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Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberals. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2015

Journalistic Fraud

Title: JOURNALISTIC FRAUD: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted
Author: Bob Kohn
Publisher: WND BOOKS, Nashville, TN
Year: 2003
ISBN: 9-780-78-526104-9

I have recently finished reading Journalistic Fraud (JF), and while I knew that many, if not most, newspapers slant their news to favour a liberal agenda, I did not know that by 2003 it was as bad as Kohn has clearly shown.

One commenter on Amazon simply wrote, “Conservative Propaganda.” Of course, our liberal friend did not interact with the content of the book at all. The fact is, Kohn gives so much evidence contrary to this liberal’s chant, that it is really hard to come to any other conclusion, that The New York Times, in fact has taken a hard left and in terms of honest news reporting, has become obsolete.

The problem, however, is that so many people still trust The New York Times, and at the time of writing, articles that were to appear in the paper the next day were “transmitted electronically to over 650 newspapers that subscribe to the New York Times News Service; these articles and features then appear in the pages of local newspapers alongside articles written by reporters for those local papers. The Times itself owns over 15 other regional newspapers, including the Boston Globe, all of which echo the articles and commentary appearing in the The New York Times.” (p34) This means that The New York Times has a clout far bigger than its actual usefulness.

Kohn provides a host of examples that show without a doubt, that The New York Times purposefully sets out to paint the Republicans and conservatives as the big bad wolf and Democrats and liberals as the saviours of mankind.

IMHO, this book is a must read to those people that are enslaved to the opinions of newspapers.

Yet, do not think that television news is any better, because what you see isn’t really what you are getting. Here is an example as explained and portrayed by Francis Schaeffer, how that different angles of the camera can manipulate the “news” that you see.

In order to keep track of the media and their slants, you can visit the Media Research Center.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Is this America’s worst mistake ever?

America made their worst mistake in their existence thus far by re-electing Barack Hussein Obama.

I tweeted earlier today:

“America has voted to re-install, what will become the most offensive, perverted and death-lusting president ever: Barack Commodus Obama”

Just a few days ago I asked the question, “How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?” I think now we know!

Although this next piece has been attributed to some Czech, and it was supposedly said of just about every world leader, and even though it is the stuff of legend and probably never happened, it still makes an eerie point:

“The danger to the U.S.A. is  not Barack Hussein Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails the United States.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President.”

Just wondering…

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Modesty, beauty pageants and hypocrisy

Like most people you have probably heard about the Carrie Prejean, Miss California, Miss U.S.A. debacle. There are differences on both sides of the church aisle on this issue. Stan Guthrie wrote an interesting article called A Modest Proposal: Truth, Grace, and Carrie Prejean.

You hypocrite!Of course, the whole issue made me think of the cartoon above. It is amazing how the liberal left likes to point fingers at conservatives. Whenever a conservative messes up, he would get tagged as a hypocrite. That is very rich coming from the left. The only reason why the left thinks that they are so wonderful is because their standards are so very low. It is so easy to keep to those standards.

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Battle for the mind in the news media

Dr. Peter Hammond from Africa Christian Action has written a thought provoking article on the reporting abilities of the MSM. I have said for a long time that the modern MSM has lost its ability to report without being biased one way or another. Pick up a newspaper or watch the news or some so-called investigative TV news programme, and you will soon realize that it is not the truth that matters, but the point they are trying to make. Please, don't let the story be obscured by facts and truth!

Read Dr. Hammond's article below. Remember, the news you read or watch, is not all that it seems to be.


Without Fear or Favour

“Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbour…” Ephesians 4:25

While claiming to be neutral, newspaper journalists and TV presenters often report the news from an anti-Christian point of view. At one time, especially in the 19th century, most leading newspapers were Christian. However, there has been a major shift in the news media on what is covered and how it is covered.

Is There an Agenda?

Instead of the wide-angle lens of context, all too often the zoom lens of selective focus has predominated. Is there an agenda? Or are we dealing merely with bias and prejudice?

Misinformation on Mozambique

My first mission field was Marxist Mozambique. Many asked why the mass media accounts of what was happening in Mozambique differed so radically from Frontline Fellowship reports.

