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Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018


“…who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” 1 Chronicles 12:32

You are invited to a Understanding the Present Crisis in South Africa Seminar on Saturday, 17 November, hosted by Petra Family Church in Randburg, Gauteng. The Seminar is free.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Big government and jobs for the youth


Image courtesy Africartoons

The University of Cape Town (UCT) recently did some research for the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) which showed that 67% of South Africa’s youth believe that the government is the best way to earn a good living. Big brother has really done his job admirably to get the youth of the nation to the point of thinking that their chances are best when employed by the government!

The issue with this idea is that government should never be a nation’s primary job supplier. It simply cannot be. It is an entity that produces nothing! Unless, of course, the South African government moves over to a socialistic model, or even worse, communism. That is not very unlikely when it is considered that some of the ministers in government have strong ties to the South African Communist Party (SACP)! When the government becomes the biggest provider of jobs, it will have to raise taxes to be able to provide the salaries for those jobs. Since it produces nothing, raising taxes can only go so far before they will have to move over to a communistic model, meaning that private ownership, private businesses and more will come to an end, and the government will end up owning everything, producing everything and no-one will have the incentive to better themselves.

jobseekerGovernment’s job is to govern, and to ensure that services are supplied that make running homes and businesses most effectively. Government must come up with policies that make it easy for businesses to grow and become job suppliers. When a government’s policies restrict businesses to become primary job suppliers and entrepreneurs to be successful, then it is failing in one of its primary purposes.

Big government is not a good idea, since a nanny state is not interested in the welfare of its people, but in how those people could be kept in line.

The kicker of the research done by UCT is the fact that 61% of the youth that were surveyed thought that starting your own business means that you have to work too hard to be successful. This already tells me that the youth are clearly in the pockets of this government even at this age. The government has already created a culture of hand-outs, and when a government starts giving something to people, to take it away later becomes almost impossible. Of course, the youth now expect the government hand-out policy to continue when it comes to jobs. Do they even realize that you don’t simply walk into a government office and get handed a well-paying job?

With this attitude in the minds of the youth, we have to turn to our education and wonder what they teach the kids in the state high schools. We already know that the quality of South Africa’s maths and science education is so bad that it places last out of 148 countries. That puts us behind countries like Haiti, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, etc. It is seriously not a stretch of the imagination to think that we do not do much better in other areas of our education.

With an education of this pathetic level. no wonder our youth think that the government is the best option as a provider of jobs.

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Saturday, July 06, 2013

A low flat tax is not something to laugh at


Flat_TaxSome believe that in order to get enough money to service the country, taxes should be raised. However, that is a sure-fire way to  bring the economy to a halt, since investments will come to a grinding halt and the people will either do their utmost to keep most of their money to themselves, or go look for greener grass elsewhere.

Others believe that government should should stimulate or boost the economy through fiscal or monetary policy. Jasson Urbach writes:

“The simple reason government spending fails to end recessions is because every rand the government “injects” into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of it. Government merely redistributes money from the productive to the non-productive sectors of the economy. No new income and, therefore, no new demand for goods and services is created.

It is not government but private firms that generate wealth and are the engines of economic growth. Government cannot create new purchasing power out of thin air. The mistaken view that fiscal stimulus can pull economies out of recession persists because the jobs created through government ‘make-work’ programmes are clearly visible. What we cannot see are the jobs that would have been created elsewhere in the economy with that same money had it not been taxed or borrowed by government.”

He further writes about the limitations of government monetary policy. “At best,” he writes,

“it is simply a lever that can be adjusted to influence growth in the short-run. Consider what happens when the Reserve Bank cuts interest rates beyond what would have occurred if interest rates were freely determined by the interactions between the demand and supply of credit. When interest rates are cut too far, the capital allocation in the economy is skewed because capital is allocated to marginal activities. For example, if real interest rates are negative or zero, it would be unwise to hold cash balances because the investment will not earn a return. In this case investors would look for alternative places to invest. In low interest rate environments, these alternatives might be marginal activities that normally would not attract investment. When interest rates are forced to rise because of increasing inflation, marginal investments are exposed and the economy is likely to relapse into another period of recession.”

