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Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"This is madness" - but is it God?

I received the following in a newsletter.

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Saturday, November 03, 2012

How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?

Americans have a chance to prove the world wrong this coming Tuesday in the U.S. presidential elections. In reality, they only have one way to go to at least move a small step back towards what the American Founding Fathers envisioned for their beloved country.

If they vote for Romney, even though he is not the perfect candidate, they will at least say no to Obama and his Democratic Party lust for power and big government. Under Obama, America is turning into a country of bloodlust (51 million abortions since Row vs Wade), and gross perversion, with Obama’s full recognition of the gay lifestyle and gay mismarriage!

WARNING: Obama stands for a perversion that most people cannot even imagine. This link to the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) page called Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? shows exactly what Obama endorses. Although pictures have been “sterilised,” it may still upset certain readers.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

ANC speaks through both sides of its mouth

anc-two-headed-monsterOver the many years of the ANC’s existence—100 years in 2012—we have now learnt with great clarity that the ANC will change strategies and policies as the circumstances demand, whatever their end-goal is!

The case in point is that several months ago, Julius Malema and his Pied Piper mice wanted to charge into Botswana to “help establish” a regime change in that country. With great fanfare the ANC chastised him and ANCYL for bringing the ANC into disrepute.

Of course, the ANC has a long-standing disrepute that all clear thinking people can clearly see and understand, since the ANC regularly rams controversial laws through parliament when they perceive resistance to their proposed laws. This was clearly the case with abortion on demand, legalised pornography, legalised same-sex whatever-it-is-but-it-is-not-marriage and now lately the secrecy bill. With each of these bills, the ANC simply rammed them through parliament, while not listening at all to what people were saying in consultation with the government. In fact, with each of these votes in parliament, ANC Members of Parliament (MPs) had no right to a vote of conscience. They were told what to vote! Democracy has no meaning to this monster!

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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Will evil triumph in South Africa while good people do nothing?

As Christians we can pray, get involved with ministries such as the Family Policy Institute and Biblical Christian Network, support them financially, write to newspapers and magazines on these issues and encourage others to do so too.

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Friday, December 03, 2010

American government forcing military to accept open pursuers of a particular sexual perversion

Just been reading Hither and Thither by Dan Philips. One of the subjects he touches on a couple of times is the issue of the U.S. government wanting to force the acceptance of “homosexuals” back into the American military. So, without rambling on myself, I’ll let Dan explain it himself:

  • Here's an interest study in MSM bias. Never seen anything quite like this though. Same paper, same day, two stories, two "takeaways." They even have almost the same pictures at the head! The news source is the Washington Times. The subject is forcing our military to accept open pursuers of a particular sexual perversion. One story says the military is OK with it, the other story says the military strongly resists it. Guess which one is from AP? Correct: the first. Guess which tells another story? Correct, the one by veteran national security reporter Rowan Scarborough.
  • Depressing to read the political military heads and desk-jockies ready to throw the fighting men under the bus in the name of political correctness and social experimentation.
  • Indeed, the indispensable Elaine Donnelly, of the Center for Military Readiness, agrees that the Pentagon let the troops down. She observes that the report identifies not one benefit to the military from forcing this issue; also, some 60% believe that it would have a negative impact; would have untold negative consequences on chaplains and those currently serving due to "Zero Tolerance" for recognizing homosexuality's immoral, aberrant nature. Just a rush-job to deliver on a bad political promise.
  • Perhaps even more of a killer: "More than a third of Marines (38.1 percent) and nearly a fourth of all personnel (23.7) said they would either leave the military or think about doing so if the policy is reversed, and 40 percent of Marines and 27 percent of all the military said they would be less likely to recommend to a friend or family member that he or she join the military." That's what I've been telling you: each move towards forcing the military to embrace this perversion is a move towards a compulsory draft.
  • Meanwhile, California's disgrace, Senatrix Barbara Boxer, had someone write an editorial for her pressing for this horrible idea, ignoring all the facts, and including this chestnut: "...American taxpayers have been forced to pay up to a half a billion dollars to replace the 13,000 service men and women discharged under this policy." Although, if the estimable Senatrix's point is that these individuals should be billed for the costs incurred by their knowing duplicity, I might be on-board.

I am totally with Dan on this one. With the return of “pursuers of a particular sexual perversion,” I can only imagine the infighting that will happen within the U.S. forces. Would you want to appear naked in front of another man who may want to have sex with you? In the same way I don’t use toilet facilities together with women, I will not want to do the same with these perverts around! This will mean the end of the U.S. military. When a military is weakened morally to this point, it will become a non-combatant military. Switch off the lights when you leave!

