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Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Party. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Parker says RNC chairman, Steele, must go

Star Parker, founder and president of the Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), wrote in an article that the new Republican National Committee chairman, Michael Steele, should step down.

"From what I see, the Republican National Committee representatives who picked Michael Steele as their new chairman made a mistake. I think Steele ought to step aside.

"It pains me to say it. But it pains me more to watch the opposition party, the Republican Party, spin aimlessly and leaderless, while the Obama administration shreds to pieces, with ruthless focus and discipline, everything that this country stands for.

"Yes, of course, the defining moment for me is the recent GQ magazine interview in which Steele sounds more like a Democrat than a Republican. Does a woman have a right to choose abortion? 'Yeah. Absolutely.' Is homosexual behavior something an individual can choose? 'It's like saying, "Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being black."'"

Continue reader Star Parker's article, Time for Steele to go as RNC chair.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Frank Schaeffer only sees what he wants to see

frankschaeffer Frank Schaeffer has really shown himself to be angry man. And, that anger has been fanned against his deceased father, Francis Schaeffer. In his book he berated his father for all kinds of “wrongs” and what not. All of this, despite the fact that he worked closely with his father into adulthood on various “conservative” projects.

Many who have known Francis Schaeffer very personally, have shown how Frank Schaeffer was simply spewing venom.

Frank is at it again! This time he writes to his hero Barack Obama about how bad the Republicans are.

“The lack of cooperation you're getting from the Republican Party will continue. You were right to indulge in a little bit of tokenism when you had to Pastor Rick Warren pray at your inauguration. But if you think that the Republicans in Congress and the Senate are going to do more than their utmost to obstruct everything you are and what you stand for you're dreaming.

“[T]he Republican Party is controlled by two ideological groups. First, is the Religious Right. Second, are the neoconservatives. Both groups share one thing in common: they are driven by fear and paranoia. Between them there is no Republican ‘center’ for you to appeal to, just two versions of hate-filled extremes.

“The Religious Right supply the kind of people who at McCain and Palin rallies were yelling things such as ‘kill him’ about you. That's the constituency to which your hand was extended when looking for compromise on your financial bailout bill.”

It seems to me that Frankie has a very partisan memory in this regard. Has he forgotten how liberals, Democrats vilified President Bush? It seems to me that Frankie is the one with the hate in his mind and is simply putting it in the public square.

Frankie further writes:

“You're doing your presidency and America no favor by extending an open hand to the perpetually knotted fist of what has become the embittered lunatic fringe of our country. They would rather go down in flames than ‘compromise’ their ideology.”

Frankie, unlike us conservatives, you did compromise everything you stood for, or was that simply a lying sham?, and now support a president who willingly let’s the unborn being murdered and stands for the murder of aborted babies who actually survived abortions. This president, Frankie, stands for everything that Christianity does not!

You have drawn the line in the sand. I hope you can live with it!

HT: Dan Phillips

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pastors perpetuate two-party myth in U.S. politics

I am involved in politics myself, so when I see pastors standing up for what is right from the pulpit, even to the point of assisting their members with who to vote for, then I am really happy.

For too long the church has been involved in every area of life, and speaking out in every area of life, but leaving the political realm alone as if it is infected with HIV/AIDS.

However, sometimes even pastors are a bit blinded by the political parties they have always supported.

Just recently, 33 pastors in 22 states in the U.S. made pointed recommendations about political candidates they supported. These pastors were organised by the Alliance Defence Fund from Arizona to do so.

In an article by the Christian Post concerning this effort, it became clear to me that this drive by the ADF and these pastors was more to support the Republican Party and decrying the Democratic Party.

To me, this whole move is a perpetuation of the two-party myth in American politics. For too long now, America has been divided according Republican/Democratic lines. And the voters, it seems, have been too comfortable in this divide to bother even finding out whether there are other p
arties on the U.S. political landscape.
This myth, in my opinion, have been driven by the mainstream media (MSM). Have there been any debates, in recent memory, to which any of the other party candidates have been invited to?

Other American political parties? Yes! If you could take a guess, how many political parties do you think there are in the U.S.? Many would say 2. Some may even say 5 or 6. Maybe 10, or even 20? You would still be wrong! There are at least 50 political parties in the U.S.! I bet you didn't know that!

Admittedly, most of these parties are cuckoo parties run by a bunch of crazies, but they are political parties nonetheless. The point here is, American politics does not consist of only two parties, Rep
ublican and Democratic!
The MSM and groups like the ADF, together with the pastors mentioned above, are doing the American public a great disservice by perpetuating the two-party myth. There are other parties and other candidates apart from McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden!

In my opinion, the Obama/Biden pairing is probabl
y the greatest and most unheralded disaster-in-waiting that the American public has ever faced. On the other hand, McCain is a neocon and is only slightly right of the Democrats. That is simply not good enough for the U.S. The only reason McCain might win in the coming elections is because of his running mate, Sarah Palin. Conservatives love her and it seems that she is also truly Christian and conservative.

In my opinion, a better bet would be Chuck Baldwin, from the Constitution Party. He is a Christian with true conservtive values, holding to a proper Biblical worldview, underscoring the constitutional base that the U.S. was founded upon.

I wonder if the pastors mentioned above aren't thinking like many here in South Africa. Their votes are not really based on principle, only on perceived principle. It is more a case of wanting a strong opposition. That means, they would leave space for all kinds of bad politics, just to have strong oppoition to a perceived threat. With that, all principles fly out of the window and they keep on voting for the status quo.

The Republican Party is no longer the party of yesteryear. It used to stand for true conservatism and small government. Now, it has become a behemoth wanting a government of control. In this regard it has become what it has fought for so long... the Democratic behemoth, that stands for big government and total control. To both these parties, the Constitution has become meaningless. Even the "conservative" president George W. Bush has run roughshod over the Constitution.

True change for America can only come if people are made aware of other parties, and the leaders of those parties could have a proper platform from which to declare their ideals. Then, men like Chuck Baldwin could have a chance of bringing change to the U.S.

Pastors, should especially make themselves aware of other options, apart from the status quo. They need to speak from a truly Biblical worldview, and make their people aware of better options.

America simply cannot heal while being run by either a Republican or a Democrat.

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