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Showing posts with label Environmentalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmentalism. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Join the Baby wars

Here in South Africa a total of 210 rhinos have been killed in 2010 for their horns to satisfy the 'horny' (forgive the intended pun) desires of degenerates in the far east. These lunes will pay top $$$ for rhino horn because they believe it has some kind of medicinal value and the power to give them sexual prowess. Why don't these people not just chew their own hair?

Anyway, these majestic animals are being killed for nothing! And that is a shame. And, outrage against this trade is the right response! Hence, there is a call to Join the Rhino Wars.

However, why don't these people show outrage against the vicious, conscienceless killing of another sort? That of millions of human babies every year! Enough human babies are being aborted worldwide every year to have decimated the populations of some countries!

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Monday, January 05, 2009

Great Global Warming predictions from 2008

Do you want to find out about the great Global Warming predictions from 2008?

Well, then visit Watts Up With That?

HT: Tim Challies

Global Warming

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Environmentalists turn 'mother' nature into 'Rights Bearing Entity'

"One of the most radical alterations in the self definition of humankind has just occurred in Ecuador and the world snoozes. But the radical environmental movement sees what is happening and is cheering...

"Well, here's the problem: Even if you want to thwart the evil international corporations, the [Equadorian] constitution doesn't just do that. It makes NATURE a RIGHTS BEARER that is co-equal with people. That means the provision will apply as harshly against the subsistence farmer as the corporation, who being part of the power structure, will often escape the snare."

Read more here.

This happens when you hug a tree too long!

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two polar bears stranded on a chunk of melting ice

So-called stranded polar bears on a chunk of melting iceUsually, when this photograph is seen, we are all (maybe not all of us) inspired to stop global warming. However, like so many cases, this picture was used (still is) as a tool of manipulation and false information. As can be seen in this story, this picture is attributed to Dan Crosbie courtesy Canadian Ice Service. However, the source of this picture is not what it appears to be.

Carole "CJ" Williams, from NewsWithViews, has unearthed the true story behind this picture:
"The picture, wrongly credited to Dan Crosbie, an ice observer specialist for the Canadian Ice Service, was actually taken by Amanda Byrd while she was on a university-related research cruise in August of 2004, a time of year when the fringe of the Arctic ice cap normally melts. Byrd, a marine biology grad student at the time, was gathering zooplankton for a multi-year study of the Arctic Ocean.

"Crosbie, who was also on the trip, pilfered the polar bear photo from a shared computer onboard the Canadian icebreaker where Ms. Byrd downloaded her snapshots; he saved it in his personal file. Several months later, Crosbie, who is known as an avid photographer, gave the photo to the Canadian Ice Service, which then allowed Environment Canada to use it as an illustration for an online magazine."


For more on global warming, see my list of articles here.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Man Made Global Warming? Not so much!

Many are concerned about global warming, and in fact want everybody else to jump onto the very politicized "man-made" global warming bandwagon. Well, let's keep our cool and read these articles before leaping off the cliff into Al Gore's "Convenient Lie."

I will continue to add to the list of links below as articles become available.

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