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

When the wicked seize the Mother City (Cape Town)

I reported in a previous post, that Errol Naidoo, of the Family Policy Institute, has released an Action Alert concerning Cape Town’s marketing of the Mother City Queer Project, which is an annual celebration of the perverted homosexual lifestyle during December. He has once again asked for Christians to take action in this regard.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Mother City (Cape Town) sells sexual perversion

Errol Naidoo, of the Family Policy Institute, has released an Action Alert concerning Cape Town’s marketing of the Mother City Queer Project, which is an annual celebration of the perverted homosexual lifestyle during December.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Cross-dressing generals? The end of American strength?

David A. Noebel, president and founder of Summit Ministries, has written a very poignant piece called Ready for cross-dressing Army generals? 

In this article he writes:
"Allowing 'gays in the military,' therefore, is misleading. Once gays are openly recruited and accepted in the military, their 'cousins' will follow suit (lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersexual, queer, etc.). Such a scenario would even make Julius Caesar, who was bisexual, blush. Among soldiers, he was known as 'every woman's husband and every man's wife' (Taylor Caldwell, 'A Pillar of Iron,' p. 697).
"The United Sates[sic] is currently involved in two wars. Is the president out to destroy our military? Can any thinking American wish to see an "open" cross-dressing homosexual Army general trying to gain the trust of his troops (or for that matter, the nation)? Have we as a nation fallen so far that we need to apologize to Sodom?
"... If you say you don't believe it could happen, you're living in a fool's paradise. Let's not forget that Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, a flaming homosexual, as his "safe schools czar." Talk about letting the fox into the chicken coop! What Jennings is keeping kids safe from is any criticism of homosexuality in the public schools, which are literally teaching it as a safe, natural and moral lifestyle."

Read the whole article here.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Abstinence Sex Ed Works

Zip it up!Who would have thought?

In a tiny piece called Abstinence Sex Ed Works in the TIME magazine of 15 February 2010 in The World: 10 Essential Stories section on page 9, it is reported that, well, abstinence sex-ed works!

According to a study that was recently published in the Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine:

"abstinence-only sex-education programs proved more effective in encouraging teens to delay having sex than more comprehensive school programs that include information about safe sex and contraceptive options."

This study even prompted Obama's administration to perhaps start giving more funds for programs such as these. Essentially the message is "Zip it up and keep your pants on!"

Does anybody find it strange that all kinds of expensive research needs to be done to show the obvious. Common Sense indeed has died! Who would have thought that comprehensive sex-ed programs would actually encourage teens to delay having sex? Certainly not the conservatives! Definitely the liberals... but, oh yes, the liberals want the teens to have more sex, do they not? They are the ones who want younger and younger children to experience freedom in making their own choices without adult interference. It is the liberals that have created a culture of perversion and death in the West.

How have they created a culture of perversion? This is quite simple. They have been fighting for ever increasing liberal sexual laws since at least the 60's with its sexual revolting revolution. They have pushed for all kinds of sexual deviancy, especially for the "outing" of homosexuals. What's next? Polygamy? Bestiality like in Sweden? The problem with a revolution is that it is never enough. Revolutionaries can never get enough. They do not know when to stop. They are the ones who have lost all sense of morality, and that which they have will change tomorrow, because they have no sure foundation--such as the Bible--on which to base their morality. They are the ones who have rejected the God of the Bible and have made little "gods" in their own image. Little gods with whom they can continue their perverted sexual revolution. Even now, they are promoting their perversions in the schools through men like Obama's "safe schools czar," Kevin Jennings. Who will Jennings make schools safe for? Homesexuals? What about keeping these perversions away from children who would prefer not to be sullied by this immoral lifestyle?

How have liberals created a culture of death? Why, through their fight for abortion, the willful killing of another human being. Don't be fooled into thinking the argument is about "choice!" "Choice" is simply the pro-abortion movement's euphemism for abortion, which itself is a euphemism for the murder of pre-born babies. A woman has the choice to do with her body what she wants, as long as she keeps that choice limited to her own body. The baby is not a part of the woman's body, and therefore the woman has no rights over the life of the baby. Abortion is simply the modern version of child sacrifice to the god of convenience, which these liberals will worship to the point of death; not their own, but the death of defenseless babies. Of course, the abortion-mill market goes hand in hand with the push for free sex. No free-sex, no unwanted babies, no abortions, no money!

