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Thursday, September 27, 2007

100th Post: Busting the news

I thought that this being my 100th post, I'd give you a little light-hearted news.


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Sunday, September 23, 2007

American Presidential Candidates

For those who are interested in the different presidential candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties, or perhaps you do not know who to support through the 2008 American elections, simply visit National Platforms.

Here you will be able to look at what the different candidates believe concerning different issues, such as abortion, the economy, civil rights, crime, tax, immigration and many more!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Germany's incestuous paedophilia

Germany continues its downward spiral into deeper and deeper sexual degeneracy. After the German government assisted their prostitutes last year at the soccer World Cup to "service" their clients, they have now gone a step further.

"In a shocking example of state-sponsored incest, booklets from a branch of the German government's Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age.

"The booklet complains that fathers do not devote enough attention to their daughters private parts and that 'this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex.'

"'Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters,' write the authors of the booklet. 'Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,' reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds."
Read more about this atrocious disregard for the moral law of God here.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Liberalism is at the forefront of poverty

This is the opinion of Star Parker, founder and president of CURE, the Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education, a non-profit think tank that provides a national voice of reason on issues of race and poverty in the media, inner city neighborhoods, and public policy.

"Blaming poverty on liberalism and the federal government, a conservative activist on Friday said: 'It is very sad what the liberals have done with their war on the poor in this country.'

"'After 40 years of failure, they still insist that they want to expand this war, that they think they should pour more money into this war,' said Star Parker, president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education. 'Already, over $3 trillion has been spent on the war on poverty, and so far, we've not seen results.'

"Parker said the war on poverty has really been a war waged by liberals on four fronts -- 'war on the family, the war on thought, the war on tradition and a war on religion.'"
For more on this read "Conservative Activist Blames Poverty on Liberalism."

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Blog addiction

Seems like I still have some work to do!

57%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?


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Sunday, September 09, 2007

ANC covering for Manto?

Before I continue I would like to make it clear that I am in no way a supporter of the DA. I think that the DA is weak on moral issues and as a party has very little different to offer South Africans than the ANC.

That said, the way the speaker of parliament handled a question from DA MP, Mike Waters, is scandalous! Mr. Waters asked the following two-part question concerning our Minister of Health, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang:

"(1) Whether, in light of the allegations in recent media reports, she had been convicted of theft in 1976 or thereabouts while employed at the Athlone Hospital in Botswana; if so,
(2) Whether she disclosed this information to the President when she was informed of his decision to appoint her to this portfolio; if not, why not; if so, what was his response?"

At the last minute the speaker ruled that the question by Waters was out of order, based on rule 63 of the National Assembly, which forbids the use of offensive or unbecoming language.

It would be interesting to know exactly what was offensive or unbecoming about the words of the question! If these words are taken at face value, it is abundantly clear that the Speaker made a judgement call, not based on the facts at hand, but on what she perceived in the question itself. She applied rule 63 to something that clearly did not exist!

Waters was after the facts of the matter, and it is only right that the ANC and the health minister should play open cards and come out with the truth.

I am not sure that Speaker Baleka Mbete was after the truth. She claims that it is an established principle in parliament that allegations against other MPs should be brought by way of a substantive motion. Mbete is so blind that she cannot distinguish between a question and an allegation! I cannot see anything in the question that directly accuses the health minister of anything at all! It is a question for goodness sake, NOT an allegation!

Please don't tell me that it was Mr. Waters' intention to make allegations through this question. Would you presume to know what he was thinking or what the intentions of his heart were? We have no way to know what Waters was thinking or what his intentions were. We can guess or make our own claims, but that would not provide evidence in the least.

The end result of the question by Mr. Waters was that he was suspended from the parliamentary precinct for 5 working days! Why in the world was this done? The ANC is so power-hungry, and it seems that speaker Mbete is infected with the same virus! Even though she had no right, based on rule 63, to disallow Mr. Waters' question, after he insisted that she points him to the exact words in his question that were offensive or unbecoming, she suspended him.

We live in a world where parents are constantly told not to say to their children, "Because I said so!" Obviously, Mbete hasn't seen this memo! In the end, that is all it came down to. It was her against Mr. Waters.

What is so interesting is that the DA Chief Whip spoke to speaker Mbete the next day. What was Mbete's response? She was not prepared to get into a debate on her ruling and use of rule 63! My, my , my! What an intellectually astute person she is! She could not give a proper reason for her ruling, because she had none! And she probably knew it!

What really is interesting is that Smuts Ngonyama, ANC head of the presidency, made a statement to the effect that President Thabo Mbeki and the ANC knew about the previous conviction for theft of the health minister! How disingenuous the ANC was on the day that the speaker made the ruling! They all knew that the question by Mr. Waters was not an allegation but a question, but still kept their silence on the issue while knowing that the minister had been convicted previously!

