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Showing posts with label Immoral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immoral. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

Rape: Identity of a nation


South Africa, as the rape capital of the world once again shows why that is the case.

Just recently a 5 year old girl was raped at her school. . . , by three 7 year old boys! I know! You are probably shocked and rightly so! Should we surprised that something like this could happen in this country! No! If you are surprised then you have been living under a rock! Boys of 7 don’t learn to act like this in a vacuum. They learn this from what they see and hear.

Our nation truly is in a steep perverted decline and no-one seems to care! It is an environment created by the liberal policies of the ANC with regard to pornography and the death penalty. Murderers and rapists, if they are ever caught, get to live in our prisons at our expense. We, as the citizens of this country, become victims by proxy of these violent crimes when we have to keep on paying to house these criminals for many years. By 2010, South Africa had 132 rapes per 100,000 people. That put us at 40 rapes above the country second on the list of countries with the most rapes per capita. The U.S.A. were at only 27 rapes per 100,000.

It is time South Africa does something about this epidemic of Gomorrhic proportions. We can start by putting a stop to pornography in this country. Scores of rapes have been preceded in the hours before the crime by the viewing of pornography. We can start by educating ourselves, and this we can do by reading a book like PORNDEMIC: How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You can Do About It.

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Defend and protect the family–Stop TopTV porn!

Television companies are going full-out to corrupt the minds of people by pushing for pornography on their channels. e-TV has taken porn from their offering quite recently after many people complained about their late night transmission of porn (I hope it is still off!). Next came DSTV who also wanted to create a porn channel on their bouquet of offerings. After many complaints they also decided not to go ahead with this imbecilic idea! Now, TopTV, after claiming in their launch last year that they will keep their offerings clean, have succumbed to the smut-sells idea and want to add porn channels to their offering. The message we have is clear!


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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ACTION: Even chewing gum sells sex these days!

Image courtesy of ViewZone
What used to be a childhood pass-time has now been fashioned as a new draw card for sexual activity, perhaps even to the point of sharing your girlfriend with others. Is this really how far Beechies wants to push this envelope?

Just today I sent an email to the South African importers of Beechies on behalf of the Biblical Christian Network (BCN).

As parents and Christians we need to stand up against this type of sexualisation of our children via the previously innocent activity of [“insert innocent activity here”]! e.g. chewing gum! We need to stand up today so that our children can have a smut free tomorrow! Once again, in 10 or 20 years from now, what will you tell your child hen he comes to and asks: “Mommy, Daddy, what did you do when Beechies made chewing gum about sex? Why did you leave it to others to fix?”

Please, make a conscious decision today to start doing something for the future of this country. Don’t just sit back and expect others to do it. What if they are thinking the same? Please read the Action Alert from Errol Naidoo from FPI, and write to the relevant persons he mentions. Then, stop buying those Beechies, even if you or your kids are craving to chew on them! Let Beechies feel it where it counts, their bank balance!

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

When the wicked seize the Mother City (Cape Town)

I reported in a previous post, that Errol Naidoo, of the Family Policy Institute, has released an Action Alert concerning Cape Town’s marketing of the Mother City Queer Project, which is an annual celebration of the perverted homosexual lifestyle during December. He has once again asked for Christians to take action in this regard.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Mother City (Cape Town) sells sexual perversion

Errol Naidoo, of the Family Policy Institute, has released an Action Alert concerning Cape Town’s marketing of the Mother City Queer Project, which is an annual celebration of the perverted homosexual lifestyle during December.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Apparently, teenage sex is a social problem

It seems like South African teenagers are all sexed-up and nowhere to go. 41% of pupils between grade 8 and 11 have had at least 2 sexual partners already. 52% of school pupils have had abortions, 19% have been pregnant or made someone pregnant and only 31% have used condoms during sex. As I have said in my previous post, "Criminals are cowards and should be treated as traitors to mankind!", the South African, ANC-led, government has created a godless society, and the results can be seen in the behaviour of our teenagers.

According to "acting director-general of Health Dr Yogan Pillay says there is no scientific intervention that can discourage people from having multiple partners." He also said that "[t]here is no medical intervention, there is no technical intervention. This a social challenge."

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Helen Zille hypocritical about DA sex-scandal

Just a few weeks ago the news broke that Jacob Zuma fathered yet another child out of wedlock. The whole nation was, and still is, in uproar about the South African president that simply cannot keep his pants up. The DA, the official opposition, especially gunned for Zuma because of his many "indiscretions," which by the way are just pure sinful!