My answer was that there simply was no freedom of speech, freedom of movement or freedom of the press in Mozambique at that time. Most press accounts in Mozambique came from Frelimo’s Agency Information Mozambique (AIM). These press releases were distributed by telex and the wire services of SAPA-Reuter and others. Most articles in the print media and items on radio and TV originated with AIM, a Marxist, state-owned propaganda agency – hardly renowned for honesty and lack of bias.

During the 1980’s very few journalists actually visited Mozambique, and those who did were normally restricted to the five-star Polana Hotel in Maputo. Their main sources of information were briefings by Frelimo officials, or guided tours and stage-managed interviews – all hosted by Marxist officials and translators.

In a country with a history of concentration camps, torture, public floggings and mass executions, it was easy to find co-operative villagers and pastors who would espouse the desired party line. Those gullible and naïve journalists who then readily parroted the standard stock phrases, parrot cries and clichés no doubt received Frelimo’s approval, and further invitations to return for another propaganda exercise some other day.

By way of contrast, our missionaries had continual contact with the people on the ground, in the rural areas. We got the feel of the country by personal experience, over long periods of time, and as the villagers unburdened their hearts to us and related what they had suffered. “An ounce of experience is worth a ton of theory.”

Disinformation in Rwanda

The ease with which the orchestrators of the genocide in Rwanda confused international journalists and abused their national media to mobilize the unprecedented concentration of carnage, raised uncomfortable questions.

In it’s 1200 page report on the genocide in Rwanda, African Rights concluded that: “The response to the aftermath of the genocide was almost as shocking as the response to the genocide itself…Progress towards justice has been negligible. On the contrary, there is a concentrated attempt to distort or deny what has happened. The survivors of the genocide are not the beneficiaries of national and international compassion and support, rather they are almost wholly forgotten, while displaced people and refugees receive massive and indiscriminate assistance…The refusal to face the reality of what is one of the very worst crimes against humanity since the foundation of the United Nations…”

The AR report found that the killings were meticulously organised in advance. The French-trained Presidential Guard, the Army, the Gendarmes and Civil Administrators were willing instruments in the genocide. The killings in Rwanda were no spontaneous outburst, but followed instructions from the highest level.

African Rights condemned the gullibility of the international media for accepting the MRND party line that the killings were merely “tribal anarchy” and “uncontrollable tribal killing.” By portraying the genocide as “tribalism” and as a result of “the war” they provided a smokescreen of confusion, which allowed the killers to proceed with their diabolical plans.

Central to the Hutu MRND government strategy was to sow confusion so that no one knew what was happening. They isolated their victims by imposing a news blackout, cutting telephone links, establishing a dense network of roadblocks, and imposing a nationwide curfew. These measures kept people in their homes and prevented most people from fleeing. By cutting communications and restricting travel they isolated their victims and sought to stifle the flow of news.

When the genocide was launched on 6 April 1994, most African correspondents were in South Africa for the elections. There were, actually, only two international journalists in Rwanda at that time – and they were in Kigali, cut off from what was going on in the rural areas

Following the assassination of the president the MRND government launched a campaign of disinformation. They portrayed the killings as a spontaneous outbreak of “tribal violence.” They sought to confuse the mass killings of defenseless peoples with “the war” and insisted that a ceasefire was the pre-condition for involvement. Thirdly they played “the humanitarian card” by pleading for emergency aid. All this deflected attention from the central issue of the genocide.

The tenancy [sic] of most journalists to label every conflict in Africa as “tribalism” has become absurd. Many foreign aid workers fuelled this tendency with ill-informed comments such as: “Everyone is killing everyone!”; “It’s uncontrollable violence”; “the Hutus and Tutsis are killing one another again!”

Having killed opposition politicians, Rwandese journalists, human rights activists and others who might present an accurate report on the bloodshed, the MRND government then pursued their second strategy of disinformation to confuse the issue with self-serving false reports. They portrayed the violence as “spontaneous rage” in response to the assassination of the president, even though it was the MRND government and military who were responsible for the assassination of the President themselves.

