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Showing posts with label Same-sex marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Same-sex marriage. Show all posts

Saturday, November 03, 2012

How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?

Americans have a chance to prove the world wrong this coming Tuesday in the U.S. presidential elections. In reality, they only have one way to go to at least move a small step back towards what the American Founding Fathers envisioned for their beloved country.

If they vote for Romney, even though he is not the perfect candidate, they will at least say no to Obama and his Democratic Party lust for power and big government. Under Obama, America is turning into a country of bloodlust (51 million abortions since Row vs Wade), and gross perversion, with Obama’s full recognition of the gay lifestyle and gay mismarriage!

WARNING: Obama stands for a perversion that most people cannot even imagine. This link to the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) page called Public Sex in Your Neighborhood? shows exactly what Obama endorses. Although pictures have been “sterilised,” it may still upset certain readers.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

ANC speaks through both sides of its mouth

anc-two-headed-monsterOver the many years of the ANC’s existence—100 years in 2012—we have now learnt with great clarity that the ANC will change strategies and policies as the circumstances demand, whatever their end-goal is!

The case in point is that several months ago, Julius Malema and his Pied Piper mice wanted to charge into Botswana to “help establish” a regime change in that country. With great fanfare the ANC chastised him and ANCYL for bringing the ANC into disrepute.

Of course, the ANC has a long-standing disrepute that all clear thinking people can clearly see and understand, since the ANC regularly rams controversial laws through parliament when they perceive resistance to their proposed laws. This was clearly the case with abortion on demand, legalised pornography, legalised same-sex whatever-it-is-but-it-is-not-marriage and now lately the secrecy bill. With each of these bills, the ANC simply rammed them through parliament, while not listening at all to what people were saying in consultation with the government. In fact, with each of these votes in parliament, ANC Members of Parliament (MPs) had no right to a vote of conscience. They were told what to vote! Democracy has no meaning to this monster!

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Obama's change brings America

Now that Chairman 'O' has taken up office, he will implement his changes.

Read all about it in Obama Administration Announces Radical Homosexualist Agenda on White House Website.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Lisa Miller's 'gay-marriage' diatribe in Newsweek refuted

I am not going to say anything here about Lisa Miller's gayatribe. Here are some links to articles that refute her from the same Bible she so joyously misrepresented:

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Google goes Gaygle while the Apple is bitten

In two separate statements, both Apple and Google voiced their opposition to Proposition 8. Prop 8 wants to solidify marriage as between one man and one woman. However, Apple and Google are opposed to this proposition.

This simply means that both companies have decided to side with the homosexual lifestyle, over against the true Biblical family.

Based on this, should anyone of these companies enjoy our continued support? Why should we continue to use Google Gaygle?

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Not afraid of Barack Obama as President?

If you are not afraid that Barack Obama might become the next president of the United States of America, then my guess is that you are either a full-blown liberal (of the Godless type) or you are simply misinformed about this man's political track record.

Sandy Rios has written a short piece at TownHall that she calls "Why I'm Afraid of a President Barack Obama."

He stands for the murder of babies, and for children to have free sex and as a result of becoming pregnant to kill their own babies.

You can read Rios' article here.

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Government bullies bank out of crime initiative

The ANC government seems not to understand the state of crime in this beautiful country of South Africa.

The Sunday Times reported today that the First National Bank (FNB) "chickened" out of a major crime initiative that would have involved thousands upon thousands of South Africans that are sick and tired of crime.

According to the Times, "The bank had comm
issioned 2.8 million pamphlets containing a patriotic message on the concern about crime. Attached to each was an envelope addressed to [President] Mbeki. Postage had already been paid."

Officials from the Presidency met with mana
gement from FNB and "explained" sensitivities surrounding a campaign aimed at the president, "especially" since there is a current battle for succession in the ANC. According to the Times, government spokesman Themba Maseko saw this campaign as incitement against Mbeki, and that this "incitement" of "people to behave in a certain way towards the head of state cannot be condoned."

It is very interesting that the ANC holds several accounts with FNB, and the ANC must have threatened the closure of their accounts with the bank. This would have been a huge loss for the bank and as a result they must have backed down on their initiative.

Why is it that whenever the subject of crime rears its head, the ANC government must run around like chickens without heads trying to mislead the people about crime in the country? The fact is that the crime situation can be laid at the feet of the current government without any argument. This government has been soft on crime since it came into power. Why shouldn't they be? They would be hard on their own voter's base if they did become hard on crime. The vast majority of criminals in this country vote for the ANC. Why should the ANC government resist their own voter's base on this?

More and more, this government gives us unequivocal proof that it has no idea on how to solve the state of crime in this country; or,... they have no plans on stopping the crime wave! When the Minister of Safety and Security, Charles Nqakula, states that people make too much fuss about crime in this country, and then a short time after that President Mbeki states on national television that crime is not out of control; then, together with the FNB saga, we have incontrovertible proof that the current ANC government simply is not serious about crime and does not care about the welfare of its citizens. A government like this does not deserve to be in power!

On the other hand, the fact that FNB backed off so easily from this campaign has simply proven that they can be intimidated by government. The fact that governmental "sensitivities" are more important than the more than 18,000 people annually that die by violent crime, is simply beyond me! So many of FNB's own branches have undergone waves of crime, and this should have pushed the resolve of FNB's management to go ahead with their campaign!

A government that does not care about the welfare of its people simply does not deserve its power base, and it is time that those who vote for the ANC open their eyes to the truths about the ANC.

The ANC is a typical humanistic organization that would do anything to gain power, even if it means doing exactly what the people stand against. A case in point, in fact several cases: legalization of pornography, legalization of abortion and legalization of same-sex "marriage."

A "democratic" government, elected into power by a democratic vote, who simply does whatever it wants no matter what the people say, is in fact a false government that usurped the power of the people and is aiming at ruling by tyranny.

If, as the statistical claim goes, 70% of people in South Africa are Christian, then those Christians need to rise up and withstand this government and its "tyrannical" laws by voting them out at the next general elections in 2009.

It would be the duty of every Christian to vote against the ANC!

UPDATED 5 February 2007:
The latest in this saga according to News24 is that FNB will go ahead with their anti-crime initiative, but at a later date. It is my opinion that FNB should go ahead in order for the ANC government to feel the pressure from the people in order to bring about REAL change with REAL crime-fighting initiatives!

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

South Africa, a "friend of torture?"