He can continue reading Urbach’s article entitled A low flat tax will lead to investment, growth and job.

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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

America on its way to an Orwellian end?

The way that America is going at this moment makes me think of the great demise of the Roman Empire. When it though it was invincible, Rome came crashing down. The same seems to be happening in America.

The big difference between Rome and America is that Rome was pillaged from without and America is being pillaged from within. And, the pillaging is done by the political class, the leaders of the nation. It points to an Orwellian demise.

John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute, has some interesting things to say about the state of the U.S.A.

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Saturday, November 03, 2012

How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?

Americans have a chance to prove the world wrong this coming Tuesday in the U.S. presidential elections. In reality, they only have one way to go to at least move a small step back towards what the American Founding Fathers envisioned for their beloved country.

If they vote for Romney, even though he is not the perfect candidate, they will at least say no to Obama and his Democratic Party lust for power and big government. Under Obama, America is turning into a country of bloodlust (51 million abortions since Row vs Wade), and gross perversion, with Obama’s full recognition of the gay lifestyle and gay mismarriage!

WARNING: Obama stands for a perversion that most people cannot even imagine. This link to the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) page called Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? shows exactly what Obama endorses. Although pictures have been “sterilised,” it may still upset certain readers.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Royal waste of tax money


Photo by Siyabonga Mosunkutu

South Africa is not ruled by a monarchy, but by a democracy, albeit a shaky one. However, would you be surprised if I told you that South Africa loses at least R66m per year to supposed monarchs in South Africa.

There is Goodwill Zwelithini (picture left), the Zulu king (Kwazulu-Natal); Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, the Thembu king (Eastern Cape) who burnt down the huts of his subjects in the Eastern Cape’s Tyalara community and abducted the families in 1995-1996; Zanozuko Sigcau, the Pondo king (Eastern Cape) who, with his family remained holed in a 5-star hotel on the Kwazulu-Natal south coast for two months at the tax-payer’s expense; Zwelonke Sigcawu, the Xhosa king (Eastern Cape) who does not like his tax-payer provided official vehicle (Mercedes-Benz ML350 CDi – R778 000) and, together with Dalindyebo thinks that their R10 000 monthly petrol allowance is too little; Makhosonke II, the Ndebele king (Mpumalanga), Toni Mphephu Ramabulana, the Venda king (Limpopo); and Thulare Victor Thulare III, the Pedi king (Limpopo), who at the moment gets nothing, but is a director of 16 companies.

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Western Cape government officials on indigent grant list

“[T]he names of five government officials [were found] on the beneficiary list meant for indigent households” in need of “urgent government support.” The whole report can be read at Eye Witness News. Patricia de Lille, Western Cape Social Development MEC, said that these officials “will be disciplined soon.”

I hope that by “disciplined” she actually means charged with theft! These people are involved in corruption, and theft of the highest order. They are stealing money from the citizens of this country! If I steal, I go to jail!

To jail with them!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Gauteng number plates to launch in December 2010

The proposed Gauteng number plate system
I wrote about the new proposed Gauteng number plate system back in November 2009, and now finally, it seems that those new number plates will come into effect in December 2010.

Of course, one of the reasons that the current system of number plates have run out so soon, is because it never used vowels. The current system of BBB000 GP, doesn't use vowels. If I calculated correctly, the current system (without using vowels and excluding personal and government vehicles) can only take about 9,261,000 numbers, whereas if vowels were used it would've taken 17,576,000 numbers. Almost double the amount! Now they want new numbers which would cost people more, again!

