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Showing posts with label Injustice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Injustice. Show all posts

Friday, December 06, 2013

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): An Imperfect Hero

ComicHeroesNormally, when most people think of heroes, they think of Superman, Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman and many more. First, these heroes don’t die. They were conjured up in the minds of people and as long as people are willing to conjure up more stories about these heroes, they will live on. Second, these heroes do not exist. We do not have a Man of Steel flying around with people saying: “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is Superman!”

Some of these super-heroes have made some real memorable quotes, as non-existent heroes.

"In this world, there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make." (Superman – D.C. Comics)

"Wars are never won, regardless of who might be the victor. The very act of war is itself a horrible defeat." (Green Lantern – D.C. Comics)

“What do you think the A stands for? France?” (Captain America – Marvel Comics)

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Cruelty: the culture of the Middle East?

A video, run by ABC News, shows the cruelty of Issa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a younger brother of Abu Dhabi's current ruler and president of the seven-member United Arab Emirates federation, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. ABC News summarized the video:

"The Sheikh begins by stuffing sand down the man's mouth, as the police officers restrain the victim. Then he fires bullets from an automatic rifle around him as the man howls incomprehensibly. At another point on the tape, the Sheikh can be seen telling the cameraman to come closer. 'Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Let his suffering show,' the Sheikh says.

"Over the course of the tape, Sheikh Issa acts in an increasingly sadistic manner. He uses an electric cattle prod against the man's testicles and inserts it in his anus. At another point, as the man wails in pain, the Sheikh pours lighter fluid on the man's testicles and sets them aflame. Then the tape shows the Sheikh sorting through some wooden planks. 'I remember there was one that had a nail in it,' he says on the tape. The Sheikh then pulls down the pants of the victim and repeatedly strikes him with board and its protruding nail."

You can read more about it here.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Christian Voting Must be Biblically Based

It is always interesting to talk to people to hear their criteria for choosing who to vote for in an election. With the 2009 elections coming up on 22 April, it is time again to hear the ideas of people. People have different reasons for why they vote for certain political parties.

Most people look at financial issues, hence, their political outlook is mostly for personal gain. How can the government make my life better? This of course shows a dependence on the government. This is also not just an issue for the poor! The rich have the same thoughts. They would like a government that will ensure that their riches don't get squandered on unnecessary taxes, or will at least see to it that the money of the rich will keep on growing.

As Christians, we march to the beat of a different drum… a heavenly drum! And that drum is not beaten by us, the Christians, but by the Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ Himself. It is very much a Lordship issue, even in deciding who we will vote for in a political election.

God is not uninterested in politics! This is not that one sphere of life where God leaves man to his own devices. This is not a no-go zone for God! "The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein. (Ps 24:1)" To think that God can be excluded from any sphere of life, no matter how corrupt it has become, shows a naivety that does not belong with clear thinking people.

Politics, essentially has nothing to do with power. It primarily has to do with justice and care for a nation. It is exactly the quest for power by politicians that nations end up like Zimbabwe, DRC, Middle-East and China. Politics is about the good of the country, not about the individuals leading the country. As Lord Acton once said: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is too much of a reality in our modern world not to take notice of it.

So, how does this choice of who to vote for affect Christians? When we look at who gets the vote in South Africa, it makes one wonder how many Christians actually march to the heavenly drum! Up until our last elections, it has been the ANC and DA as number one and two parties respectively.

Those results are quite perplexing, considering that about 70% of the population claims to be Christian. Why is this perplexing? Well, if one looks at the South African Voter's Guide, it becomes clear that these two parties stand antithetically opposed to Biblical Christian values.

savotersguide In all of life, Christians are admonished by the Scriptures to obey God. Why is it that they think it would be acceptable to disobey when they vote in elections?

Christians simply do not not have the luxury of making up their "own minds" on issues that have been clearly spelt out in the Scriptures. That is on any issue in life. Yet, it is true that the Scriptures do not tell us who to vote for. However, that does not give us an escape route to vote for parties that do not stand on the Lord's side!

In making up our minds who to vote for, there should be a clear procession of thought on the issues. As Christians, our decision must be guided by clear Biblical mandate first. That means, where the Bible speaks clearly, we have to follow. If the Bible is clear on the issue of murder, we cannot vote for a party that supports abortion, ala ANC and DA. The Bible is clear on murder. You get the point! Therefore, Biblical moral issues must be adhered to first in our decision before any other issues that are based on conscience or expediency.