Map of BurmaThe South African government, led by the ANC, keeps proving my point.

I have for a long time had the idea that
the South African government is not really interested in real justice and real human rights.

Our government had the ideal opportunity to stand up for justice and human rights when the U.N. Security Council voted on calling on the military government of Burma to ease up on its repression of its people. And what did our government vote in its maiden vote on the Security Council?

Together with Russia and China, South Africa voted against the measure.

What was the so-called reason for this vote? According to Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad, the resolution did not fit the mandate of the Security Council and belonged to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. What a bunch of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo!
Surely, while the ANC was in exile, they would not have agreed with such an argument about the previous apartheid regime?!

For once the South African government could have proven that it had more
back-bone than we all knew it didn't have. Yet, they rather sided with their partners-in-crime, China. China is another major human rights violator, which makes me wonder what the South African government really stand for. It seems that the ANC government was only willing to fight for their own freedom from apartheid, and "basta" with the rest of the oppressed peoples of the world. It seems the attitude is, "I fought for my own freedom; you fight for yours!" Is this what the ANC government seeks to make us believe? From its actions, what else are we to assume?

Has the government ever said anything to China regarding its oppression of
people in that country, especially Christians? I think not! This government would rather side with oppressive governments elsewhere, such as China and several Islamic and communistic countries. I do not think that this government is playing open cards with its citizens. I bet if they do, they will soon lose all their votes! Are they aiming at emulating these oppressive regimes? Is that perhaps why they have been so soft on Mugabe, just north of us? I certainly hope not!

Just recently, reports of escalating persecution against the Burmese Christian minority were confirmed by a leaked secret memo from a Burmese government ministry.

Naturally, the South African government, led by the ANC majority will not do or even say anything against this persecution. My guess is that the ANC does not care about what Christians think or believe, until elections come around again!

How can I say that the ANC-led government feels nothing for its Christian citizens? Well, look at some o
f the major laws it has passed, each of these laws an abomination to God and a source of heartache to Christians! The ANC government has legalized pornography, abortion and same-sex "marriage!"

I just hope that the already weakened U.N. has not been weakened further with a country like South Africa represented. I can see that our government simply does not have the resolve to commit to anything that may perhaps require change of oppressive regimes!

Before the ANC acquired its "freedom" from apartheid, they wanted countries from everywhere to interfere in South Africa's business; yet, now they have changed heart when it comes to other countries that are experiencing violent oppression. Human rights only matter if it concerns them directly, not if someone else is concerned!

Maybe, as someone else has said before, South Africa is a "friend of torture!"

Updated 7 February 2007:
South African government strengthens bonds with China as a "friend of torture!" Also read about the Africa/China connection here!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

A Day of Infamy!

No! Not Pearl Harbour! Something worse than Pearl Harbour! This day of "infamy" has killed 40,000,000 (40 million) people in the U.S.A. alone! 9/11 pales in comparison with THIS day of infamy!

With Pearl Harbour and 9/11, the enemy came into America for all to see! With these two events, the enemy came from outside America.

The day of infamy that I am writing about is different. The enemy is America itself. The enemy is a mother, a father, a judge, a congressman, a senator! Yes, these are the people who have killed those 40 million!

I am thinking of the infamous, evil ruling by the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. in Roe v. Wade, abortion on demand (which is simply a euphemism for murder on demand), on January 22, 2007.

The ruling in Roe v. Wade has always seemed to be impersonal. Well, it IS personal. See for yourself:

HT: Justin Taylor

This is VERY personal!

Abortion on demand (AoD) has been the law in South Africa since 1 February 1997. That means it has been 10 years since AoD was made legal.

By the time 1 February 2007 comes around, approximately 600,000 babies would have been aborted in South Africa. 600,000 legalised murders!

Will the church in South Africa stand up against this injustice? Or, will it fail like it did before 1 December 2006, when same-sex marriage was declared legal? Or, will it fail as it did in the years under apartheid?

It is my contention that if the true church of Jesus Christ stood up against these evils the way it is supposed to, then none of them would have seen the light of day! We would not have seen apartheid, or abortion, or pornography, or same-sex marriage!

Yet, it seems to me that the years of capitulating under the rule of the apartheid government has dulled the moral indignation of the church so much, that it has become totally indifferent to the evils committed in the name of the law in this country.

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." (
Pro 14:34)

It is time for the church to stand up against these injustices and these evil practices and to become an example of righteous living. When the church ignores these issues, how will righteousness exalt this nation? The sin and evil of this nation will continually remain its own reproach!

The sin of the church is not only the normal sins that beset us all as humans. No! The sin of the church is that it is silent when evil is committed!

One of the most famous sentences ever is by Edmund Burke who said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

This is the very sin of the church! When issues arise like legalized abortion, pornography and same-sex marriage, the church does nothing! Evil triumphs in this nation because the church does NOTHING!

Politics in this country will never be revitalized while the church does not get involved in the affairs of the nation! When the church does nothing, and says nothing about these issues, the people will assume that these issues, as they stand, are acceptable!

The church has its head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich!

Church... these issues will not get better if you neither say or do anything!

Updated: (24 January 2007)

If abortion does not bother you, or perhaps you have never thought of it before, visit
Abortion NO. Please be warned, it contains a horrific video of an actual abortion. HT: John Piper

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Monday, January 08, 2007


Politically speaking, the year 2009 is not so far away!

However, in real terms, the way people live from day to day, here at the start of 2007, 2009 can seem a lifetime away! That is the problem!

Before the political parties can say "Crusoe Robinson," the General Elections of 2009 (GE2009) will be here!

The time between now and GE2009 should be used in educating Christians all over South Africa, so that when GE2009 comes around, they would be ready!

What should Christians be educated in politically? I know many will answer with things like fiscal policy, service delivery and the like. However, I believe there are issues that outweigh the aforementioned issues by a landslide! These issues are moral issues! Issues such as legalized abortion, pornography, same-sex marriage and more.

Since the ANC has taken over the ruling of South Africa, they have had free reign in "immoralizing" South Africa. It is because of the ANC that approximately 50,000 babies are murdered each year. They are the ones that legalized pornography and also same-sex marriage.

In all of these issues the DA party simply has no policy that stands against these issues with any conviction. The DA calls these issues matters of conscience, and allows its representatives free votes on these issues. In the case of
pornography the DA wants protection for children. But that is as far as it goes. In these matters the DA has been no opposition to the ANC in government.