Now, it has come to light that the MEC in the Western Cape for Community Safety, Lennit Max, had an extra-marital affair. Now, suddenly, this extra-marital affair is a "private" matter as opposed to Zuma's "public" matter. I fail to see how Zille can see a difference between these two cases. Zille said, "An extra-marital affair between consenting adults in private is not a matter that can be regulated by a political party, the state or the media." Zille has a very pragmatic approach, "If it does not have negative public consequences, such an affair is a private matter that is the concern of the participants, their families, their God and their church."

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Thursday, February 04, 2010

"Don't criticize me, I am the Prez!" says Zuma

Zuma acts like the devil!Yesterday I wrote about the despicable behaviour of the un-president, Jacob Zuma, in my post, "With all due disrespect Mr. Zuma, you are not worthy to be president!". As a result of the controversy stirred up by Zuma's actions, the newspapers have jumped on this issue. But Zuma, again making claims of cultural beliefs involved in his philandering, immoral lifestyle said that he has made the relevant cultural reparations to the family of the woman that he had illicit sex with that produced a child. So, what he is saying is have sex, make reparations; have sex, make reparations; hav... Mr. Zuma... No! No Mr...! If you have respect for someone you use the title Mr.! Mr. Zuma, has no moral fibre; in fact, morality is null and void in his mind, is it not?

On this matter Zuma, in a media statement from his office, said:

"I have done the necessary cultural imperatives in a situation of this nature, for example the formal acknowledgement of paternity and responsibility, including the payment of inhlawulo to the family. The matter is now between the two of us, and culturally, between the Zuma and Khoza families."

When will publicly elected officials such as presidents realize that while they are in their elected term of service, they do not have privacy like other citizens. The president is not just an individual that happens to be elected as president. When the president is sworn in, he promises to devote himself "to the well-being of the republic and all of its people." Jacob Zuma, as the elected president of South Africa represents South Africa and its people, and not the ANC or Zulu culture. During his time in his service to this country as president he must behave and conduct himself in all things--including his so-called private life--in such a way to promote the best image of South Africa to the world. After he finishes his service to South Africa he can do what he wants, but while he serves as president, and being paid by the people of this country, he needs to conduct himself without any serious misconduct for which he may be removed from his office as president. As president, Jacob Zuma must promote "the unity of the nation and that which will advance the Republic." By living as if his private life and presidential life are separate, and through his repeated sexual misconduct he is definitely NOT promoting "the unity of the nation and that which will advance the Republic." This matter is not just between the Zuma and Khoza families, this matter is between Zuma and the people that he represents, whose name he is continually dragging through the mud! BTW, Zuma said that he made the necessary reparations to the family according to his culture, but why does he not just keep his pants on? Then no reparations would be necessary!

The media statement continues:

"It is unfortunate that the individuals concerned have been unfairly subjected to harsh media exposure merely because of the position that I occupy. Our Constitution and our laws require us to protect children from harmful public exposure. The Constitution states that it is inappropriate to place at risk, the child’s well-being, physical or mental health, spiritual, moral or social development."

What?! Zuma wants to blame the media for the exposure that Sonono Khoza and the baby are getting? That is truly disingenuous! It seems like Zuma's hamster has vacated its offices. Did Zuma really think that he could do anything without the media scrutinizing those actions? It may be great to be president in South Africa, thinking that people should treat you like a Zulu king, but no, there is a dark side that comes with being president. RESPONSIBILITY! Zuma planted the seed--pun intended--and now he must watch it grow, with everything that goes with being president. Just because Zuma is a Zulu does not mean he will get a "Skip Media Scrutiny" card in his little monopoly game. Again Zuma calls upon the constitution to shift blame away from his own actions. By claiming, according to the constitution, that it "is inappropriate to place at risk, the child’s well-being, physical or mental health, spiritual, moral or social development," he tries to use a baby's so-called well-being to move scrutinizing eyes away from himself. Typical of a coward's actions! How the media's scrutiny of his actions and making known who the baby's mother is can harm the child, only he will know. In fact, the child does not even know what is going on.

What is quite laughable is that Zuma claims that all this attention places the child's moral development at risk. What in the world would Jacob Zuma know about moral development? He has the moral acuity of a coral reef!