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Times Live poll essentially misleading

As polls go, the Times Live latest poll is as misleading as most polls normally are. The poll wants to know who you will vote for as president of South Africa. They only have 3 clowns choices in their poll:

  1. Jacob Zuma
  2. Zwelinzima Vavi
  3. Julius Malema
All that this poll will establish is which one of these is most liked by people, clearly not who they would prefer to be president.

It is like asking, Which one do you prefer?:
  1. Satan
  2. The beast of revelation
  3. The false prophet
We do not want, or prefer, any of those that the Times Live put in their poll!

The Times Live poll should have included another option: "None of these clowns."


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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back from world cup euphoria, South Africa returns to its old self!

South African flag at the #wc2010 fanpark in Centurion after ... on Twitpic
Euphoria as South Africa beat France 2-1
After the euphoria of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa, it seems that everything has returned to normal in the country. All over the country, right through the duration of the world cup, there were flags on cars and on the fences of many homes.

The world cup made us think that we could conquer the world, that nothing was too difficult for us. However, that feeling soon came to an end after all the world cup touring visitors had left.

South Africa is not just a multi-racial country, but also a country of many worlds. It has the world of the mega-rich, those from black and white communities. Then there is the world of the destitutely poor, from black and white communities.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

South Africa soon to experience its own Body Snatchers

John W. Whitehead
John W. Whitehead writes:
"Yet even in our present police state, with our lives and bureaucratic structure now oriented around a fear of the next terrorist attack, the underlying principle remains the same as it was over 50 years ago--namely, can we hold onto our basic freedoms and avoid succumbing to the soul-sucking dredge of conformity that threatens our very humanity?

"This question is at the heart of director Don Siegel's 1956 classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers, a film that not only captured the ideology and politics of its day but remains timely and relevant as it relates to the worries that plague us today.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gauteng gets new vehicle number plates

As it goes in South Africa, the government (whether provincial or national), always finds ways to make more money from its citizens. That is how it seems with the new number plate scheme.


The blue BB00BB GP plates are the standard issue plates. The black PB00BB GP plates are most likely for police services. The green HEITA GP is for personalized plates such as HOTROD GP. Finally, the red GB00BB GP plates are for government vehicles.

It is not that I am against new number plates, since Gauteng will run out of numbers by mid-2010 on its current BBB000 GP number scheme. Vehicles can keep their current numbers beyond that time, but they have to get those numbers re-stamped on the new metal plates. Even though the the new plates will be "equipped with a 2D barcode and a passive electronic chip," ostensibly for security and to stop falsification of plates, it still seems to be another money making scheme. It just would have been so much easier if only newly registered vehicles would be issued with these plates.

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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Is RICA (sim card law) a good thing?

As South Africans, we don't always keep up with new laws and new amendments to the constitution. For those who do not know, the Constitution of South Africa has been amended 16 times already. Have you read any of our Acts or Bills?

The next question would be: Have you heard of the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-related Information Act 70 of 2002 (RICA)? Well, the fundamentals of this law is that each SIM card, whether that card is for prepaid, contract or data use, must be registered against your name and identification. To find out more about this act without having to actually read the act, you can read Cell Phone SIM Cards and RICA.

The purpose of RICA, which came into effect on 1 July 2009, is "to regulate the interception of certain communications, the monitoring of certain signals and radio frequency spectrums and the provision of certain communication-related information." The two troubling words here are "interception" and "monitoring."

The apparent reason for this act is to assist in fighting crime. Criminals use cell phones to commit crime, and so the government wants to be able to listen into cell phone connections in order to find out where such crimes will be committed. So, the theory behind this act is that criminals will no longer be able to use cell phones to assist in their dastardly crimes. The question is how the government will be able to know whose conversations to listen to. Will they have a suspicion about a person, and then listen into his conversations? How does this help if by the time of the suspicion, the incriminating conversation is already finished, and the planning of the crime already concluded? That is too late! What if the suspicion is wrong, and a person's privacy has been violated?