The problem with giving party representatives free votes on issues of conscience (which are clear moral issues), is that the party has no objective stance against the
"immoralization" of South Africa! This will lead to a clear divided stance against issues of morality.

This is where the ACDP takes a clear moral stand. While other parties equivocate at best on these issues or simply stand for the
"immoralization" of South Africa, the ACDP believes that it should stand firm on these issues according to what the Bible teaches!

It is my conviction that while blacks vote for the ANC and whites vote for the DA, this country will never see change in this country. The Christians that continue supporting the ANC because of historic, so-called "freedom" reasons, and those Christians that continue to support the DA because of their own historic, "protective" reasons, should start approaching the elections from a purely Christian, Biblical Worldview.

That Worldview tells us that while Christians continue to vote dividedly for parties that have no convictions concerning objective Biblical morality, South Africa will continue to evolve into a more progressive, sinful and immoral state!

We are in search of Godly leaders! I find it hard to swallow that Christians would vote for parties that have no clear moral stand against immorality! It might not be impossible to find Godly leaders in any party, yet I do believe that it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for such parties to have real Godly leaders! If such a leader could be found, it would probably be a very confused leader!

I in no way want to declare that the ACDP is perfect, but what I want to declare is that the ACDP leaders want to do right in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ! It is for this reason that the ACDP stands against this legalized immorality.

It just amazes me that liberals will always tell conservatives that we can't legislate morality. If that is the case, why would it be right to legislate immorality? In fact, what else can be legislated but morality? Any law that is in the law books discerns between (according to the current government) what is right and what is wrong! That presupposes some kind of morality for the nation. Just a pity that the ANC is so consistent with its own version of morality--which actually is immorality!

Yet, this kind of "morality" was prophesied about by the prophet Isaiah more than 2500 years ago, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" (Isa 5:20) Matthew, one of the apostles of Jesus wrote, "The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil." (Mat 12:35) This is so true of our current government! They have produced all this evil simply because "out of [its] evil treasure" it is bringing forth evil!

Now is the time for Christians to wake up and to stand for what is right! What the current government has done, is not right!

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Homosexuality a disorder

In the aftermath of the legalization of same-sex marriage (Civil Union Act) in South Africa, I thought that Kathleen Melonakos, M.A., R.N., wrote a very interesting article called Why Isn't Homosexuality Considered A Disorder On The Basis Of Its Medical Consequences? It documents the "[l]ethal consequences to engaging in defining features of male homosexuality-- promiscuity and anal intercourse."

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Christians and Politics: Maturity Required

I heard from someone the other night that a friend of his doesn't vote because the only time that political parties are interested in him is around election times.

That, to me, shows a level of immaturity that is all to common among Christians in South Africa. There is a sense among Christians that they want to be spoon fed all the time, all too reminiscent of pre-school and junior-primary aged children. It is at this level that children, to a large extent, still get spoon fed when it comes to teaching them. They haven't learnt the skills of how to acquire knowledge by themselves and need to be directed in the right direction.

When it comes to politics, South African Christians are largely still in the pre-school/junior-primary category.

Yet, these same Christians want positive change in this country. Something that we are still waiting for since the new "democratic" government took over in 1994.

What we did get from the new government is more crime, abortion, pornography, same-sex "marriages" and a constitution that is Godless and completely anti-life.

This is exactly what Christians do not want!

Yet, how many of these "Christians" are actually willing to stand up for a cause! They simply want things to change, but expect someone else to bring about the change. One thing I have learnt from South African politics, is that democracy is a complete fallacy. We have seen that clearly in the same-sex "marriage" debacle. The government simply refused to acknowledge that the people do NOT want same-sex "marriage" legalized! Yet, they went ahead and legalized it anyhow! When asked why they do not hold a Referendum on the same-sex "marriage" issue, one of the ANC members in the National Council of Provinces responded with, "We don’t need to follow the electorate, we must lead the masses – in a creative way!"

If we as Christians do not stand up against this type of anti-democracy, then our nation is doomed! Yet, some don't even want to vote because their is no one to hold their hands! Christians are not supposed to be led by their noses! Stand up and be counted! Make a difference! Bring about change! Don't let negative change overcome you!

Whenever the Bible speaks of social justice, it expects us to be part of rectifying injustices. The fact is, that much of what should be happening in politics can be explained in two terms: justice and injustice. It is government's responsibility to ensure that justice prevails and that injustices are eradicated. However, what we have in South Africa is that the government are the perpetrators of injustice. It is in this context that Christians should stand up and demand justice in the midst of all the injustices.

The problem is that, just like many non-Christians and non-religious people, Christians in South Africa do what is expedient for themselves!

They would rather vote for the DA, who by the way stands for very much the same as the ANC (the DA is just white whereas the ANC is black), in order to hope that the DA as the only real opposition to the ANC will make sure that the blacks don't completely overrun the country. The truth is that many white South Africans stand behind the DA and many black South Africans still stand behind the ANC purely for historical purposes! For whites, the DA is the only party big enough to still hold the ANC (read blacks) at bay and for blacks, the ANC is still seen as their liberators!

What is sad, is that many of these voters claim to be Christians, yet vote for these two parties without knowing that these two parties stand for the same list of abominations that I listed above.

The question, however is, will the knowledge of those abominations make these Christians change their minds on who to vote for? Or, does personal expediency overrule Biblical standards for them? Do they rather want to be comfortable without rocking the boat, or are they willing to stand up for what is right in the eyes of their Lord?

Will Christians stand up against the injustices of this current government, or is the gentle giant slumbering, ready to fall into a coma?

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Slippery Slope into non-Christian nightmare

I was thinking of the new Civil Union Bill and perhaps, some of its implications.

The Constitutional Court (ConCourt) made their decision last year to force government to legalize same-sex marriage based on section 9(3) of the South African Constitution.

It states that "the state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth."

Based on one of the items mentioned in this section (sexual orientation), the government has now gone ahead to legalize same-sex marriage.

By using this list, it would now become fairly easy for someone to challenge the government in terms of this unfair discrimination based on any one of these items.

What would prevent anyone too young to marry to challenge the government on this principle of unfair discrimination? The government would be discriminating against such a person based on age. One of the grounds from the list!

Of course, the issue of marriage was an issue of fair discrimination. Just a pity the government is scared of the constitutional court and 4% of homosexuals.

It simply ignored the voice of its citizens!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

ANC pushes through Civil Union Bill: A Crying Shame

So, the ANC went ahead and violated the consciences of its own people by "forcing" its members to vote "yes" for the Civil Union Bill.