Zuma continues:

"Both the Child Care Act and the new Children’s Act also provides for the protection of children from exploitation. The naming of the child’s parents has essentially exposed her to the public, which has serious implications in the long-term for her, and amounts to the exploitation referred to in the Act, because the media is making money out of the matter."

I must say, the poor child has been exploited so much! Wait a sec! No-one has even seen the child yet, so how could the child be exploited! No-one has even seen the child, but the child's parents have been named, how does that have long term implications for the child? Oh yes, the life-long implications for the poor child is that she has to be reminded every day for the rest of her life that her father is a philandering, immoral charlatan! These children were at risk, not Zuma's baby! The fact is that Zuma's child would always have been exposed to the public, being a child fathered by the president, morally or immorally! There is nothing out of the ordinary. If Zuma had a child with one of the women in his harem, it still would have made the news. The only difference is that in this case the parents had illicit sex and the child is unfortunate to be born under such circumstances. The newsworthiness of the situation has nothing to do with the fact that the newspapers have scrutinized Zuma's immoral actions, but with Zuma's immoral actions and lifestyle!

In the media statement Zuma also says:

"The media is also in essence questioning the right of the child to exist and fundamentally, her right to life. It is unfortunate that the matter has been handled in this way. I sincerely hope that the media will protect the rights of children."

I would like to know what kind of mental gymnastics Zuma and his ill-advisors went through to claim that the media in essence is "questioning the right of the child to exist and fundamentally, her right to life?" By highlighting the destructive sexual behaviour of Zuma in no way questions the right to existence of the baby that was born as a result of that immoral behaviour! Through all of this ducking and diving, Zuma simply will not take responsibility for the way that he lives. It is always someone else's fault. This has been Zuma's and the ANC's tactics from the beginning. Blame someone else, anyone else. Zuma certainly has a distorted view of the world, hoping that the "media will protect the rights of children." Children have the right to grow up in stable homes with parents that live moral lives from which they can learn. However, this is not what Zuma is going to give this child. This child will grow up knowing that her father loves other women too, and not just those he speciously claims as his wives. This clearly puts this child at risk in terms of her "mental health, spiritual, moral [and] social development!"

What Jacob Zuma needs is the good news of peace with God!

As it is said,
Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.
Hebrews 3:15

You can read Zuma's media statement here.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

With all due disrespect Mr. Zuma, you are not worthy to be president!

Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa has now shown conclusively that he is not worth being called president, even if the ANC received 60+% of the vote in South Africa's last election in 2009. From being a terrorist liberation organization to one that fronts despicable, corrupt and immoral men as its own and South Africa's leader, it seems to me that the ANC and Zuma are simply par for the course! The ANC does as the ANC does! Nothing has changed since pre-1994! A leopard can't change its spots!

It has come to light that South Africa's despised revered president has fathered an illegitimate child with a friend's adult daughter. This is his twentieth child! This is the same man who slept with a girl a couple of years ago while corruption charges against him were still being investigated.

What was Zuma thinking? Was he thinking? Zuma is already a polygamist according to his Zulu culture. If he hadn't divorced one and another died, he would've had five wives. As a man with three wives, he still goes around having sex with other women. Polygamy is simply a way of cheating on your wife. Zuma is very clearly hiding behind the it's-my-culture claim to legitimize his polygamy and philandering! This man cannot keep his zip up! His immorality is astounding. His corruption unequaled! To what lengths will this man go to drag the name of South Africa through the mud? At least Bill Clinton tried to hide what he had done with that woman, Monica Lewinsky! Not our Jacob Zuma! His motto is: "I can, so I will!" And so he did! And he flaunts it too! "Look dudes! Three wives and a bunch of chicks! I think I've worn out my zipper!"

That is NOT the kind of president we want to represent US before the world! Mr. President, you are a scumbag! Oh, yes, you do not even use condoms! Is that below your status as a Zulu man? This man does not engender pride in the hearts of thinking South Africans. He brings feelings of shame, disgust and horror that such a person could be our president. Respect! No, Mr. President, respect is earned and you have squandered that opportunity! Disrespect is what you have earned, and heaps of it! Zuma had the opportunity to prove everybody wrong about him after he became president. Yet, through his own actions he has proven us all right. He should not have been the president.