It really seems to me that the ANC is not concerned with the truth, but rather with hide-and-seek games in order to keep themselves in power. They probably know that the truth will not set them free, but rather liberate a nation held captive by the lies and deceit of the ANC.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mugabe walks tall while his country is laid low

Mugabe, arguably one of the most evil leaders that has walked on African soil, continues to walk tall and proud while his country continues to be laid low on every front.

Here is a man that is as racist as they come, he has committed numerous human rights violations, and has driven his country to ruin. He is at the forefront of bringing the former bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe, to its complete demise
. His communist ideals have propped him up as the saviour of nothing and joker of the international community.

Yet, the South African President, Thabo Mbeki, continues with the lunacy of quiet diplomacy!

This quiet diplomacy has proven to be utterly foolish while the people of Zimbabwe go without life's necessities. Further, the racist Mugabe has made sure that whites are not welcome in his country and got rid of almost all white farmers. Many through violent means! Mugabe also throws people into jail on a whim when people oppose his evil policies. Free speech is free only to those who agree with him.

Yet, Mbeki wants to be nice to the guy! While Mb
eki does not have the guts to demand change in Zimbabwe, many Zimbabweans are streaming into South Africa, many taking jobs where South Africans should be working. I do not say that we should be nasty to Zimbabweans. Far from it! They deserve care, which their own government knows nothing about. If South Africa declares this a state of emergency and provides Zimbabweans refugee status, then we could at least get financial help from the U.N. That means, we would not have to use the money that we so desperately need, on the refugees.

Mugabe should be brought down to earth. How that can be done I do not know. Perhaps Mbeki and the SADC leaders must show that they have a little fortitude and tell Mugabe that he no longer has their support. But, then again, the current South African government seems to be a friend of torturous regimes.

Is this really the legacy that
Mugabe wants to leave behind?

It is time Mugabe goes and that proper government is restored. Once he is out, he and all his ZANU-PF cronies should be brought before an international court for gross human rights violations!

Justice must be served!

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Beware! Radioactive food!

In a study that was recently released, it was discovered that meat, fish, milk, maize and other crops produced in Gauteng are probably harmful to people due to radioactive pollutants.

To find out more about this story got to the News24 story called "Study warns of radioactive food."

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Son, if we had known, we would have killed you!

"My dear disabled son: If we were told about your condition before you were born, we would have allowed a doctor to enter your mommy's womb to violently kill you in your mommy's tummy! Sorry, but we didn't really want you as you are!"

This is what a Tampa, Florida, couple effectively is telling their son in their "wrongful birth" suit against a doctor who said that they would be able to have normal children after their first son was born with the Smith-Lemli-Opitz genetic disorder.

When society has become so debased that a judge of that society could award people money for openly declaring that they would rather have wanted the option to murder their own child, then we know we have arrived in the valley of the shadow of death!

Of course, in today's "instant" world where almost anything and everything is according to one's taste, I suppose that it is a natural outcome that if a child is not according to one's taste, simply eliminate the child and try again until a suitable child comes onto the scene.

This culture of choice is certainly not a culture of rec
iprocation. The parents never reciprocate that choice to the child! Therefore, this child killing movement called "pro-choice" should be called something different, since only the parents can choose without considering the child at all in this equation!

The real name of this movement should be the "pro-pre-birth-murder" movement. Of course, this movement does not always think so clearly! The cartoon below spells it out so clearly.

That makes sense, doesn't it?

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Protest and Prayer Against e-TV Porn Held Outside e-TV Studios

e-TV has long been one of the strongest purveyors of porn on television. Simply wait for late Friday or Saturday nights, and this vile filth will come into your home via e-TV's channel.

If you are concerned about the morals of this nation and the steep downgrade that is currently in full swing, then do something about!

I received the following email from Christian Action, and thought that more people needed to read it and act on it.

Protest and Prayer Against e-TV Porn Held Outside e-TV Studios

Members of Africa Christian Action, Christians for Truth and several other missions organisations and churches protested and prayed outside the e-TV Studios in Cape Town, on Saturday, (14 July 2007).

With placards such as “Porn is Anti-family”, “Pornography exploits women”, “Porn fuels sex crimes”, “Women deserve real protection and respect – Ban Porn, Execute Rapists”, and “E-nough, Remove Porn from e-TV”, participants drew some interested onlookers and were able to distribute Finding Freedom from Pornography leaflets and Gospel tracts to passers by.

The protest led to media opportunities for Christian Action Co-ordinator, Taryn Hodgson, to speak on radio talk shows, including national secular radio station SA FM and other short interviews for radio news slots and daily newspapers.

We praise God for the opportunity to use this issue as a springboard for talking about the havoc pornography is wreaking on South Africa and the importance of strengthening our families according to God’s Word.