Read the article by the Business Day here and a commentary of the issue by Defend Marriage here.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

South African (ANC) Democracy at Work!

In my previous post I wrote the following:
"The ANC claims to be democratic, however, when it comes to allowing their own members of parliament (MPs) to vote in parliament on issues that may need a vote of conscience, the ANC allows their members to vote whatever they like, as long as it is what they are told to vote! I will not believe for a second that every single ANC MP wants to go ahead with this ridiculously depraved law!"

Well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating!

The ANC has now made it clear that they will not allow any abstentions or contrary votes to the party line on the Civil Union Bill for any reasons at all! What is the ANC party line? "Legalize same-sex marriage!"

The supposed debate of 14 November 2006 (today) on this issue in the National Assembly is purely for show. The ANC has no intention of allowing democracy on this issue. It is either the party line, or no line at all! With the ANC holding the majority seats, and now not allowing any dissensions from their own, this bill surely will become law.

Once again the ANC is showing South Africa, and indeed the world what they stand for! The ANC stands for a degenerate society. A society infamous for its immorality and depravity.

It is under the so-called liberators of the African people that more people (including Africans) are being killed every year than under the apartheid system.

It is the ANC that brought us abortion! The cold-hearted MURDER of babies. Since the inception of the abortion laws, about 500,000 children have been cut apart or burnt to death in their mothers wombs! If you think that crime kills many people a year (21,000+), then think again! Our laws are killing about 50,000 children each year. If that doesn't break your heart, then you are heartless and have no sense of right and wrong!

It is also the ANC that brought us legalized pornography. It has now been proven that sexual crimes are almost always preceded by the viewing of pornographic material. With this vile material freely available via disgusting magazines, the internet, cell phones, television and more, our youth is being subverted into becoming slaves to the sexual revolution. In this way boys are changed into animals driven by sexual urges and girls become sexual objects not worthy of love, but rather of being objects of animal desire and when that desire is no longer there, to be discarded like dirty, used up pieces of toilet paper! Indeed, through this method of changing the minds of boys and girls, we will soon run out of real men and real women!

Further, it is also under the control of the ANC that crime has spiraled out of control. Never in the existence of the South African Union or Republic has crime been as bad as since the ANC took control of government. Now, don't get me wrong. The previous government caused great harm to many people, and as a result they are not absolved from their own sins. However, the ANC has not brought in better government either.

Finally, now the ANC will bring us legalized sodomy!

The writer in the book of Proverbs 14:34 tells us that "righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." However, it seems to me that the ANC is not just any people! The ANC is slowly but surely subverting the morals of the nation to accomplish their final coup d'etat. They are reaching towards the conclusion of the revolution they started many years ago.

It seems that they have caught many off guard, and for all intents and purposes it seems that it is too late to reverse the trend.

It is for this reason that the masses MUST be educated as to the anti-value system of the ANC. It is only as the people of South Africa is educated on how the ANC treats the issues that they will rise up with righteous indignation!

Political and Cultural Commentary
with a Biblical Worldview

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Republican Sell-Out

Although I am a South African, I have always been a supporter of the Republican Party in the United States of America.

I know, that makes me, as a non-US citizen, completely anti-Politically Correct (PC).

I read somewhere, just yesterday, an article in which the commentator said that voting for the Republican Party does not prove that you are a Christian, yet he simply did not have a clue how a Christian could vote for the Democrats. What he was trying to say is that he did not see voting for the Republicans as a litmus test for being a Christian, however, he had his doubts about a person's commitment to Christ if that person voted for the Democrats.

Until recently, I had the same doubts. However, my doubts have grown. My doubts are now starting to include the Republican Party.

In my estimation, the Republican Party has betrayed its constituents by allowing government to grow bigger, instead of keeping government small. The Republican Party has always been the party of small government while the Democrats have been the big-government party.

The Reps have also been a haven for moral conservatives (MC). By and large, conservatives of all types, especially evangelicals, have voted for them, while moral liberals (ML) of all types have voted for the Dems.

The amazing thing is that since Bush has taken over, the Reps have not kept to the wishes of their conservative constituency. They have become weak on homosexual issues such as same-sex marriage, with Condoleeza Rice making favourable comments about same-sex partners in public. That certainly violates the conscience of MCs! When leaders in the same party proclaim a divided message, then certainly the house is divided and it will fall! Jesus said that "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." (Mat 12:25)

Furthermore, the amount of homosexuals working in the White House is more, even than in Clinton's years. This surely must speak volumes to the MCs. What is it with all the homosexuals in the party? How come they have such a large representation among the Republicans? Why are the Log Cabin Republicans (homosexual movement within the party) so prominent in the party? Has the Republican Party been high-jacked by the homosexual mafia?

Another aspect in which the Reps failed its constituency is in the appointment of MC judges. It is no use blaming the Dems for their continued brattish filibusters. If all Reps moved as one man, then these things could have been avoided and more conservative judges would have been at the bench right now. But, the problem is when there are leaders in the Republican Party who do not run with the vision of the party, who lead committees and do not do justice to the party in those positions. Such a person is Sen. Arlen Spectre. In my estimation he is a closet Dem and should rather be true to himself and come "out!" As a Dem, that is!

The problem with the Republican Party is that it has moved sufficiently to the left, to simply be a shadow of the Democratic Party. That effectively makes the Republican Party useless.

What I see as a need in American politics right now is that there are basically two choices:
1 - The Republicans must realize that they have gone astray and have betrayed their constituency and consequently must start a major overhaul of the party in order to get rid of the dead wood, the depraved clan, the leftists and the corruption.
2 - The American people is seriously in need of a party that will stand true to real moral conservative ideas.

Maybe it was a good thing for the Republicans to have lost so badly. Perhaps now they will think of where they need to position themselves in American politics. It is no use in positioning themselves in left field since the Dems already occupy that space! It is also of no use to become moderates either. That is just a position in which leftists come to hide their true identity from the voters. There are enough people among the Dems that claim to be moderates, but simply stand there to hide their yellow underbellies! The Americans certainly do not need another party to be "moderate!"

In short, the Republican Party has lost its backbone due to capitulation to PC politics! Political correctness is simply a euphemism for "no moral backbone."

However, the church in America must not be too concerned. The universe did not come to a fall when Clinton ruled the US, and neither did the universe become a greatly better place while Bush ruled.