The effectiveness of this law can only be guaranteed if all calls are monitored and certain keywords are used to intercept specific conversations. However, that will be a blanket violation of all citizens' privacy rights. In fact, I wonder how the government will ensure that our constitutional rights aren't violated in this regard. Section 14 of the constitution, dealing with privacy, says the following:

14. Privacy
Everyone has the right to privacy, which includes the right not to have ­
a. their person or home searched;
b. their property searched;
c. their possessions seized; or
d. the privacy of their communications infringed.

Any law, including RICA, is subservient to the constitution, therefore, if RICA violates point 'd' then this law will have to be amended or even scrapped.

Having said all this, how effective will this law be? The Abortion Nepotism and Corruption party, ANC, has a very sorry track record when it comes to fighting crime. In fact, it does not seem like they are serious about fighting crime at all. The fact that the police is ridiculously under-funded, and in many places they do not even have enough vehicles for fighting crime points to the government's flippant attitude towards the crime problem in this country. Also, the fact that it has become so much more difficult to continue owning personal firearms, never mind purchasing new firearms, perhaps points to a more sinister reason for disarming law abiding citizens! Citizens without the capability of actually defending themselves against gun-wileding criminals are simply open targets for criminals. The reality of the situation is that criminals will not bother registering their weapons, since they are criminals, and as a result no law will stop them from having weapons.

We already have enough laws against crime. These laws are not applied! A law that is not enforced is no law at all! Laws have meaning when they enforced. If our crime laws were actually enforced, silly laws like RICA would not be needed! In fact, based on what we already know about South African law enforcement, my guess is that RICA will amopunt to nothing. Most probably, RICA will get challenged in the Constitutional Court sooner or later.

Lastly, I do not trust this government at all They have proven to be unreliable in how they treat its own citizens. They ignored the voice of the people with regards to abortion, pornography and same-sex marriage, and legalized them all. The people overwhelmingly stood against these heinous evils by a great majority, yet the governnment legalized them anyhow. The ANC cannot be trusted, and with regards RICA, and the technology at hand, our constitutional privacy will soon come to an end!

Intercepting your calls daily!
coming to a cell phone near you on 1 January 2011!

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The conquest of Aztlan: South-West United States

The illegal immigration problem in the U.S., especially from Mexico, seems poised to become a problem way bigger than could have been imagined.

Read all about it here!

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

What involvement should governments have in central banks?

Samuel Gregg of the Acton Institute wrote a short but thought provoking article that gives us a peek into the issue of government vs. central bank.

"One of the financial crisis’ long-term effects will be to raise questions about central banks’ ability to maintain an independent monetary policy during periods of economic stress: that is, precisely when such independence is most important. Of course, no institution can be rendered completely immune from political and public pressures. But over forthcoming months, central banks are going to be faced with making decisions unlikely to please governments and legislatures worried about being reelected....

"The bigger political question, however, is the place of central banks in democratic political orders. Insulating central banks from excessive political influence reflects recognition of the truth that even in a democracy there are many public-policy decisions that should not be made by legislative or popular votes. Most democracies, for example, embody constitutional limits on the ability of governments and legislatures to interfere with the judiciary’s operations. This is usually derived from awareness that the common good normally requires some separation of powers in order to prevent excessive centralization of power."

Continue Samuel Gregg's "Can Central Banks Be More Insulated from Politics?"

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Monday, June 08, 2009

Will your taxes pay for healthcare you may not use?

The ANC is very secretive concerning a report on a newly proposed National Health Insurance (NHI). The report has not been made public yet. The question is, what is the big deal about the NHI?

When the idea of the NHI came to light some years ago, there was a lot of speculation concerning how it will work. So far, it seems an additional R100bn will be needed annually in the national budget to run this monster.

Will the NHI be added as an additional health tax to pay for the health care of the poor? Of course, the question that follows on this is, Who will benefit from the NHI? Is this going to be a case of the "rich" having to pay for something they will not be able to make use of?