So, issues such as abortion, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution and the like must take precedence in your decision who to vote for. The Bible is clear on these issues. There are clear commands and Biblical doctrine on each of these issues and other moral issues. As a result, issues of conscience, on which the Bible has no clear teaching, must play second fiddle to moral issues. Even more so, issues of expediency such as simple economic issues.

If Christians do not use their votes towards establishing Biblically righteous government, they are indeed using their votes towards evil. And, perpetuating evil in this way is clear disobedience against the clear statutes of God. "Without virtue, a society can be ruled only by fear, a truth that tyrants understand all too well."1 Already, the ANC is planning to amend the South African Constitution if they win a two-thirds majority.

Voting by a Christian must result in a better country with justice for all. A better country can only be seen as a righteous country. It does not have to be a country where all its citizens are Christians, but it will be a country where the people understand what is right and what is wrong, and where the law and its application brings true justice for all.

There are many Christians that vote for both the ANC and DA. They vote for the ANC as the so-called liberators from apartheid, and others vote for the DA as a so-called strong opposition to the ANC. With the upcoming elections, there will also be the breakaway party, COPE. When you look at the SA Voter's Guide, you will realise that COPE's policies are exactly the same as that of the ANC. In fact, of the 8 issues in the guide, the ANC and COPE get 0/8 and the DA get 2½. The ½ of the DA here is only because of stated policy, disregarding their poor voting record in parliament.

Remember, voting is a Christian duty. In a democracy, your vote can actually effect change. Your vote can move this country closer towards justice and righteous government. Don't throw that vote away by denying a party perhaps just that one vote it needs to have someone put into parliament. Further, don't waste your vote on the memories of so-called past liberation or on the promise of so-called strong opposition, especially when both of these sides stand for very much the same when it comes to moral issues.

Let your vote count towards righteous government, and vote for a Christian party such as the ACDP or CDA.

Christian, do not support and perpetuate immorality by giving your vote to parties that do the same! Do not vote through fear, but rather let your vote reinforce Christian Biblical values!


1. Colson, Charles and Pearcey, Nancy, How Now Shall We Live?, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999, p373.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

"Obama profoundly evil": well said!

In his blog post, The Simple Truth II, Hassan Nurullah said that President Barack Obama is "a tremendously ignorant [and] profoundly evil man."

"After the press conference held by President Obama announcing his signing the order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research which, ended moments ago, I am for the first time in my life ashamed to say that I am a citizen of a country that would elect such a  tremendously ignorant or profoundly evil man.

"In the first two months of his presidency, Barack Obama has proven to be the most radically anti-life president in the history of this nation.

"The lefts sick obsession with destroying human life and in this case couching it as research to preserve life is demonically inspired."

This blog post says it so well!

Read the blog post here!

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gospel or Politics?

It is not always very clear for Christians in politics where to draw the line. Many end up compromising their previously, deeply, held Biblical beliefs for some small political gain.

Is it worth compromising the essentials of the gospel, in order to join up with others who do not hold one's beliefs, in many cases even those that the church should be treating as heretics, in order to have some sort of political gain? Phil Johnson, in his very insightful article, How Evangelicals Traded Their Spiritual Authority for a Mess of Political Pottage, shows how after a quarter of a century of political activism among evangelicals, they still have not accomplished what they have set out to do..., have Roe vs Wade (abortion on demand) overturned. This is after they have voted in several Republican presidents, such as Reagan and Bush I and Bush II.

As Phil wrote,

"But let's be clear, here: The church as a body has no calling to organize and protest in the political realm. Moreover, government service and political campaigning are different vocations from the calling of a pastor. It's well-nigh impossible to be a good pastor full time if you also fancy yourself a political lobbyist.

"Practically the worst kind of spiritual treason any pastor or church body could ever commit would be to supplant the gospel message with a different message, or to allow a merely moral agenda to crowd out our spiritual duties. That is exactly the risk we take when we pour money and resources into political and legislative remedies for our society's spiritual problems."