Political parties come and go. Even when they are around for one or two hundred years. They will come to an end.

Yet, on the other hand, Jesus did not tell us to seek political parties. He told us to "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Mt 6:33) As Christians we have been influenced too much by the world to think that the correct party will make things better for us. That is demonstrably false.

For too long, Christians have sold their souls and their values for political parties. "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." (Mat 13:44) It is when we give up everything for the kingdom of God that we will find peace. It is in the advancement of the kingdom of God that change will come, not in the ideals of political parties.

Did Jesus promise us that He would build political parties and the political futures of countries? No! "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," Jesus said! (Mt 16:18) No matter what the world tries in its desperation to live its debauched, depraved lives; it will not destroy the church. Many have tried and they have all failed. Christians have suffered persecution for millennia, yet the church continues.

King David put it in perspective for us, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7) Our trust is not in political victories, but in God alone. If He uses political parties to accomplish His will on earth, then that is the method He has chosen. Yet, our trust is in the Lord.

We should rather have Habakkuk's attitude. "(17) Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, (18) yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. (19) GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places." (Hab 3:17-19)

Am I saying that there is no place for political parties? No! They have their place in this world and God certainly makes use of the Godly and the ungodly to accomplish His purposes. What I am saying is that we should not lose focus of why we are on earth. The Westminster Confession of Faith in its Larger Catechism asks its first question, "What is the chief and highest end of man?" The answer to this is, "Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever." Our focus should be to glorify God in everything that we do (1 Cor 10:31). In glorifying God, we march forward with the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaiming redemption in His name to all mankind.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Civil Union Bill seems to forge ahead!

It seems that the ANC-led government prides itself on ignoring the voice of the people.

After hearings across the country, in which people from all walks of life could voice their opinions to special committees, I am convinced that the majority of people did not want same-sex marriage for South Africa!

However, the power-hungry-people-ignoring ANC simply forged the Civil Unions Bill ahead. The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs voted on this bill within that committee and gave it the go ahead. The interesting fact is that only the ANC members in the committee voted while others either abstained or voted against this depraved legislation. From what I have seen within the ANC is that ANC members simply have to vote party line and cannot vote their conscience. So much for democracy when there is none in the leading party!

The Bill as presented by the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs can be found here.

1 December 2006 is indeed going to be a dark day for South Africa, when this legislation is supposed to take effect, ala our Constitutional Court inJustices!

I have written a few posts on the issue of homosexuality:
The gene and homosexuality
The gene and homosexuality - the sequel
Morality by Constitution?
Constitutional Court replaces God
Christians Living in a Politically Liberal World

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Constitutional Court replaces God

South African government spokesperson Themba Maseko reminded everyone "that the definition of marriage in the Marriage Act was unconstitutional." Maseko added to that that "parties should not express themselves in a way that suggested they wanted to defy the decision of the Constitutional Court."

The fact is, whenever the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) makes decisions that support immorality, the people have a right to defy that court. The ConCourt is not the binding principle for our consciences! For a Christian, like myself, the Bible binds my conscience and no law or constitutional statement that any court makes in South Africa that flies in the face of what the Bible so clearly states, will overrule my conscience.

Can a person's conscience get him into trouble with the law? Sure! It happened continuously during the apartheid years!

The question I would like to ask is "Who died and made the ConCourt king?"

According to my understanding, the ConCourt can merely make rulings based on what the Constitution already states. The fact is, the Constitutional Court does not make the Constitution! That would be the job of parliament.

It is for this reason, in the case of ConCourt's pro-same-sex-marriage pronouncement, that parliament must act with moral greatness and amend the Constitution to reflect marriage as between one man and one woman. This, in effect will leave ConCourt with no option to degrade marriage to what it has never been, which God has pronounced to be between one man and one woman for life!

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Christians Living in a Politically Liberal World

Can we make sense of it?

I recently visited a blog (weblog) in which its proponent was rabidly anti-Christian and pro same-sex marriage. In fact he was simply anti religion, whether it was Christian, Muslim or Jewish. He called us homophobic, prejudicial, religious and racist bigots.

Based on his vitriolic outburst against Christians, I posed this question to him, "What makes your bigotry morally right while [ours] is wrong?" His answer was the same as many others in South Africa. "Very Easy! My moral bigotry is made right by our South African Constitution. So whatever your moral bigotry, you [sic] either going to apply MY bigotry in our society or you could land up in JAIL, a place where we commonly lock up CRIMINALS."

This is the same answer that so many people would offer those who may argue against some or other point in the Constitution. I am sad to say that there are Christians who think this way.

Based on the events above and others related to it, I was asked how we could make any sense of the political/religious/constitutional miasma surrounding this topic. How are we as Christians supposed to live in this country (as Christians!) while everyone around us seems to be 'enjoying' the fruit of what is at best a liberal constitution and at worst a hedonistic licence seemingly written with the sole purpose of corrupting the mores of society! How does a South African Christian make a stand when the very law of his country promotes a different value system without some form of disassociation taking place? Is there a possibility of Christians and Christianity being officially marginalized in South Africa if we continue with our "anti-constitutional" stance? How can we be the 'light and salt' to the world if we are perceived to be conservative Mother Grundies?

Now, these are all valid questions and I would like to answer it in the best possible way I can. However, this may be long, but I do not want you to stop reading because it is long. I want to look at the past of the church in relation to its cultural effectiveness, especially in the 20th century. If we do not know what affected our past, we will not know how to remedy our future!

Root Cause

Pardon me for the following roundabout, but I feel I have to lay the foundation for the lack of cultural involvement, especially on the level of politics, among Christians.

We live in a modern world with modern attitudes to everything, especially religion. Unfortunately, this attitude has crept into the church and it has had dire effects on the church.

Around the start of the 20th century the church was under heavy attack for its beliefs in a God inspired, inerrant Bible. Darwin's theory of evolution was about 50 years old, when new ideas were being published by what we would call liberal theologians. They were proposing new ways of looking at theology and the meaning of Christianity, especially in light of many so-called defeats at the hand of modern science. Basically, these new tenets included the necessity "of reconstructing traditional Christian thought in the light of modern culture, philosophy and science" and "of discovering Christianity's true essence apart from the layers of traditional dogma that were no longer relevant or even possible to believe in light of modern thought."[1] These liberals had one thought in mind..., to discredit the Bible and align Christianity with their understanding of modern science.