In the first days, international attention generally focused on the plight of foreigners. Camera crews were, understandably, only prepared to travel with international troops – whose mission was to evacuate foreigners. This naturally led to a slanted and incomplete picture being portrayed to the world.

The strategy of disinformation and terror so callously and effectively orchestrated by the MRND Hutu government in Rwanda was spectacularly successful. With most international attention focused on South Africa’s volatile elections, there were no journalists in the rural areas of Rwanda reporting on the massacres there. The rural genocide was effectively hidden from the outside world for almost three weeks.

Aaron Makuba, whose whole family was wiped out complained: “The world persists in characterizing the bloodshed as ethnic clashes. We who have lost our families, relatives, colleagues and neighbours regard this as unfair, unjust and a source of immense pain.”

“People should stop describing Rwanda to us as tribes who are in the process of killing one another,” Dr Jean Herve Bradol of MSF – France concluded, “I think it is really the final insult to the victims, to present the matters in this way. And I believe that this way of presenting things is not altogether incidental, perhaps in order to justify the passivity of various parties…”

Focusing on Darfur and Ignoring the Nuba

It is quite remarkable that such a vast amount of media attention has recently been focused on the suffering of Muslims in Darfur, while completely ignoring the vastly greater and much longer tragedy of Islamic Jihad against the Christians of Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains.

Approximately 2 million people, most of these Christians, died in the 50 years Jihad against the Christians in Southern Sudan. Yet, the news media showed little interest and the UN and Western governments did comparatively little for the Christian victims of Jihad in Southern Sudan.

However, for some reason, the five years of low intensity conflict in Western Sudan in Darfur has received enormous worldwide media and government attention. As a result it is has also received disproportionately more Church attention and aid.

Darfur is a 99% Muslim area in Western Sudan. What had been going on in Darfur is Muslim-on- Muslim violence. It is typical Arab banditry that has been going on for centuries. In this case Muslim Arabs are fighting against Muslim Blacks. The Christians that we serve in Southern Sudan, Northern Nigeria and other parts of Africa, are somewhat cynical about this, pointing out that it seems the West is only concerned for Muslims and never Christians.

The West was tremendously concerned for Muslims in Bosnia, Muslims in Kuwait, Muslims in Somalia, Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq and Muslims in Darfur. However, the West stood by while hundreds of thousands of Christians were slaughtered in Rwanda and in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. The point made is that it would seem that the world media, and the UN, would only mobilize international campaigns to support Muslim victims, never Christians.

Another point worth noting is that the Black Muslims of Darfur have traditionally been some of the worst slave raiders, guilty of many of the worst atrocities committed against Christians in Bar-el-Ghazal, and the Nuba Mountains. When General Charles Gordon travelled to Sudan in the 19 th century, he saw that the worst slave raids came from the Darfur Muslims. At that time he noted that 7 out of every 8 Black people in Sudan were slaves.

Villifying the Victims and Justifying the Villains

Over the last 26 years that I have been serving as missionary to the persecuted in Africa, I could not help but notice how frequently the mass media chose to target those targeted by international communism. Is it just coincidental that during the Rhodesian War, the Border war in South West Africa/Namibia, the riots in South Africa, the Killing fields of Mozambique, the civil war in Angola, the massacre of Matebele tribesmen in Zimbabwe, the Red Terror in Ethiopia, the holocaust in Rwanda, the Jihad in Sudan, the wave of church burning in Northern Nigeria, or any other of the many calamities and conflicts in Africa, most of the mass media have chosen to confuse the issues, avoid the heart of the matter, villify the victims and whitewash the villains?

Pro-Abortion Journalism

After one interview with a journalist from The Argus concerning our work in Sudan, I asked: “Why is it that The Argus continually publishes Pro-Abortion articles, and ignores Pro-Life events such as the Life Chains and the National Day of Repentance?”

The answer was astounding: “Well, we’re pro-choice.”

“Yes, I understand that, but surely it is your intention to report events and present the facts, without fear or favour, from both sides?”

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders: “Well, I’m pro-choice. Every journalist that I know is pro-choice. And, well, I guess we’re just biased!” she grinned broadly.

That was a remarkable honest statement, but there is no doubt that most of the print media in South Africa is pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality.

