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Showing posts with label Euthanasia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euthanasia. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"This is madness" - but is it God?

I received the following in a newsletter.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Breaking news: Supreme Court of Appeal says Fabricius was wrong on Euthanasia

Last year, South Africa's High Court determined that a terminally ill patient may, with the help of a doctor, kill himself (self-murder)

The following newsletter came from Philip Rosenthal of the Christian View Network, who is also coordinator of Euthanasia Exposed.

BREAKING NEWS: Today, 6 December 2016 the Supreme Court of Appeal said that Judge Fabricius was wrong in his 2015 judgement authorising Robert Stransham-Ford to have assisted sucide/euthanasia.

The court confirmed this is really a matter for elected parliament and not judges to decide.  The decision was made in haste and did not properly consider South African law, the international context, our social values or the impact on the right to life.  The medical information provided to the court was flawed and contradicted the real medical records, which were withheld until a court order was issued.  The case was manipulated by the euthanasia lobby group, its lawyers and the estate, and the medical records indicate Stransham-Ford was actually asking if he could back out of euthanasia/assisted suicide.

The court judgment used many of the same reasons which we wrote in our article 'Why judge Fabricius was wrong':

* The separation of powers requires that parliament as representatives of the country as a whole should decide any changes on the law rather than requiring judges to decide.
* The applicant died before the ruling was given.  Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate this information may have been deliberately withheld from the court.
* Judge Fabricius ruling was decided in haste (one day) on a matter of national importance, an urgency apparently manufactured on an individual case by the lobby group Dignity SA.
* The applicants attorneys had refused to provide the opposing friend of the court legal teams with information they needed to respond.
* The South African situation is different to the juristictions where euthanasia is legal, which argues against foreign cases being used as precedent.  We have different social values, a different socio-economic and
policing situation.
* The applicants affidavit was factually and medically doubtful on many points.
* The organisation Dignity SA was publicly raising funds to pay for the court case, but the application insisted it was just on behalf of the individual.
* The hasty Fabricius judgment did not properly consider South African law or international precedent cases.
* Judge Fabricus was wrong to assume that the common law on murder needed to change to accommodate assisted suicide and euthanasia.
* The court needs to consider whether its decision would undermine the foundational value of the right to life or be supportive of it.

Further reasons emerged from the judgment, which we were not aware of:
* The picture of Mr Stransham-Ford's final illness as depicted in the legal affidavits bore little resemblence to reality as found in his medical records.
* The psychologist who declared the applicant Robert Stransham-Ford to be psychologically fit and his desire to apply for suicide, did not provide reasoning on how the conclusion was reached and previously lived in the same
street as him, which raises questions of independence.
* The applicants doctors medical records indicate he was wavering in his desire for suicide/euthanasia and asked his doctor if he could change his mind and that his real medical situation was very different to that described in the affidavits.  The estate of Stransham-Ford had refused to release these medical records until a court order was issued for them. [Our comment on this is that it is very normal for people to waver in their desire for suicide, but suicide is irreversible, and this is a strong argument against legalising suicide.]

The Centre for Applied Legal Studies, at Wits submitted argument to the court that euthanasia and assisted suicide were working well overseas.  The Health Professions Council of the State and the State submitted detailed evidence rebutting these claims and giving evidence of numerous abuses and problems overseas.  The court provisionally accepted this evidence but after reviewing it, decided that it was too complex and detailed to sift through or decide on.  Possibly the same rebutting evidence may be used again in future on another case.

One point in the judgement which we at Euthanasia Exposed are not happy about is a single sentence in the conclusion that can be interpreted to open the possibility of the court considering another case to legalise
euthanasia/assisted suicide - something that logically conflicts with all its other arguments especially that the decision is really an issue for parliament and not judges.  If another case comes, then the battle will continue.  The euthanasia lobby have no chance success in the government or parliament, having been defeated before.  With the body of evidence collected against euthanasia, ready for any future case, their chances of
success are reduced.