Of course, if the ANC wants the "rich" to pay for something they cannot benefit from, it can clearly be classified as stealing from the "rich" to give to the poor. This would be extortion if it becomes a reality.

Health economist Alex van den Heever, revealed that the funding of the NHI would come from both those already belonging to medical aid schemes and those not. Van den Heever told the Hospital Association of SA's conference in Durban recently that members of medical schemes will pay 85% of their contribution to the NHI which would pay both public and private sector providers. Those without medical schemes will have to pay 5% of their income to the NHI.

Now here is the kicker, if Van den Heever is right, medical schemes will not be able to cover benefits that are covered by the NHI!

As a member of a medical scheme, would the 15% remaining of my usual contribution to my medical scheme, cover benefits that are worth being covered? Is the government orchestrated, socialistic NHI going to cover anything significant? If that is not the case, how will it impact the benefits I get from my medical scheme?

Am I going to lose significant benefits because my 15% contribution to my medical scheme simply cannot pay for those benefits? Will the government health scheme really pick up the slack on those benefits, or are we going to sit with a huge gap in benefits that cannot be covered because the government has thought up another lame entitlement scheme that one group of people must pay for so that the other group could reap the benefits?

Apart from benefits lost, what about all the jobs that will be lost because of this hare-brained idea? Medical schemes currently must make use of 100% of contributions for medical issues and salaries for staff. How will they accomplish this now with only 15% of those contributions? Sure, they will cover less benefits, but that means that less people can accomplish the job too.

The problem with this government is that it has created an environment of entitlement in the masses. Whatever one group has, the other group is entitled to that. This is an unhealthy environment. This will recreate Zimbabwe right here in South Africa where one group can take from another group simply because they have this false "right" to it.

How much of the NHI budget costs will pay for sicknesses and diseases that will come from behaviour that individuals have chosen? These would be health costs related to obesity, drug and alcohol abuse, STDs, HIV/AIDS, etc. Would it be right for one person to pay for another person's indiscretions? I think not!

Personally, I do not think that the ANC has thought this through. Of course, that would be a whole new experience for this country!

But, then again, tax those with money enough and they will take their money and expertise elsewhere!

Also read:
Concern over govt health scheme
Rights, responsibilities and health care

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

South Africa can become a haven for sex traffickers!

I received the following newsletter from the Family Policy Institute.

It would be wise to read it and to start writing into newspapers in our battle against the legalization of all kinds of evil in this country. We already have open abortion laws, legalization of pornography and homosexual "marriage." We must do our utmost to stop the legalization of prostitution.

Legalised Prostitution Will Remove Barriers to
Sex Traffickers & International Crime Syndicates in SA!

The deceptive and morally reprehensible agenda to decriminalise prostitution in South Africa has a powerful ally in the secular liberal media establishment.

On Friday 15 May E-Newschannel Anchor Andrew Barnes conducted a 10 minute live interview with SWEAT representative Eric Harper on decriminalising prostitution in SA.

Tragically, the entire interview was overtly sympathetic to SWEAT's views on prostitution.

More worrying however, was the deliberate exclusion of an alternative viewpoint being expressed on an issue of critical importance to all South Africans.

Eric Harper was allowed to attack those who opposed the decriminalisation of prostitution with impunity referring to them as "knee jerk moralizers" and "having their heads in the sand".

A recent survey revealed that 79% of South Africans oppose decriminalised prostitution.

I immediately sent an e-mail to E-Newschannel challenging their biased reporting which essentially amounted to censorship of the views of the vast majority of SA citizens.

Ten minutes later I received a telephone call inviting me to participate in a live debate from their C.T. studios with Vivienne Lalu of SWEAT. (Ms Lalu was already in their JHB studios).

As it turned out, E-Newschannel arranged two separate interviews with SWEAT on the same day without bothering to invite a single representative to express an opposing viewpoint.

