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Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Rights. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

America on its way to an Orwellian end?

The way that America is going at this moment makes me think of the great demise of the Roman Empire. When it though it was invincible, Rome came crashing down. The same seems to be happening in America.

The big difference between Rome and America is that Rome was pillaged from without and America is being pillaged from within. And, the pillaging is done by the political class, the leaders of the nation. It points to an Orwellian demise.

John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute, has some interesting things to say about the state of the U.S.A.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

ANC speaks through both sides of its mouth

anc-two-headed-monsterOver the many years of the ANC’s existence—100 years in 2012—we have now learnt with great clarity that the ANC will change strategies and policies as the circumstances demand, whatever their end-goal is!

The case in point is that several months ago, Julius Malema and his Pied Piper mice wanted to charge into Botswana to “help establish” a regime change in that country. With great fanfare the ANC chastised him and ANCYL for bringing the ANC into disrepute.

Of course, the ANC has a long-standing disrepute that all clear thinking people can clearly see and understand, since the ANC regularly rams controversial laws through parliament when they perceive resistance to their proposed laws. This was clearly the case with abortion on demand, legalised pornography, legalised same-sex whatever-it-is-but-it-is-not-marriage and now lately the secrecy bill. With each of these bills, the ANC simply rammed them through parliament, while not listening at all to what people were saying in consultation with the government. In fact, with each of these votes in parliament, ANC Members of Parliament (MPs) had no right to a vote of conscience. They were told what to vote! Democracy has no meaning to this monster!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Overruled: American government invasion of citizens’ parental rights

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Friday, December 10, 2010

China’s Confucius Peace Prize

What a hoot! Phenomenal human rights violator, China, now has its own peace prize. Who in the world are they trying to fool? Only the fool will shout “Peace!” when there is no peace!


Image courtesy Zapiro at M&G

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The dark side of human trafficking: children!

When we think of human trafficking, most would instinctively think of adult women being smuggled across Eastern European borders to pimp them in other countries under the false pretense of a better life.

However, there is a darker side to human trafficking, and that is that children are being abducted and suckered into lives of dependency on hard drugs, and in order to get their next fix, they have to have sex with despicable perverts that are many times "honoured" businessmen in the community. (Another reason why a person's private life speaks to his character and suitability to be a leader in the community) Many times these poor girls and women are gang raped by their "masters" if they try to escape.

The video below shows how in 2005 the police got in contact with a 16-year old girl who was in just such a situation, and how they went in search of her 14-year old sister and resultant raids.

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Join STOP to stop Human Trafficking!

Human Trafficking is picking up almost daily here in South Africa with the run-up to the 2010 World Cup Soccer tournament. Unscrupulous, evil and completely depraved people are stealing, confusing and conning unsuspecting women and children under false pretenses into becoming sex slaves, child labourers, soldiers and more.

STOP (Stop Trafficking Of People) kicked off their Public Service Announcement campaign recently against human trafficking. STOP's incredibly important campaign kicked off amid increased activity in the illegal sex industry in South Africa and abroad, especially with illegal brothels sprouting up in residential areas across the country.

STOP has created some videos that are available for viewing exactly to combat human trafficking.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

“God” is the new 4-letter word in schools


Free speech is only free for some!

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Monday, February 09, 2009

The butcher of Cuba is the new chic

It seems that history keeps on getting rewritten by liberals for liberals. For them, truth is a matter of opinion and perspective, not of reality, of what actually is.

In the new movie by Soderberg on the life of Che Guevara, called “Che,” he paints Guevara as a humanitarian and a martyr, it seems.

But, far from that, Guevara was a butcher who had no second thought for the life of others.

For more on the movie, read Bruce Edward Walker’s commentary on the movie called, “Hollywood’s Radical Che Chic.”

Also read “Glamourising a Mass Murderer” by Dr. Peter Hammond.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Geert Wilders may no longer speak the truth

Geert Wilders, the outspoken Dutch parliamentarian, who speaks out against jihadist Islamists, may no longer have a different opinion of Islam than Islam!

Free speech is no longer valid in the Netherlands, or so is the opinion of one judge that determined that Wilders should be prosecuted for criticizing Islam.

Read about it here.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ghastly torture in Guantanamo Bay!