It is simply impossible to slap a political "band-aid" on a nation's spiritual problems! Christians in politics forget that many times, even when the parties they work for claim to be Christian parties, that the solution to a country's problems is not predominantly political, but spiritual.

Phil continues,
"Worst of all, during that same period of time, the evangelical movement has completely lost its spiritual influence, because the evangelical segment of the church has grown increasingly worldly. Evangelicals have become accustomed to compromise. They have abandoned (or else are in the process of abandoning) virtually all the doctrinal distinctives that set their movement part from Roman Catholicism, liberal mainline Protestants, and the hordes of nominal Christians in America whose faith amounts to a kind of civil religion. Evangelicals have pretty much forfeited whatever real moral and spiritual authority their movement ever had."

While the evangelical church continues to fail itself by jettisoning important doctrinal distinctives, it further continues to fail society since the church no longer has a message of hope for the lost. Important doctrines such as hell and the wrath of God have been lost since the church wanted to play "nice" with those outside the church, while becoming more and more irrelevant to a society wallowing in its own evil, with no hope of any deliverance from that evil.

Here in South Africa we have a situation where the church has no interest in being involved in politics. Whereas in America, the evangelical church is a political force (not always with a clear direction) to be reckoned with, here in South Africa churches hide behind the claim of "neutrality." Churches in South Africa tend not to handle any political issues that have a moral dimension to it. I cannot remember when last I heard a sermon that spoke against our laws of abortion on demand, gay marriage or pornography.

The church has gone from, "We cannot endorse one particular political party," to not speaking on any of the issues at all, even though on these moral issues the Bible has a whole lot to say!

When the church loses its gospel message and its cultural mandate to be the salt of the earth, then no doubt will it have nothing to offer anyone! On the one hand, if the church denies its cultural mandate, then it certainly denies its role to fight for justice in the midst of injustice. The church is not a holy huddle with nothing to say or nothing to do in our culture. On the other hand, if the church takes up its cultural mandate but loses the gospel in the process, then the mandate itself is baseless. The gospel is the foundation of the mandate. Without the gospel, there is no Biblical ground to stand on in the cultural mandate.

So, on the one hand we have Jesus telling us to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God, and on the other hand He is telling us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

The church's primary purpose is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, and working from that solid foundation, it can exercise its cultural mandate in caring for the poor and those who have experienced injustice at the hands of unjust authorities.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Mbeki's quiet diplomacy WRT Mugabe

Zapiro's picture here puts it all in perspective. This is what you get from 'canned' diplomacy!

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mafia blackmail tactics! ... from the government

Blackmail! Something usually used by criminal groups such as the Mafia!

Dictionary.com defines it this way:

black·mail [blak-meyl]
1. any payment extorted by intimidation, as by threats of injurious revelations or accusations.
2. the extortion of such payment: He confessed rather than suffer the dishonor of blackmail.
3. a tribute formerly exacted in the north of England and in Scotland by freebooting chiefs for protection from pillage.

–verb (used with object)
4. to extort money from (a person) by the use of threats.
5. to force or coerce into a particular action, statement, etc.: The strikers claimed they were blackmailed into signing the new contract.

As I have written in my previous post, ESKOM: The Illusion of Power, due to complete mismanagement and incompetence on the part of ESKOM (South Africa's ONLY electricity provider) and of the government, ESKOM had to approach NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa) for a price hike of 53% instead of the 14% hike that was awarded to it.

Remember this face! Public Enterprises Minister, Alec ErwinRight on the heels of that shocker, Public Enterprises Minister Alec Erwin, said that if South Africans do not want to accept the 53% price hike this year, the South African public will have to take a 100% price increase in 2009! If that isn't blackmail, then I do not know what is! He is clearly giving us an ultimatum via a threat. He is clearly trying to coerce South Africans to roll over on the electricity price hike!

When the government, and its parastatals, treat its people in this way, it has become clear that they have overstayed their welcome. This saga will go down in infamy and names such as Alec Erwin's will forever be connected to it.

He further tries to bully us into accepting this price hike since it is so important for South Africa's hosting of the World Cup soccer tournament in 2010. This seems like emotional blackmail. It is sick! He knows that soccer in South Africa is big (even though our soccer team does not reflect that). In South Africa, soccer seems to be more about emotions than actual skill at times. Alec Erwin is clearly playing on this.