"(2) When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan...
(4) By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down...
(27) An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous, but one whose way is straight is an abomination to the wicked.
(Proverbs 29: 2, 4, 27 ESV)

The response by the ANC is also simply par for the course. ANC spokesperson Jackson Mthembu said:

"Why should a relationship between two adults be made an issue?... Why should it make headlines? Why is it characterised by some media as a 'shame to the nation'?... There is nothing wrong that the president has done. There is nothing 'shameful' when two adults have a relationship... By being involved with any other person, President Zuma is not guilty of any offence and he has not breached our constitution or any of our laws."

The fact is that this relationship is not just between any adults, it is between the president of our nation and some woman! What the president does has an impact on the people of this nation and on the world's perception of this nation! When the president does not bother to live an upstanding, moral life, why should anyone else in the nation care to do so? It is exactly because of this that the HIV infection rate in South Africa is the highest in the world and that South Africa also has the highest per capita occurrence of rape in the world! We can conclusively say that South Africa is one of the most immoral nations in the world! That, Mr. President, is SHAMEFUL, and you are at the forefront of that drive to deeper depths of immoral behaviour! May God have mercy on your soul and that of the people of this once great nation!

Every time someone dear to the ANC is caught in some expression of a severe character flaw, they claim that that person "has not breached our constitution or any of our laws," as Jackson Mthembu claimed for the anti-president, Jacob Zuma. The ANC has no sense of morality, especially not a Biblical, eternal morality as defined by God. They have a very convenient morality. A morality based on whatever is expedient for the moment.

ACDP president, Rev. Kenneth Meshoe said in a media release from his office:

"We find this unacceptable for a head of State not to take morality seriously and set a bad example, particularly for young men in the country. South Africa needs leaders who are morally upright and accountable... We believe President Zuma needs counseling and sex addiction therapy, as was recommended for Tiger Woods who has a similar problem of sleeping around."

Although I agree with Kenneth Meshoe's sentiments, I think he has it wrong. "Sex addiction" is not a psychological problem, it is a moral problem. It is a sin problem. The remedy for Zuma's sex-lust is not psycho-babble-therapy, but surrendering to Christ and repentance from his life of abject immorality. Zuma will not find help in "sex addiction" therapy--modern western culture--nor will he find it in Zulu culture. It is only in Jesus Christ that he can find refuge! May God's kindness lead Jacob Zuma to repentance! (Rom 2:4) It is as John Scott wrote, sex addiction therapy is usually "only for people whose wives (like Mrs Tiger Woods) regard their husbands' promiscuity as wrong. Mrs Zuma and Mrs Zuma and Mrs Zuma obviously don't mind, and Mr Zuma doesn't mind either, thank you very much." Is this also part of Zulu culture, or is this attitude from the Zuma wives simply due to the expediency of being set for life without having to work! Morality! Obviously not required!

I agree with the Reverend Theunis Botha, leader of the Christian Democratic Party, a member of the CDA who called for Zuma to resign for the good of the country.

Zuma has shown himself as irresponsible in his actions as it undermines the so-called African Renaissance which supposedly was to bring a higher moral standard to South Africa. Of course, this Renaissance has a "DNS"--Did Not Start--next to its name in the race of life, and Zuma and the ANC's attitude to issues such as these are making sure that this drunken lust will bring great ruin upon South Africa.

Now, something a little light-hearted:
Please listen to the 30 second sound clip below!

What did you hear? Are you sure? Actually, what you heard is Father's Day at Jacob Zuma's home!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

South Africa can become a haven for sex traffickers!

I received the following newsletter from the Family Policy Institute.

It would be wise to read it and to start writing into newspapers in our battle against the legalization of all kinds of evil in this country. We already have open abortion laws, legalization of pornography and homosexual "marriage." We must do our utmost to stop the legalization of prostitution.

Legalised Prostitution Will Remove Barriers to
Sex Traffickers & International Crime Syndicates in SA!

The deceptive and morally reprehensible agenda to decriminalise prostitution in South Africa has a powerful ally in the secular liberal media establishment.

On Friday 15 May E-Newschannel Anchor Andrew Barnes conducted a 10 minute live interview with SWEAT representative Eric Harper on decriminalising prostitution in SA.

Tragically, the entire interview was overtly sympathetic to SWEAT's views on prostitution.

More worrying however, was the deliberate exclusion of an alternative viewpoint being expressed on an issue of critical importance to all South Africans.

Eric Harper was allowed to attack those who opposed the decriminalisation of prostitution with impunity referring to them as "knee jerk moralizers" and "having their heads in the sand".

