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Showing posts with label Nelson Mandela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nelson Mandela. Show all posts

Friday, December 06, 2013

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): An Imperfect Hero

ComicHeroesNormally, when most people think of heroes, they think of Superman, Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman and many more. First, these heroes don’t die. They were conjured up in the minds of people and as long as people are willing to conjure up more stories about these heroes, they will live on. Second, these heroes do not exist. We do not have a Man of Steel flying around with people saying: “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is Superman!”

Some of these super-heroes have made some real memorable quotes, as non-existent heroes.

"In this world, there is right and there is wrong, and that distinction is not difficult to make." (Superman – D.C. Comics)

"Wars are never won, regardless of who might be the victor. The very act of war is itself a horrible defeat." (Green Lantern – D.C. Comics)

“What do you think the A stands for? France?” (Captain America – Marvel Comics)

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

“Do it for Mandela” and man worship

TL007642This past Monday, 18 July 2011, was Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday. The U.seless N.ations have declared that day an international day, Nelson Mandela Day, on which e are supposed to do at least 67 minutes of good deeds for our fellow human beings. These 67 minutes are to commemorate the 67 years he gave to the struggle for social justice.

The world idolises the man to the point of nausea! It is as if he is the son of the virgin Mary, obviously to whom he is no comparison! They forget, that “saint” Mandela committed many atrocities and ordered the bombings of places where many civilians died. This is the man who did not have the backbone, the moral fortitude to stop the ANC’s juggernaut of immorality and perversions, who signed into law evils like abortion and pornography.

I have written against Mandela before, so I won’t rehash all of that, so rather than writing about it again, you could watch the following two videos by Dr. Peter Hammond, from Frontline Fellowship, who met and spoke to Mandela.

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Monday, May 09, 2011

Julius Malema proves that racism is not just a “white” problem, calls whites “criminals”

Malema, who is affectionately called Juju (a waaaayyy to cutesie name for a person of his incrementally hateful jibes at white people), by the masses, seems not to put his foot in it, since he knows exactly what he is saying, and, I believe he is very calculating about it! A person puts his foot in it when he says something he didn’t plan and it comes out wrong. On the other hand, Malema is very calculating, and he plans very well what he says. He knows how to get people all fired up and ready for action.

This time, Malema told a crowd in Kimberley that whites should be treated as “criminals.” Read about it here and here.The man is already in court for hate-speech (singing “Kill the boer, kill the farmer”), and now he wants to make a blanket statement that whites should be treated as criminals. Surely we will be able, according to this logic treat Malema as a criminal. Perhaps somewhere in his family’s past there was a criminal, and therefore we can treat him as one!

To claim that people living on those land areas should be treated as criminals smacks of insanity! But, perhaps Malema has a plan. Is he intentionally provoking people into hating whites? And, it can be demonstrated that some people act out their hatred and turn to violence to satisfy their hatred. Therefore, Malema has another “proclamation” that he can be sued for in a court of law. The charge can be hate-speech to provoke others to violence.

The fact that the ANC never does anything of any value to put a stop to Malema’s outbursts proves just once again that they are making good political use of him as their gunslinger. This is all part of their policy; they just don’t want to come out and say it in the open, because they will end up in the fire for that.

The ANC has shown the world that they are racists as much as the previous government was under National Party rule. The only difference is that the world is blind to the ANC because of its Nelson Mandela worship.

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Friday, April 08, 2011

I will vote ANC! SHOCKER!

. . . if it is for the ANC's demise, I will!

Julius Malema, that perpetual firebrand of the ANC Youth League, who wants the boers/farmers (whites) shot, says that we should vote for the ANC to keep Nelson Mandela alive.

Now, I know there are some out there who swoon at the name of Nelson Mandela, but the fact is that we do not vote for parties to keep personalities alive. We vote for what is best for South Africa, and anything ANC is NOT good for South Africa, and that includes Nelson Mandela. He may have been good for South Africa in some respects, but under his watch, almost 1,000,000 people have been brutally murdered. And, yes, that was after his release from prison. I am not even thinking here about the atrocities he was in charge of while a terrorist!

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Kill the boer, kill the farmer!"

"Kill the boer, kill the farmer!"

A slogan that has brought fear into the hearts of many whites in South Africa for decades. Of course, it is a slogan that does not belong in a democratic society where we are supposed to have civilized people in our political machinery. Yet, there it is: 'Kill the boer, kill the farmer!"

We have recently seen a spate of black-on-white racistic attacks coming to the fore, and it truly seems that the Rainbow Nation has no pot of gold at the end of its rainbow.

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Monday, February 08, 2010

If Mandela was to be released today?

If he was to be released today, I'm sure that even the so-called saintly Mandela would have thought twice about the situation in the ANC and the ANC-led South African government! When my son was about 8, one night as I put him to bed he said: "Dad, do you know what ANC stands for?" As I wanted to tell him, he said: "African Non-Christians!" Out of the mouths of babes...

© 2010 - 2011 Zapiro (All rights reserved)
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mandela not an iconic hero!

I have long been saying that Nelson Mandela is not the angel and iconic hero that the world makes him out to be.

Some time ago I wrote:

"Let's look at Nelson Mandela. Madiba is revered by people across the world. He is hailed as the messiah of the black people who struggled for their freedom. He certainly has done a lot of things for South Africa and indeed for many other peoples too. He established the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund that helps with poor and orphaned children. He helped establish some kind of peace in this country. Surely, at his command the black populace could have stood up and taken South Africa by force, but he chose to do it the 'democratic' way through an election. Surely, this makes for a great man! However, it was while he was at the helm of this nation that pornography was legalized. It was under his presidency that abortion was also legalized. In the first 6 years since it became legal, 360,000 babies have been murdered by sanction of the 'law.' Thousands of violent criminals have been released under his command, because it was his birthday, some of whom committed violent crimes within days of release. It was under his rule that murders rose from somewhere in the 7000s per year to over 20,000 per year with a high of 25,000 per year around 1996. Does this, now, look like greatness? You will have to decide!"

Sarah Maid of Albion from the U.K. also wrote about the fabled Mandela in 2 posts:
Mandela: The legend and the Legacy. Part 1
Mandela: The legend and the Legacy. Part 2

Here is an excerpt from Part 1:
"No doubt the beaming old man will appear on stage in one of his trademark multi-coloured shirts and cheerily acknowledge the cheers of the adoring crowd, most of whom have been taught to believe in his sainthood since their first days in primary school, which, for many of them, will have occurred around the same time their hero walked free from Robben Island.

"The unquestioning belief in Mandela's universally admired saintliness will again be displayed in the press and by the unending line of politicians and dignitaries who will queue up to genuflect before him and sing his praises. It is a brave politician or journalist who would dare to question the godliness of this legend and consummate showman, and hence no such questions will be raised, nor will his much vaunted “achievements” be subjected to any objective scrutiny.

"No matter how many speeches are given or how many news articles are written, it is safe to bet that the full truth about Mandela will not be told.

"In fact the truth about Mandela is so hidden in mythology and misinformation that most know nothing about him prior to Robben island, and those who do tend to exercise a form of self censorship, designed to bolster the myth whilst consigning uncomfortable facts into the mists of history."

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