What was the effect of these new ideas? Well, there was a backlash from a group we know today as the Fundamentalists. Previously, Biblical orthodox churches started accepting the new "theology" in their churches and started preaching heresy. J. Gresham Machen, one of the leaders among the Fundamentalists, wrote a book called Christianity and Liberalism. In this book Machen exposed the new theology as a false gospel and not related to true Christianity.

One of the effects of the Fundamentalist backlash is that the church started withdrawing from the cultural battlefield and left "politics" to the secularists. However, this was not what was meant by the original leaders of the Fundamentalist Reformation! This cultural withdrawal occurred in South Africa too!

Another effect of this backlash was that Christians started seeing theology as a curse word instead of as the "queen of the sciences" as it was once known. Since the study of theology could "cause" one to become a liberal, the general Christian started withdrawing from the knowledge and study of theology. Of course, the study of theology could not turn one into a liberal.

However, that was the outcome. With a devalued idea of cultural involvement and a diminished knowledge of Biblical theology, Christians withdrew into their own shells. As a result, still today, pastors would revile theology from the pulpit and, naturally, that influences the thought patterns of those in the pew!

The result? A totally incomplete Biblical worldview! Since Christians no longer know the Bible (oh, they know verses and perhaps read their Bibles), they no longer have the ability to respond to our modern age from a Biblical worldview.

Further causes in South Africa

Based on Darwin's evolutionary theory, from the mid-19th century to around the middle of the 20th century, it was taught in many circles that one human population is better than another since one is more evolved than another. Naturally, the more scientifically advanced westerners saw themselves as more evolved than the natives of Africa and the aboriginal people groups of many other countries. Next came Hitler and his idea of the super race, all based on the theory of evolution. From these ideas were formed the apartheid system in South Africa. Do not think for a moment that apartheid, in reality had its roots in the Bible! Since many South Africans were Christians of some sort or another, the fathers of apartheid started their spin of the apartheid system based on an elaborate series of misinterpretations of the Bible. Somehow, good people were conned into believing this evil lie and so South Africa's apartheid system came to rule for over five decades.

To combat this, liberal theologians started using what is known as Liberation Theology. Like the Apartheid Theologians used a grossly misinterpretation of the Bible for its own purposes, so the Liberation Theologians used another gross misinterpretation to legitimise its own violent fight for freedom (which is, perhaps, not always misguided).

Apartheid Theologians saw themselves as the chosen Israel of South Africa and some even taught that they were part of the lost tribes of Israel. On the other hand, Liberation Theologians taught that the oppressed people of South Africa (mainly the blacks) were the Israel of the day in need of being liberated from the Egypt (apartheid) of the day.

While Apartheid Theologians misinterpreted the proper Biblical doctrine of election to teach a national election of the Afrikaner nation as the appropriately elected people to rule in South Africa, the Liberation Theologians misinterpreted the words of Jesus in a similar way to teach that the liberty of the oppressed in Luke 4:18 was a political liberty.

As a result of the indoctrination of the church in regards to apartheid and a misplaced loyalty to the government based on a misinterpretation of Romans 13, the "white" church did not allow people of colour into their churches for a very long time. It was simply seen as a political issue. On the other hand, Liberation Theology became very political with the end result that the South African church, especially the "white" church withdrew almost completely from all politics.

This went so far that when anybody got involved in social upliftment as a Christian, that person would inevitably be labelled as a liberation theologian, communist or of preaching a social gospel (which is a heresy in its own right). As a result, South African Christians saw involvement in politics as unnecessary at best or completely wrong at worst.

So, what we had here (and still do to a large degree) were Christians who were politically uneducated and theologically immature.

Homosexuality in the Bible

Yet, currently, there are equal "rights" based on sexual orientation. The Biblical stance is very clear on this issue and many have tried to circumvent the clear message of Scripture: homosexuality is an abomination (Lev 18:22; 20:13). Scripture never makes any excuses for calling homosexuality a sin.

What is interesting, just before the Apostle Paul gives a list of violations against God, he first goes into detail against homosexuality (Rom 1:21-32).

In both the Old and New Testaments, homosexuality is called a sin. In the Old testament it was a sin grievous enough to warrant the death penalty. In the New Testament Paul says that it is God's decree that "those who practice such things deserve to die." (Rom 1:32). Homosexuals are listed as those who will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9) and who are lawless and disobedient (1 Tim 1:10).

No matter how much mental gymnastics is performed, we cannot make the Bible say homosexuality is acceptable when it does not!

I was born that way!

The search for the "gay" gene has been going on for some time now. Of all the studies that have been done, not one could so far without a shadow of a doubt claim that it has found a biological reason for homosexuality. No gene has been found as a direct cause for homosexuality!

The 3 most well known and most quoted studies that supposedly prove that homosexuality is biological can prove no such thing. These studies are by: (1) Simon LeVay, (2) Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard, and (3) Dean Hamer. These studies are all essentially meaningless since no one has been able to duplicate their research results.

LeVay did post-mortem examinations on the brains of 19 homosexual men who died from AIDS. A further sixteen presumably heterosexual men were also examined of whom six died from AIDS. According to him, his results showed that the brains of the heterosexual men consistently had more brain cells in a specific area (INAH 3). INAH 3 is believed to be involved in sexual behaviour.

According to a "gay" gene philosophy bias it is then believed that homosexuality is indeed located in the brain.

However, Christians, as well as non-Christians have noted often enough that LeVay's study does not confirm a causative link between brain activity and homosexual behaviour! The fact is, that AIDS may have confused the results and the sample size was simply too small to form any clear conclusions. Further, three of the homosexual men had no discernable difference in INAH 3 from that of the heterosexual men. The claim that INAH 3 has something to do with sexual behaviour has never been clearly established.

As a result LeVay's study can bring us no closer to a conclusion. Instead, it raises more questions than providing answers. Even if there was a connection between the size of INAH 3 and homosexuality, a further question would be, does the size of INAH 3 cause an individual's sexual orientation or is it the consequence?

I will not go into the rebuttal of each of these studies, since they all have similar problems with them and it is quite easy to see where these studies went wrong.

Whenever a new study is used to prove the "gay" gene, it is better to wait for corroborating results from studies of a similar kind. A study that cannot be duplicated by others to get the same results simply end up on the heap of "meaninglessness." It is such a shame that when the "results" of many such "scientific" research projects are published in scientific journals, the popular media (newspapers, magazines, TV) immediately trumpet these so-called "results" into the minds of an unsuspecting populace, yet they never publish the resulting peer reviews that are almost always more important than the initial research "results." So far, such peer reviews have resulted in either opposing or mixed views in all cases relating to research on "biological causes" for homosexuality.