A recent survey revealed that 79% of South Africans oppose decriminalised prostitution.

I immediately sent an e-mail to E-Newschannel challenging their biased reporting which essentially amounted to censorship of the views of the vast majority of SA citizens.

Ten minutes later I received a telephone call inviting me to participate in a live debate from their C.T. studios with Vivienne Lalu of SWEAT. (Ms Lalu was already in their JHB studios).

As it turned out, E-Newschannel arranged two separate interviews with SWEAT on the same day without bothering to invite a single representative to express an opposing viewpoint.

The live debate at 7:30pm on Friday 15 May was clearly biased in favour of SWEAT. I was interrogated about the integrity of my research, while Ms Lalu's claims were accepted without question. This is clearly a violation of the journalistic code of ethics.

The print media are no better. Eighty percent of reporting on the Law Reform Commission's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution contained comments from SWEAT or organisations in favour of decriminalisation while a few paragraphs are provided for an opposing viewpoint.

I appeal to the Christian Media in South Africa to expose the blackout of the truth about prostitution by regularly broadcasting interviews and debates on this critical issue.

The Daily Telegraph reported (18 May) that ILLEGAL brothels are exploding across Sydney amid accusations all levels of government are doing little to drive them out of business.

It's been claimed "tough" new laws have failed to prevent unprotected sex, slavery and corruption. An investigation by The Daily Telegraph has revealed illegal brothels and escort services outnumber licensed establishments by four to one and the gap is growing.

Click here to read the full article on the website

This is happening despite prostitution being legalised in Australia. Remarkably, this is the same argument SWEAT uses to advance its theory that decriminalisation will solve our problems.

South Africa's liberal media refuses to acknowledge and report on the hundreds of warnings emanating from across the world about the dangers of global sex trafficking including the explosion of child prostitution and organised crime in nations that legalised prostitution.

Decriminalising prostitution will throw open the doors to pimps and gangs & will remove barriers to crime syndicates & international sex traffickers to operate with impunity in SA.

As a result of widespread media bias, I need your help to get our message heard across the nation that decriminalising prostitution in SA is the equivalent of national social suicide.

FPI has compiled a fact based summary of key points detailing the dangers of decriminalising prostitution in South Africa. Please see attachments at the foot of this e-mail.

Please pass on this information to every Christian or Christian organisation you know.

Standing (Eph 6:13)

Errol Naidoo

Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.docx (14K)
Prostitution - fact based summary.doc (79K)
Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.docx (17K)

For those who do not have Microsoft Office 2007 (MS Word 2007), you may not be able to read the two .docx files as they are new formats from version 2007. However, if you use the free OpenOffice 3.0, you will be able to read these documents. If you do not have OpenOffice, I have taken the liberty to convert these two documents to standard .doc files (Myths and Facts about Decriminalization of Prostitution.doc and Dangers of Legalised Prostitution.doc).

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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Cut abstinence funding, but keep funding the murder of babies"

Let's be brutally honest: No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!

But, why, oh, why are people so against funding abstinence programs in schools? To any sane person with at least one brain cell, it is quite evident that the only preventative measure that can work, and this can be deduced even before going through all kinds of testing, is abstinence! Of course, those that do not think abstinence works, must also believe that we are pollinated like flowers by the birds and the bees! That, of course, explains why so many liberals have unwanted children that they consequently murder through abortion!

The real problem that liberals have with abstinence is not that abstinence does not work. Their problem with abstinence is one of morality. They will not give up their heinous evil, because then they also have to agree that they are living immoral lives. Once they admit this, they also have to admit there is a God that they are accountable to, which they would not do, even to the point of death!

It is because of this deep-seated hate for God, and all things good and moral, that liberals will go out of their way to prove that abstinence programs do not work. Of course, programs do not work as well as the real thing. Programs of education can only be as effective as the belief in the program, of the one who teaches it! If the teachers that are supposed to teach abstinence are not convinced of the program, they certainly will not teach it with confidence and will definitely not create any confidence in abstinence by the students.

As a result, liberals have done some "research" some time ago and apparently have "proven" that abstinence programs do not work. The problem with this was that their test suite for abstinence programs was not the same as for their own comprehensive sex education in classes. Therefore, they compared apples and rotten eggs!