Liberals have also pushed towards legalized euthanasia--assisted suicide--in their promotion of the culture of death. I wrote about the issue of euthanasia in an article entitled Killing people using euphemisms back in April of 2005, so I will not touch much on this issue here. "
Many claim that a person should be able to decide when he wants to die by which method. Physical illness affects the mind and the body. As a result, these stressful situations always lead to difficulty in coming to a well-adjusted decision. Patients may one day want to die and another day want to live. Which day will be reckoned as his final decision?"

Coming back to sex-ed, the problem with comprehensive safe-sex education is that sex is the fuel for more sex. Whether it is called safe-sex or something else, sex becomes a fuel that drives itself further and further until it becomes impossible to give it up. Taking into consideration the mindset of teens, it will not be easy to get them to stop once they have engrossed themselves into lives of free sex. Soon, so-called safe-sex will become unprotected sex which will lead to STDs and unwanted babies and abortions.

Abstinence education doesn't have anything to prove in reality. No sex, no STDs, no unexpected babies! Does the education work? Yes, if educationists are willing to try! The reason why liberals do not think that it can work is that they really do believe that humans are just more evolved animals which should give in to their animal urges. According to them, it is unnatural to go against those urges. If we continue to treat our young people as if they are just a bunch of animals, should we really be surprised if they act like they are?

Rather, we should treat our children as the moral human beings that they are, with dignity, and teach them that it really is possible to control those sexual urges that are sinful outside of marriage, because it really is possible. We are not animals, but beings with great moral capabilities, if only we will surrender to the God who created us with those capabilities, Jesus Christ!

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Homosexual parents produce homosexual children

New revelations from past studies reveal that the children of openly homosexual parents "are seven times more likely to develop 'non-heterosexual preferences' than other children;" however, lawmakers are in the dark about this since researchers have concealed their discoveries.

"The 'studies thus far find that between 8 percent and 21 percent of homosexually parented children ultimately identify as non-heterosexual,' the psychologist wrote. 'For comparison purposes, approximately 2 percent of the general population are non-heterosexual. Therefore, if these percentages continue to hold true, children of homosexuals have a 4 to 10 times greater likelihood of developing a non-heterosexual preference than other children.'... However, those researchers who found such differences 'nonetheless declared in their research summaries that no differences were found,' the report said."

Read more about this in Bob Unruh's article, "'Gay' family kids 7 times more likely to be homosexual: But report shows researchers concealing information."

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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Gay gene" remains a myth

"Folks, the homosexual activist movement and its fellow travelers have gotten a ton of propaganda mileage out of the 'gay gene' myth, despite the lack of confirming research. Meanwhile, many who are liberal (or just ignorant) on this issue continue to assert that genetic homosexuality is a scientific fact, and the media play along due to laziness or bias. The same people, of course, are not swayed by the reality of contented 'ex-gays' — men and women who once identified as 'gay' but have left homosexuality behind. In fact, they often deny their existence. We welcome this step in the right direction from the decidedly pro-homosexual American Psychological Association. — Peter LaBarbera."

The "gay gene," I am happy to say, remains a myth. The American Psychological Association has backtracked on its previous claims that being gay is genetic.

Continue reading about it here.

Also read my post, The gene and homosexuality.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Christian Voting Must be Biblically Based

It is always interesting to talk to people to hear their criteria for choosing who to vote for in an election. With the 2009 elections coming up on 22 April, it is time again to hear the ideas of people. People have different reasons for why they vote for certain political parties.

Most people look at financial issues, hence, their political outlook is mostly for personal gain. How can the government make my life better? This of course shows a dependence on the government. This is also not just an issue for the poor! The rich have the same thoughts. They would like a government that will ensure that their riches don't get squandered on unnecessary taxes, or will at least see to it that the money of the rich will keep on growing.

As Christians, we march to the beat of a different drum… a heavenly drum! And that drum is not beaten by us, the Christians, but by the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ Himself. It is very much a Lordship issue, even in deciding who we will vote for in a political election.

God is not uninterested in politics! This is not that one sphere of life where God leaves man to his own devices. This is not a no-go zone for God! "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. (Ps 24:1)" To think that God can be excluded from any sphere of life, no matter how corrupt it has become, shows a naivety that does not belong with clear thinking people.

Politics, essentially has nothing to do with power. It primarily has to do with justice and care for a nation. It is exactly the quest for power by politicians that nations end up like Zimbabwe, DRC, Middle-East and China. Politics is about the good of the country, not about the individuals leading the country. As Lord Acton once said: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is too much of a reality in our modern world not to take notice of it.