Not even from an evolutionary perspective can homosexuality claim a biological cause for its existence. Homosexuality must be considered as biologically deviant, since it cannot procreate itself. When a species fails to reproduce itself, it will eventually self-destruct. Homosexuality, therefore, is self-defeating. Without a natural means of procreating itself, it has to be concluded that if it is indeed biological, it must by necessity be a non-beneficial mutation which would indeed be nature gone wrong! However, I do not believe in evolution.

New South African dispensation

Eventually, when the time came for the establishment of a new South African Constitution, Christians were completely lost in the process. The ACDP (African Christian Democratic Party) was the only party who voted against the removal of the words "n humble submission to Almighty God" from the preamble of the new constitution. This set South Africa up as a secular humanistic state ruled by secular humanists.

Since there was no submission to Almighty God, it was no problem for the current government to implement abortion, legalise pornography, abolish the death penalty and decriminalize homosexuality.

As a result of South Africa moving its constitution away from the Law of God, "[l]aw and government no longer provide a foundation of justice and morality but have become the means of licensing moral perversions of all kinds."[2]

This is exactly what happened in South Africa. The result of turning its back on God, the government has dumped this country into an ever-speeding spiral that leads down to depravity and no regard for law.

When the current battle for Biblical marriages is considered, and one looks at what our constitution says, then it is easy to see why the government probably has no recourse but to legalise same-sex marriages. They proverbially "painted themselves into a corner" with their liberal constitution. In Chapter 2 of the constitution, the "Bill of Rights," Section 9 (3) on Equality, the constitution states that the "state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth."

Based on our constitution that gives equality to people based on sexual orientation, the Constitutional Court "instructed" parliament to amend the law that states that marriage is between a man and a woman. The big question is this: Since when can the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) give instructions to parliament, since the ConCourt exists to interpret the Constitution and make judgements based on it, while parliament can actually amend the constitution to more effectively portray the values of the people of this nation? It is putting the cart before the horse!

Response to a liberal government

Coming back to the constitution and the law, many Christians, like their non-Christian counterparts, seem to think that when the constitution or the law have something to say on a certain topic we simply have to follow it.

The fact is, that when a government destroys its own people, either through violence as in abortion or through humanistic philosophies that are detrimental to society, then that government no longer fulfils the mandate given to it by God.

When we look at Romans 13, we realize that although we have to submit to the authorities, they need to follow the God given mandate given to them!

"[3] For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, [4] for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. [5] Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. [6] For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing." (Rom 13:3-6 ESV)

Government is appointed to:

  • Be a terror to bad conduct, not to good conduct, v3
  • Approve of those who do good, v3
  • Carry out God's wrath on the wrongdoer, v4

If they do not uphold this mandate, they themselves are in violation of God's law! When they institute laws that fly in the face of God's law, they no longer rule by the authority of God.

It is at this point that civil disobedience must be considered. Just like Peter and the apostles our answer should be "We must obey God rather than men." (Ac 5:29) "Through the ages Christians have taken the same position as did the early church in disobeying the state when it commanded what was contrary to God's Law."[3]

In the case of homosexuality (and for that matter, same-sex marriage), as Christians we cannot support the making of a civil right of anything that the Scriptures teach as morally perverse.

Naturally, many in society will balk at what some have called legislating morality. The question is: What else do we legislate? As soon as we make a law, we decide what is wrong and what is right. That falls squarely in the realm of morality!

Some will claim that mutual adult consent should be the measuring rod as to what is allowable in society. What is the big deal if two consenting adults have sex? Sure, taken to its logical conclusion, mutually consenting adults could then decide on many evils together. What if they consent to robbing a bank, killing a person or kidnapping a child? What if they both consent to committing suicide? Believing that, mutual consent falsely assumes that the individual person is the arbiter of what is right and wrong. If this were the case we would soon live in a society of utter anarchy!

As Christians, we should not allow the immorality of a weak constitution to rule our hearts and minds. When we do that we allow that which is neither objective nor eternal to rule us. We should not give the rule of our hearts over to some external arbitrary law that may change tomorrow. Neither should we need to be governed via an outside force foreign to the mind of God! We should ourselves have internal government. The personal government of our hearts, guided by the eternal law of Christ.

The further a government withdraws from God's laws and from submitting itself to Him, the more we would have to disassociate ourselves from the corrupt laws it legislates.

The fact is, that if the government continues to legislate liberal laws and maintaining a constitution devoid of God and His standards, Christians will have to stand up to it on a more regular basis, which could result in Christians being marginalized or even persecuted.

ACDP Policy

How does the ACDP view same-sex marriage? The ACDP has spoken consistently against same-sex marriage in favour of the traditional concept of marriage between one man and one woman.

The "ACDP tabled a Private Members Bill [recently] seeking to protect the common law definition of marriage as being the voluntary union of a man and a woman. ACDP Justice and Constitutional Development spokesperson, Steve Swart said: 'we are disappointed with the Civil Union Bill in that it does not protect the traditional institution of marriage. We appreciate, however, that this bill is a result of the Constitutional Court's decision in the Fourie case in 2005, which set very narrow parameters within which Parliament could legislate. The Bill allows for full same-sex marriages, which goes further than the international norm with civil unions. We clearly cannot support this.' The ACDP has consistently stated that the only way to protect the traditional view of marriage is by means of a constitutional amendment, in this case by inserting a definition of marriage in section 39 of the Constitution to read that 'a marriage is a voluntary union of a man and a woman.' 'This is the amendment we seek to achieve by means of the Private Members Bill and which we believe is supported by the majority of South Africans,' Swart said. The ACDP is also very concerned that there will be insufficient time for comprehensive public participation in the consideration of various options, including the Civil Union Bill, as well as the ACDP's constitutional amendment. This particularly so following today's spat between the Minister of Home Affairs and the state legal advisers as to the constitutionality of the Civil Union Bill, which further delays the legislation. In view of the huge public interest in this matter, consideration should be given to approaching the Constitutional Court for an extension of the one year period within which to comply with the court order."[4]

To the ACDP, this has to do with a Biblical stance and the protection of the family. It is the belief of the ACDP that

  • "The family is an institution worthy of nurturing and protecting.
  • It is the ideal setting for teaching a child about Godly authority, obedience and love which are the foundations for a strong Nation. (Deuteronomy 6 Vs 6-9)
  • Where these elements are missing, delinquency, crime and violence usually occur.
  • Apartheid institutionalised the separation of families with the most devastating results. It caused fatherless children, broken wives, abject poverty and indiscriminate crime to become the norm.
  • The ACDP strongly believes that ANYTHING, which is a threat to the family, is a threat to society.
  • Steps must be taken in maintaining the family unit as the strongest building block of society."[5]

The policies of the ACDP, such as abortion and a host of others, may be studied on its website.