Now, on top of that, the Obamassiah, the One, wants to stop funding for abstinence programs. Of course, there was an uproar about this, as is only right! The White House responded to this uproar with its usual sugar-coated venom! The White House response:

"In the budget, 75 percent of funding in a new teenage pregnancy prevention program will be directed to programs that have demonstrated by rigorous research to prevent teen pregnancy. The rest of the funds will be directed to promising, but not yet proven, programs for which we have some indication that they achieve the goal of teen pregnancy prevention. Those programs would have to agree to participate in a rigorous evaluation and abstinence-only programs could qualify."

"Abstinence-only programs could qualify?" To quote my opening line: "No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!"

Researcher Stan Weed, in a congressional briefing, has shown "that not a single school-based comprehensive sex education curricula had compelling evidence for increasing consistent condom use." Further, Doug Kirby, a major proponent of comprehensive sex education and researcher on sex education issues, said that:

"the Mathematica study, which was commissioned by Congress and found abstinence education lacking, should not be used to determine the effectiveness of abstinence education. Huber expressed hope that the Obama administration would take a closer look at the most recent evidence, rather than relying on outdated data such as what was used in the Mathematica report."

The question, of course is, will the Obama administration be honest in dealing with this, or will it carry on in its path of providing every means to continue the moral downgrade of the American people, especially of the children?

Obama has already proven one point, he wants the murder of the unborn to continue, and he has made funding available worldwide to accomplish this "dream" of his! What are the chances that abstinence programs will continue in American schools? According to Obama's own track record, probably not great!

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Will the South African government legalize prostitution? It depends on YOU!

The South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) is busy advancing its agenda of having prostitution legalized in South Africa in time for the 2010 soccer world cup!

SALRC has released a discussion paper heavily in favour of decriminalizing prostitution. This, despite overwhelming international evidence against this immoral policy.

YOU and your church can put a stop to this.

Read the SALRC's Discussion Paper on Adult Prostitution. This is a PDF file.

Please send your comments to Ms D. Clark at dclark@justice.gov.za no later than 30 June 2009. For more enquiries call Ms Dellene Clark at +27 (0) 12 392 9553 or Ms Carien Pienaar at +27 (0) 12 392 9561.

Please inform your church concerning this and start sending in your comments against the decriminalization of prostitution today!

YOU can make a difference NOW!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Christian Voting Must be Biblically Based

It is always interesting to talk to people to hear their criteria for choosing who to vote for in an election. With the 2009 elections coming up on 22 April, it is time again to hear the ideas of people. People have different reasons for why they vote for certain political parties.

Most people look at financial issues, hence, their political outlook is mostly for personal gain. How can the government make my life better? This of course shows a dependence on the government. This is also not just an issue for the poor! The rich have the same thoughts. They would like a government that will ensure that their riches don't get squandered on unnecessary taxes, or will at least see to it that the money of the rich will keep on growing.

As Christians, we march to the beat of a different drum… a heavenly drum! And that drum is not beaten by us, the Christians, but by the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ Himself. It is very much a Lordship issue, even in deciding who we will vote for in a political election.

God is not uninterested in politics! This is not that one sphere of life where God leaves man to his own devices. This is not a no-go zone for God! "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. (Ps 24:1)" To think that God can be excluded from any sphere of life, no matter how corrupt it has become, shows a naivety that does not belong with clear thinking people.

Politics, essentially has nothing to do with power. It primarily has to do with justice and care for a nation. It is exactly the quest for power by politicians that nations end up like Zimbabwe, DRC, Middle-East and China. Politics is about the good of the country, not about the individuals leading the country. As Lord Acton once said: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is too much of a reality in our modern world not to take notice of it.

So, how does this choice of who to vote for affect Christians? When we look at who gets the vote in South Africa, it makes one wonder how many Christians actually march to the heavenly drum! Up until our last elections, it has been the ANC and DA as number one and two parties respectively.

Those results are quite perplexing, considering that about 70% of the population claims to be Christian. Why is this perplexing? Well, if one looks at the South African Voter's Guide, it becomes clear that these two parties stand antithetically opposed to Biblical Christian values.

savotersguide In all of life, Christians are admonished by the Scriptures to obey God. Why is it that they think it would be acceptable to disobey when they vote in elections?

Christians simply do not not have the luxury of making up their "own minds" on issues that have been clearly spelt out in the Scriptures. That is on any issue in life. Yet, it is true that the Scriptures do not tell us who to vote for. However, that does not give us an escape route to vote for parties that do not stand on the Lord's side!