One of the callers to the SA FM talk show complained that we were just aiming for a “soft target” that won’t “really effect the morals of this nation”. My reply was that yes, this is a soft target and that is exactly why we are targeting them. This is a reachable, tangible goal if we all pull together. When God, by His grace, grants us the victory, it will be an encouragement to tackle the pornography plague in other spheres.

We received a response to our letter to the e-TV director, in which e-TV denied the link between pornography and sexual abuse.

In their letter e-TV’s Regulatory Affairs Executive Officer Olefile Bop Tshweu, said “We submit that in broadcasting these films the timeslot is appropriate, the warnings are adequate, the content does not breach the Code and there is no evidence that these films contribute to sexual crimes.”

e-TV contends that their programmes are “soft-core porn” and therefore are not harmful.

Even so-called soft core pornography, however, has been shown to fuel sexual abuse. It desensitizes the viewer by objectifying the women. This can lead to addiction and a desire to view more hard-core material.

Porn on free-to-air national TV is outrageous. There are many parentless homes in South Africa and many homes where children are not supervised as to what TV they are watching. R18 restrictions are not enough to prevent children from watching these films.

We have in our hands testimonies from Safeline and Teddy Bear Clinic counselors who have counseled children who have sexually abused other children. They say that many of the children they have counseled say they have watched the Emanuelle porn films on e-TV.

Shaheda Omar, therapeutic manager at Teddy Bear Clinic in Johannesburg, has interviewed 100 child sex offenders and their mothers from across the social spectrum for her doctoral research project at Johannesburg University. In most cases she found that absent parents and “unmet emotional needs” had turned television into a “surrogate care-giver” with disastrous consequences. While some children claimed they had wanted to emulate love scenes in soap operas like the Bold and the Beautiful, others said they had been inspired by late night pornography on e-TV (Cape Times, Child on Child Violence Out of Control, 22 October 2006).

We cannot believe that e-TV feels no sense of social responsibility for the harm they are causing. Considering that South Africa has some of the highest rape statistics in the world and one of the highest HIV prevalence rates, can e-TV (and other broadcasters) afford to be contributing to these disastrous statistics through the negative sexual grooming of children and adults in this nation?

Pornography degrades and exploits people made in the image of God. Pornography is the theory, rape is the practise. We need to honour women by giving them real protection and respect. We need to ban pornography and execute rapists. We need to let children be children.

We urge advertisers who are currently advertising during these films to discontinue advertising during these exploitative films. We also urge people to boycott their products.

Other protests and prayer meetings outside the e-TV studios in Durban, Bloemfontein and Johannesburg are planned during July and August.

What You Can Do:

1. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, while the issue is still in the public eye.

2. Email your concerns to e-TV and request that all pornographic films or programmes be completely removed from all future broadcasts. Copy all letters to ICASA and the Broadcasting Complaints Commission (this helps them to gauge public opinion).

ICASA: info@icasa.org.za
BCCSA: bccsa@nabsa.co.za
e-TV: info@etv.co.za.

Phone the e-TV National Office in Johannesburg and ask to speak to the director. Request a meeting to share your objections to these programmes as a concerned parent or citizen. Tel: 011-537 9300.

3. If you live in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Durban, or Port Elizabeth you can also demonstrate and/or pray out side the e-TV studios/offices. Please let us know if you are interested in organizing a similar prayer meeting or demonstration. Contact us for appropriate literature to distribute or for suggested slogans for posters.

4. Pray that God would move the hearts of the e-TV directors to remove these offensive pornographic programmes from their channel. Pray that more churches would get involved in discipling their congregations in finding freedom from sexual addictions and mobilizing their members to combat the pornography plague.

Africa Christian Action
PO Box 23632
Tel: 021-689 4481
E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za
Web: www.christianaction.org.za

To view pictures of the demonstration against e-tv porn, visit the www.christianaction.org.za website.

For more information on how you can fight porn visit the Standing Together to Oppose Pornography website: www.stop.org.za.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Paying to advertise for free!

My wife (Charlaine) and I were out shopping for a tracksuit for myself. Needless to say that I came away from the store with nothing and my wife came home with a beautiful turquoise blouse. Ok, it wasn't like that! We men always see women as shopping and spending a lot of money. However, in this case I noticed the blouse and thought that it would be perfect for Charlaine. I told her to try it on and she loved it.

However, that is not what I want to talk about. While we were walking through department stores, I noticed how many t-shirts and tracksuits had the brand's logo emblazoned on the front or back of the garment. It is either QuickSilver or Nike or some other top brand.

Then, to top it all, these brand names are extremely expensive compared to so-called "cheap" brands.

What I find so interesting about all these brand names and logos printed in large print on these garments, is that the companies that make the clothes that many children, and sometimes adults, just have to wear, pay enormous amounts to print media and television to advertise their merchandise.