So, how does this choice of who to vote for affect Christians? When we look at who gets the vote in South Africa, it makes one wonder how many Christians actually march to the heavenly drum! Up until our last elections, it has been the ANC and DA as number one and two parties respectively.

Those results are quite perplexing, considering that about 70% of the population claims to be Christian. Why is this perplexing? Well, if one looks at the South African Voter's Guide, it becomes clear that these two parties stand antithetically opposed to Biblical Christian values.

savotersguide In all of life, Christians are admonished by the Scriptures to obey God. Why is it that they think it would be acceptable to disobey when they vote in elections?

Christians simply do not not have the luxury of making up their "own minds" on issues that have been clearly spelt out in the Scriptures. That is on any issue in life. Yet, it is true that the Scriptures do not tell us who to vote for. However, that does not give us an escape route to vote for parties that do not stand on the Lord's side!

In making up our minds who to vote for, there should be a clear procession of thought on the issues. As Christians, our decision must be guided by clear Biblical mandate first. That means, where the Bible speaks clearly, we have to follow. If the Bible is clear on the issue of murder, we cannot vote for a party that supports abortion, ala ANC and DA. The Bible is clear on murder. You get the point! Therefore, Biblical moral issues must be adhered to first in our decision before any other issues that are based on conscience or expediency.

So, issues such as abortion, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and the like must take precedence in your decision who to vote for. The Bible is clear on these issues. There are clear commands and Biblical doctrine on each of these issues and other moral issues. As a result, issues of conscience, on which the Bible has no clear teaching, must play second fiddle to moral issues. Even more so, issues of expediency such as simple economic issues.

If Christians do not use their votes towards establishing Biblically righteous government, they are indeed using their votes towards evil. And, perpetuating evil in this way is clear disobedience against the clear statutes of God. "Without virtue, a society can be ruled only by fear, a truth that tyrants understand all too well."1 Already, the ANC is planning to amend the South African Constitution if they win a two-thirds majority.

Voting by a Christian must result in a better country with justice for all. A better country can only be seen as a righteous country. It does not have to be a country where all its citizens are Christians, but it will be a country where the people understand what is right and what is wrong, and where the law and its application brings true justice for all.

There are many Christians that vote for both the ANC and DA. They vote for the ANC as the so-called liberators from apartheid, and others vote for the DA as a so-called strong opposition to the ANC. With the upcoming elections, there will also be the breakaway party, COPE. When you look at the SA Voter's Guide, you will realise that COPE's policies are exactly the same as that of the ANC. In fact, of the 8 issues in the guide, the ANC and COPE get 0/8 and the DA get 2½. The ½ of the DA here is only because of stated policy, disregarding their poor voting record in parliament.

Remember, voting is a Christian duty. In a democracy, your vote can actually effect change. Your vote can move this country closer towards justice and righteous government. Don't throw that vote away by denying a party perhaps just that one vote it needs to have someone put into parliament. Further, don't waste your vote on the memories of so-called past liberation or on the promise of so-called strong opposition, especially when both of these sides stand for very much the same when it comes to moral issues.

Let your vote count towards righteous government, and vote for a Christian party such as the ACDP or CDA.

Christian, do not support and perpetuate immorality by giving your vote to parties that do the same! Do not vote through fear, but rather let your vote reinforce Christian Biblical values!


1. Colson, Charles and Pearcey, Nancy, How Now Shall We Live?, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999, p373.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Uganda will not bow to U.N.osexual pressure!

The U.N. and the homosexuality posse have been putting pressure on many countries to normalise homosexual practice (hence U.N.osexual).

It is a breath of fresh air to hear a government tell the U.N. that it will not bow before immoral, "illegal, unnatural and abnormal" practices.

"Uganda will not be forced to legalize practices that are illegal, unnatural and abnormal… At the United Nations there are attempts by some nations to impose homosexuality on the rest of us… We have learned that they want to smuggle in provisions on homosexuality… Yesterday I spoke to [Uganda's UN] ambassador Ruhakana Rugunda and reminded him of Uganda's position, which opposes legalisation of homosexuality," said the Ugandan Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity Dr. James Nsaba Buturo.

Read more of this story at "Uganda Refuses to Bow to United Nations Pressure to Accept Homosexuality."

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Sunday, March 08, 2009

U.K. Parents face court action for removing children from gay history lessons

U.K. schools continue its downward trend in teaching immoral content to its children.

In its latest shocker, it seems that in one district parents may face court action for removing their children from school because this school district is intent on brainwashing its children into accepting the gay/lesbian lifestyle as an acceptable lifestyle.

“Parents face possible court action for withdrawing their children from lessons on gay and lesbian history.