The live debate at 7:30pm on Friday 15 May was clearly biased in favour of SWEAT. I was interrogated about the integrity of my research, while Ms Lalu's claims were accepted without question. This is clearly a violation of the journalistic code of ethics.

The print media are no better. Eighty percent of reporting on the Law Reform Commission's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution contained comments from SWEAT or organisations in favour of decriminalisation while a few paragraphs are provided for an opposing viewpoint.

I appeal to the Christian Media in South Africa to expose the blackout of the truth about prostitution by regularly broadcasting interviews and debates on this critical issue.

The Daily Telegraph reported (18 May) that ILLEGAL brothels are exploding across Sydney amid accusations all levels of government are doing little to drive them out of business.

It's been claimed "tough" new laws have failed to prevent unprotected sex, slavery and corruption. An investigation by The Daily Telegraph has revealed illegal brothels and escort services outnumber licensed establishments by four to one and the gap is growing.

Click here to read the full article on the website

This is happening despite prostitution being legalised in Australia. Remarkably, this is the same argument SWEAT uses to advance its theory that decriminalisation will solve our problems.

South Africa's liberal media refuses to acknowledge and report on the hundreds of warnings emanating from across the world about the dangers of global sex trafficking including the explosion of child prostitution and organised crime in nations that legalised prostitution.

Decriminalising prostitution will throw open the doors to pimps and gangs & will remove barriers to crime syndicates & international sex traffickers to operate with impunity in SA.

As a result of widespread media bias, I need your help to get our message heard across the nation that decriminalising prostitution in SA is the equivalent of national social suicide.

FPI has compiled a fact based summary of key points detailing the dangers of decriminalising prostitution in South Africa. Please see attachments at the foot of this e-mail.

Please pass on this information to every Christian or Christian organisation you know.

Standing (Eph 6:13)

Errol Naidoo

Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.docx (14K)
Prostitution - fact based summary.doc (79K)
Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.docx (17K)

For those who do not have Microsoft Office 2007 (MS Word 2007), you may not be able to read the two .docx files as they are new formats from version 2007. However, if you use the free OpenOffice 3.0, you will be able to read these documents. If you do not have OpenOffice, I have taken the liberty to convert these two documents to standard .doc files (Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.doc and Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.doc).

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Christian Voting Must be Biblically Based

It is always interesting to talk to people to hear their criteria for choosing who to vote for in an election. With the 2009 elections coming up on 22 April, it is time again to hear the ideas of people. People have different reasons for why they vote for certain political parties.

Most people look at financial issues, hence, their political outlook is mostly for personal gain. How can the government make my life better? This of course shows a dependence on the government. This is also not just an issue for the poor! The rich have the same thoughts. They would like a government that will ensure that their riches don't get squandered on unnecessary taxes, or will at least see to it that the money of the rich will keep on growing.

As Christians, we march to the beat of a different drum… a heavenly drum! And that drum is not beaten by us, the Christians, but by the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ Himself. It is very much a Lordship issue, even in deciding who we will vote for in a political election.

God is not uninterested in politics! This is not that one sphere of life where God leaves man to his own devices. This is not a no-go zone for God! "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. (Ps 24:1)" To think that God can be excluded from any sphere of life, no matter how corrupt it has become, shows a naivety that does not belong with clear thinking people.

Politics, essentially has nothing to do with power. It primarily has to do with justice and care for a nation. It is exactly the quest for power by politicians that nations end up like Zimbabwe, DRC, Middle-East and China. Politics is about the good of the country, not about the individuals leading the country. As Lord Acton once said: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is too much of a reality in our modern world not to take notice of it.

So, how does this choice of who to vote for affect Christians? When we look at who gets the vote in South Africa, it makes one wonder how many Christians actually march to the heavenly drum! Up until our last elections, it has been the ANC and DA as number one and two parties respectively.

Those results are quite perplexing, considering that about 70% of the population claims to be Christian. Why is this perplexing? Well, if one looks at the South African Voter's Guide, it becomes clear that these two parties stand antithetically opposed to Biblical Christian values.

savotersguide In all of life, Christians are admonished by the Scriptures to obey God. Why is it that they think it would be acceptable to disobey when they vote in elections?