Philip Rosenthal
Euthanasia Exposed
Media queries: 082 6768966


Euthanasia Exposed
Fax:       +27(0)866164452
Mobile:  +2782 6768966
Email:      mail@EuthanasiaExposed.co.za
Mail:   Postnet 114, P/Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa


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Friday, May 08, 2009

Putting them out of their misery

Colleen Figg, columnist for News24 wrote an opinion piece called 'Where is the mercy?', relating to euthanasia. In her commentary she relates a story of an old couple under great suffering due to the old man being in a wheelchair and in great pain. As a result she feels this man should have the choice of killing himself.

I wrote a blog post in 2005 on the issue of euthanasia. It may not cover all issues in that post, but it is a start. The post is called "Killing people using euphemisms."

Figg's last statement is: "If we are not truly our brother's keeper, then what is our purpose on this earth?" In my opinion, if I am my brother's keeper, I am supposed to keep him, not kill him!

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Monday, March 02, 2009

Will society move from ‘right to die’ to ‘duty to die’?

wesleyjsmith “Imagine that you have lung cancer. It has been in remission, but tests show the cancer has returned and is likely to be terminal. Still, there is some hope. Chemotherapy could extend your life, if not save it. You ask to begin treatment. But you soon receive more devastating news. A letter from the government informs you that the cost of chemotherapy is deemed an unjustified expense for the limited extra time it would provide. However, the government is not without compassion. You are informed that whenever you are ready, it will gladly pay for your assisted suicide.

“Think that's an alarmist scenario to scare you away from supporting "death with dignity"? Wrong. That is exactly what happened last year to two cancer patients in Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal.”

Continue reading 'Right to die' can become a 'duty to die' by Wesley J. Smith.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rights leading to death

When a culture no longer has an objective standard like the Bible, and no authority like Jesus Christ to teach them what is right, it will eventually lead to each man unto himself, or in modern parlance, claiming one's "rights."

Dr. Al Mohler writes:

"Fast-forward to 2008 and rights talk is, if anything, even more ingrained in the American character. Battles over competing and conflicting assertions of rights now emerge over some of the hottest and most contentious issues of the day. When we have run out of other arguments, all we have left is to assert that what we demand is, after all, only our right.

"Is there an end-game to all this? Well, in one sense we can see evidence of the end game in a recent article published in Great Britain. Writing in The Guardian [London], Simon Jenkins argues that the right to end one's life on one's own terms is basic to humanity, and that only 'religious primitivism' stands in the way of cultural acceptance and legal approval for assisted suicide."
Continue reading here...

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Relief for the terminally ill?

Assisted suicide for the terminally ill will probably lead to assisted suicide for anyone who so wishes! Assisted suicide is illegal in Montana, U.S.A. Wesley Smith of Secondhand Smoke touched on the issue:

"So we can see that the dying patient is just the point person, the category of suffering persons that many will be willing to accept for the right to suicide, when in reality, these patients are being used to front the broader agenda that can, in time, only lead to a right to be made dead for anyone with a sustained desire to die.

"My, we have become a death obsessed culture. The nihilism is so thick you can cut it with a knife."

Continue reading Wesley's blog post here.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Schwarzenegger signs bill authorizing killing of patients

'AB 2747 pushes suicide through the back door at the hands of non-physicians taking advantage of depressed patients,' he said in a statement. 'AB 2747 cheapens the value of human life by endorsing suicide as an option.'

"The measure allows physician assistants and nurses to decide whether a person is 'terminally ill' and deprive them of basic life-sustaining necessities such as food and water.

"'Depressed patients who succumb to this pressure will be drugged unconscious and die from dehydration, usually within five to 10 days,' Thomasson said. 'Nothing in the bill prohibits this horror.'"

Read more about this bill here, signed into California law by the alleged Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Pro-Life Blogger

For those who have not read enough of this blog to know, I would like to reiterate that I am Pro-Life, and as a result, every now and again I will blog on the issue of Pro-Life'ness.' For that reason, I will blog on issues such as abortion, euthanasia, genocide and more.

To find more Pro-Life blogs click on the graphic below...

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