Further, ESKOM claims in its submission to NERSA for the 53% price increase, that these increases are necessary due to high increases in the cost of coal. I understand that if coal costs more for ESKOM to buy, then sometime or other they would have to pass those increases onto the public. However, it strikes me as truly odd that they are suddenly asking for all these price increases right after the load shedding started. Blaming coal prices is a ruse to hide their own incompetence in running the electricity provider.

Ten years ago, the management of ESKOM at the time warned the government that by 2007 South Africa would start running out of electricity if something was not done to remedy the problem. After all that time, they had done nothing to solve the crisis, and now the consumer has to pay up for their mismanagement and incompetence in running the energy supplier.

But, then again, this country has been run on injustice and subterfuge all along.

The injustice in this regard is that they want us to pay for their gross misconduct in running the energy problem in this country, and the subterfuge is that they are trying to hide the real reasons for the price increases behind so-called coal increases.

Our energy supply needs to be diversified urgently. One supplier for the country obviously is not the solution, and the consumer must be given a choice as to which supplier he wants to use.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

200 lashes for being raped!

Well, next time you are a victim, just hope you are not in the oppressive Islamic Saudi Arabia. If you get raped there you might end up being punished. How ridiculous and barbaric! Punish the wrong doers, not the victims! But, that happens when the godless are in control!

Read "Rape case overshadows PR blitz."

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mugabe walks tall while his country is laid low

Mugabe, arguably one of the most evil leaders that has walked on African soil, continues to walk tall and proud while his country continues to be laid low on every front.

Here is a man that is as racist as they come, he has committed numerous human rights violations, and has driven his country to ruin. He is at the forefront of bringing the former bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe, to its complete demise
. His communist ideals have propped him up as the saviour of nothing and joker of the international community.

Yet, the South African President, Thabo Mbeki, continues with the lunacy of quiet diplomacy!

This quiet diplomacy has proven to be utterly foolish while the people of Zimbabwe go without life's necessities. Further, the racist Mugabe has made sure that whites are not welcome in his country and got rid of almost all white farmers. Many through violent means! Mugabe also throws people into jail on a whim when people oppose his evil policies. Free speech is free only to those who agree with him.

Yet, Mbeki wants to be nice to the guy! While Mb
eki does not have the guts to demand change in Zimbabwe, many Zimbabweans are streaming into South Africa, many taking jobs where South Africans should be working. I do not say that we should be nasty to Zimbabweans. Far from it! They deserve care, which their own government knows nothing about. If South Africa declares this a state of emergency and provides Zimbabweans refugee status, then we could at least get financial help from the U.N. That means, we would not have to use the money that we so desperately need, on the refugees.

Mugabe should be brought down to earth. How that can be done I do not know. Perhaps Mbeki and the SADC leaders must show that they have a little fortitude and tell Mugabe that he no longer has their support. But, then again, the current South African government seems to be a friend of torturous regimes.

Is this really the legacy that
Mugabe wants to leave behind?

It is time Mugabe goes and that proper government is restored. Once he is out, he and all his ZANU-PF cronies should be brought before an international court for gross human rights violations!

Justice must be served!

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We are all equal, some just MORE so!

In South Africa, affirmative action is entrenched in the minds of the ANC government. In their minds, and a host of other liberals who constantly bow before the ANC as if the ANC is 'god,' if a white person complains against affirmative action and its equally evil twin BEE (Black Economic Empowerment), they are either labelled as racist, or they are told to "get a life!"

Finance Minister Trevor Manuel, in the National Assembly, said that the "act is clear, the intent is clear. It isn't even optional, it is a constitutional imperative, so get a life. We will have to do it because that is what the constitution requires of us."

This is such a two-faced statement, and the load applause from the many ruling party MPs is just as bigoted, because the ANC has pushed through at least fourteen (14) constitutional changes since they took over power in 1994.

It is so amazing that the morally corrupt ANC hides behind the constitution every time someone disagrees with them; however, when they disagree with the constitution they amend it. The ANC's morality only goes as far as it benefits them!

It is astonishing that the ANC can think that creating one wrong can fix the sins of the past! One wrong cannot fix another wrong! Apartheid was a great sin that was perpetrated on non-whites in South Africa, but now to commit the same sin against whites is just as big a sin!