Christians simply do not not have the luxury of making up their "own minds" on issues that have been clearly spelt out in the Scriptures. That is on any issue in life. Yet, it is true that the Scriptures do not tell us who to vote for. However, that does not give us an escape route to vote for parties that do not stand on the Lord's side!

In making up our minds who to vote for, there should be a clear procession of thought on the issues. As Christians, our decision must be guided by clear Biblical mandate first. That means, where the Bible speaks clearly, we have to follow. If the Bible is clear on the issue of murder, we cannot vote for a party that supports abortion, ala ANC and DA. The Bible is clear on murder. You get the point! Therefore, Biblical moral issues must be adhered to first in our decision before any other issues that are based on conscience or expediency.

So, issues such as abortion, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and the like must take precedence in your decision who to vote for. The Bible is clear on these issues. There are clear commands and Biblical doctrine on each of these issues and other moral issues. As a result, issues of conscience, on which the Bible has no clear teaching, must play second fiddle to moral issues. Even more so, issues of expediency such as simple economic issues.

If Christians do not use their votes towards establishing Biblically righteous government, they are indeed using their votes towards evil. And, perpetuating evil in this way is clear disobedience against the clear statutes of God. "Without virtue, a society can be ruled only by fear, a truth that tyrants understand all too well."1 Already, the ANC is planning to amend the South African Constitution if they win a two-thirds majority.

Voting by a Christian must result in a better country with justice for all. A better country can only be seen as a righteous country. It does not have to be a country where all its citizens are Christians, but it will be a country where the people understand what is right and what is wrong, and where the law and its application brings true justice for all.

There are many Christians that vote for both the ANC and DA. They vote for the ANC as the so-called liberators from apartheid, and others vote for the DA as a so-called strong opposition to the ANC. With the upcoming elections, there will also be the breakaway party, COPE. When you look at the SA Voter's Guide, you will realise that COPE's policies are exactly the same as that of the ANC. In fact, of the 8 issues in the guide, the ANC and COPE get 0/8 and the DA get 2½. The ½ of the DA here is only because of stated policy, disregarding their poor voting record in parliament.

Remember, voting is a Christian duty. In a democracy, your vote can actually effect change. Your vote can move this country closer towards justice and righteous government. Don't throw that vote away by denying a party perhaps just that one vote it needs to have someone put into parliament. Further, don't waste your vote on the memories of so-called past liberation or on the promise of so-called strong opposition, especially when both of these sides stand for very much the same when it comes to moral issues.

Let your vote count towards righteous government, and vote for a Christian party such as the ACDP or CDA.

Christian, do not support and perpetuate immorality by giving your vote to parties that do the same! Do not vote through fear, but rather let your vote reinforce Christian Biblical values!


1. Colson, Charles and Pearcey, Nancy, How Now Shall We Live?, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999, p373.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

South Africa's next president?

Many people outside South Africa have little knowledge of what is really going on in South Africa. I don't blame them. Since the 1994 fully democratic elections that delivered Nelson Mandela as the winner, South Africa has been seen as a great example of success, being dubbed the "Rainbow Nation!"

South Africa is not a democracy as much as it is a tyranny by the majority over the minority ruled by corrupt politicians with an evil glint in their eyes. Neither is South Africa a "Rainbow Nation" as much as it is a stormy torrent of crime, corruption and drug laden dark back alleys.

Peter Hitchens, at the Daily Mail, wrote a thought provoking piece after a visit around ANC strongholds in South Africa. It is called "He has four wives and he faced 783 counts of corruption: PETER HITCHENS on South Africa's next president."

Here are a few paragraphs of Hitchens' story:

"Imagine how you would react if Gordon Brown opened and closed his election rallies by bursting into a song called Bring Me My Machine Gun, swaying and jigging to the hypnotic chorus of this menacing ditty.

