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Showing posts with label U.S.A.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S.A.. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

America on its way to an Orwellian end?

The way that America is going at this moment makes me think of the great demise of the Roman Empire. When it though it was invincible, Rome came crashing down. The same seems to be happening in America.

The big difference between Rome and America is that Rome was pillaged from without and America is being pillaged from within. And, the pillaging is done by the political class, the leaders of the nation. It points to an Orwellian demise.

John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute, has some interesting things to say about the state of the U.S.A.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Is this America’s worst mistake ever?

America made their worst mistake in their existence thus far by re-electing Barack Hussein Obama.

I tweeted earlier today:

“America has voted to re-install, what will become the most offensive, perverted and death-lusting president ever: Barack Commodus Obama”

Just a few days ago I asked the question, “How will the U.S.A. define itself come election day?” I think now we know!

Although this next piece has been attributed to some Czech, and it was supposedly said of just about every world leader, and even though it is the stuff of legend and probably never happened, it still makes an eerie point:

“The danger to the U.S.A. is  not Barack Hussein Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails the United States.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their President.”

Just wondering…

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Obama backs U.seless N.ations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

The U.N. resolution says that “[i]ndigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.” You can read the report at CNSNEWS.

Of course, in his support of this U.seless N.ations resolution, Obama apologized once again, like he has to so many people, for “the sad and painful chapters in our shared history--a history too often marred by broken promises and grave injustices against the First Americans.”

Of course, it is not just the “colonialists” that “took” land from the indigenous tribes. What about indigenous tribes that took land from other indigenous tribes? Which one of the tribes will eventually have the “true” rights to the land.

Here are some thoughts:
How far back does this reversal of land ownership go? 100 years? 200 Years? 2000 years? All the way back to Adam? W
ill the land be returned to the “original” owners in the condition that they “lost” it, or in the new improved and advanced condition? If the land is given back to people as far back as n years, maybe they must only be allowed to use the land as they would have used it n years ago. And, maybe they should not be allowed to live on that land as moderns, but as they would have n years ago. Isn’t this what land-ownership-reversal is all about? Should the time and living conditions also be reversed, or in this reversal, should the “original” new owners benefit from all the advances made on the land? Should they really benefit from the advances? Is there any guarantee that they would have advanced the land to its current condition, had they kept and lived on the land without the Europeans’ technology and advancements?

Sometimes, there are more consequences than expected when clever ideas are thought of, such as this one. Will someone end up losing their land, because someone else makes a decision that will affect him?

Anyhow, these were just some thoughts on the subject.

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Friday, December 03, 2010

American government forcing military to accept open pursuers of a particular sexual perversion

Just been reading Hither and Thither by Dan Philips. One of the subjects he touches on a couple of times is the issue of the U.S. government wanting to force the acceptance of “homosexuals” back into the American military. So, without rambling on myself, I’ll let Dan explain it himself:

  • Here's an interest study in MSM bias. Never seen anything quite like this though. Same paper, same day, two stories, two "takeaways." They even have almost the same pictures at the head! The news source is the Washington Times. The subject is forcing our military to accept open pursuers of a particular sexual perversion. One story says the military is OK with it, the other story says the military strongly resists it. Guess which one is from AP? Correct: the first. Guess which tells another story? Correct, the one by veteran national security reporter Rowan Scarborough.
  • Depressing to read the political military heads and desk-jockies ready to throw the fighting men under the bus in the name of political correctness and social experimentation.
  • Indeed, the indispensable Elaine Donnelly, of the Center for Military Readiness, agrees that the Pentagon let the troops down. She observes that the report identifies not one benefit to the military from forcing this issue; also, some 60% believe that it would have a negative impact; would have untold negative consequences on chaplains and those currently serving due to "Zero Tolerance" for recognizing homosexuality's immoral, aberrant nature. Just a rush-job to deliver on a bad political promise.
  • Perhaps even more of a killer: "More than a third of Marines (38.1 percent) and nearly a fourth of all personnel (23.7) said they would either leave the military or think about doing so if the policy is reversed, and 40 percent of Marines and 27 percent of all the military said they would be less likely to recommend to a friend or family member that he or she join the military." That's what I've been telling you: each move towards forcing the military to embrace this perversion is a move towards a compulsory draft.
  • Meanwhile, California's disgrace, Senatrix Barbara Boxer, had someone write an editorial for her pressing for this horrible idea, ignoring all the facts, and including this chestnut: "...American taxpayers have been forced to pay up to a half a billion dollars to replace the 13,000 service men and women discharged under this policy." Although, if the estimable Senatrix's point is that these individuals should be billed for the costs incurred by their knowing duplicity, I might be on-board.