In making up our minds who to vote for, there should be a clear procession of thought on the issues. As Christians, our decision must be guided by clear Biblical mandate first. That means, where the Bible speaks clearly, we have to follow. If the Bible is clear on the issue of murder, we cannot vote for a party that supports abortion, ala ANC and DA. The Bible is clear on murder. You get the point! Therefore, Biblical moral issues must be adhered to first in our decision before any other issues that are based on conscience or expediency.

So, issues such as abortion, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and the like must take precedence in your decision who to vote for. The Bible is clear on these issues. There are clear commands and Biblical doctrine on each of these issues and other moral issues. As a result, issues of conscience, on which the Bible has no clear teaching, must play second fiddle to moral issues. Even more so, issues of expediency such as simple economic issues.

If Christians do not use their votes towards establishing Biblically righteous government, they are indeed using their votes towards evil. And, perpetuating evil in this way is clear disobedience against the clear statutes of God. "Without virtue, a society can be ruled only by fear, a truth that tyrants understand all too well."1 Already, the ANC is planning to amend the South African Constitution if they win a two-thirds majority.

Voting by a Christian must result in a better country with justice for all. A better country can only be seen as a righteous country. It does not have to be a country where all its citizens are Christians, but it will be a country where the people understand what is right and what is wrong, and where the law and its application brings true justice for all.

There are many Christians that vote for both the ANC and DA. They vote for the ANC as the so-called liberators from apartheid, and others vote for the DA as a so-called strong opposition to the ANC. With the upcoming elections, there will also be the breakaway party, COPE. When you look at the SA Voter's Guide, you will realise that COPE's policies are exactly the same as that of the ANC. In fact, of the 8 issues in the guide, the ANC and COPE get 0/8 and the DA get 2½. The ½ of the DA here is only because of stated policy, disregarding their poor voting record in parliament.

Remember, voting is a Christian duty. In a democracy, your vote can actually effect change. Your vote can move this country closer towards justice and righteous government. Don't throw that vote away by denying a party perhaps just that one vote it needs to have someone put into parliament. Further, don't waste your vote on the memories of so-called past liberation or on the promise of so-called strong opposition, especially when both of these sides stand for very much the same when it comes to moral issues.

Let your vote count towards righteous government, and vote for a Christian party such as the ACDP or CDA.

Christian, do not support and perpetuate immorality by giving your vote to parties that do the same! Do not vote through fear, but rather let your vote reinforce Christian Biblical values!


1. Colson, Charles and Pearcey, Nancy, How Now Shall We Live?, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999, p373.

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Obama proves that there is nothing new under the sun…

…and that man does not learn from history!

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." (Eccl 1:9)

Apparently, all the history in the world has taught Barack Hussein Obama sweet-blow-all! (nada)

It seems that when a person with evil intentions is given too much power, that he would walk down the same road as other evil men before him, and then believe that things would turn out differently! Does Obama really believe that walking the same road as Hitler, he could produce a different result? He is either plain stupid, naive, mentally deranged, or he is planning evil!

Read Hilmar von Campe's "Nazi godlessness: We're on our way" in which he shows eerie similarities between Hitler and socialism's past, and Obama's planned future.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

"Obama profoundly evil": well said!

In his blog post, The Simple Truth II, Hassan Nurullah said that President Barack Obama is "a tremendously ignorant [and] profoundly evil man."

"After the press conference held by President Obama announcing his signing the order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research which, ended moments ago, I am for the first time in my life ashamed to say that I am a citizen of a country that would elect such a  tremendously ignorant or profoundly evil man.

"In the first two months of his presidency, Barack Obama has proven to be the most radically anti-life president in the history of this nation.

"The lefts sick obsession with destroying human life and in this case couching it as research to preserve life is demonically inspired."

This blog post says it so well!

Read the blog post here!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Government in dereliction of its duties

We keep on reading in the newspapers of armed robberies. Early on Tuesday, 20 January, an armed gang of robbers entered the Irene Village Mall, our favourite place to go watch movies, and robbed several stores.

ACDP Tshwane councillor AnneMarie Sparg says that "[t]he basic job of any government is to protect its citizens." This is demonstrably true. A simple look at South Africa's Constitution can bear that out.