Selective Focus

Although most journalists and editors will claim that they are objective, even the most objective journalist has to admit that they collect far more facts than they publish. There is the judgment on what to cover, how to cover it, and what facts, opinions or viewpoints that they have come across to include in the story and which to discard.

Secondly the reporter or editor decides which of the facts should be included in the first paragraph of the story and thereby emphasized above the others.

Thirdly the editor will decide whether the story is placed on page one, or page sixteen. On page one it will attract far more attention than it would on any other page.

Spiking the Spiritual

Although at one time, particularly in the early part of the 19th century, journalism emphasized God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility, most modern journalists choose to spike the Spiritual. At one time newspaper articles pointed out that kings who disobeyed God were exposed and deposed. Those who engaged in duels were without true honour because they sought esteem amongst men more than following God’s commands. Lightning storms were seen to demonstrate Spiritual lessons. Lack of repentance was shown to have murderous consequences.

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:50

To read the rest of this article, click here.

The above article was published in the Christian Action magazine, 2009, Volume 2. Subscribe for only R60 a year. Published quarterly.

Dr. Peter Hammond

Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: 021-689 4481
E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za
Web: www.christianaction.org.za
Some recommended Christian Media :
Christian News from Christians for Truth: mail@cft.org.za
Frontline Fellowship News: P.O. Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa, admin@frontline.org.za.
Gospel Defence League: P.O. Box 832, Milnerton, 7435, Cape Town, dscarborough@mweb.co.za.
JOY! Magazine: P.O. Box 2990, Somerset West, 7130, Cape Town, South Africa, E-mail: info@joymag.co.za, Web: www.joymag.co.za
The Revivalist: 356-376 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, BT6 8GL, Northern Ireland
Movieguide: 2510 G, Las Posas Road 502, Camarillo, CA 93010, USA, Web: www.movieguide.org
World Magazine: P.O. Box 20002, Ashville, NC 28802-9998, USA, Web: www.worldmag.com
Focus on the Family Monthly Magazine: Private Bag X1023, Hillcrest, 3650, Cape Town, South Africa, E-mail: correspondence@fotf.co.za, Web: www.safamily.org.za

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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Cut abstinence funding, but keep funding the murder of babies"

Let's be brutally honest: No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!

But, why, oh, why are people so against funding abstinence programs in schools? To any sane person with at least one brain cell, it is quite evident that the only preventative measure that can work, and this can be deduced even before going through all kinds of testing, is abstinence! Of course, those that do not think abstinence works, must also believe that we are pollinated like flowers by the birds and the bees! That, of course, explains why so many liberals have unwanted children that they consequently murder through abortion!

The real problem that liberals have with abstinence is not that abstinence does not work. Their problem with abstinence is one of morality. They will not give up their heinous evil, because then they also have to agree that they are living immoral lives. Once they admit this, they also have to admit there is a God that they are accountable to, which they would not do, even to the point of death!

It is because of this deep-seated hate for God, and all things good and moral, that liberals will go out of their way to prove that abstinence programs do not work. Of course, programs do not work as well as the real thing. Programs of education can only be as effective as the belief in the program, of the one who teaches it! If the teachers that are supposed to teach abstinence are not convinced of the program, they certainly will not teach it with confidence and will definitely not create any confidence in abstinence by the students.

As a result, liberals have done some "research" some time ago and apparently have "proven" that abstinence programs do not work. The problem with this was that their test suite for abstinence programs was not the same as for their own comprehensive sex education in classes. Therefore, they compared apples and rotten eggs!

Now, on top of that, the Obamassiah, the One, wants to stop funding for abstinence programs. Of course, there was an uproar about this, as is only right! The White House responded to this uproar with its usual sugar-coated venom! The White House response:

"In the budget, 75 percent of funding in a new teenage pregnancy prevention program will be directed to programs that have demonstrated by rigorous research to prevent teen pregnancy. The rest of the funds will be directed to promising, but not yet proven, programs for which we have some indication that they achieve the goal of teen pregnancy prevention. Those programs would have to agree to participate in a rigorous evaluation and abstinence-only programs could qualify."