"And how would you feel if the Prime Minister were alleged to be taking campaign money from Colonel Gaddafi; faced 783 counts of fraud, racketeering, tax evasion and corruption which somehow never came to court; and had been acquitted of rape while his fearsome supporters mobbed the courthouse?

"Then ponder how you would despair if, despite all these things, Mr Brown's party was certain to win the election whatever he did or said.

"If you can picture all this happening here, then you have an inkling of the horrible process South Africa is now going through. Except it is much, much worse."

The following cartoon is one of the calm depictions of Jacob Zuma at the Mail&Guardian:


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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Over A Million Reasons Why I Will Not Be Voting ANC

Dr. Peter Hammond has sent his latest newsletter to day and I agree wholeheartedly with him on the 2009 elections coming next week, 22 April.

South Africans need to stand against the evil of the ruling party, and not only against the ruling party, but against all parties that stand for evil. See the SA Voters Guide.

Without further ado, here is Peter Hammond's latest newsletter.

Over A Million Reasons Why I Will Not Be Voting ANC

There are over a million reasons why I will not be voting for the African National Congress (ANC) in the upcoming elections on 22 April 2009:

1. Over 800, 000 babies have been killed by abortion in South Africa – officially, legally, often with tax payer’s money - since the ANC legalized abortion on demand, 1 February 1997.

2. Over 350, 000 people have been murdered in South Africa since 1994 – under the ANC government – yet the ANC has steadfastly refused to consider re-instating the death penalty for murder. Nor have they been willing to put the matter to a referendum.

3. Over 750, 000 women and children have been raped in the 15 years of ANC rule – while pornography has been legalized. Less than 7% of reported rapes result in convictions.

4. The ANC is soft on the criminals and hard on the victims of crime. Rather than fight crime effectively the ANC have worked to disarm the potential victims of crime, denying firearm licenses to tens of thousands of law abiding citizens, claiming that self-defense is not a legitimate reason for owning a firearm! Rather than support community initiatives to fight crime the ANC have frustrated communities by demanding that security barriers be removed from crime afflicted suburbs.

"Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice." Isaiah 1:16-17

5. The ANC’s Ministry of Education has evidenced a consistent hostility to Christianity, insensitivity to the concerns of parents and prejudice against the Bible. Kadar Asmal’s anti-Christian policies and the unworkable curriculum 2005 Outcomes Based Education dumbed down education and has turned government schools into recruitment centers for radical homosexual groups.

6. The ANC’s affirmative action and blind support for Mugabe’s racist and tyrannical policies have chased away investors and cost the South African economy over 2 million jobs. According to the JSE, the net worth of South Africa over the first 10 years of ANC rule shrunk by over 30%. And the Rand under the ANC has plummeted from R2 to the US dollar to R10 to $1.

7. Rates and taxes are higher and government services are lower. Despite increased rates and taxes the filthy, litter strewn, graffiti vandalized communities testify to the incompetence of government.

"You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting..." Daniel 5:27

8. Corruption has flourished under the ANC to such an extent that the ANC is being referred to in the streets as the Abortion, Nepotism and Corruption party.

"They claim to know God but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." Titus 1:16

9. The endless propaganda and pornographic programmes on the state TV – which is supported by compulsory “licences”.

10. The arrogance of so many in the ANC and the arbitrary manner in which they ride roughshod over the concerns and freedoms of others – such as the Minister of Health refusing to meet over a thousand concerned doctors; and how their ICASA has attempted to close down 9 Christian and community radio stations in South Africa.

The Bible instructs us to “select capable men from all the people - men who fear God,trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain - and appoint them as officials..." Exodus 18:21

Evidently the ANC candidates fail to qualify on Biblical grounds.

Dr. Peter Hammond
Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
Cape Town
South Africa

Tel: 021-689 4481
Web: www.christianaction.org.za

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