I am totally with Dan on this one. With the return of “pursuers of a particular sexual perversion,” I can only imagine the infighting that will happen within the U.S. forces. Would you want to appear naked in front of another man who may want to have sex with you? In the same way I don’t use toilet facilities together with women, I will not want to do the same with these perverts around! This will mean the end of the U.S. military. When a military is weakened morally to this point, it will become a non-combatant military. Switch off the lights when you leave!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Will America survive itself?

godblessamericaI love America, and I am not ashamed of it! Even though I am a South African, I love the United States of America! Many South Africans only show disdain for America, but the fact is that most of them only know America from what they see in the movies and TV shows, or perhaps the misguided CNN news channel.

My family and I lived there for 2 years (Columbus, Ohio) and we thoroughly enjoyed it. My greatest wish is to be able to return to the U.S. in order to live there for the remainder of my life. Will God grant that wish?

Even if He doesn’t, and I never get to see the friends we made there from 1999-2000, I will always have fond memories of our time there.

So, when I read about some of the truly stupid things that the lawmakers get up to in the U.S., I feel sadness, that such a great nation could one day just be another ordinary nation on a list of nations with nothing special to offer. Yet, the results of the mid-term elections give me hope, that somewhere, in the soul of America, there are still people that have some common sense.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Cross-dressing generals? The end of American strength?

David A. Noebel, president and founder of Summit Ministries, has written a very poignant piece called Ready for cross-dressing Army generals? 

In this article he writes:
"Allowing 'gays in the military,' therefore, is misleading. Once gays are openly recruited and accepted in the military, their 'cousins' will follow suit (lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersexual, queer, etc.). Such a scenario would even make Julius Caesar, who was bisexual, blush. Among soldiers, he was known as 'every woman's husband and every man's wife' (Taylor Caldwell, 'A Pillar of Iron,' p. 697).
"The United Sates[sic] is currently involved in two wars. Is the president out to destroy our military? Can any thinking American wish to see an "open" cross-dressing homosexual Army general trying to gain the trust of his troops (or for that matter, the nation)? Have we as a nation fallen so far that we need to apologize to Sodom?
"... If you say you don't believe it could happen, you're living in a fool's paradise. Let's not forget that Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, a flaming homosexual, as his "safe schools czar." Talk about letting the fox into the chicken coop! What Jennings is keeping kids safe from is any criticism of homosexuality in the public schools, which are literally teaching it as a safe, natural and moral lifestyle."

Read the whole article here.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Liberal economic plan to destroy America

Read James Simpson’s commentary on the Cloward-Piven Strategy:

“Liberals self-righteously wrap themselves in the mantle of public spirit. They ardently promote policies promising to deliver the poor and oppressed from their latest misery - policies which can only find solution in the halls of government. But no matter what issue one examines, over the last fifty plus years, the liberal prescription has almost always been a failure.

“Why is this so? Why does virtually every liberal scheme result in ever-increasing public spending while conditions seem to get continually worse? There are a number of reasons…

“And God save us from Barack Obama.”

Part 1
Part 2

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Obama ‘change’ will blow American money, that’s all!

HT: Dan Phillips

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Will Obama hasten America’s retreat?

With Obama at the helm, it is almost certain that America will now remain on the run in retreat!

Pat Buchanan asks the question after quoting MacArthur:

“’(O)nce war is forced upon us,’ said MacArthur, ‘there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War's very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.

‘In war, there is no substitute for victory.’

But if victory over the Taliban has been ruled out by the United States, have the Taliban ruled out a victory over the American Empire to rival the one their fathers won over the Soviet Empire?”

Read Buchanan’s commentary here.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rise and Fall of America

Is it possible that the once great United States of America is in the falling phase of its existence?

If we look at the 5 reasons Edward Gibbons (Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) gave for the fall of the Roman Empire, it certainly is not farfetched to believe that America has gone over the precipice, and is falling headlong into obscurity. Of course, America has not fallen completely yet, so its fall can still be averted!

When we read Chuck Colson’s commentary, Where Government Doesn't Belong, the signs just seem clearer. When the state (or political class) usurps the power that lies with the people, it essentially erodes the people’s trust in the state, and the internal pillars of the nation will completely collapse once some external pressure is applied.

Such external pressure has been applied (9/11), and although initially America resisted such external pressure under Bush, it seems that the American resolve has melted, and we may see complete collapse in the not-too-distant future.

The question is, What will Americans do to bring a halt to the slippery slope they are on?

Also read Ann Coulter’s Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted.

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