"Abstinence-only programs could qualify?" To quote my opening line: "No sex: no babies, no sexually transmitted diseases! Case closed!"

Researcher Stan Weed, in a congressional briefing, has shown "that not a single school-based comprehensive sex education curricula had compelling evidence for increasing consistent condom use." Further, Doug Kirby, a major proponent of comprehensive sex education and researcher on sex education issues, said that:

"the Mathematica study, which was commissioned by Congress and found abstinence education lacking, should not be used to determine the effectiveness of abstinence education. Huber expressed hope that the Obama administration would take a closer look at the most recent evidence, rather than relying on outdated data such as what was used in the Mathematica report."

The question, of course is, will the Obama administration be honest in dealing with this, or will it carry on in its path of providing every means to continue the moral downgrade of the American people, especially of the children?

Obama has already proven one point, he wants the murder of the unborn to continue, and he has made funding available worldwide to accomplish this "dream" of his! What are the chances that abstinence programs will continue in American schools? According to Obama's own track record, probably not great!

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

Obama proves that there is nothing new under the sun…

…and that man does not learn from history!

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." (Eccl 1:9)

Apparently, all the history in the world has taught Barack Hussein Obama sweet-blow-all! (nada)

It seems that when a person with evil intentions is given too much power, that he would walk down the same road as other evil men before him, and then believe that things would turn out differently! Does Obama really believe that walking the same road as Hitler, he could produce a different result? He is either plain stupid, naive, mentally deranged, or he is planning evil!

Read Hilmar von Campe's "Nazi godlessness: We're on our way" in which he shows eerie similarities between Hitler and socialism's past, and Obama's planned future.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sex please! But no Meat!

"Instead, many engage in a sexual free-for-all—but put stringent moral strictures on anything to do with food. A modern young woman might think nothing of living with several different men, and having abortions when she gets pregnant. But she would not dream of eating anything from a factory farm. That would be immoral.

"In effect, some people have reversed the 'moral poles' of sex and eating, Eberstadt writes. They are engaging in 'mindful eating and mindless sex.'

"Why is this happening? As Eberstadt writes, 'It is hard to avoid the conclusion that rules being drawn around food receive some force from the fact that people are uncomfortable with how far the sexual revolution has gone.'"

Finish reading Chuck Colson's "Mindful Eating, Mindless Sex: Our Inner Sense of Right & Wrong."

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama White House embraces of evil

"An interesting and disturbing pattern is emerging in the Obama White House. It evoked little comment in the mainstream press when he returned a bust of Winston Churchill to the British embassy and then gave short shrift to a recent visit by UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, albeit the UK’s support of this nation through thick and thin.

"This was pre-dated by Obama’s calls for negotiations with Iran, an implacable enemy since it first took U.S. diplomats hostage in 1979. It includes more recent comments to the effect that we should be negotiating with members of the Taliban in Afghanistan. What’s next? An invitation to Osama bin Laden to share a glass of camel’s milk some weekend at his convenience?"

Continue reading Embracing Evil at FrontPageMag.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Communist leaning reverend is Obama's newest spiritual advisor

"Now that he no longer draws spiritual succor from Jeremiah Wright—the America-hating, racist demagogue who served as his pastor and spiritual mentor for twenty years—Barack Obama has turned elsewhere for guidance in the task of carrying out his political duties while remaining true to his religious values.

"The most notable of his spiritual advisors today is his friend of many years, Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of the Sojourners organization. Says Wallis, 'We’ve [he and Obama] been talking faith and politics for a long time.'"

Continue reading the FrontPageMag article, Barack Obama’s Newest Spiritual Advisor.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

"Obama profoundly evil": well said!

In his blog post, The Simple Truth II, Hassan Nurullah said that President Barack Obama is "a tremendously ignorant [and] profoundly evil man."

"After the press conference held by President Obama announcing his signing the order to lift restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research which, ended moments ago, I am for the first time in my life ashamed to say that I am a citizen of a country that would elect such a  tremendously ignorant or profoundly evil man.

"In the first two months of his presidency, Barack Obama has proven to be the most radically anti-life president in the history of this nation.

"The lefts sick obsession with destroying human life and in this case couching it as research to preserve life is demonically inspired."