Read all about the torture of Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay here.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tyranny of the EU

An interesting site I saw today describes how the EU is on its way to becoming a tyrannical state such as the former USSR was and many current Islamic countries still are.

The site shows how the U.K. is slowly signing its rights away to the EU, disregarding its own citizens!

"The EU arrest warrant (signed by the Queen on 18th November 2003) allows us to be arrested without charge and held indefinitely with no right to see a solicitor, make a phone call, or even a right to a trial. You can simply disappear.

"Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA) 2005, we can now be arrested and held in the cells by any police officer for any petty offence, like dropping litter. Before it had to be an offense that carried a 5 year jail term. This also applies to all of the EU's 107,000 regulations. Do you know them all?

"The Civil Contingences Act 2004 allows government to confiscate anything you possess permanently; you have no right to object. This includes your house. It also gives government the right to forceably move its population around to different locations; you can be left with no place to call your own and live like a refugee. The only check and balance here is a Minister just needs to utter the words 'This is a national emergency.' If a demonstration or strike government doesn't like is being organised, they can cut off all communications in a town - phones, mobiles, the internet, TV, and block all access to that town including closing roads and railways. It has all the powers and more of Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933."

I do not know whether this is correct or not. However, if it is, it would become known as one of the greatest atrocities of modern man.


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Friday, August 01, 2008

American companies assist in Chinese Totalitarianism

Everybody probably knows about the Chinese human rights violations that are being committed on a regular basis by Chinese authorities on its own people. Except for those living under rocks, I guess!

Did you know that American companies are helping the Chinese government in their totalitarian expansion among its citizens, by supplying and developing the technology to create, as John Whitehead says, "electronic concentration camps?"

In his commentary, Chinese Totalitarianism, American-Style, Whitehead writes:

In the wake of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, Congress actually passed legislation that was intended to prevent U.S. companies from helping Chinese authorities suppress human rights and democracy. Since then, American corporations have been working to side-step the prohibition while exploiting every loophole and simultaneously lobbying Congress to lift the restrictions and allow them free play in China’s homeland security market.

This includes security and communications giants such as IBM, General Electric, United Technologies, Honeywell, DuPont and Motorola, as well as technology giants such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. The motivation, of course, is money. According to Klein, “the global homeland-security business is now worth an estimated $200 billion — more than Hollywood and the music industry combined.” Thus, for the sake of greed, these companies have become turncoats to freedom, completely selling out America’s once-cherished ideals of democracy.

Continue reading John Whitehead's commentary here.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another step towards oppressing U.S. citizens

"The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to debate two bills that could give the federal government unprecedented control over the way parents raise their children – even providing funds for state workers to come into homes and screen babies for emotional and developmental problems.

"The Pre-K Act (HR 3289) and the Education Begins at Home Act (HR 2343) are two bills geared toward military and families who fall below state poverty lines. The measures are said to be a way to prevent child abuse, close the achievement gap in education between poor and minority infants versus middle-class children and evaluate babies younger than 5 for medical conditions."

Continue reading Chelsea Schilling's article, U.S. government: We know parenting better than you.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Human rights only for some in Canada

Human rights, specifically free speech, is only meant for some in Canada. Disagree publically with perverse, despicable and sinful lifestyles, or with another religion (except Christianity, of course), and you will find yourself before some lunatic human "rights" tribunal.

Canada has indeed entered the era of the absurd. They infringe on the human rights of some to establish the human rights of others. How daft!

In line with my previous post, Free Speech is dead in Canada!, Chuck Colson has written a short commentary on this issue called What's the Matter with Canada?

Here is an excerpt:

"How is this for irony? Recent actions by Canadian human rights groups have observers alarmed for the state of human rights in Canada. That is because the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal do not give a fig about protecting human rights. Their mission is suppressing free speech."
Continue reading Colson's article here.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

The Birth of Freedom

Acton Media, of the Acton Institute, is releasing a DVD called The Birth of Freedom.

On the home page of The Birth of Freedom we read this:

"How is freedom born?

"The American founders said that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights—that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They called this a self-evident truth. Eighty-seven years later, Abraham Lincoln reaffirmed this idea on the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg. And in 1963 these same words echoed from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial as Martin Luther King, Jr. urged America to fulfill the promise of its founding.