However, they do not pay those gullible children and adults a dime for doing the advertising they do every time they wear those garments. In fact, these people that make you pay top dollar (rand) for those wanted outfits, get free advertising from the wearer of the garment and then do not think twice to rip them off with the next outfit.

Why should we, the individuals who wear the clothes, also advertise the clothes that we pay so much for.

I think it is time that we as the buying public should reconsider this free advertising and stop buying clothes that make us advertise freely for the brand and then still pay an arm and a leg for a piece of cloth.

People so much want to be in with the crowd that they would do unwise things like paying way to much for something. It is especially so when it comes to clothing. The fact is that many of these BIG brand names have conned the consumer into advertising their products, absolutely free!

Do people really think that they need to wear Billabong or Nike or whatever is the next hot brand name? The reality of it all is that these brands simply created the need for their clothing to be worn, where there was no need! People need to wear clothes, but do they really need to wear clothes that are ridiculously expensive just because there is some logo on them?

Every year all these brands just keep getting more expensive and people are stupid enough to keep buying because of some dumb sociologically driven need to belong. There is no problem with wanting to belong, but if one's sense of belonging is based on a logo printed on a piece of cloth, then is there really any belonging at all? A person may feel that he belongs, but in reality he does not belong and is wearing an expensive piece of cloth that advertises a company's clothes! That, indeed, is a very shallow idea of belonging. To think that one belongs because of the logo on a t-shirt is quite pathetic.

However, that is quite beside the point of the discussion here. The fact is that consumers have been conned into paying a lot of money to BIG brand names for a piece of cloth that does advertising for the BIG brand name for free!

I think that we, the consumers, must take this issue up with the BIG brand names and start charging them for the advertising we do for them almost on a daily basis.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

A quick visit to Madagascar

I am in Antananarivo, Madagascar for 2 nights on business. It was arranged very suddenly. Last week my family and I were on holiday in Hibberdene, South Africa, the South Coast of Kwazulu-Natal. Even though it is winter in South Africa, the weather was good enough to swim.

Well, back to Madagascar! I arrived here last night (5 July) at about 22:00. The weird thing was that on the flight to Antananarivo, we first had to stop in Port Dauphine, where we all had to disembark (sounds like something you do to a dog that barks too much!). Here we had to collect our baggage, go through customs (who checked every single bag) and finally check back onto the exact plane that we came on.

I flew on Air Madagascar, because every other flight to Madagascar from South Africa was fully booked. The service on the plane was very good. The stewardesses were always smiling and were very helpful.

It is such a pity that I arrived last night and must be back on the plane home tomorrow already. There were a host of tourists on the plane and it seemed that they were going to have a good time here.

It looks very much like Africa here, except for a few lasting European touches.

I have done a lot of travelling in the last year and a bit, and the more I travel, the more I dislike it. In the beginning I thought that the travelling part of my job was going to be interesting. Well, it still is interesting, but with all the travelling, the shine has gone! I'd much rather be home with my family.

It is with my family that I derive a lot of joy in life. There is nothing better than getting home from a trip such as this, just to have my twelve year old daughter and my ten year old son literally come bounding into my arms. Everytime I think that "now I'm going to fall!" What with my travelling bags and two kids that are running at me like hungry lions.

That just makes me want to go home even more!

It is the basic building block of society that still remains the best!

UPDATE: 7 July 2007
I am sitting at the airport waiting to board the plane back to South Africa. The plane has been delayed, and instead of having left at 15:00, we are still stuck at the airport. Today I took a strole through Antananarivo, and I found it very interesting. There are little kids from as young as 3 and 4 begging for money on the streets. A simple "no" is not good enough to shake them off. These kids are very persistent. Last night, after I returned from the office at about 20:30, I decided to take a walk to find a restaurant away from the hotel. There were two women with babies on their backs begging for money. The faster I tried to walk, the faster they walked. At one point they were almost jogging after me. Poverty seems to be a big problem here too as in Most of Africa.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

When people think too much of themselves

When people think too much of themselves, this is what you get:

"Our report yesterday about Angelina Jolie banning press from interviews and requiring interviewers to sign contracts touched off a firestorm. Mostly it was from colleagues who were relieved that we’d finally lifted the veil on all this craziness.

"And it wasn’t just about FOX News getting banned from the red carpet. That was bad, but it wasn’t the central issue. Jolie treats all the press with hostility unless she can control the outcome of an interaction. Insisting interviewers sign contracts was an affront, considering that her movie is about the murder of a reporter who tried bravely to do his job. And then to pretend empathy by raising money at the movie for Reporters Without Borders. The hypocrisy and arrogance were overwhelming."

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Can this guy even sing? I read so many emails about this guy, I just had to see it for myself.

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I did not say enema! Analemma also does not mean it is "anather" dilemma!

Go check out the analemma!

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