The Bill of Rights, chapter 2 of our Constitution, in section 7 (2) says:

"The state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights."
Now that we have established that the Constitution makes it mandatory for the government, which in this case essentially is the ANC, to "protect, promote and fulfill" the contents of the Bill of Rights, it becomes easy to show that the ANC majority government of South Africa is in serious dereliction of duty!

The Bill of Rights, in section 12 (1)(d) states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the right... (c) to be free from all forms of violence from either public or private sources."
With the government's duty to "protect, promote and fulfill" the Bill of Rights, the fact is that they are not fulfilling their duties as described in the Bill of Rights. Whatever is claimed by the government in this regard, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I am sad to say that there are too many people that end up as the main meal on the table of crime!

The fact that the Scorpions have seen their own demise, at the hands of this ANC government, due to their great successes against crime, shows how "serious" the government really is about crime. Further, the closure of so many different units within the police, also speak volumes of the intentions of the government.

We should give credit where credit is due, and the credit for our high crime rate MUST go to the current government!

Since this government is such a dismal failure on so many fronts, with crime as the spearhead, it is time South African citizens start thinking with their heads and not simply accept all the vacuous promises of a party like the ANC!

The statistics speak for themselves:
"More people were killed in South Africa each year (1994-1999) in criminal violence than were killed in 13 years of political violence (23 758 from 9/84 to 12/97)." (Quoted in Biblical Democracy Review from the book, Biblical Democracy)
This government will also remain in power while Christians are more concerned with skin colour or immediate material benefit, whether they are white or black! Christians should stand up for truth, justice and morality! We do not have any mandate from the Lord to keep immoral politicians from immoral parties in government!

Vote for the ANC, and you side against God! The ANC has immoralized this country close to the point of no return. They are the ones who brought in abortion, pornography and legitimized homosexuality (Rom 1:18-32) by giving them the right to marry. It is under the watchful negligent eye of the ANC that crime rates shot up sky high.

As Christians, what are you to do come election day? In my opinion, make your cross next to the ACDP! You do not want to make your decision based on worldly values that are here today and gone tomorrow!

No, as a Christian you are mandated by the Scriptures to make your decisions based on Scripture and Scripture alone. That is what it means to have a Christian worldview. With that as your guide, visit the SA Voter's Guide and decide which party holds up to the measuring rod of Scripture. The African Christian Democratic Party!

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is Obama the anti-christ?

The questions has been asked, "Is Barack Hussein Obama the anti-christ?"

Famed Catholic-Canadian author, Michael O'Brien, says "not a chance!" But, he does not say that for the reasons you might suppose!

"From my own reading of Obama's declarations and stated positions, I knew he was an ultra-liberal, a social revolutionary with visionary pretensions. But the Antichrist? No, not possible, I thought. I felt that he was too shallow a man to be the Son of Perdition, the Man of Sin, the Beast of the Book of Revelation. And I still think so. Obama is a crowd-pleaser with just the right ethos of idealistic crusader. That the crusade and the banners under which it marches are evil does not automatically prove that he is the Antichrist.

"But now that I have seen the video of the Berlin speech I think there is more here than meets the eye. He is indeed a powerful manipulator of crowds, even as he appears ever so humble and wholesomely charming. I doubt that he is the long-prophesied ruler of the world, but I also believe that he is a carrier of a deadly moral virus, indeed a kind of anti-apostle spreading concepts and agendas that are not only anti-Christ but anti-human as well. In this sense he is of the spirit of Antichrist (perhaps without knowing it), and probably is one of several key figures in the world who (knowingly or unknowingly) will be instrumental in ushering in the time of great trial for the Church under its last and worst persecution, amidst the numerous other tribulations prophesied in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and letters of St Paul, St. John, and St. Peter."

Here are some hard-hitting quotes from O'Brien:
"I have read a number of his pronouncements, and saw the smoke and mirrors beneath the rhetoric..."

"I knew he was an ultra-liberal, a social revolutionary with visionary pretensions."

"He is indeed a powerful manipulator of crowds, even as he appears ever so humble and wholesomely charming."

"I also believe that he is a carrier of a deadly moral virus, indeed a kind of anti-apostle spreading concepts and agendas that are not only anti-Christ but anti-human as well."

"Yet when all the rhetoric is boiled down to its substance, the man is advocating unlimited state-sanctioned murder, and compounds it by indulging in habitual falsehood."
Continue reading O'Brien's newsletter here.

Although I do not agree with Roman Catholic doctrine, this piece still makes for interesting reading.

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