The Concern of the Christian

Can we end up looking like a bunch of mother Grundies? Sure! Then again, we were never called to win a popularity contest. In the Larger Catechism of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the first question is "What is the chief and highest end of man?" The answer to this is "Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever." Our first priority should be to glorify God. This in itself will make us distinct from a culture bent on its own destruction.

The apostle Paul wrote in Gal 1:10:

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

If our concern is first and foremost to make the world to like us, we have already lost the culture wars and we do not glorify God. Every time we try to win a popularity contest with the world, we come closer to compromise. These compromises will not make new Christians, new disciples; they will simply make people who believe in the compromises themselves! We should preach the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

What did Jesus tell us? "[38] And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. [39] Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Mat 10:38-39) Many of us are scared about what others might think of us when we speak up about our Christian convictions. That is hardly a cross to bear!

"Taking up our own cross is to show our total commitment to Christ. Modern Christians know all about being involved with Christianity. They know to give up their time to go to prayer meetings and church services. Oh, yeah! They also have to sacrifice their time for additional Bible study meetings. This involvement with the church is like the chicken that lays an egg. However, the gospel demands much more than an egg! It should be more analogous to the pig that gave himself up to become the bacon! Chicken Christians are merely involved in the church and its day to day activities. Bacon Christians are those committed Christians that are committed to the point of death. They are the ones who will give their lives for the furtherance of the gospel. These are the Biblical Christians! They understand what it means to take up their cross!"[6]

So, what does the gospel, and the church, have to do with politics? Just like a secular humanistic worldview influences a secular humanist in everything that he does and believes, including politics; so a Biblical worldview must influence a Christian in everything that he does and believes, INCLUDING politics! Christians cannot claim that they may get involved in one sphere of life while not in another. Those spheres of life that we avoid WILL be filled by the ungodly and with a secular humanist, or some other, worldview. When this happens it will not help to complain! No more should be expected when we abdicate in certain spheres of life!

"In fact, many no longer think it's even the function of Christianity to provide an interpretation of the world [and its many spheres of life]. [The great historian of religion] Marty calls this the Modern Schism (in a book by that title), and he says we are living in the first time in history [A.D.] where Christianity has been boxed into the private sphere and has largely stopped speaking to the public sphere."[7]

A Christian Response to Sinners

A Christian response to sinners should always be one of love, care AND truth! In some Christian quarters too much emphasis is placed on love and care while not delivering a message of truth. In other quarters there is an over emphasis on truth with no love and care.

Love and truth must both be present in order to deal with a sinner. Remember, no one is born a Christian. All of us were born in sin and only became Christians by the pure grace of God.

We should all be reminded that God saved us in the condition that we were in. He did not first wait for us to become better people before He lavished His love on us. His saving work preceded the change that occurred in our lives.

Why is it that we would then expect a homosexual to first stop being a homosexual, before we will allow them to attend our churches?

I am not saying that we should accept his or her sin; yet someone loved us while we were still in our sin, whatever that was. Loving a sinner does not mean that we should accept their sin. Loving someone means that exactly because of that love we should also preach the truth!

What is the truth of the gospel? God's wrath is burning against sinners, because sinners violated His law. There is nothing that anyone can do to appease the wrath of God. Man, from within his core is evil and has no means to save himself. Understanding God's anger against sin and what God is willing to do with regard to sin will give us an understanding of the dire position that we are in as sinners. We violated the very holiness of God. We spat at the perfection of God and deemed Him irrelevant in our despicable evil lives!

In the midst of all this, God sent Jesus to take our sin upon Him and to experience God's wrath in our stead, so that those who believe in Jesus Christ will be reckoned as righteous before God. Out of pure grace, God the Father sent Jesus so that He could raise up a people for Himself from among sinners.

  • Dealing with an issue like same-sex marriage, we have to realize that the issue is not about same-sex marriage per se. Rather, it is about legitimacy. Homosexuals all over the world are looking for legitimacy for depraved conduct. This is one of the reasons why we should resist same-sex marriage. It will simply constitutionalise homosexual activity and as a result validate this despicable mindset.
  • Further, there is no irrefutable research concerning the biological causes of homosexuality or of the existence of some "gay" gene!
  • Thirdly, the Bible is very clear on the issue of homosexuality and does not make any excuses for calling it an abomination in God's sight.
  • Our concern should be, not to be nice at the expense of preaching the true gospel: that only in Jesus Christ is there deliverance, forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God!
  • Fifthly, as Christians we need to acquire a Biblical Worldview in order that we can see what is happening in our world and not be caught unaware of the shifting trends of the world. Having done this, we need to get involved in every level of every sphere of life in order to have a purifying effect on our world. This will really make us the salt if the earth and the light of the world!
  • Finally, always "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3), and continue "being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." (1 Pet 3:15)

"[3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, [4] to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, [5] who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. [6] In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, [7] so that the tested genuineness of your faith--more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire--may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. [8] Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, [9] obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls… [14] As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, [15] but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, [16] since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'"

1 Pe 1:3-9, 14-16 ESV

End Notes

1. Olson, Roger E., The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition & Reform, Apollos, Leicester, England, 1999, p535.

2. Schaeffer, Francis A., A Christian Manifesto, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, Revised Edition 1982, blurp on inside of front cover.

3. Ibid., p93.

4. Swart, Steve, MP, ACDP tables bill anti same-sex marriage, http://www.acdp.org.za/press/releases.asp?show=press318.txt.

5. African Christian Democratic Party Policy Document May 2003, p4. This can be found online at http://www.acdp.org.za/policies/family.asp.

6. Dicks, William, The Cross or Life? (http://williamdicks.blogspot.com/2006/08/cross-or-life.html), The Just thinking... blog (http://williamdicks.blogspot.com/), August 2006.

7. Pearcey, Nancy, TOTAL TRUTH: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 2004, p35.

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