Excluding any person simply because of his skin colour is morally wrong. However, the ANC is acting like a bunch of spoilt brats with its "you did it to me first!" attitude.

Of course, what was the fight for civil rights has become the continued stand for black rights. Until 1994, the ruse was a fight for civil rights, but in fact it has always been to establish the superiority of blacks over other races, especially whites.

In fact, the fight was supposedly a colour-blind fight, to create equality for all in South Africa. This fight was to establish equality among equals. What does that mean? It means that when two people apply for a job, that both would be seen as equal when their expertise are the same in the same field. This is to say, it is equal opportunity. This does NOT mean that two persons of different colour should have the same opportunity simply because we do not see colour. Equal opportunity has nothing to do with colour. It has everything to do with equal expertise.

If it was simply a colour thing, then a black person should be considered for a position simply because he is black. The same goes for a white person. That means, a person would then be considered for a job simply because of his colour. So, a person will apply for a job, even if he does not have the necessary skills for that job, and should get the job because of his colour! As a result, Mr. X gets the job because he is green. Whether he has the skills for the job is of no consequence! Taken to the extreme, for the sake of argument, Mr. X is now a doctor even though he never studied to become a doctor, simply because he is green! This is what has been happening. To deny it is to lie with a straight face.

Ok, so the fact is that we are all equal. No one has more intrinsic value than another. We are all human beings that descended from the one human being: Adam!

However, non-whites (not just black people) were discriminated against, and even though many non-whites had the obvious talent, they were prevented from being educated and from employment equal to their talents.

Once the victory over apartheid came, equality was to come with it! Each person was then supposed to have equal opportunity, but the ANC redefined equal opportunity to mean something totally different. What happened is that equal opportunity in essence then simply meant that a black person should be chosen above a white person; in fact above any person of any other colour. From here there was an attack upon standards, since many were given jobs which they were not accustomed to and neither had the skills or education for. Why was this the case? Well, a disproportionate number of the previously disadvantaged people were excluded. So, instead of having a single colour-blind standard, which was inclusive of all people, there arose a demand for double standards which rewarded the previously disadvantaged based on these new lower expectations!

This means that individual rights were eliminated in favour of group rights. These group rights were taken further to even exclude ordinary people to rather favour and protect the elite! Most of the BEE occurring in South Africa fall in the hands of a select few big names of black business owners.

Instead of bringing an end to the previous government's skin game, the ANC government has chosen to perpetuate the game. People are still not regarded as individuals. We are still judged as members of our respective racial groupings and not as individual citizens of this country. Now, instead of discriminating against black people, there is still discrimination; just in favour of them.

As a result there is NO equality before the law. Of course, the ANC will claim that there is equality. Sure, blacks are just more equal!

Real equity will come into being when each individual citizen of this country has equal opportunity based on merits alone!

Skin has no merits!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Terrorists given a pat on the back!

In an article entitled SA's war veterans confront demons in the bush, Florence Panoussian describes the psychological work done with so-called war veterans from the apartheid era.

These war veterans are from the armed wings of the ANC, IFP and PAC.

By calling them SA's war veterans, Panoussian paints a picture of veterans representing the people of South Africa. But, far from it!

These men are not war veterans! They are terrorism veterans! These are men that planted bombs to blow up civilians! Those are not acts of war! They are acts of extreme cowardice that could only be perpetrated by terrorists. But, then again, calling them terrorists is not politically correct (PC)! That is why they are called war veterans! What a war! Blowing up innocent civilians!

Please don't tell me that it was collateral damage expected in a war! If it was a "war" singularly aimed at hitting military targets, I could accept it, since the previous government committed many atrocities that violated the freedoms and rights of many people. However, many of the targets were civilians! That is NOT collateral damage! That is chickenheartedness! Only a chicken with a yellow under-belly will target innocent civilians and call that bravery!

The ANC's yellow under-belly still shows today in that it still murders around 50,000+ innocent civilians every year and then calls it by its euphemism: abortion! I have also shown elsewhere how the ANC has no back bone to stand against atrocities committed in other countries! Just look how South Africa have soft-peddled on the gross human rights violations in Zimbabwe. The result is even more violations!

A spade is a spade and a terrorist is a terrorist. You can take an apple and call it an orange as many times as you want, it will not become an orange!