"But humans are separated by enormous differences in talent and circumstance. Why would anyone believe that all men are created equal? That all should be free? That all deserve a voice in choosing their leaders? Why would any nation consider this a self-evident truth?"
Visit The Birth of Freedom to view the trailer here.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Free Speech is dead in Canada!

As many of you already know, free speech no longer exists in Canada.

Here is an example given by Stephen Boissoin.

A short paragraph by Boissoin:
"Christian parents are not allowed to 'opt' their kids out of biased pro-homosexual propaganda in our public schools but the HRC advises that we need to obtain consent to teach our religious beliefs in our own religous [sic] institutions."

HT: James White

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Mbeki's quiet diplomacy WRT Mugabe

Zapiro's picture here puts it all in perspective. This is what you get from 'canned' diplomacy!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mugabe walks tall while his country is laid low

Mugabe, arguably one of the most evil leaders that has walked on African soil, continues to walk tall and proud while his country continues to be laid low on every front.

Here is a man that is as racist as they come, he has committed numerous human rights violations, and has driven his country to ruin. He is at the forefront of bringing the former bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe, to its complete demise
. His communist ideals have propped him up as the saviour of nothing and joker of the international community.

Yet, the South African President, Thabo Mbeki, continues with the lunacy of quiet diplomacy!

This quiet diplomacy has proven to be utterly foolish while the people of Zimbabwe go without life's necessities. Further, the racist Mugabe has made sure that whites are not welcome in his country and got rid of almost all white farmers. Many through violent means! Mugabe also throws people into jail on a whim when people oppose his evil policies. Free speech is free only to those who agree with him.

Yet, Mbeki wants to be nice to the guy! While Mb
eki does not have the guts to demand change in Zimbabwe, many Zimbabweans are streaming into South Africa, many taking jobs where South Africans should be working. I do not say that we should be nasty to Zimbabweans. Far from it! They deserve care, which their own government knows nothing about. If South Africa declares this a state of emergency and provides Zimbabweans refugee status, then we could at least get financial help from the U.N. That means, we would not have to use the money that we so desperately need, on the refugees.

Mugabe should be brought down to earth. How that can be done I do not know. Perhaps Mbeki and the SADC leaders must show that they have a little fortitude and tell Mugabe that he no longer has their support. But, then again, the current South African government seems to be a friend of torturous regimes.

Is this really the legacy that
Mugabe wants to leave behind?

It is time Mugabe goes and that proper government is restored. Once he is out, he and all his ZANU-PF cronies should be brought before an international court for gross human rights violations!

Justice must be served!

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Darfur continues its unspeakable acts of abuse

Darfur continues to be a part of this earth where human life is not even worthy of being called a commodity!

Whether it is a rebel group, the Sudanese armed forces or the Janjaweed (government backed Arab militias), it seems that ethics and the value of human life are inconsequential!

Simply put, they do not care, as long as they can reach their goals! Which is complete domination!

Children and women are enduring "unspeakable acts of violence and abuse" in the form of murder, rape, abduction, torture and child recruitment as fighters!

When will this stop? This, while politicians from all over sit and talk! How many talks haven't they had already. Yet, there is no evidence that their talking has made any difference!

When I think back of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, I am reminded that while organizations such as the U.N. (Useless Nations) were talking, almost a million people were slaughtered in a very short period of time.

This so-called civil war in Sudan has been going on for 21 years.

All I can say to all these "concerned" governments involved in the Darfur problem is, "keep talking, while the people keep dying!"

Talk is cheap!

Stopping these "unspeakable acts of violence and abuse" will take extraordinary acts by extraordinary brave people.

Who will these brave people be?

Have a look at the heartbreak caused in Darfur.

Do you care? You better! You may be next!

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sudan is the top human rights abuser

What we see in Darfur today is simply a relocation of human rights abuse that spanned the whole of Sudan just 10 years ago.

The Sudanese government allowed Islamic "fundamentalists to sell Christians into slavery, crucify them, and starve them to death. Once the two sides agreed to a truce brokered by former U.S. Sen. John Danforth, the persecution moved to the western province of Darfur."

Continue reading this story here.

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