalm 29:14

"Is it not to share your food with the hungry, and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?" Isaiah 58:7

"I was a stranger and you did not invite Me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe Me. I was sick and in prison and you did not look after Me." Matthew 25:43

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: `It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:34

"He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him... Go and do likewise." Luke 10:34-37

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the Law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep yourself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: 021-689 4481
E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Obama proves that there is nothing new under the sun…

…and that man does not learn from history!

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." (Eccl 1:9)

Apparently, all the history in the world has taught Barack Hussein Obama sweet-blow-all! (nada)

It seems that when a person with evil intentions is given too much power, that he would walk down the same road as other evil men before him, and then believe that things would turn out differently! Does Obama really believe that walking the same road as Hitler, he could produce a different result? He is either plain stupid, naive, mentally deranged, or he is planning evil!

Read Hilmar von Campe's "Nazi godlessness: We're on our way" in which he shows eerie similarities between Hitler and socialism's past, and Obama's planned future.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

National Urban League endangers the state of Black America

When organizations call for change in order to assist certain groups in a nation, it is good, especially when there is a call for moral change.

However, when these organizations can only propose government as the great "messiah" or saviour, then they have definitely run out of creative ideas. Either that, or they are just too lazy to to come up with real solutions.

Star Parker had a look at the State of Black America report from the National Urban League (NUL) and shows concern, not just for Black America, but for the proposed solutions by organizations such as NUL:

"Shouldn't it embarrass black Americans that one the nation's largest and most prestigious civil rights organizations offers a long list of proposals to improve black life in our country, and every single proposal is a government program?

"Government funded jobs as the answer to unemployment, more government money in public schools, government health care, government business loans, government money for retirement accounts, government programs for counseling homebuyers, government worker training programs, government money for building construction, and on and on.

"There's not a single proposal that I could find in a several hundred-page report about improving black life that does not start with government. The civil rights movement once was about freedom and liberation. Now it's about government dependency. We should be ashamed."

Continue reading Star's article, "Gospel of dependence from National Urban League."

Watch Star Parker with Glenn Beck on Fox News discussing the "Road to Socialism."

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Taxation for welfare benefits leads to the decline of freedom

"The free bread of Rome has long been listed as a contributor to its decline as a nation and demise as a republic. Its vast systems of social welfare did not strengthen the poor, but in fact made them more apathetic and indolent. It also divided the people, with the working class resenting the poor because of the inevitable abuse of such systems. The early Roman republic, as it rose to prominence centuries before the first Emperor or Christ, depended entirely on free will contributions within a mutual network of voluntary care of their needy."

"The alternative to taxing your neighbor is charity. What a revolutionary idea in a world that has decided it is okay to covet their neighbor's goods through the agency of the governments they create!"

"If we are to be a free nation we must turn ourselves around and seek those forgotten principles of a once-great nation that is comprised of honest hardworking men and women who cared as much about their neighbors as they did themselves. From Abraham and Moses to Jesus Christ down through today, the message has been to love your neighbor as yourself, and not force him to contribute to your welfare, or the welfare of anyone else, no matter how deserving the cause. If a contribution is not by choice, it is not charity."

Read more of "The Decline of Freedom" by Gregory Williams.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Sarah Palin shows real leadership – doesn't bow to Obama's stimulus trap

Sarah Palin shows true leadership in the Alaskan rejection of much of what is called the federal stimulus package. She has realized what the stimulus package really is: a trap to limit the freedom of the states!

See the video at theblogprof post, Palin to Obama: Take This Pork and Shove It!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

U.S. Federal Reserve not part of Federal Government

"Few Americans know the truth about the Federal Reserve. The reality is it is no more a part of the federal government than is Federal Express. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation run by private bankers.

"Why should you care? Because as President Thomas Jefferson, President Andrew Jackson and President Woodrow Wilson all understood, a private central bank has the power to destroy our lives and steal our freedoms.

"The U.S. Treasury, in connection with the Federal Reserve, has “loaned” billions of taxpayer dollars to banks here in the U.S. and around the world and there is no guarantee we will ever be re-paid. This is nothing more than the rich bankers taking care of their rich banking friends while creating further inflation that limits your buying power of essentials such as food and clothing. In other words, the injections of liquidity by the feds in the billions of dollars have caused you and me to be the recipients of a “hidden tax” through the debasement of our currency."
Read Brannon Howse's article Past Presidents Have Warned Us About The Danger and Corruption of A Central Bank (The Federal Reserve)

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

History should not be forgotten

My daughter is finishing grade 7 (7th grade for our American neighbours) in 2 weeks time. Yup! Here in South Africa our academic year runs from January to December.

She mentioned that she hated history. On the other hand, I love history. I told her that if more people paid attention to history we would see less mistakes of the same type being made over and over.

Star Parker has some interesting ideas about the bailout being sought by the Detroit auto makers and how it relates to history:

"We just had a presidential election that in some circles produced a lot of euphoria. But I believe that at some point -- I hope sooner rather than later -- many Americans are going to wake up and realize that this election was not a cure for our problems but a symptom of the disease.

"I think this is what our crashing financial markets are telling us.

"There is a well-known quote from a less well-known philosopher -- George Santayana -- that those who don't remember history will repeat it.

"The failure of communism and socialism is not that far behind us. Yet Americans cannot seem to recall that it happened -- and why it happened."


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Monday, November 17, 2008

Even Hitler suffered in the real estate "downfall"

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A once economic giant atrophies to a quivering midget

Now that the midget has committed suicide, perhaps Pat Buchanan's article is an apt warning:

"Great nations do not have trade partners. They have trade competitors and rivals. Trade surpluses are superior to trade deficits. Tariffs on foreign goods are preferable to taxes on U.S. producers. Manufacturing, not finance, is the muscle of the nation.

"Economic independence is vital to political independence...

"As America plunges into recession and our industry hollows out, while China is still growing at 9 percent, as the 20th century's greatest creditor nation now borrows from Beijing to pay for booster shots for its sick economy, may we hear once again the Bush-Clinton refrain about how the terrible danger we all face is from 'protectionism.'"


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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Economic freedom declines in the U.S.

In the annual compendium, Economic Freedom of the World, Canada's Fraser Institute shows that the United States has dropped in its economic freedom ranking from no. 2 to no. 8 between 2000 and 2008. The only countries that worsened more during the same period are Zimbabwe, Argentina, Niger, Venezuela, and Guyana.

Star Parker, from the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education wrote:

"It stands to reason that if all it takes is a smooth talking politician to expropriate the property of individuals or businesses, that the ability and willingness to work, save, invest and do business will suffer. And that prosperity will decline.

"Barack Obama is running for president to save us from ourselves and give politicians even more sway over our private lives and property. He's telling us that it's 'Wall Street CEOs whose greed and irresponsibility got us into this mess.'

"But Obama sat by in silence as the Senate tried to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005. And he's taken $126,349 in contributions from Fannie and Freddie, second highest in the Senate (only behind Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd)."

Continue reading Star Parker's article Protect us, don't expropriate us.

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