This blog post says it so well!

Read the blog post here!

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror

Here is a book that may throw some light on the Left’s preoccupation with ideologies of evil and bondage; ideologies that are directly opposed to the so-called “freedom” that the Left claim to stand for. Of course, “freedom” is simply the Left’s empty rhetoric about an ideal they have no clue about!

Here is the blurp about the book that can be purchased here:

"United in Hate" analyzes the Left's contemporary romance with militant Islam as a continuation of the Left's love affair with communist totalitarianism in the 20th Century. Just as the Left was drawn to the communist killing machines of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro, so too it is now attracted to radical Islam. Both the radical Left and radical Islam possess a profound hatred for Western culture, for a capitalist economic structure that recognizes individual achievement, and for the Judeo-Christian heritage of the United States. Both seek to establish a new world order, leftists in the form of a classless communist society, and Islamists in the form of a caliphate ruled by Sharia law. To achieve these goals, both are willing to 'wipe the slate clean' by means of limitless carnage, with the ultimate goal of erecting their utopia upon the ruins of the system they have destroyed. One of the foundations of the Left's romance with militant Islam, as with communism, is the lust for death - for others.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Frank Schaeffer only sees what he wants to see

frankschaeffer Frank Schaeffer has really shown himself to be angry man. And, that anger has been fanned against his deceased father, Francis Schaeffer. In his book he berated his father for all kinds of “wrongs” and what not. All of this, despite the fact that he worked closely with his father into adulthood on various “conservative” projects.

Many who have known Francis Schaeffer very personally, have shown how Frank Schaeffer was simply spewing venom.

Frank is at it again! This time he writes to his hero Barack Obama about how bad the Republicans are.

“The lack of cooperation you're getting from the Republican Party will continue. You were right to indulge in a little bit of tokenism when you had to Pastor Rick Warren pray at your inauguration. But if you think that the Republicans in Congress and the Senate are going to do more than their utmost to obstruct everything you are and what you stand for you're dreaming.

“[T]he Republican Party is controlled by two ideological groups. First, is the Religious Right. Second, are the neoconservatives. Both groups share one thing in common: they are driven by fear and paranoia. Between them there is no Republican ‘center’ for you to appeal to, just two versions of hate-filled extremes.

“The Religious Right supply the kind of people who at McCain and Palin rallies were yelling things such as ‘kill him’ about you. That's the constituency to which your hand was extended when looking for compromise on your financial bailout bill.”

It seems to me that Frankie has a very partisan memory in this regard. Has he forgotten how liberals, Democrats vilified President Bush? It seems to me that Frankie is the one with the hate in his mind and is simply putting it in the public square.

Frankie further writes:

“You're doing your presidency and America no favor by extending an open hand to the perpetually knotted fist of what has become the embittered lunatic fringe of our country. They would rather go down in flames than ‘compromise’ their ideology.”

Frankie, unlike us conservatives, you did compromise everything you stood for, or was that simply a lying sham?, and now support a president who willingly let’s the unborn being murdered and stands for the murder of aborted babies who actually survived abortions. This president, Frankie, stands for everything that Christianity does not!

You have drawn the line in the sand. I hope you can live with it!

HT: Dan Phillips

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Monday, February 09, 2009

The butcher of Cuba is the new chic

It seems that history keeps on getting rewritten by liberals for liberals. For them, truth is a matter of opinion and perspective, not of reality, of what actually is.

In the new movie by Soderberg on the life of Che Guevara, called “Che,” he paints Guevara as a humanitarian and a martyr, it seems.

But, far from that, Guevara was a butcher who had no second thought for the life of others.

For more on the movie, read Bruce Edward Walker’s commentary on the movie called, “Hollywood’s Radical Che Chic.”

Also read “Glamourising a Mass Murderer” by Dr. Peter Hammond.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

WikiPedia, DisiPedia!

Both my kids are at the age where they notice when someone is 'dissed' by another person.

I am sure they would see the 'dis' in WikiPedia's treatment of Joseph Farah. Read about that treatment here.