By calling a terrorist a "war veteran" we are simply spreading lies, and there will never be any truth or reconciliation. Reconciliation can only be accomplished when the full truth is applied. By using softening euphemisms we cannot get to the truth. By doing that, the horror experienced by the many victims of this mindless terrorism is denied, therefore showing great disrespect to those victims.

The fact is that these terrorists need to come to a point where they acknowledge the evil they committed, and they MUST acknowledge it as wrong and evil! By simply letting them deal with their "demons" in a psycho-babble session will not bring peace to their hearts. This will only make them feel that they are fine and that what they did was acceptable, while neither of these assessments would be true!

They need to be brought to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. It is only there that they can find forgiveness which will result in peace for their hearts. It is as they admit their heinous sins, and turn from those sins by actively acknowledging that those acts were evil before a holy God, and further believing in Jesus Christ as the One who died for the sins of sinners, that they will find the deliverance that only Jesus Christ can bring!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Germans crack down on homeschoolers

After reading this article about the German crackdown on home-schoolers, I felt the need to challenge everybody concerned about educational freedom in the world to raise a complaint with the German government via their local German Embassies.

Contact information for the German Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, is as follows:
German Embassy - Pretoria
Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
180 Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Pretoria 0083.
PO Box 2023, Pretoria 0001
Tel: (012) 4278900
Fax: (012) 3439401

Please take the time to call, fax or email your local German embassy to raise issues regarding the unfair treatment of home-schoolers based on a law that was enacted by Hitler himself!

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

South Africa, a "friend of torture?"

Map of BurmaThe South African government, led by the ANC, keeps proving my point.

I have for a long time had the idea that
the South African government is not really interested in real justice and real human rights.

Our government had the ideal opportunity to stand up for justice and human rights when the U.N. Security Council voted on calling on the military government of Burma to ease up on its repression of its people. And what did our government vote in its maiden vote on the Security Council?

Together with Russia and China, South Africa voted against the measure.

What was the so-called reason for this vote? According to Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad, the resolution did not fit the mandate of the Security Council and belonged to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. What a bunch of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo!
Surely, while the ANC was in exile, they would not have agreed with such an argument about the previous apartheid regime?!

For once the South African government could have proven that it had more
back-bone than we all knew it didn't have. Yet, they rather sided with their partners-in-crime, China. China is another major human rights violator, which makes me wonder what the South African government really stand for. It seems that the ANC government was only willing to fight for their own freedom from apartheid, and "basta" with the rest of the oppressed peoples of the world. It seems the attitude is, "I fought for my own freedom; you fight for yours!" Is this what the ANC government seeks to make us believe? From its actions, what else are we to assume?

Has the government ever said anything to China regarding its oppression of
people in that country, especially Christians? I think not! This government would rather side with oppressive governments elsewhere, such as China and several Islamic and communistic countries. I do not think that this government is playing open cards with its citizens. I bet if they do, they will soon lose all their votes! Are they aiming at emulating these oppressive regimes? Is that perhaps why they have been so soft on Mugabe, just north of us? I certainly hope not!

Just recently, reports of escalating persecution against the Burmese Christian minority were confirmed by a leaked secret memo from a Burmese government ministry.

Naturally, the South African government, led by the ANC majority will not do or even say anything against this persecution. My guess is that the ANC does not care about what Christians think or believe, until elections come around again!

How can I say that the ANC-led government feels nothing for its Christian citizens? Well, look at some o
f the major laws it has passed, each of these laws an abomination to God and a source of heartache to Christians! The ANC government has legalized pornography, abortion and same-sex "marriage!"

I just hope that the already weakened U.N. has not been weakened further with a country like South Africa represented. I can see that our government simply does not have the resolve to commit to anything that may perhaps require change of oppressive regimes!

Before the ANC acquired its "freedom" from apartheid, they wanted countries from everywhere to interfere in South Africa's business; yet, now they have changed heart when it comes to other countries that are experiencing violent oppression. Human rights only matter if it concerns them directly, not if someone else is concerned!

Maybe, as someone else has said before, South Africa is a "friend of torture!"

Updated 7 February 2007:
South African government strengthens bonds with China as a "friend of torture!" Also read about the Africa/China connection here!

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