“More than 30 pupils were pulled out of a week of teaching at a primary school which included books about homosexual partnerships.

“The controversial content was worked into the curriculum at George Tomlinson School in Waltham Forest, East London.

“The council has declared that children who missed the lessons will be viewed as truants.

“The ruling means some families could breach rules that children should not be absent for more than 19 days a year.”

Read more about this case at the Daily Mail.

HT: Ingrid Schlueter

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Spain no longer family friendly

Spain's Supreme Court has decided that parents may not withhold their children from homosexual indoctrination classes any longer, thereby declaring Spain to be anti-family and anti-children.

Read more here...

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Obama's change brings America

Now that Chairman 'O' has taken up office, he will implement his changes.

Read all about it in Obama Administration Announces Radical Homosexualist Agenda on White House Website.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hear the voice of science about gays?

Every now and again, another pro-gay person goes behind the mountain to retrieve scientific proof that being gay is genetic, aka "natural", and they cannot help it.

Almost inevitably they discover the research done by LeVay and Hamer and use that as positive proof that gays are that way due to their genes. However, both LeVay and Hamer have been debunked and their research doesn't hold much water.

Anyway, here are two posts as an introduction in that direction:
The gene and homosexuality
The gene and homosexuality - the sequel

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Lisa Miller's 'gay-marriage' diatribe in Newsweek refuted

I am not going to say anything here about Lisa Miller's gayatribe. Here are some links to articles that refute her from the same Bible she so joyously misrepresented:

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Silence on murder by homosexual

"A pro-family activist is questioning why there is no outrage over the murder of a college student by a homosexual.

"On November 21, William Smithson, 43, of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to life in prison for the September 2006 strangulation murder of 23-year-old Jason Shephard. Smithson, a homosexual, murdered Shephard after slipping him GHB, a date rape drug, then hid the body in the basement of his home."
Read more here.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

South Africa: Christian Unity & the Ballot Box

I received the following email from the Family Policy Institute here in South Africa.

Christian Unity & the Ballot Box

Attacks on Churches from those who preach tolerance have increased dramatically over the past few months. Intolerance and outright contempt for the beliefs and principles of Bible believing Christians have skyrocketed.

A Church in Pretoria was sued recently for dismissing a practicing homosexual and was forced to apologize for 'violating his human rights'.

The rights of the Church to maintain its Biblical integrity were completely ignored. A Stellenbosch Church was attacked by six naked students who stormed into their meeting disrupting the evening service and desecrating the sanctuary.

In the US voters overwhelmingly supported 'proposition 8', the state constitutional amendments in Arizona, Florida and California that protects marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

Following the defeat same-sex 'marriage' proponents poured onto the streets of California attacking several Churches and hurling racial abuse at African Americans who voted overwhelmingly to support the measure.

An elderly bespectacled lady holding a wooden cross was attacked by homosexual activists spewing hate and scorn in full view of TV cameras. They ripped the cross from her hands and stomped on it all the while screaming obscenities at her.

The liberal media's biased reporting of the outpouring of violence and intimidation from 'gay' activists portrayed Christians as hate-mongers and bigots bent on denying 'gays their civil rights.

Despite the trashing of Churches by homosexual activists 'proposition 8' succeeded because the Body of Christ reached across the denominational divide to protect the sanctity of marriage.

Post-apartheid South Africa desperately needs a united Church that's prepared to reach across the denominational divide to defend and protect Faith, Family and Freedom.

Same-sex 'marriage' proponents were defeated at the ballot box in the US because the majority of Americans still value the sanctity of marriage and the family. The same is true for most South Africans who hold to the traditional view of marriage and the family.

That means that we can restore the sanctity of marriage and the family - the way God intended - by Voting our Values on Election Day. If Christians voted exclusively for pro-life and pro-family political parties we would defeat the pro-death and anti-family movements in one election.

Is this possible? With God all things are possible! - With God!

The key to the ballot box defeat of same-sex 'marriage' in three US states was prayer & Christian Unity, (Where God commands the blessing, Psalm 133). The key to righteous government in South Africa can be won at the ballot box but it also demands prayer & Christian Unity!

The question is: will the Church in South Africa transcend the man-made denominational divide and link arms to defeat corrupt and self-serving politicians at the ballot box? That is a question only we can answer.

The life of the unborn and the health of the family depend on your prayers & vote.

P.S. Please forward this to a friend
Family Policy Institute
49 Parliament St Cape Town 8001
T: +27 (0) 21 462 7888
F: +27 088 (0)21 462 7889
E: info@familypolicyinstitute.org

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