Apart from being a DisiPedia, WikiPedia is also a WikiPornia! So, instead of visiting WickedPedia, rather visit ConservaPedia!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Value Voters USA

I am not an American (I am South African), but I lived and worked in Columbus, Ohio for 2 years (1999-2000). I have always been interested in the history of the U.S. and what's happening there. I also always have to defend the U.S. among many of the people I know in South Africa.

Everytime elections come around, they are called the most important elections ever. However, the 2008 U.S. elections of November 4, in my opinion are the most important of all time for the American nation. Barack Obama is the most left-leading radical ever to run for president, and if he wins, it will be known in history as the Great Turning point for America.

That is why every Christian needs to think very carefully who they want to vote for. The fact that there are Christians who stand behind Obama simply boggles my mind. The man is a socialist, bent on the continued destruction and murder of babies and of the family in his support for homosexual marriage. He must be stopped now.

It is at this point in the life of America, that Christians need to say "NO!" to the Democratic Party and their left-leading, immoral policies and candidates.

Please visit ValueVotersUSA.com to find out more. The following video clip comes from their site.

Here is a video from ObamaNews2009.com, about the possible ramifications of an Obama presidency:

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Friday, October 17, 2008

New York Times outraged over McCain/Palin supporters' rage

Don't you just love the New York Times? That bastion of liberal cave dwellers! The reporting from the NYT is so one sided, only a cave dweller can believe the invective aimed at the right while they consistently ignore or hide the attitudes of hate aimed at the right by the left.

Michelle Malkin highlights how the left keep bursting out in one-finger salutes and one syllable tirades against the right. Amazing how a principled stand can evoke such bad behaviour from the left.

Michelle Malkin:

"Are a few activists on the right getting out of hand? Probably. Between massive ACORN voter fraud, Bill Ayers’ and Jeremiah Wright’s unrepentant hatred of America, and John McCain’s inability to nail Barack Obama on his longtime alliances with all of the above, conservatives have plenty to shout about these days.

"But a couple of random catcallers do not a mob make. And there’s an overflowing abundance of electoral rage on the left that won’t make it onto your newspaper’s front page."

What kind of response can one expect from the left? Here is a video that shows us:

The left must respond like they do because they have such high moral standards. Or, do they? I think not! The following cartoon says it all!

Continue reading Michelle Malkin's commentary here.

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Open street sodomy allowed by San Francisco government

WARNING: The report mentioned here contains VERY explicit pictures of absolutely abhorrent, perverted, depraved and despicable behaviour by those "wonderful" homosexual constituents of the San Francisco government.

All of this happened while the police just stood by and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Read the story by AFTAH here.

This simply reveals the homosexual lifestyle!

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

A liberal's definition of a 'hypocrite'

Notice the liberal on the left. He has such high moral standards!

A Cartoon by Mike Shelton

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is the New World Order taking shape?

When one looks at the developments in the world, it is not that difficult to see that there is a concerted effort towards some sort of One World Government.

Lots have been written about the move towards such a government in smaller publications and on several online news and commentary websites. However, it is quite ominous how most of the big media outlets are fairly quiet about it.

Here is a video that may just wake you up just that little bit!

Here are some links you may want to visit:
North American Union
New Word Order

Rev 13:1-18 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. (2) And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. (3) One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. (4) And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?" (5) And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. (6) It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. (7) Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, (8) and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. (9) If anyone has an ear, let him hear: (10) If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. (11) Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. (12) It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. (13) It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, (14) and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. (15) And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. (16) Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, (17) so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. (18) This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Obama: Lying through his teeth

Thomas Sowell wrote a very interesting commentary on Barack Obama called "A Living Lie."

Here is a little taste of it:

"Senator Obama's election year image is that of a man who can bring the country together, overcoming differences of party or race, as well as solving our international problems by talking with Iran and other countries with which we are at odds, and performing other miscellaneous miracles as needed.

"There is, of course, not a speck of evidence that Obama has ever transcended party differences in the United States Senate. Voting records analyzed by the National Journal show him to be the farthest left of anyone in the Senate. Nor has he sponsored any significant bipartisan legislation -- nor any other significant legislation, for that matter.

"Senator Obama is all talk -- glib talk, exciting talk, confident talk, but still just talk."

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